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Business Psychology
Conflict Resolution: Negotiation

Teaching Team

Stephen Benton (Module Leader) Julian Mitchell Rachel Wingert


Regent Street Room 401 14.00-17.00

First class: Friday 1st October


November 12th 1 Case Analysis: report (20%) and presentation (5%): combined value 25%

1 In class written analysis (1hr.) 25% December 3rd December 17th End of Module: Written In class assessment 50%
In class written exam, Duration 2 hours 15 minutes.


SB Week 1

Aims and Objectives of the module. General introduction to what is negotiation. Consideration of behaviours and stages that characterise negotiation and conflict. The impact of Human Information processing biases and limits on the negotiation-conflict continuum. Working in groups: Identify 5 interpersonal mistakes that can intensify conflict


(15-20) minutes. Write on Flip chart provided. Present 5 minute summary of your teams thinking. Group member to act as observer: note behaviours, which fit into categories from the 5-segment model. Feedback 2mins.


Negotiating, Persuading and Influencing. (1997) Alan Fowler. IPD. The Essence of Negotiation. (1995) Hiltrop and Udall. Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-349895-6

Module Text Book: Chapters from: Negotiation. Readings, exercises and Cases. 3rd edition. (2000) Lewicki et al. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-118307-8

Section ONE (pp 1-7) and Chapter1

Managing Conflict. L. Greenhalgh

Psychology in Organizations. The Social Identity approach. (2001) Haslam, S. Chapter 7. Intergroup Negotiation and Conflict Management. Sage. ISBN 0-7619-6158-5. On line resource:
Essential Negotiation [1-86197-570-8]

Kennedy, Gavin.

How is it that negotiation brings two parties together who have different, even completely opposite, interests and enables them to reach an agreement that is acceptable and accepted by both of them?

SB Week 2

What do we know about the underlying dynamics of conflict? The impact of style and strategy over substance.


Working in groups, profile the attributes of a successful negotiator. Application of weights (relative importance). Groups to record the profiles and present them to the class. Group member to act as observer: (target observations will be assigned to observer. Feedback 2mins. Followed by class discussion of attributes. The groups must keep a group record of all seminar materials they produce.



Chapters from: Negotiation. Readings, exercises and Cases. (2000) Lewicki et al. 1.2 Strategic choice. Pruitt and Rubin. 1.3 Consider Both the Relationships and Substance when Negotiating Strategically. Savage et al.


Fisher R, Ury W & Patton B Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In: The Secret to Successful Negotiation. Random House Business Books (2003), ISBN-13: 978-1844131464

Section: The Method Chapters 2-5.

(5) 978-

Essentials of Negotiation 4th edition, Roy Lewicki, Bruce Barry, David M. Saunders. Boston, Mass. : London : McGraw-Hill, 2007, ISBN-13: 0071254274

Strategies: Section TWO in: Negotiation. Readings, exercises and Cases Lewicki (2000) et al. Chapters 2.1, How to plan for Negotiations 2.2 Preparing for Negotiations 2.3 Framing and reframing. On line resource:
International Negotiation Hague, The Netherlands Kluwer Law International infoLinX

Introduction Bias, Penegotiations and Leverage in Mediation pp. 305-310(6) Author: Zartman, William I.

Week 3

Approaches to Negotiation. Interests, Rights and Power. Positioning and Principled breakthrough strategies.


Groups to script a position-taking and counter position barrier within a workplace environment. Group member to act as observer: (target observations will be assigned to observer. Feedback 2mins.


Getting Disputes Resolved. Designing Systems to Cut the Costs of Conflict. Ury, Brett and Goldberg. PON Books. 1993. Chapter 1 Three Approaches to Resolving Disputes: Interests, Rights and Power.


Getting Past No. Negotiating Your Way From Confrontation to Cooperation. W. Ury. Bantam Books. 1993. Chapter 1 Breaking through Barriers to Cooperation. Negotiation. 2nd edition. Lewicki et al. IRWIN 1993 The Skills of Negotiating. B. Scott. Gower. 1989. Chapter 1 Creating the climate. Chapter 2 The Opening Process Conflict Management : a practical guide to developing negotiation strategies ( 2007) Barbara A. Budjac. Pearson Prentice Hall

Week 4

Guest Lecturer: Rachel Wingert An examination of behavioural skills associated with best practice in negotiating. How to translate week 3 strategies into behavioural practice?

Never Take NO for an Answer: A Guide to Successful Negotiating. 2nd Edition. Samfrits le Poole. Kogan Page. 1995. Chapter 5. On Preparation Getting Past NO. W. Ury. 1993 Section 2. Using the breakthrough strategy. (4) Negotiation.. Lewicki et al. Chapter 10.1 The Behaviour of Successful Negotiators. N. Rackman. Chapter 10.2 Six Basic Interpersonal Skills for a Negotiators Repertoire. Fisher and Davis. Chapter 10.3 Our Game, Your Riules: Developing Effective Negotiating Approaches.

Greenhalgh and Gilkey. Essentials of Negotiation 4th edition, (2007), Roy Lewicki, Bruce Barry, David M. Saunders. Boston, Mass.: London: McGraw-Hill, ISBN-13: 978-0071254274



Groups to produce a profile of key attributes associated with effective negotiating strategies. Flip chart and observation reporting process by team member.

Week 5

WORKSHP : Negotiation (RW, SB, JG)

Getting to YES. Fisher and Ury. (2000). Part 3. YES...but. Chapters 6-8


Negotiation. 2nd edition. Lewicki et al. IRWIN 1993 Chapter 3.1 Winning at the Sport of Negotiation. B. Gray. Chapter 3.2 Negotiation techniques. C. Craver. Chapter 3.3 How to Negotiate Practically Anything. Woolf.

ACAS reading materials to be provided. Week 6 Personality and Conflict Styles How much use are models of personality in diagnosing sources of interpersonal conflict? This session will examine some of the recognised behavioural barriers to resolution from perspectives provided by models of personality. Exercise: Teams to identify the key behaviours associated with miscommunication between individuals and mis matched transactions during the resolution of differences. From this the teams will create a profile identifying those behaviours that act as sources of information de gradation and likely sources of defensive responses.
READING Berens, L V (2000) Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to Temperament. Telos Publications. Florence Littauer (1992). Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself. Fleming H Revell Co. Robertson, R (1992) Introducing Jungian Psychology, Colour Books Ltd.


Individual Case Report Presentations

Topic: Examine what is meant by the term Negotiation Style and consider how styles can shape the quality of information exchanged.

Week 8

SB Organisations and Negotiation. Negotiation Breakdowns: Causes and Cures. Diagnosis and design of dispute resolution systems. Consideration of how dispute resolution systems vary across cultures and why they should. Consideration of tables based upon Hofstedes findings Exercise: Negotiation within the Joint venture environment. Problems what problems? Design a system of safe guards able to resolve disputes that are characterised by joint mis-perception of cause and cure.


Using Hofstedes findings select opposite cultures, using the four factors. Taking the American behaviour data as illustrative of one end point develop, from the perspective of the opposite culture, effective negotiating practices which preserve the cultural values. E.G. WEST EAST.


Never Take NO For an Answer. A Guide to Successful Negotiation. 2nd Edition. Samfrits le Poole. Kogan Page.1995. Chapter 12. International Negotiations. Negotiation. Lewicki et al. (fifth edition) Chapter 14.1 Making Deals in Strange Places...... J. Salacuse Chapter 14.2 Rethinking the Culture-Negotiation Link. R. Janosik. Chapter 14.3 The Japanese Negotiation Style. J.Graham and Yoshihiro Sano Guest Lecturer: Julian Gibson


Week 9

Skills and Strategies for managing the mediation process.

Identification of Anxiety cues, the role of questioning and feedback in Managing anxiety in others.
Facilitation . Providing Opportunities for Learning. T. Bentley. McGrawHill. 1994or 1998 Part Two: Facilitation Skills. Chapters 6-11. Negotiation. Lewicki et al. Chapter12.1 Section 6


Psychological Traps. J.Rubin.


Facilitation . Providing Opportunities for Learning. T. Bentley. McGrawHill. (2000). Part 3. Chapters 12-17.

Week 10

ASSESSMENT: TOPIC Breakthrough Strategies. 1 hour written assessment: Class continues after break: SB and the Cognitive and Emotional impact of the: BATNA

Week 11

Independent Study 10th December

Week 12


In Class Written Analysis of Case Study 17th December

2hr 15 minute written exam

Christmas Vacation

Module Guest lecturers: Julian Mitchell (Senior ACAS mediator) Rachel Wingert (Barrister at law)

Recommended Books:
(1) Fisher R, Ury W & Patton B Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In: The Secret to Successful Negotiation. Random House Business Books (2003), ISBN-13: 978-1844131464 (2) Bentley T (2000) Facilitation: Providing Opportunities for Learning, 2nd edition. Stroud : Space Between. (3) The Art and Science of Negotiation by Howard Raiffa , Harvard University Press; New Ed edition (1990) , ISBN-13: 978-0674048133 (4) Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases 3rd edition (or 4th,5th editions, but chapter ordering will vary) ISBN 0-07-118307-8 Roy J. Lewicki, Bruce Barry & David M. Saunders, Boston, Mass. : London : McGrawHill, ( 2007). ISBN-13: 978-0072973105 (5) Essentials of Negotiation 4th edition, Roy Lewicki, Bruce Barry, David M. Saunders. Boston, Mass. : London : McGraw-Hill, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0071254274


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