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The adrenal glands (also known as suprarenal glands) are the triangular-shaped endocrine glands that sit on top of the kidneys. They are chiefly responsible for releasing hormones in conjunction with stress through the synthesis of corticosteroids and catecholamines, including cortisol and adrenaline (epinephrine), respectively Anatomically, the adrenal glands are located in the retroperitoneum situated atop the kidneys, one on each side. They are surrounded by an adipose capsule and renal fascia. In humans, the adrenal glands are found at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra. Each adrenal gland is separated into two distinct structures, the adrenal cortex and medulla, both of which produce hormones. The cortex mainly produces cortisol, aldosterone, and androgens, while the medulla chiefly produces epinephrine and norepinephrine. The adrenal cortex produces other hormones necessary for fluid and electrolyte (salt) balance in the body such as cortisone and aldosterone. The adrenal cortex also makes sex hormones but this only becomes important if overproduction is present. The adrenal glands are hypothalamus, a small area regulation, produces antidiuretic hormone. gland to secrete adrenocorticotropic the adrenal glands to angiotensin-aldosterone kidneys, causes the aldosterone. The adrenal glands heart rate, blood pressure, vital functions. The adrenal related) hormones and of minerals such as sodium controlled in part by the brain. The of the brain involved in hormonal corticotropin-releasing hormone and These two hormones trigger the pituitary corticotropin (also known as hormone or ACTH), which stimulates produce corticosteroids. The reninsystem, regulated mostly by the adrenal glands to produce more or less

produce hormones that help control the the way the body uses food, and other cortex secretes steroid (cortisonemineralocortoids that regulate the levels and potassium in the blood. The adrenal medulla makes adrenaline (adrenaline) and noradrenaline (noradrenaline). Adrenaline is secreted in response to low blood levels of glucose as well as exercise and stress; it causes the breakdown of the storage product glycogen to the sugar glucose in the liver, facilitates the release of fatty acids from adipose (fat) tissue, causes dilation (widening) of the small arteries within muscle and increases the output of the heart. Noradrenaline is a neurohormone, a neurotransmitter, for of most of the so-called sympathetic nervous system.

Adrenal Stress and Diseases

Adrenal disorders can cause your adrenal glands to make too much or not enough hormones. With Cushing's syndrome, there's too much cortisol, while with Addison's disease, there is too little. Some people are born unable to make enough cortisol. Tumors can also cause disorders in your adrenal glands. Bleeding and infection can cause an adrenal gland problem that can be fatal without quick treatment. Adrenal Fatigue When the adrenal glands are not functionining optimally, you can have a condition that is known as adrenal fatigue, or adrenal exhaustion. Adrenal fatigue often develops after periods of intense or lengthy physical or emotional stress, when overstimulation if the glands leave them unable to meet your body's needs. Some other names for the syndrome include non-Addison's hypoadrenia, sub-clinical hypoadrenia, hypoadrenalism, and neurasthenia Symptoms include:

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excessive fatigue and exhaustion non-refreshing sleep (you get sufficient hours of sleep, but wake fatigued) overwhelmed by or unable to cope with stressors feeling rundown or overwhelmed craving salty and sweet foods you feel most energetic in the evening a feeling of not being restored after a full night's sleep or having sleep disturbances low stamina, slow to recover from exercise slow to recover from injury, illness or stress difficulty concentrating, brain fog poor digestion low immune function food or environmental allergies premenstrual syndrome or difficulties that develop during menopause consistent low blood pressure extreme sensitivity to cold

Cushing's Syndrome Also called: Hypercortisolism Cushings syndrome is caused by long-term exposure to too much cortisol, a hormone that your adrenal gland makes. Sometimes, taking synthetic hormone medicine to treat an inflammatory disease leads to Cushing's. Some kinds of tumors secrete a hormone that can cause your body to make too much cortisol. Cushing's syndrome is rare. Some symptoms are:

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Upper body obesity Thin arms and legs Severe fatigue and muscle weakness High blood pressure High blood sugar Easy bruising

Most of the time, Cushing's syndrome can be cured.

Addison's Disease Also called: Adrenal insufficiency, Adrenocortical hypofunction, Hypocortisolism Your adrenal glands are just above your kidneys. The outside layer of these glands makes hormones that help your body respond to stress and regulate your blood pressure and water and salt balance. Addison's disease occurs if the adrenal glands don't make enough of these hormones. A problem with your immune system usually causes Addison's disease. The immune system mistakenly attacks your own tissues, damaging your adrenal glands. Symptoms include:

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Weight loss Muscle weakness Fatigue that gets worse over time Low blood pressure Patchy or dark skin

Lab tests can confirm that you have Addison's disease. If you don't treat it, it can be fatal. You will need to take hormone pills for the rest of your life. If you have Addison's disease, you should carry an emergency ID. It should say that you have the disease, list your medicines and say how much you need in an emergency.

Osumex 10P Urine Analysis

Glucose The presence of glucose in urine especially if at high levels suggests "uncontrolled diabetes". Even if the level is low, further tests need to be done to confirm. The user needs to test again one week later or consult the user's professional health care giver. If left unchecked, this may lead to the onset of Diabetes Meillitus or Type-2 Diabetes. Once this happens the condition is irreversible. Thereafter lots of other health issues may arise because diabetes affects the condition of the blood - "the life-force of the body". Billirubin The presence of billirubin in urine, even at trace amounts are considered abnormal. Normally there should not be any billirubin in urine and positive results must be followed up. Either the user needs to re-test to confirm the positive result and or follow up on this with the user's professional health care giver. Billirubin is a breakdown product of haemoglobin and its presence may suggest liver or gall bladder dysfunction. Ketone The presence of ketone in urine suggests that the body is burning fat for energy. Normally no ketones are present in urine although detectable levels may be found during physiological stress conditions such as fasting, pregnancy, strenous exercise, starvation diets, and other abnormal carbohydrate metabolism situation. High levels of ketones may indicated ketosis and while this is not considered a harmful state, it may cause the body's pH to become acidic. Specific Gravity (SG) Twenty four hour urine from normal adults with normal diets and normal fluid intake would have a SG of between 1.016 - 1.022. In severe renal damage the SG is fixed at 1.010 which is the value of the glomerular filtrate. Therefore if the SG reading is low or very high, user needs to follow up with further tests and user's professional health care giver. Blood The presence of blood in urine may indicate problems with the urinary tract. Blood may be frequently but not always found in the urine of mensturating females. Any green spots or green colour developing in the indicator area within 40 seconds is significant and must be followed up. pH pH of first morning urine should be within the range of 6.5 - 7.5 for a health state. The pH of cancer patients or those with cardiovascular diseases or anyone with serious health problems is usually 5.0 or less. True health lives in an alkaline stare!> Protein The presence of protein in urine may indicate the filters in the kidney, glomeruli, are damaged. A colour result matching any colour greater than trace amounts indicates siginificant proteninuria. Proteinuria occurs if a condition known as glomerulonephritis or nephritis exists. A negative result may not rule out the presence of proteins and the test is sensitive to 15 mg/dl albumin. Urobillinogen The presence of urobillinogen in urine of 2.0 Erhlich per decilitre is considered significant and must be followed up. Increased urobilinogen in urine indicates hepato-cellular dysfunction or increased billirubin formation suggesting liver problems.

Nitrite The presence of nitrite in urine indicates infection with the bladder and or urinary tract . The test is specific to nitrite and will not react with any other substances normally excreted in urine. Leukocyte The presence of leukocyte in urine suggests inflammation of the kidney and or unrinary tract . Normal urine generally would give a negative result and a tract result can be considered significant and re-tests are strongly recommended. Repeated trace results shojld be considered clinically significant and followed up with the user's professional health care giver. Note: These tests should not be used as a conclusive diagnostic tool or evidence of diseases but more as a preliminary detection of possible health issues so that the user can consult or follow up the user's professional health care provider. As with all home tests, definitive diagnostic or therapeutic decisions should not be based on a single test result..

Osumex 10P Urine Analysis

This is a non-invasive analysis to detect and or measure the presence of bilirubin, blood, glucose, ketone (acetoacetic acid), leukocyte, nitrite, pH, protein, specific gravity and urobilinogen in urine. It is a very useful test as an early warning sign for health problems in the body such as the kidneys, liver, gall bladder, etc. It is also a very good early warning sign for detecting diabetes mellitus or type-2 diabetes from the presence of glucose in urine. Glucose found in urine at high levels is sufficient to suggest uncontrolled diabetes occuring and must be followed up with a qualified health care professional. It suggests onset of type2 diabetes in the user. This test therefore tells the user in much the same way as silent inflammation. If steps are taken to counter or treat positive results found at an early stages it could prevent health problems from developing. This could prevent onset adult diabetes, kidney or liver failure, bladder infection and other harmful diseases within the body. It is a very good preventative test.

Free Radical Test Kit

There are many ways to test for free radical activity in the body. These include dry blood or oxidative tests, serum and urine tests. The key role in these tests is essentially to determine whether there are sufficient antioxidants in the body to counteract excessive free radical activity. Serum or blood tests are usually invasive procedures and may also be expensive. It involves analyzing blood and dried blood. These tests determine if blood from an individual is affected by free radical activity. One example is to find out if blood allowed to dry was disconnected. Please see images below :

first image is an example of healthy dried blood second image is an example of unhealthy dried blood where excessive free radical activity has taken place The first image shows the healthy dried blood of an individual where there is no oxidative stress and the blood is well connected. It suggests that the individual has sufficient antioxidants to counteract oxidative stress. The second image shows the sample of dried blood where excessive free radical activity has occurred to cause disconnection. There were lots of holes or pores in the dried blood. Urine tests on the other hand measure presence of MDA, which is a product of free radical activity. It is more accurate (50x) than blood tests the results are often a lot quicker. Usually it is cheaper, non-invasive and can be done at the persons leisure and in the comfort and privacy of his or her home. Osumexs Free Radical Test is a simple, inexpensive, easy to use kit which provides result in minutes. The test can be done at the users leisure at home. There is no need to send away or wait anxiously for the results to be returned. The Free Radical Test kit consistis of:

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container with 10ml mark for the urine sample for testing 2 ampoules - containing an activator and an indicator liquid for measuring MDA levels pipette - to transfer urine into the container for testing cotton wool - protect the ampoules from breakage during shipment a chart to compare result obtain from the test to determine free radical activity level

Strategic Health Marker

Inflammation is the response of living tissue to damage. The acute inflammatory response has 3 main functions:

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The affected area is occupied by a transient material called the acute inflammatory exudate. The exudate carries proteins, fluid and cells from local blood vessels into the damaged area to mediate local defenses If an infective causitive agent (e.g. bacteria) is present in the damaged area, it can be destroyed and eliminated by components of the exudate. The damaged tissue can be broken down and partialy liquefied, and the debris removed from the site of damage.

The cause of acute inflammation may be due to physical damage, chemical substances, micro-organisms or other agents. The inflammatory response consist of changes in blood flow, increased permeability of blood vessels and escape of cells from the blood into the tissues. The changes are essentially the same whatever the cause and wherever the site. Acute inflammation should be short-lasting, only a few days. If it is longer then it is referred to as chronic inflammation. Examples of acute inflammation are sore throat, reactions in the skin to a scratch or a burn or insect bite and so on. However, there are exceptions such as pneumonia, inflammation of the lung rather than pneumonitis and pleurisy, inflammation of the pleura, rather than pleuritis.

Causes of Inflammation
Casuses of inflammation include the following: microbial infections - this is the most common from bacteria and virus Hypersensitivity or Allergic Reactions - arising from an altered state of immunological responsiveness that causes an inappropriate or excessive immune reaction damaging the tissues Physical agents - arising from physical trama such as burns or frost bites Tissue Necrosis - due lack of oxygen or nutrients resulting from inadequate blood flow

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Low Persistent Inflammation

The most deadly type of inflammation is where there are no symptoms or physical signs. This is described by Dr Barry Sears as Silent Inflammation. He called it the Silent Killer in his book "The Anti-Inflammation Zone". Such Inflammation causes aging, heart attack, stroke, cancer and many other health threats

Osumex 10-P Test is a non-invasive analysis to detect the presence of bilirubin, blood, glucose,
ketone, leukocyte (white blood cells), nitrite, pH, protein, specific gravity and urobilinogen in urine.. The test is a very good early and preliminary detection of health problems with:

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kidney function liver function acid-base balance bacteriurea - bacteria infection of the bladder uncontrolled and possible onset of diabetes mellitus (type-2) carbohydrate metabolism

Causes of Inflammation
Microbial infections One of the commonest causes of inflammation is microbial infection. Viruses lead to death of individual cells by intracellular multiplication. Bacteria release specific exotoxins - chemicals synthesised by them which specifically initiate inflammationor endotoxins, which are associated with their cell walls. Additionally, some organisms cause immunologically-mediated inflammation through hypersensitivity reactions. Parasitic infections and tuberculous inflammation are instances where hypersensitivity is important. Hypersensitivity or Allergic reactions A hypersensitivity reaction occurs when an altered state of immunological responsiveness causes an inappropriate or excessive immune reaction which damages the tissues. The types of reaction are classified here, but all have cellular or chemical mediators similar to those involved in inflammation. Physical agents Tissue damage leading to inflammation may occur through physical trauma, ultraviolet or other ionising radiation, burns or excessive cooling ('frostbite'). Irritant and corrosive chemicals Corrosive chemicals (acids, alkalis, oxidising agents) provoke inflammation through gross tissue damage. However, infecting agents may release specific chemical irritants which lead directly to inflammation. Tissue necrosis Death of tissues from lack of oxygen or nutrients resulting from inadequate blood flow (infarction) is a potent inflammatory stimulus. The edge of a recent infarct often shows an acute inflammatory response.

How to Recognize Inflammation
Redness An acutely inflamed tissue appears red, for example skin affected by sunburn, cellulitis due to bacterial infection or acute conjunctivitis. This is due to dilatation of small blood vessels within the damaged area. Heat Increase in temperature is seen only in peripheral parts of the body, such as the skin. It is due to increased blood flow (hyperaemia) through the region, resulting in vascular dilatation and the delivery of warm blood to the area. Systemic fever, which results from some of the chemical mediators of inflammation, also contributes to the local temperature. Swelling results from oedema, the accumulation of fluid in the extra vascular space as part of the fluid exudate, and to a much lesser extent, from the physical mass of the inflammatory cells migrating into the area.

Pain For the affected, pain is one of the best known features of acute inflammation. It results partly from the stretching and distortion of tissues due to inflammatory oedema and, in particular, from pus under pressure in an abscess cavity. Some of the chemical mediators of acute inflammation, including bradykinin, the prostaglandins and serotonin, are known to induce pain. Loss of use Loss of function, a well-known consequence of inflammation, was added by Virchow (1821-1902) to the list of features drawn up by Celsus. Movement of an inflamed area is consciously and reflexly inhibited by pain, while severe swelling may physically immobilise the tissues.

Here`s what you need to know!

Dilution of toxins - produced by bacteria, are carried away by fluid and cellular exudates in lymphatics. Entry of Antibodies - Increased vascular permeability allows antibodies to enter the extravascular space, where they may lead either to Iysis of microorganisms, through the participation of complement, or to their phagocytosis by opsonisation. Antibodies are also important in neutralisation of toxins. Drug Transport - The fluid carries with it therapeutic drugs such as antibiotics to the site where bacteria are multiplying. Fibrin Formation - Fibrin formation from exuded fibrinogen may impede the movement of microorganisms, trapping them and so facilitating phagocytosis.

Delivery of Oxygen and Nutrients - Delivery of nutrients and oxygen, essential for cells such as neutrophils which have high metabolic activity, is aided by increased fluid flow through the area. Stimulation of immune response - The drainage of this fluid exudate into the lymphatics allows particulate and soluble antigens to reach the local Iymph nodes where they may stimulate the immune response.

Harmful The release of Iysosomal enzymes by inflammatory cells may also have harmful effects:

Digestion of Normal Tissues - Enzymes such as collagenases and proteases may digest normal tissues, resulting in their destruction. This may result particularly in vascular damage, for example in type III hypersensitivity reactions and in some types of glomerulonephritis. Swelling - The swelling of acutely inflamed tissues may be harmful: for example, the swelling of the epiglottis in acute epiglottitis in children due to Haemophilus influenzae infection may obstruct the airway, resulting in death. Inflammatory swelling is especially serious when it occurs in an enclosed space such as the cranial cavity. Thus, acute meningitis or a cerebral abscess may raise intracranial pressure to the point where blood flow into the brain is impaired, resulting is ischaemic damage, or may force the cerebral hemispheres against the tentorial orifice and the cerebellum into the foramen magnum (pressure coning). Inappropriate Inflammatory Response - Sometimes, acute inflammatory responses appear inappropriate, such as those which occur in type I hypersensitivity reactions (e.g. hay fever) where the provoking environmental antigen (e.g. pollen) otherwise poses no threat to the individual. Such allergic inflammatory responses may be life-threatening, for example extrinsic asthma.

What you can't feel can hurt you.
The key to wellness is controlling silent inflammation. Silent inflammation can go undetected for years and affects heart, brain and immune function. According to Dr. Barry Sears author of The Anti Inflammation Zone, Silent inflammation is inflammation that you cant feel but causes chronic silent inflammation. He also states that silent inflammation is the first sign that your body is out of balance and you are no longer well. You cant feel it but its grinding down your heart, your brain, and your immune system. Its insidious and is the greatest threat to your wellness. When over produced by the body, three hormones - Cortisol, Insulin and Pro-Inflammatory Eicosanoids - contribute to silent inflammation and set the stage for disease. If you have screaming pain or an existing chronic disease then you know your arent well. However silent inflammation is different because its ongoing inflammation that is under the pain threshold, its difficult to detect and you cant determine it by sight alone.

There are three clinical tests that define the Zone:

The most important of these tests is the ratio of AA to EPA in the plasma phospholipids. This represents the gold standard for wellness since it provides a precise determination of the dynamic balance of "good" and "bad" eicosanoids throughout the entire body. The next important test is the fasting insulin level. This is the best indirect marker of the extent of insulin resistance in the patient. Finally, there is the ratio of fasting triglycerides (TG) to HDL cholesterol. The TG/HDL, a less precise but very inexpensive test, is a surrogate marker for both fasting insulin levels and the level of EPA intake.

The clinical parameters that can determine the extent of wellness in the patient are shown below

It is important to know that true health lives in an alkaline state. What is pH?
pH (potential of Hydorgen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It is measured on a scale of 0-14. The lower the pH the more acidic the solution and the higher the more alkaline (or base). When a solution is neither acidic nor alkaline, it has a pH 7 which is neutral

Body pH
Water is the most abundant compound in the human body comprising of 70% of the body. The body has an acid-alkaline (or acid-base) ratio called the pH which a balance between positively charged ions (acid-forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming). The body continually strives to maintain a balanced pH. When the balance is compromised health issues arise. It is also important to understand that we are not talking about stomach acid or the pH of the stomach which is always acidic since it uses acid for proper digestion. Food in the stomach is acidic while food in the intestines is alkaline. We are talking about the pH of the body's fluids and tissues which are entirely different matters. The human body has adapted to two types of digestion:

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alkaline for starches acid for proteins

pH Balance for Good Health

The body is able to assimilate minerals and nutrients properly only when its pH is balanced. It is therefore possible for a person to be consuming nutrients and yet unable to absorb or use them. If you are not achieving expected results from a nutritional (including herbal) program, it is possible that there is acid alkaline imbalance. No nutritional program would work if the body's pH is out of balance amongst other issues. This acid alkaline state might in turn affect the microbiota (friendly bacteria) of the digestive system.

pH STATE - Acid vs Alkali

It is important to know that true health lives in an alkaline state.

pH in relation to a healthy body

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pH of Blood - 7.35 is normal pH of Saliva - 7.4 is normal Best to test in the morning even before washing your mouth. pH of urine - between 6,5 to 7.0 is normal The reading is dependent on when the test is done - morning, afternoon, night, before meals or after meals. Always use mid-stream urine

Body pH - what is measured? It is also important to understand that we are not talking about stomach acid or the pH of the stomach which is always acidic since it uses acid for proper digestion. Food in the stomach is acidic while food in the intestines is alkaline. We are talking about the pH of the body's fluids and tissues which are entirely different matters. The human body has adapted to two types of digestion:

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alkaline for starches acid for proteins

Keeping the right pH balance for good health The body is able to assimilate minerals and nutrients properly only when its pH is balanced. It is therefore possible for a person to be consuming nutrients and yet unable to absorb or use them. If you are not achieving expected results from a nutritional (including herbal) program, it is possible that there is acid alkaline imbalance. No nutritional program would work if the body's pH is out of balance amongst other issues. This acid alkaline state might in turn affect the microbiota (friendly bacteria) of the digestive system. A highly acidic urine occurs in:

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Acidosis Uncontrolled diabetes Diarrhea Starvation and dehydration Respiratory diseases in which carbon dioxide retention occurs and acidosis develops

A highly alkaline urine occurs in:

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Urinary tract obstruction Pyloric obstruction Salicylate intoxication Renal tubular acidosis Chronic renal failure Respiratory diseases that involve hyperventilation (blowing off carbon dioxide and the development of alkalosis)

Important points to remember about urinary pH:

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An accurate measurement of urinary pH can be done only on a freshly voided specimen. If urine must be kept for any length of time before analysis, it should be refrigerated. During sleep, decreased pulmonary ventilation causes respiratory acidosis. As a result, a first waking urine specimen is usually highly acidic. Bacteria causing a urinary tract infection or bacterial contamination will produce alkaline urine. A diet rich in citrus fruits, most vegetables, and legumes will keep the urine alkaline. A diet high in meat and cranberry juice will keep the urine acidic. Urine pH is an important screening test for the diagnosis of renal disease, respiratory disease, and certain metabolic disorders. If urine pH is to be useful, it is necessary to use pH information in comparison with other diagnostic information.

pH STATE - Health & Diseases!

It is important to know that true health lives in an alkaline state.

Acidosis The acid/base status of the body (pH) is regulated by the kidneys and the lungs. Acidosis is caused by an accumulation of acid or a significant loss of bicarbonate. The major categories of acidosis are respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis.

Respiratory acidosis is a condition that occurs when the lungs cannot remove all of the carbon dioxide produced by the body. This creates a disruption in the body's acid-base balance. Body fluids become excessively acidic. Respiratory acidosis can result from lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and severe asthma. Metabolic acidosis is a disturbance in the body's acid-base balance. This causes excessive acidity of the blood. Metabolic acidosis can occur as a result of many different conditions such as kidney failure, diabetic ketoacidosis, and shock.

Cancer Most cancer patients tested would show a pH of 4 - 5, very acidic! This acidity of body tissue drives out the health giving oxygen. Cancer thrives in an oxygen deficient acidic environment, but perish in an alkaline, high pH, environment. Diabetes If your body pH level is acidic, you are at risk for degenerative diseases such as diabetes. When acid waste accumulates in your body, your cells are unable to absorb the nutrients they need. When the cells don't work properly, the organs don't work properly. This includes the organs that regulate blood sugar, which in turn provides nutrients to the cells. Without blood sugar regulation, the body can become diabetic. Blood sugar balance is critical to your bodys proper functioning. Blood sugar (glucose) is the primary source of fuel for the body's cells and is particularly critical to the brain and the eyes. The bodys blood sugar level is regulated

primarily by the pancreas and the liver. The liver stores excess glucose and releases it when needed. The pancreas secretes insulin that helps carry glucose into the body's cells, and it secretes glucagon that triggers the release of stored glucose in the liver. When either organ fails to function properly, blood sugar becomes excessively high or low and the cells begin to starve. A highly acidic pH level puts the pancreas, liver, and all the bodys organs at risk. Acid that is not filtered out or stored can attach to and harden the cell walls, further preventing the cells from absorbing nutrients. Eventually the cells die, starting with the glucose-dependent eyes and the extremities where its more difficult for nutrients to reach. Blindness and gangrene can result. Kidney Damage (Renal Failure) Excessive amounts of acid waste in your body can cause serious kidney damage. Kidneys are the bodys lastresort filtering mechanism. If the kidneys don't work properly, toxins build up and poison your blood. The results can be fatal. To keep your kidneys functioning well, you need to reduce the overall acid level in your body. When too much acid accumulates and the liver can't process all of it, the remaining acid is sent to the kidneys to be filtered out of the bloodstream. the kidneys were not designed to filter this type of acid waste. They were designed to filter out the normal by-products of metabolism, not the excess acids that accumulate in your body through improper diet and nutrition and through exposure to environmental toxins. Heavy metals in the water supply and in some food sources, undigested food that turns acidic, excessive amounts of minerals from highly processed foods, and acid-forming soft drinks and over-the-counter drugs each of these substances taxes the liver and, in turn, the kidneys. Kidneys bombarded by acid waste become so stressed that they can't even filter the normal by-products of metabolism, such as lactic acid. the kidneys have no ability to store acids. They must either filter the acid waste from the blood or become clogged with acids. Because the kidneys have such a fine network of capillaries used to filter the blood, they become clogged much more quickly than the major arteries. The accumulation of acids in the kidneys causes the formation of kidney stones and ultimately causes kidney cells to die. Because kidney cells cannot be regenerated or repaired, the remaining cells have to work that much harder to filter substances from the blood. To help with the filtering process, the heart increases the flow of blood plasma to the kidneys, which in turn elevates blood pressure. As the kidney cells continue to die, the risk of kidney failure increases dramatically.

Find out which food causes an acidic or alkaline condition

The lists below categorize foods that are either acidic or alkaline based on the effect they have on urine pH. For example, if a food tends to increase the acidity of urine after it is ingested, it is classified as an acid forming food. Conversely, if a food increases the alkalinity of urine after it has been ingested, it is classified as an alkaline forming food. The effect foods have on urine pH may be quite different than the pH of the foods themselves. For example, orange juice is a highly acidic food due to its high citrus acid content, but after being metabolized it will cause urine to become alkaline. Acidic Foods

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Corn Meats Beans Fish Fowl Most grains Coffee Plums Cranberries

Very acidic Foods and Supplements

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Distilled Water Filtered Water Eggs Livef and other organ meats Gravy Broth made from bones and other animal parts Wine Yoghurt with active cultures Buttermilk, including buttermilk pancakes and biscuits Sour cream Most fermented foods and aged cheese Some Vitamin B supplements (or foods supplemented with Vitamin B) can make your stomach more acidic Hydrochloric acid supplements Digestive enzymes

Non-food substances that can make urine acidic

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Probiotics - they create an acidic environment in the digestive tract Soft water - tends to be more acidic

Alkaline Foods

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Most fruits except as noted above Most vegetables except as noted above

Very Alkaline Foods and Supplements

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Bananas Choclates Figs Mineral water Orange juice Potatoes Spinach Watermelon Dandelion Greens

Non-food substances that can make urine alkaline

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Antibiotics Many mineral supplements, especially calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, Antacids which often contain magnesium and calcium supplements Hard water - opposite of soft water


What is a Free Radical?
In very simple terms, a free radical is an atom with an "unpaired electron". This atom is called a free radical and is "very reactive" in that it tries to stablize itself by seeking out another electron from another otherwise stable atom with "paired electrons". This action results in a "chain reaction" and that is when "excessive free radical activity occurs". The most important structure of an atom for determining its chemical behaviour is the number of electrons in its outer shell. An atom with a full outer shell tend not to enter into chemcial reactions (an inert atom). The nature of the atom is to achieve maximum stability. If it is incomplete, it will do the following:

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gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer shell sharing its electrons by bonding together with other atoms in order to complete its outer shell

Atoms often complete their outer shells by sharing electrons with other atoms. In this way, they are bound together to achieve maximum stability. An example is the Oxygen molecule - O2.


MDA - a measure of free radical activity
MDA (Malondialdehyde) is a highly reactive three carbon dialdehyde produced as a byproduct of polyunsaturated fatty acid peroxidation and arachidonic acid metabolism. MDA readily combines with several functional groups on molecules including proteins, lipoproteins, and DNA. MDA-modified proteins may show altered physico-chemical behavior and antigenicity. Antibodies to MDA will help to visualize the MDAadducts. Lipid peroxidation is a well-established mechanism of cellular injury in both plants and animals, and is used as an indicator of oxidative stress in cells and tissues. Lipid peroxides, derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids, are unstable and decompose to form a complex series of compounds. These include reactive carbonyl compounds, which is the most abundant malondialdehyde (MDA). Therefore, measurement of malondialdehyde is widely used as an indicator of lipid peroxidation. Increased levels of lipid peroxidation products have been associated with a variety of chronic diseases in both humans and model systems. MDA reacts readily with amino groups on proteins and other biomolecules to form a variety of adducts, including cross-linked products. MDA also forms adducts with DNA bases that are mutagenic and possibly carcinogenic. DNA-protein cross-links are another result of the reaction between DNA and MDA.


Where and How
Free radicals are highly reactive molecular fragments that can damage cell membranes and the internal organelles of the cell.

Free radicals are created in the body internally in the following manner: 1. The primary source is from our body during the energy production process within the cells. 98% of the oxygen we breathe is used within our cells in the production of energy. The resultant effect of this energy producing activity is that a very small amount of oxygen that was not used losses electrons creating free radicals. Another important source which creates lots of free radicals is the presence of toxic heavy metals in the body especially those caught up in the cellular tissues. All transition metals with the exception of copper, contains one electron in their outermost shell and can be considered a free radical. Copper, although having a full outer shell of 2 electrons, loses its electron easily and can be considered a free radical too. The following metals are, however, major free radicals creating agents in the body mercury; calcium; aluminium; lead; chlorine; iron; cadmium From foods that we consume that may have a destructive potential. An example would be fried foods in high temperature, which causes the bonds in the molecule to become unstable. During normal metabolism of fat, carbohydrates and proteins Stress especially oxidative stress. All chemicals and some endocrine hormones create free radicals Low blood supply generally occurs during heart attacks and strokes forms free radicals.


3. 4. 5. 6.

Free Radicals are also created externally in the following situations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Environmental contaminants such as pollution. Cigarette smoke in particular increases free radical load tremendously Ionizing and ultraviolet radiation such as from overexposure to sunlight and prolonged exposure to xrays Excessive or over-exercising Toxic chemicals and pesticides Petroleum based products Unhealthy foods processed foods, fried foods, barbecued and charbroiled foods Toxic products found in furniture polish and paints eg., toluene, benzene and formaldehyde

The free radicals created burn holes in our cellular membranes that weaken tissues and organs in our body. As the damage continues unchecked, the body becomes rusty and less able to defend itself against problems such as cancer, hardening of the arteries, premature aging and other health issues.


Excessive free radical activity has been shown in studies and clincal trials to cause aging. Doctors Cranton and Frackelton dramatically underline the importance of dealing with free radicals: When free radicals in living tissues exceed safe levels, the result is cell destruction, malignant mutation, tumor growth, damage to enzymes and inflammations, which manifest clinically as age-related, chronic degenerative diseases. Each uncontrolled free radical has the potential to multiply a million-fold. But, when functioning properly, our antioxidant systems suppress excessive free radical reactions. They point out that the life expectancy of mammals (such as ourselves) is in direct proportion to the free radical control enzymes, like superoxide dismutase. Dr. Barja G of the Faculty of Biology, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain linked free radicals and aging as: Aging is characterized by decrements in maximum function and accumulation of mitochondrial DNA mutations, which are best observed in organs such as the brain that contain post-mitotic cells. Oxygen radicals are increasingly considered responsible for part of these aging changes. Comparative studies of animals with different aging rates have shown that the rate of mitochondrial oxygen radical generation is directly related to the steady-state level of oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA and is inversely correlated with maximum longevity in higher vertebrates. The degree of unsaturation of tissue fatty acids also correlates inversely with maximum longevity. These are the two known traits connecting oxidative stress with aging. Furthermore, caloric restriction, which decreases the rate of aging, proportionately decreases mitochondrial oxygen radical generation, especially at complex I. These findings are reviewed, highlighting the results obtained in the brain.

There are many more studies and researches linking excessive free radical activity in the body to diseases such as aging and cancers. The 2 observations above on their own should concern us enough to regularly check free radicals in our body to make sure they are under control. If not then the appropriate antioxidants must be used to bring such free radical activity under control.

Degenerative Diseases caused by Free Radicals

Free radicals in the genesis of Alzheimer's disease J. S. Richardson - Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. As part of an ongoing investigation of the role of oxygen free radicals in Alzheimer's disease (AD), the formation of peroxidation products, the activities of free radical defense enzymes, and the level of total iron were determined in autopsy brain tissue from donors with AD and from age-matched nondemented donors. Calcium uptake was also investigated in mitochondria harvested from fibroblasts grown in tissue culture from skin samples taken from brain donors. Compared to controls, homogenates of AD frontal cortex produced elevated levels of peroxidation products and this difference was amplified in a dose-dependent manner by iron (1 to 200 microM). Peroxidation produced by 200 microM iron was reduced dose dependently by the lazaroid U-74500A. The IC50 was 10 microM in AD cortex and 2.5 microM in controls. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), one of the free radical defensive enzymes, was reduced by 25 to 35% in AD frontal cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. In other brain areas, SOD did not differ between AD and control. The activities of catalase

and glutathione peroxidase were the same in AD and control samples. Endogenous iron levels were higher in AD frontal cortex (2.5 nmol/mg protein) than in controls (1.5 nmol/mg protein). Calcium uptake by AD fibroblast mitochondria is 50% lower than in controls under basal conditions. Following exposure to 200 microM iron, mitochondrial calcium uptake is increased by 58% in AD and by 38% in controls. Pretreatment with 200 microM U-74500A or 1 mM deferoxamine, prior to exposure to 200 microM iron, gave complete protection to control mitochondria but gave only partial protection to AD mitochondria. These studies indicate that in AD, both CNS and peripheral cells show increased sensitivity to oxygen free radicals. The source of this increased sensitivity has not yet been identified but could reflect either reduced free radical defenses or increased free radical formation or both. Work is underway using electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry to determine in vivo, premortem free radical activity in AD patients.

Free radical oxidative damage and Alzheimer's disease EE Tuppo; LJ Forman There is increasing evidence that free radical-induced oxidative damage may play a role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Free radicals are reactive oxygen compounds that may attack and damage lipids, proteins, and DNA. The brain is especially sensitive to oxidative damage because of its high content of readily oxidized fatty acids, high use of oxygen, and low levels of antioxidants. Evidence for oxidative damage has been obtained from postmortem brain tissue as well as from living patients with Alzheimer's disease. Antioxidants such as vitamin E show promise that they may help in treating the disease. Immaturity-dependent free radical activity in premature infants E Varsila, O Pitkanen, M Hallman and S Andersson - Children's Hospital, University of Helsinki, Finland. To examine the role of immaturity in the free radical-mediated rate of lipid peroxidation in premature infants, we studied 27 infants [gestational age, 27.1 (SD 2.4) wk; birth weight, 970 (SD 330) g]. Ethane and pentane were quantitated in expired air during the first 18 d of life. During the first 2 postnatal d ethane [24.1 (SEM 7.8) pmol x kg-1 x min-1] and pentane [24.2 (SEM 4.1) pmol x kg-1 x min-1] were stable but increased during d 5 to maxima of 79.1 (15.8) pmol x kg-1 x min-1 and 62.1 (8.1) pmol x kg1 x min-1, respectively. Maximum ethane and pentane correlated with gestational age (r = -0.42, p = 0.03 and r = -0.52, p = 0.005, respectively) and birth weight (r = -0.38, p = 0.05 and r = -0.59, p = 0.001, respectively). Infants with high maximum expired ethane and pentane (exceeding 40 pmol x kg1 x min-1) had higher odds of dying or having bronchopulmonary dysplasia than those with low ethane and pentane (odds ratio, 6.5; 95% confidence interval, 1.1 to 38.5; p < 0.05 for ethane and odds ratio, 5.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.1 to 29.3; p < 0.05 for pentane). We conclude that degree of prematurity is the single most important factor explaining free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in premature infants. A therapeutic intervention to limit the effects of free radicals should be started during the 1st postnatal d in premature infants to be effective. Prospects for the prevention of free radical disease, regarding cancer and cardiovascular disease K F Gey - Vitamin Unit, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Berne Berne, Switzerland (Abstract) Free radicals may be involved in the aetiology of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In epidemiological studies poor plasma levels of all essential antioxidants are associated with increased relative risks; in particular, low levels of carotene and vitamin E with the risk of cancer and ischemic heart disease, respectively. The studies suggest that for optimal synergistic protection the plasma antioxidant levels should simultaneously exceed the threshold values of 2830 mol/l lipidstandardized vitamin E, 4050 mol/l vitamin C, 0.40.5 (mol/l carotene and 2.22.8 mol/l lipidstandardized vitamin A. However the preventive efficacy of an optional antioxidant status is still to be proven in randomized intervention trials. Although these antioxidant micronutrients may be the primary protective components of vegetable-rich preventive diets, the potentials of other plant components await exploration, eg carotenoids other than -carotene, bioflavonoids and oxygen-sensitive Bvitamins.

The role of free radicals in muscular dystrophy James G. Tidball1* and Michelle Wehling-Henricks2 - 1 Department of Physiological Science, University of California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States 2 Department of Physiological Science, University of California - Los Angeles, 90095, California, United States Null mutation of members of the dystrophin protein complex can cause progressive, and possibly fatal, muscle wasting. Although these muscular dystrophies arise from mutation of a single gene that is expressed primarily in muscle, the resulting pathology is complex and multi-systemic. Prior to the identification of the deficient proteins that underlie muscular dystrophies such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), oxidative stress was proposed as a major cause of the disease. Now, current knowledge indicates that interactions between the primary genetic defect and disruptions in the production of free radicals contribute these diseases. In this review, we focus on the pathophysiology of dystrophin-deficiency in humans with DMD and the mdx mouse model of DMD. Current evidence indicates three routes through which free radical production can be disrupted in dystrophin-deficiency and promote pathology. First, constitutive differences in free radical production can disrupt signaling in muscle and other tissues and exacerbate pathology. Second, tissue responses to the pathology can shift free radical production to promote cellular injury and dysfunction. Finally, behavioral differences in the affected individual can cause changes in the production free radicals and contribute to disease. Unfortunately, the complexity of the free radical mediated processes that are perturbed in muscular dystrophy makes it difficult to develop therapies founded on systemic administration of anti-oxidants. More mechanistic knowledge of the specific disruptions of free radicals that underlie major features of muscular dystrophy is needed to develop more targeted therapeutic approaches. Iron, Free Radicals and Oxidative Injury Joe M McCord, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado The ability of transition metal ions to undergo facile 1-electron oxidation or reduction makes them obvious potential chemical partners for reactions involving biological free radicals. It is not coincidental that superoxide dismutases, the enzyme that catalytically destroy, the superoxide radical (O2) by alternately oxidising and reducing it, have been found containing 3 transition metals (Cu, Mn or Fe) at their active sites. Iron is by far the most abundant transition metal in the human body because of its roles in oxygen binding and transport and electron transport. It provides opportunites for the cause of diseases related to iron absorption, transport and metabolism as well as for the excerbation of mechanisms of disease involving free radical injury Oxygen-derived free radicals and postischemic myocardial dysfunction ("stunned myocardium") R. Bolli, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas Experimental studies have demonstrated that myocardium reperfused after reversible ischemia exhibits prolonged depression of contractile function ("stunning"), which is associated with various ultrastructural, biochemical, vascular and other functional abnormalities. Clinical observations suggest that stunning occurs in many situations (for example, rest and exercise-induced angina, myocardial infarction with early reperfusion, open heart surgery, transplantation) and thus may contribute significantly to morbidity among patients with coronary artery disease. In recent years an increasing number of studies have provided indirect evidence that postischemic myocardial dysfunction may be mediated in part by the generation of reactive oxygen species, such as superoxide radical (.O2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radical (.OH). Thus, it has been shown that the recovery of the stunned myocardium is enhanced by agents that either scavenge oxygen metabolites, such as superoxide dismutase and catalase, N-2-mercaptopropionylglycine and dimethylthiourea, or prevent their generation, such as allopurinol, oxypurinol and desferrioxamine. More recent experiments utilizing electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy have directly demonstrated that reperfusion after a reversible ischemic episode is associated with a burst of free r adical production. At present, the evidence supporting the free radical hypothesis is suggestive but not conclusive. Definitive demonstration of the role of oxy-radicals will require careful studies measuring the production of these species in conscious animal models of postischemic dysfunction. If confirmed, the free radical hypothesis will provide not only new important insights into the pathophysiology of ischemic injury, but also a rationale for developing clinically applicable interventions.

Solutions to control excessive free radical activity:

Check for heavy metals Heavy metals are a major cause of free radical activity. So if you test high or have excessive free radical activity, it is highly recommended that you check your body via a urine test to confirm whether you have high levels of toxic heavy metals in your body. A good way to check is to use the HMT General kit as a preliminary determination. If it shows high, then decide if you wish to find out more with the specific kit, for example, HMT Mercury kit or HMT Lead kit , these being the more common heavy metals contamination in the body that are most harmful. If the above tests show high levels of heavy metals, you are recommended to get rid of such toxic heavy metals with a gentle yet effective oral chelator. Go on a 3-6 months program and then re-test to make sure that the toxic heavy metals have been eliminated.

Use the right ANTIOXIDANTS If you tested yourself and found you have minimum or no heavy metals contamination, then it may be that you are not using the right kind of antioxidants or taking insufficient antioxidants to counter the excessive free radical activity. You should consider using the appropriate antioxidants such as Flax Hulls which contains high levels of lignans and sulforaphan. Lignans (SDG) and Sulforaphan are powerful antioxidants and free radical scavengers and will help you restore your body's immune quickly. In addition, the flax hulls provide both soluble and insoluble fibre as well as Vitamin B12 in the form of Cobalamin. Flax hulls have a very high ORAC value (measure of antioxidants) of 19,600 compared to Prunes (7,660) or Kale (1,770). Prunes has the highest ORAC value amongst fruits and Kale a dark green leafy vegetable is very good for antioxidants.

Injury or Silent Inflammation The other potential source of free radical activity arise from injury to the body (organs or tissues) such as muscular cramps, sprains, livery or kidney malfunction, etc. Other injury that we do not feel initially until it becomes irreversible are like plaque build-up in the blood vessels, cardiovascular diseases, excessive wear at the joints through over exercise, liver and kidney malfunction at the early stages without much pain or warning. In this regard, it is always useful to check to make sure. The 10-P Urine Analysis kit is a very useful preventative check for 10 parameters in urine. It will tell you if you have signs of adult on-set diabetes (type-2), kidney and or liver malfucntion, bladder and urethra infections, etc from the presence of substances in the urine. The kit will also measure pH and Specific Gravity (SG) which are also indicative of health problems if they are not within the expected normal ranges Diet, Alcohol and Smoking Diet high in fried and or fatty foods is also a major source of free radicals. Fried foods are especially high. Excessive Alcohol certainly contributes to free radical activity too and so does smoking. It may be a good idea to consider eliminating these other causes of free radical activity if the Free Radical Test show high or severe activity. pH Balance Finally, it is always useful to check the pH state of the body since an acidic situation does contribute to increased free radical activity. It is also important to constantly check the pH state of your saliva and urine using a good pH Indicator

Information on Vitamin B12

Found in Flax Hulls as Cobalamin Vitamin B12 - what is it?

Vitamin B12 is important to good health. It contains cobalt and is also known as cobalamin. It helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells, and is also needed to make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Vitamin B12 is bound to the protein in food. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach releases B12 from protein during digestion. Once released, B12 combines with a substance called intrinsic factor (IF) before it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

What foods provide Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal foods including fish, milk and milk products, eggs, meat, and poultry. Fortified breakfast cereals are an excellent source of vitamin B12 and a particularly valuable source for vegetarians. The table of selected food sources of vitamin B12 suggests dietary sources of vitamin B12.

Beef liver Fortified breakfast cereals (100% fortified - 3/4c) Fish - trout, rainbow - 3 oz. cooked Fish - salmon, sockeye - 3 oz. cooked Beef - 3 oz. cooked Fortified breakfast cereals (25% fortified - 3/4c) Fish - haddock - 3 oz. cooked Clams - breaded and fried - 3/4c Oysters - breaded and fried - 6 pieces Fish - tuna, white canned in water - 3 oz. Milk - 1 cup Yoghurt - 1 cup Pork - 3 oz. cooked Egg - 1 large American cheese - 1 oz. Chicken - 3 oz. cooked Cheddar cheese - 1 oz. Mozzerella cheese - 1 oz.

60.0 6.0 5.3 4.9 2.1 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2

% DV*
1,000 100 90 80 35 25 20 20 15 15 15 15 10 8 6 6 4 4

*DV=Daily Value. DVs are reference numbers based on the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). The DV for vitamin B12 is 6.0 micrograms (mcg). The percent DV (%DV) listed on the nutrition facts panel of food labels tells adults what percentage of the DV is provided by one serving. Percent DVs are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

When is a deficiency of vitamin B12 likely to occur?

Deficiency may still occur as a result of an inability to absorb Vitamin B12 from food. It can also occur in individuals with dietary patterns that exclude animal or fortified foods. As a general rule, most individuals who develop a Vitamin B12 deficiency have an underlying stomach or intestinal disorder that limits the

absorption of vitamin B12. Sometimes the only symptom of these intestinal disorders is anemia resulting from B12 deficiency. Characteristic signs of B12 deficiency include fatigue, weakness, nausea, constipation, flatulence (gas), loss of appetite, and weight loss. Deficiency can also lead to neurological changes such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. Additional symptoms of B12 deficiency are difficulty in maintaining balance, depression, confusion, poor memory, and soreness of the mouth or tongue. Some of these symptoms can also result from a variety of medical conditions other than vitamin B12 deficiency. It is important to have a physician evaluate these symptoms so that appropriate medical care can be given. Older Adults - Vitamin B12 must be separated from protein in food before it can bind with intrinsic factor and be absorbed by your body. Bacterial overgrowth in the stomach and/or atrophic gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach, contribute to vitamin B12 deficiency in adults by limiting secretions of stomach acid needed to separate vitamin B12 from protein in food. Adults 50 years of age and older with these conditions are able to absorb the B12 in fortified foods and dietary supplements. Health care professionals may advise adults over the age of 50 to get their vitamin B12 from a dietary supplement or from foods fortified with vitamin B12 because 10 to 30 percent of older people may be unable to absorb vitamin B12 in food. Vegetarians - Vegetarians who do not eat meats, fish, eggs, milk or milk products, or B12 fortified foods consume no vitamin B12 and are at high risk of developing a deficiency of vitamin B12. When adults adopt a vegetarian diet, deficiency symptoms can be slow to appear because it usually takes years to deplete normal body stores of B12. However, severe symptoms of B12 deficiency, most often featuring poor neurological development, can show up quickly in children and breast-fed infants of women who follow a strict vegetarian diet.

What is the health risk of too much vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 has a very low potential for toxicity. The Institute of Medicine states that "no adverse effects have been associated with excess vitamin B12 intake from food and supplements in healthy individuals". The Institute recommends that adults over 50 years of age get most of their vitamin B12 from supplements or fortified food because of the high incidence of impaired absorption of B12 from unfortified foods in this population.


aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, chlorine, chrome, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, MERCURY, molybdenum, silver, tin

Osumex's Heavy Metals Test kits test the presence of heavy metals ions to a high degree of accuracy (in parts per billion {ppb} and million {ppm} in the body and of a wide range of materials in the environment
The Heavy Metals test kits are designed especially to detect the presence of toxic heavy metals in the body using urine or saliva. They can also be used to detect heavy metals in most clear liquid medium. It is important to check the presence of heavy metals because they are the main cause of excessive free radical activity, which can cause damage to the healthy state of the body including depleting the body's immune system. The Heavy Metals Test kits can also be used to confirm the presence of metals/minerals in food such as iron in rice, etc.

Toxic heavy metals can cause the following health problems:

long term exposure to cadmium is associated with renal dysfunction. Cadmium is biopersistent and once absorbed remains resident for many years. High exposure can lead to obstructive lung diseases and has been linked to lung cancer. Cadmium may also cause bone defects in humans and animals. The average daily intake for humans is estimated as 0.15g from air and 1g from water; low exposure to chromium can irritage the skin and cause ulceration. Long term exposure can cause kidney and liver damage. It can also cause damage to circulatory and nerve tissues; high doses of copper can cause anemia, liver and kidney damage, and stomach and intestinal irritation. People with Wilson's disease are at greater risk for health effects from overexposure to copper; exposure to lead can lead to a wide range of biological defects in human depending on duration and level of exposure. The developing feotus and infants are far more sensitive than adults. High exposure can cause problems in the synthesis of haemoglobins, damage to the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, joints, reproductive system and the nervous system. Studies have suggested that exposure to lead can cause up to a loss of 2 IQ points; inorganic mercury poisoning is associated with tremours, gingivitis and/or minor pyschological changes together with spontaneous abortion and congenital malformation. Monomethylmercury causes damage to the brain and the central nervous system while fetal and post-natal exposure have given rise to abortion, congenital malformation and development changes in young children; excessive amounts of nickel can be mildly toxic. Long term exposure can cause decreased body weight, heart and liver damage andskin irritation; exposure to high levels of arsenic can cause death. All types of arsenic exposure can cause kidney and liver damage and in the most severe exposure there is erythrocyte hemolysis; manganese is known to block calcium channels and with chronic exposure results in CNS dopamine depletion. This duplicates almost all of the symptomology of Parkinson's Disease. aluminium toxicity is associated with the development of bone disorders including fractures, osteopenia and osteomalacia

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The more commonly encountered toxic heavy metals are Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Iron, Aluminium Heavy metal toxicity represents an uncommon, yet clinically significant, medical condition. If unrecognized or inappropriately treated, heavy metal toxicity can result in significant morbidity and mortality. The most

common heavy metals implicated in acute and/or chronic conditions include lead, arsenic, and mercury. The Osumex Heavy Metals Test kits can detect heavy metals contamination especially inorganic heavy metals to ppb or ppm. It is an easy to use at home kit and gives result in minutes that is easy to read. The level of heavy metals present is measured by comparing to a colour chart. The Heavy Metals Test kits come in two options:

a General kit to test the presence of a range of heavy metals such as COPPER, ZINC, CADMIUM, MERCURY, LEAD, NICKEL, MANGANESE, COBALT; a Specific kit to test the presence of a range of heavy metals individually such as ALUMINIUM, ARSENIC, CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, COBALT, CHLORINE, COPPER, IRON, LEAD, MERCURY, MANGANESE, MOLYBDENUM, SILVER, TIN

Heavy Metals Test - General Kit

Monitor your body and environment for HEAVY METALS contamination


The Heavy Metals Test - General (HMTG) kit was developed for Osumex as a simple to use at home test kit for a preliminary determination of the presence of an identified range of heavy metals. These heavy metals comprises: cadmium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, zinc The HMTG kit utilises chemical reagents to show the presence of heavy metals. The free metal ions of the heavy metals, if present, stimulate a colour change to the reagents. Accordingly, the more metal ions are present, the stronger the resultant colour change. The chemicals used in the reagents are bio-degradable and do not further contaminate the environment, especially if disposed off properly after use. The reagents contain oils which pose no health risk to the user if contact is made. Howevever, where contact is made to the eyes or inside the mouth the user is encouraged to consult his or her physician as soon as possible. It is recommended that the used solutions be flushed down the toilet as a good disposal guide. The HMTG kit is suitable for testing any liquid medium such as saliva, urine, breast milk, tap water, etc., provided that the liquid is fairly clear preferably without suspended solids or sediments. Straining the liquid to be tested would be a good idea to achieve a clear colour change and for an easier reading. Solids such as food, supplements, raw fish, etc. can be tested after it has been soaked in distilled water for 24 hours or treated. For example, to test raw fish, place it in a microwave and heat for about 20 seconds to extract juices from it. The juice from the fish can be tested for the presence of heavy metals ions.

For a more accurate result, the pH of the sample solution to be tested should be at least 5.0 If you use sea salt it is highly recommended that you test it for mercury contaimination. A user sent us his result after testing the sea salt he used for mercury. Check out his result - click here and you could be shocked! The HMT General kit can be used to test for:

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mercury leaked from amalgam dental fillings - use saliva heavy metals in the body - use urine but it will not show mercury because the presence of any other metal will "mask" it mercury in fish - use juice from cooking a chunk of the fish in a microwave heavy metals in water such as tap, well, ground, etc mercury in breast milk heavy metals in environmental solids by liquidizing or soaking the item in distilled water for 24 hours, then filter, prior to testing heavy metals in herbs or medication by soaking the item in distilled water for 24 hours, then filter, prior to testing

The result of the test comes in the form of a band or ring just below the surface of the combined solutions or in some cases the entire mixed solutions change colour Very often where there is more than one metal present, "masking" of the result occurs. A grey colour may result if the several metals are present at the same low concentration.

Below is the colour strip to compare results obtained to:

Legend: Mn - Manganese; Ni - Nickel; Cu - Copper; Hg - Mercury; Cd - Cadmium; Co - Cobalt; Pb - Lead; Zn - Zinc; A green colour indicates no heavy metals present A gray colour indicates a combination of several heavy metals present at the same low concentration A yellow green to olive green indicates the presence of manganese and or nickel A yellow to beige colour indicates the presence of copper An orange colour indicates the presence of mercury and this is usually seen only where no masking by other metals can occur such as in saliva and often breast milk. A brownish orange to coral colour indicates the presence of cadmium and or cobalt A brownish pink or rust pink colour indicates the presence of lead A strong pink colour indicates the presence of zinc A strong colour is indicative of the presence of the metal indicated to at least 5 ppm The colour results were validated by Kemetco Research Inc. based in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada 2008


Monitor your health through your urine calcium

Purpose Measure the calcium content in an urine sample quickly and accurately using a simple titration procedure. The test measures calcium being excreted from the body. Calcium absorption depends on the acidity of the stomach, as well as a number of other co-factors including the amount of phosphate present, and takes place in the upper intestine. Pharmacology of test The kidneys have a calcium threshold unlike glucose. When calcium levels in serum rise above a certain level it will spill over into the urine. Conversely, when the calcium level drops, there will be no spillover into the urine. Determination of the calcium content in urine is based on the reaction of the calcium ions with the reagent provided to form a precipitate. Therefore the more precipitate (more turbidity) results, the higher the level of calcium in the urine sample. The reagent contains oxalic acid, ammonium oxalate and glacial acetate acid.

Purpose Measure the calcium content in an urine sample quickly and accurately using a simple titration procedure. The test measures calcium being excreted from the body. Calcium absorption depends on the acidity of the stomach, as well as a number of other co-factors including the amount of phosphate present, and takes place in the upper intestine. Calcium is the most common mineral in the body and one of the most important. The body needs it to build and fix bones and teeth, help nerves work, make muscles squeeze together, help blood clot, and help the heart to work. Almost all of the calcium in the body is stored in bone. The rest is found in the blood. Normally the level of calcium in the blood is carefully controlled. When blood calcium levels get low (hypocalcemia), the bones release calcium to bring it back to a good blood level. When blood calcium levels get high (hypercalcemia), the extra calcium is stored in the bones or passed out of the body in urine and stool. The amount of calcium in the body depends on the amount of:

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Calcium you get in your food. Calcium and vitamin D your intestines absorb. Phosphate in the body. Certain hormones, including parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, and estrogen in the body. High calcium levels in the urine can cause kidney stones.

Vitamin D and these hormones help control the amount of calcium in the body. They also control the amount of calcium you absorb from food and the amount passed from the body in urine. The blood levels of phosphate are closely linked to calcium levels and they work in opposite ways: As blood calcium levels get high, phosphate levels get low, and the opposite is also true. It is important to get the right amount of calcium [at least 1000mg a day] in your food because the body loses calcium every day. Foods rich in calcium are dairy products (milk, cheese), eggs, fish, green vegetables, and fruit. Most people who have low or high levels of calcium do not have any symptoms. Calcium levels need to be very high or low to cause symptoms. A urine calcium test is done to:

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See whether a kidney stone has developed because of high amounts of calcium in the urine. Check for problems with the parathyroid glands. A urine calcium test is not as helpful as a blood calcium test to find certain conditions, such as bone diseases or pancreatitis.

High levels of calcium If the test shows high levels of urine calcium, it may be due to:

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Hyperparathyroidism - when calcium levels are too low, the body responds by increasing production of parathyroid hormone. This increase in parathyroid hormone causes more calcium to be taken from the bone and more calcium to be reabsorbed by the intestines and kidney. When the calcium level returns to normal, parathyroid hormone production slows down Idiopathic hypercalciuria -Idiopathic hypercalciuria is the most common metabolic abnormality in patients with calcium kidney stones. Subjects with idiopathic hypercalciuria have a generalized increase in calcium turnover, which includes increased gut calcium absorption, decreased renal calcium reabsorption, and a tendency to lose calcium from bone. Despite the increase in intestinal calcium absorption, a negative calcium balance is commonly seen in balance studies, especially in patients on a low-calcium diet Cancer - Cancer can cause hypercalcemia when it spreads to the bones and causes the release of calcium from the bone into the blood or when a cancer produces a hormone similar to PTH, resulting in increased calcium levels Kidney failure - Measuring urine calcium can help determine kidney disease, because low calcium is especially common in those with kidney failure. The cause may be due a high level of calcium in the urine Milk-alkali syndrome - is caused by excessive consumption of milk (which is high in calcium) and certain antacids, especially calcium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), over a long period of time. Calcium deposits in the kidneys and in other tissues can occur in milk-alkali syndrome. Consumption of excessive amounts of Vitamin D, which is usually added to milk bought at the supermarket, can worsen this condition Renal tubular acidosis - proximal renal tubular acidosis is a condition that occurs when the kidneys don't properly remove acids in the urine, leaving the blood too acidic Sarcoidosis - is a disease in which swelling (inflammation) occurs in the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, eyes, skin, or other tissues Use of loop diuretics - Loop diuretics are known to promote calcium excretion by the kidney Vitamin D intoxication - Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium. Fatsoluble vitamins are stored in the body's fatty tissue. Too much vitamin D can make the intestines absorb too much calcium. This may cause high levels of calcium in the blood. High blood calcium can lead to calcium deposits in soft tissues such as the heart and lungs. This can reduce their ability to function

High levels of calcium If the test shows high levels of urine calcium, it may be due to:

Hyperparathyroidism - when calcium levels are too low, the body responds by increasing production of parathyroid hormone. This increase in parathyroid hormone causes more calcium to be taken from the bone and more calcium to be reabsorbed by the intestines and kidney. When the calcium level returns to normal, parathyroid hormone production slows down Idiopathic hypercalciuria -Idiopathic hypercalciuria is the most common metabolic abnormality in patients with calcium kidney stones. Subjects with idiopathic hypercalciuria have a generalized increase in calcium turnover, which includes increased gut calcium absorption, decreased renal

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calcium reabsorption, and a tendency to lose calcium from bone. Despite the increase in intestinal calcium absorption, a negative calcium balance is commonly seen in balance studies, especially in patients on a low-calcium diet Cancer - Cancer can cause hypercalcemia when it spreads to the bones and causes the release of calcium from the bone into the blood or when a cancer produces a hormone similar to PTH, resulting in increased calcium levels Kidney failure - Measuring urine calcium can help determine kidney disease, because low calcium is especially common in those with kidney failure. The cause may be due a high level of calcium in the urine Milk-alkali syndrome - is caused by excessive consumption of milk (which is high in calcium) and certain antacids, especially calcium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), over a long period of time. Calcium deposits in the kidneys and in other tissues can occur in milk-alkali syndrome. Consumption of excessive amounts of Vitamin D, which is usually added to milk bought at the supermarket, can worsen this condition Renal tubular acidosis - proximal renal tubular acidosis is a condition that occurs when the kidneys don't properly remove acids in the urine, leaving the blood too acidic Sarcoidosis - is a disease in which swelling (inflammation) occurs in the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, eyes, skin, or other tissues Use of loop diuretics - Loop diuretics are known to promote calcium excretion by the kidney Vitamin D intoxication - Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium. Fatsoluble vitamins are stored in the body's fatty tissue. Too much vitamin D can make the intestines absorb too much calcium. This may cause high levels of calcium in the blood. High blood calcium can lead to calcium deposits in soft tissues such as the heart and lungs. This can reduce their ability to function

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