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Name of Teacher Male Female

Date of Classroom Observation: Date of Pre-Observation:


The teacher and the evaluator must have a pre-observation meeting to prepare for the classroom observation and to review the teachers lesson plan. During the meeting the evaluator and the teacher must complete the Pre-observation Meeting Form. The meeting should be used to ensure that the expectations for the observation are clearly understood. An important task during the meeting is for the evaluator to identify the expectations and for the teacher to describe the teaching plan for the classroom observation. Other purposes of the pre-observation meeting are the following. To

Develop a collegial atmosphere in advance of the observation. Learn about the unique qualities of the teachers group of students. Identify the student outcomes that are expected. Allow the evaluator to explain his/her role to the teacher Establish procedures in advance. Set the date and time for the classroom observation. State the objective(s) for the lesson that is to be observed.

1. 2. 3. 4.

No. of Students in Class/Form. What teaching methods do you plan to use? What student outcomes do you expect from this class? Which aspects of subjects/content and instructional skills will be the focus for this classroom observation?


How will student learning be assessed?


What special characteristics of the students do you want to highlight?


What resources will be used during the lesson?

Signature of Evaluator. Date. Signature of Teacher .. Date.

Name of Teacher Male Female

Date of Classroom Observation: Date of Pre-Observation:


The post-observation conference should be scheduled as soon as possible following the classroom observation and no later than 14 days after the observation. During the post-conference, the aim is to discuss the areas of focus and any necessary follow up activities. Use the sandwich approach (good points- - areas to improve -- good points) when giving your evaluation during the conference. 1. In light of your instructional objectives, how do you think the lesson went?


Did the students learn what you wanted them to? know?

How do you


Were the choices of teaching methods or strategies effective? How do you know?


Any other comments

Signature of Evaluator. Date. Signature of Teacher .. Date.


Lesson Objectives a) b) c) Uses clear objectives Uses precise objectives. Uses achievable objectives in relation to time and student abilities.

Knowledge of subject a) b) c) d) Provides appropriate content activities to reflect student abilities. Provides appropriate content activities to achieve lesson objectives. Provides accurate information. Provides current information.

Methods and Materials a) b) c) d) e) Uses appropriate strategies, teaching procedures and materials. Uses an appropriate introduction, development and conclusion. Makes provision for students to manipulate materials. Uses materials and methods to reinforce learning, stimulate interest and stimulate direct experience. Presents materials in an organized and interesting manner.

Meeting Individual Needs a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Organizes individual and group activities in a meaningful manner. Monitors classroom activities. Shows fairness, tact and good judgment in dealing with students. Uses student answers, errors and difficulties to identify student-learning problems modify planning and instruction. Provides accurate and prompt feedback to students throughout the lesson. Uses students knowledge, experiences, ideas, questions and responses effectively. Modifies instruction in relation to learner needs. Helps students to analyse, synthesize and think critically.

Lesson Evaluation a) b) c) Constructs suitable classroom instruments to effectively assess student performance/ learning. Evaluates the effectiveness of instructional materials. Provides opportunities for students to perform the required behaviours.

Organisation of Instruction a) b) c) d) e) f) Uses appropriate language of instruction to students. Gives clear and concise directions and explanations. Caters to the different intellectual needs of students. Communicates information in a logical and coherent manner. Utilises activities which offer the opportunity for the development of higher order thinking skills. Uses an appropriate introduction, development and conclusion.

Use of Resource Materials a) b) c) d) d) Introduces materials at appropriate times. Uses materials which are appropriate for the content of the lesson. Utilises materials that are commensurate with the abilities of the students. Allows students to manipulate materials. Uses materials to reinforce learning and stimulate interest.

Questioning Techniques Utilises questions at all levels of Blooms Taxonomy Evaluation Synthesis Analysis a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Application Comprehension Knowledge

Asks questions which are appropriately phrased and understood by students. Asks questions which are at the appropriate level for the materials being covered. Includes questions which require students to think at various levels of taxonomy. Stimulates students to give responses which are consistent with intended goals of the questions. Asks questions which monitor student progress. Encourages students to answer difficult questions by providing cues or rephrasing. Asks probing questions if a students answer was incomplete or superficial. Uses rhetorical questions to gain students attention. Avoids implied questions.

j) k) l)

Addresses questions to individuals as well as the group. Pauses after questions to allow student time to think of an answer. Avoids interrupting students during questions or responses.

Students Participation a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Allows and encourages students to ask questions. Provides opportunities for students to share ideas and materials with others. Encourages students to show respect for others by listening. Encourages students to follow group-rules as established. Inspires students to fulfill his/her work responsibilities to the group. Inspires the students to exhibit appropriate work behaviours during time set aside for group work. Motivates students to participate in discussions during the time set aside for group work.

Closure a) b) Revisited the actual lesson, concepts and learning objectives. Provided students with opportunities to demonstrate the behaviour independently.


Management of Time a) b) c) d) e) f) Is punctual for lessons Distributes/organizes materials in a timely manner. Gives students adequate time to complete tasks/activities. Controls pace of lesson effectively. Gives adequate time to reflect and discuss new materials/ideas. Is able to bring the lesson to an appropriate conclusion.

Classroom Atmosphere a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Creates an enthusiastic setting for learning. Creates a friendly positive learning environment. Encourages collaboration among students. Encourages full student participation during the lesson Praises students for any initiative shown. Welcomes questions from students. Provides adequate/appropriate feedback to pupils concerns. Uses acceptable oral expression.

Discipline a) b) c) d) e) Gives clear and specific instructions re classroom activities. Demonstrates interest in the discipline of the students. Demonstrates confidence in handling disciplinary matters during the lesson Is fair in settling any existing disciplinary problems. Upholds appropriate standards of behaviour.

Classroom Presence f) g) h) i) Demonstrates an interest in the welfare of the students. Shows empathy for the needs of students. Uses opportunities to instill values as outlined in the PEACE Programme. Uses appropriate approaches with students.

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