Pablo Soto Lo Pez 6Th C.: Respitatory System - Online Activities

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Pablo Soto Lopez

Respitatory system Online activities

1) List the organs involved in the respiratory system. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Nose. Pharynx. Epiglottis. Larynx ( voice box). Vocal Cords. Trachea ( windpipe). Brochial tree. Lungs. Alveoli ( air sacs).

6th C.

2) What is the function of the nasal cavity (nose). The nose filters the air and removes dirty and warms up the air until the appropriate temperature.

3) What is the muscular tube that carries the air into the trachea (windpipe)? The Pharynx.

4) What is the function of the epiglottis? The epiglottis covers the top of the larynx during swallowing. It keeps food out of the lungs and voice box.

5) What is the Adams Apple? It's the part of the larynx that we can feel in the front of our throat. Its a cartilage, it is bigger in men than women.

6) Why is the larynx also called the voice box? Because in the larynx are the organs that allow us to talk. Especially, the vocal cords.

7) What are the vocal cords made of? They are made of small muscles that form a membrane. When air passes, they vibrate.

8) What are the differences between male and female vocal cords? The male vocal cords are longer than female vocal cords. Because male larynx is bigger than female larynx. So he has lower voice.

9) What is the function of the trachea? The function of the trachea is to carry the air from the vocal cords to the lungs.

10) What is the function of the bronchial tree? The bronchi take the air to the bottom of the lungs and carries it to thousands of alveoli.

11) Why is the left lung smaller than the right one? Because the left lung has to make room for the heart.

12) Define respiration. The bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation.

13) Draw a little diagram that represents the exchanges of gasses in the alveoli. (You may use paintbrush application and paste it as an image in your word document for the answers).

14) What is the diaphragm? It is the main breathing muscle, that expands the lungs when it contracts, forcing air into the lungs. 15) What is phlegm and why does it sometimes have a yellowish green colour? It is a trap for dirt and microbes that is continuously swept from the lungs into the throat and swallowed. Sometimes the phlegm has yellowish green colour because it is full of dead cells.

16) What parts of your body help you to breath by expanding your chest? The parts of our body that help to expand our chest are THE DIAPHRAGM, CHEST MUSCLES and THE RIB CAGE.

17) Define: a. Inspiration The process of breathing in, the chest muscles and the diaphragm help us to breathe in expanding our chest. This creates pressure so that the air rushes down to the bottom of the lungs b. Expiration The process of breathing out, or forcing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth. When the chest muscles and the diaphragm relax the air is squeezed out.

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