TOEFL, Speaking, Practice, Draft - 11 - Talk About An Experience in Your Life That Made You Feel Embarrassed. Describe It and Say Why It Was Embarrassing.

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Talk about an experience in your life that made you feel embarrassed.

Describe i t and say why it was embarrassing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was working in construction of a giant Oil Refinery. One Mr. Desai was my coll eague. We were living in the same street but had not visited houses of each othe r for socializing. Mr. Desai and I had been pressing each other for home visits. One fine evening I made-up my mind and visited Mr. Desais house. I was very warm ly welcomed and received a nice hospitality. He introduced me to his Father and Brother. I was not introduced to one female sitting in corner of the room. Howev er I was amidst them for an hour. The curiosity to know about that female member was mounting higher and higher. At the end when I was to depart, Mr. Desai came downstairs to see me off. During this I asked Desai If the female sitting in cor ner was his mother? Desai replied Mr. Joshi! She is my younger sister and she is m entally retarded. I felt so embarrassed I cant express in words. I apologized. The main cause of this embarrassment was my judgemental type of a question. Since t hen I learnt a lesson never to put judgemental type of questions.

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