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SimCity 4 info, tips, cheats, ect.

I have been playing SimCity 4 for a long time and I have found a few tips and tricks to aid you in building your town to 100,000 Sims. This is the step to step procedure: 1. Select a medium sized layout with a little bit of water a mainly flat land. Now when you first get to the name of the city and how hard screen select hard and name your city. Hard makes the game easier in the case that the city population is more balanced. 1. Ok in the center of the map zone a fairly large area of Residential. Then add a either an avenue around or a simple street. Then add a few avenues in the residential zone. 2. Place a large industrial center close to the water but leave some space for the business for the water were later you will add marinas. 3. Build a small business area. Now attach the areas together with avenues. 4. Build a power plant and a garbage dump that is 4 * 2. 5. Connect the power to all the grids. 6. wait and watch as the city builds 7. once you have enough money build a sea port near the industrial center or a rail system so that there are fewer trucks on the roads on the roads. 8. Now wait until you have enough inflow of cash and you get the large elementary school if you have the deluxe edition, if you don't build 2 small elementary schools in the residential area. Check to make sure you aren't wasting money by adjusting the funding to the school. 9. Now wait for about 3 years 10. now build and upgrade roads and industrial areas, if needed add more commercial area too. 11. now space pipes about 7 to 9 apart from each other and zone the whole city for water even unused areas 12. now go to the residential and rezone it in medium sized homes 13. now build a water pumps until demand is met 14. If you need to build or increase power, garbage, water, sea ports, rail ways, ect. Do so now 15. Once the residential is mainly small apartments add a few monuments like the Hollywood sign or something else near or in the business area. Redo all streets to roads. If you want now would be the time to add more avenues and so forth, later you will find problems 16. now select the central area of your residential and zone for large after you have put in a High School and a college, if needed add more industrial zones and commercial zones 17. Now wait for the large towers to appear 18. this is your time to put in reward that you have gotten like: the mayor house, city hall, parks, ect. 19. Keep watch on the industrial areas, build a few fire department, make sure that they are large fire departments 20. look at your budget and make sure you are still making money 21. click on the cheetah speed button and go in to the 20's. 22. once you have gotten to the 20's add have a good budget build a few police stations

23. rezone the rest of the residential to high and rezone or build new zones for industrial and commercial as needed for the next few years, old zones should be zoned for high and new zones should be zoned for low, add more seaports or railways as needed 24. now rezone all commercial to high when you have enough money 25. select your speed setting as desired 26. watch it go up to 100,000 population 27. build anything else you like but keep the budget in mind 28. add the university and other education and hospitals when you have the money 29. once you want more high tec. industry go to the tax menu and change it to 3 % 30. now you should have a city of 100,000 31. good job!!!!!!!!!!! Cheats: To get into the cheat menu press Ctrl + X
y y

1. weaknesspays 2. You Don't Deserve It

These too cheats will aid you if needed 1 gives you 1000 Simoleons 2 Gives you All Rewards Tips: 1. don't build hospitals until you have a large population other wise it is a waste of money 2. Build large police stations and fire stations because they do save money in the end 3. build parks to lower the co2 emitions 4. build a water treatment plant to decrease water pollution 5. build power plants that suit your current needs like coal when you don't have a lot of money and others when you have the money 6. the far best power plant I have found out are the natural gas plants and wind mills

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