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Whats happening in the world and

So What?
Throughout each term you will be asked to deliver an oral presentation about the world around us. You will present a news story about a national or international event from the week you present. You will provide the class with a short presentation (2 to 5 minutes) explaining the basics surrounding the story. As well, you need to ensure that you are able to explain why the event that you chose is important. This is not a speech, and it does not need to be memorized. However, you cannot simply stand in front of the class and read your information. After your presentation, you may be asked questions by the teacher and your fellow students. There will be three to five presentations a week. You will sign up for a presentation date. Presentations will always be given on the Thursday of each week. Since you choose which week you present, lateness will not be tolerated. Term 1 news may be local, however by the last term your news must be about events that have taken place outside of our community. It is important that we learn what is happening in the world.

Objectives: Students will demonstrate their ability to do basic research and present their findings in an informative media. (see rubric below) Things to remember: 1) Try to choose a story that interests you. Your audience will be more involved if they can see that you are truly interested in your topic. 2) Include the 5 Ws (and one H), that is: when, where, what, who, why, how. Also talk about the SO WHAT? How does a story from another country affect you? 3) You do not need to include visual aids, but you can if it adds to your presentation. 4) Try to include a connection to our Faith from the event. 5) Be sure to explain where you found your news story (newspaper, internet, magazines, television be specific). 6) Remember, your parents are a great resource to call upon. Assessment:
Expectations 7e49 7e52 7e61 7e63 Communicate ideas and narrate real events in sequence Demonstrate the ability to concentrate on main points and stay on topic Rehearse and revise material before making a presentation (non-verbal communication skills) Use eye contact, variations in pace, appropriate gestures, and pausing for effect in presentations Level 1 Rarely Rarely Not present With difficulty Level 2 With some difficulty Occasionally Somewhat present Somewhat Level 3 Usually Usually Clear evidence Usually Level 4 Clearly/ Independently Clearly/ Independently Almost no errors Always

---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Current Affairs Agreement: I will be doing my first presentation on (date) _______________________ Signed: _____________________ Parent Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________

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