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Beyond Fans and Followers

Measuring Your Online Marketing Campaigns BNC Tech Forum March 24, 2011 Twitter @boxcarmarketing

Not everything that counts can be measured. Not everything that can be measured counts.
Albert Einstein

Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

There are 2 things we like to measure:

Things that lead to sales Sales

Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing


Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

Setting Up Goals
Admin Access URL Destination

Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

Things that lead to sales

Twitter Followers

Customer Feedback RTs

Website Visitors Press Mentions

Facebook Fans Email Opens

Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

Things that lead to sales Acquisition Activation Retention Referral Sales

Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

Website Visitors, time on site Number of pageviews, repeat visits, subscription (email, blog), account sign-up (prole data), Fan/Follower Email Opens, Click-throughs, Repeat visits Press Mention, RT, Refers 1+visitors to the site; Refers 1+ visitors who activate

If you dont know where youre going, any road will get you there.
Misquote from Alice in Wonderland

Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

A simple Contest
Reach a new audience or reinforce our connection to an existing audience
Goal Lifecycle Action Reaction Metrics
@ / RT / Comment Visitors Subscriptions (email/RSS) Fan/Follower Account sign-up Return Visits

Reach a new audience

Acquire Activate Retain

Listen Introduce

Response Visit to the site Subscribe Return

Reinforce our connection to existing audience

Retain Referral Revenue

Talk Pitch Thank

Response Visit the site Act Refer

@ / RT / Comment Repeat visits Email opens CTR / Goal Funnel Mentions Referrals Referrals who convert

Google Analytics: Annotations

Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

Google Analytics: Title- or Author-Specic Searches

Google Analytics: Audience Segments

A simple campaign to build Reputation

Use a blog to establish authority / expertise for an author. Focus on writing good content rst and self-promotion second
Goal Metrics Pagerank + # inbound links from inuential blogs # bookmarks (Delicious) Google Position in Search Results Volume of organic trafc per month # inbound links from inuential sites # email subscribers or fan/followers who can be directed to the site Segment and Funnel: Trafc that converts to sales

Nth position in relation to competitors by a certain date

X% increase of trafc per month

X$ per month attributable to referrals from blog

A really simple campaign to increase Engagement

Be nice to customers who mention your company / authors / titles on Twitter


Metrics # positive comments sent to customers per week w/in given timeframe

Increase # positive conversations

# of conversations that started from those comments # additional activation points

A problematic campaign to increase Ofine Sales

Implement a promotion on social media with a specic store. Give participants a printable campaign voucher so you can track ofine sales
Goal Download voucher $ monthly sales % increase in store trafc over pre-promo period Attact an audience in a particular area Metrics Goal Funnel: Impressions, Form Completion; Downloads monthly sales

monthly store trafc

trafc from particular area

A simple campaign to increase Online Sales

Use Twitter or Facebook to inform prospects about special promotions. Exclusive, limited-customer/limited time offers.
Goal Increase monthly sales Metrics monthly sales attributable directly to SMM Segment & Funnel: new customers attributable directly to campaign Segment & Funnel: monthly revenue generated from customers from Twitter

Increase % value from new customers

Increase conversions from Twitter trafc

Retain X% of new customers

Repeat customers from that group Unsubscribe rates

Social Media Measurements

Content Resonance Opens CTR Unsubscribes RTs @ Recos Like Share Comment
Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing


Ratio of Posts to X

Peak Conversion



Day Time of Day



Day Time of Day



Day Time of Day

Data is black and white

Your creativity is what makes it colourful

Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

Making Your Data Work for You

1. Establish a baseline (before/after) 2. Use Google Analytics annotations to create an activity timeline 3. Overlay sales data Frequency: Transactions/month Reach: Net new customers Yield: $ per transaction 4. Overlay the Micro Actions that lead to sales (Conversion Precursors) Mentions (Twitter, Blogs, FB) Email Opens Trafc: visitors, title- and author-specic searches Click throughs: quality of referral trafc, CTR 5. Identify patterns Activities effect what areas? What needs to be optimized?

Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

Tools for Data Visualization Tools for Competitive Research Google Reader Audience Research Facebook Ads
Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

Monitoring Tools Google alerts Twitter saved searches Yahoo Pipes Netvibes Radian 6

Ask me about this stuff.

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Monique Trottier @boxcarmarketing

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