New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter 27-January-2012

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New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter


Happy Friday Evening! I hope you've had a fun and productive week. May your weekend be relaxing and full of laughter! Below are some updates on NYSA and TechMeetups. This past Tuesday we held our 2nd event, TechMeetups Startup Night - Social Enterprises: Thank you to those who attended and a huge thank you to our great speakers. Three of your fellow members participated in the panel sessions, two of which are also co-organizers. The three are: Hannah Lane (co-founder at Kumbu), Rik Willard (founder at Rule7Media) and Michael Bernstein (founder at PenPal News) - you're all involved in truly amazing initiatives and it was a pleasure to have you on a panel. Great news from TechMeetups HQ: TechMeetups is now in 8 cities! This week Bangalore, Bangkok, Miami and Singapore were added within the organization. If you have friends or relatives in these cities, let them know TechMeetups is in town! Of course this also means, as members of NYSA meetup, you will be kept up to date on the startup community within all 8 locations and are encouraged to get involved within the communities. Come join us 24-26 of Feb - We're hosting a mobile hackathon! The next event in only a few weeks away and we're very excited to see some familiar faces and meet more of the community. If you're an idea generator, developer, marketing guru, designer (or just want to come hangout for 48hrs) sign up for the hackathon here. And incase you're wondering how worthwhile this event is going to be - it's being hosted, simultaneously, in New York, Dallas, San Francisco, London, Paris and Berlin. We'll be livestreaming parts of the event and having live chats with the other cities. There will be three "Best App" winners, 1 per city and 2 Global winners (Peoples Choice and Bloggers Choice). Each selected app will gain worldwide recognition.

New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter

Shout out to Onty: Onty (hope you're reading) thank you for the very kind comment you left on the meetup page for Tuesday's event. It warmed the hearts of all us NYSA organizers comments like that is why we're here. Look forward to seeing you at more events!

Cheers, Luisa New York Silicon Alley @techmeetupsNYSA

New York Silicon Alley February Meetup BeMyApp Mobile App Olympics 2012 February 24-26, 2012 6:00 PM Seidenberg School of CSIS (Pace University) 163 William Street, 2nd & 3rd Floor, New York, NY [ RSVP HERE ] 30-Jan: IQPC 10th Timberland Investment World Summit 30-Jan: LegalTech New York 2012 30-Jan: BIGDATA MediaCrossMedia (MXM) 30-Jan: I Survived a Hostile Takeover of a Biotech Company 30-Jan: Introduction to Developing Entrepreneurial Ideas 30-Jan: Prototyping the User Experience 30-Jan: Introduction to Product Management 31-Jan: Big Data & Analytics Roundtable

New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter

31-Jan: Storytelling: Telling Your Brand Story Online 31-Jan: Executive Forum with Vice Chancellor of SUNY, Dr. Mitch Leventhal Network with Business Leaders 31-Jan: Making Startups Work - Optimizing the Front End 01-Feb: Xconomy Forum: New Yorks Venture Emergence 01-Feb: Programming for Non-Programmers 01-Feb: New Date For: Second Annual Linchpins Celebration! 01-Feb: IP 101 for Startups 01-Feb: OnMedia NYC 2012 02-Feb: Designing the Customer Experience 02-Feb: Crafting Tablet Magazines 02-Feb: Startup Roundtable Series 7 - Mobile 02-Feb: Kinect Accelerator Tour - New York 02-Feb: Tech@NYU Intro to Web Development Workshop 02-Feb: Introduction to Web Usability 02-Feb: Introduction to Branding & Identity Workshop 03-Feb: NYC EDU Startup Weekend 03-Feb: Women 2.0 Founder Friday New York 03-Feb: Building an Elite Product Development Team - Free One-day Workshop in NY

New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter

04-Feb: Pitching and Selling with Confidence 04-Feb: API Hackday NYC 05-Feb: Finding Co-founders

New York wants to be a subsequent Silicon Valley January 25, 2012 For years now opposite cities not usually in a U.S. though opposite a universe have hoped to turn a subsequent Silicon Valley though nothing of them have somewhat come tighten to contest opposite a Tech Capital of a world.But its good famous news that New York City has been strongly creation efforts to win that crown. Silicon Alley Gets (Statistical) Backing January 24, 2012 A report released Wednesday by real estate services company CBRE Group Inc adds empirical evidence to claims that Manhattans Midtown South really is Silicon Alley. Why be a Part of BeMyApp? January 24, 2012 BeMyApp weekends (@bemyapp) took Londons tech community by storm in 2011 and the movement is set to get even bigger in 2012. Its easy to see why mobile hackathons like BeMyApp are so popularhackathons present an exciting platform for developers, designers, marketers and app idea generators to meet up and work on collaborative app projects. Participants come together to work on an idea over a weekend with the aim of having an at least part-working prototype in 48 hours. NYC to Open Its First Software Engineering High School January 23, 2012 New York City is taking another step toward becoming Silicon Alley the East Coasts own tech hub with the grand opening of the citys first software engineering-specialized high school. Silicon Valley Taunts NYC Over Tech Aspirations January 23, 2012 It looks like Silicon Alley has a way to go before its taken seriously by its west coast counterpart. This weekend, the San Jose Mercury News published a piece of snark ridiculing New York Citys would-be role as tech usurper.

New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter

Yahoo! Cheerio to the chief January 22, 2012 FOND of his informal title of chief Yahoo, Jerry Yang has been an influential figure at the internet firm for many years. But on January 17th Yahoo! announced that Mr Yang, who co-founded the business in 1995 with David Filo, had resigned from its board of directors and would also step down from all other positions he holds at the firm. He is likely to be followed out of the door by a number of other board members in coming weeks. Internet regulation: Black ops January 22, 2012 ON JANUARY 18th a slew of prominent websites, including Wikipedia, Reddit and Mozilla, will show the world what they might look like if two bills under debate in Americas Congress come into force. For twelve hours starting at 8am Eastern time (1pm GMT) the portals pages will go black. Wikipedia will be dark for all of Wednesday Eastern time (starting at 5am GMT). Jimmy Wales, Wikipedias founder, has already advised students in a tweet to do their homework early. A SOPA/PIPA Blackout Explainer January 21, 2012 Hundreds, if not thousands, of websites are expected to go dark or alter themselves Wednesday to protest proposed U.S. anti-piracy legislation that many believe goes too far fighting online copyright and trademark infringement. New Age Companies Promising Even Better Tomorrow for Midtown South Owners January 21, 2012 Manhattan vacancy rates declined steadily into the fourth quarter of 2011 as a continued wave of new age companies solidified Midtown South as the least vacant central business district in the nation. BeMyApp Participant Story 2 January 20, 2012 Mauricio Salazar, Technologist, Team Last Sandwich BeMyApp Participant Story 1 January 20, 2012 James Hamilton, Designer/Developer, Team Last Sandwich

New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter

Android Developer @ ribot (Full-Time) [Brighton, UK] Were looking for someone with strong Android skills, specifically: Strong Android codebase brain, Android ROMing (Youre able to build ROMs *almost* effortlessly), Very good Java skills, Custom Views (canvas, bitmaps and graphics), Content resolvers (contacts, messages etc), Data storage. Technical Co-Founder/CTO @ CarbonUnity (Part-Time) [Anywhere] The requirement for this role is to ensure the successful execution of the business mission through development and deployment of its web presence. This requires supporting the management team envisioning the service offerings as a web-based business, leading implementation of web applications, and planning for risk and growth. Software Engineer @ Model Two Zero (Full-Time) [London, UK] We are currently looking for a software engineer who enjoys writing code and wants to work with a fast-growing company. Our team is small, so the role is flexible. At Model Two Zero, everybody (we mean everybody) writes code, and so will you but we will also involve you in decision making. Your goal, as ours, will be to move the company forward. Senior Java Developer @ Gravytrain (Full-Time) [Anywhere] We are seeking an enthusiastic and experienced Java Lead with some Project Management skills to help contribute towards and oversee the development of the companys Social Networking offerings.


How-Tos: Entrepreneurs Talk Customer Acquisition, Social Media & More In New Video Series TechCrunch Lean Startup: Look Before You Leap Visual Studio Magazine

New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter

NYC tech takes on the classroom Crains New York Business How Olibert, the Anti-TOMS, Makes Shoes and Jobs in Africa GOOD Golden ladies of NYC: Female entrepreneurs find funding, community in New York New York Daily News Media And Tech Startups Drive Manhattan Office Surge: Report Huffington Post (Reuters) Tips On Finding An Accelerator To Ignite Your Startup Fast Company DreamIt Ventures Launches First Israel-U.S. Accelerator TechCrunch Local startup accelerator program ignites second year launch Nola Interview: Eric Ries, Author Of The Lean Startup Wired Epicenter

More Startup info at TechStartHub

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