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The standard toolbar is shown in Figure 4-27. Figure 4-27The Standard Toolbar.

The Standard Toolbar gives the user access to file operations, printing, movement of data blocks, the undo system, and to some of the powerful tools like the function creator and the graphing system. New File. Create a new file.

Open Open an existing file.

Save Save the current worksheet to disk.

Print Print the current worksheet or workbook to a file or a printer.

Print Preview Display a print preview of the current worksheet.

Cut Copy the cells in the current selection to the clipboard buffer and mark them to be deleted from the current position. The cells will only be removed if they are pasted into a new position.

Copy Copy the cells in the current selection to the clipboard buffer.

Paste Paste the contents of the clipboard buffer into the active cell.

Undo Undoes the last operation undertaken.

Redo This is the reverse of the undo operation, restoring its original state.

Insert a hyperlink This button opens a dialog to allow the user to define a hyperlink either internally within the spreadsheet or to an external resource such as a web page.

Sum into the current cell Starts a simple sum formula in the selected cell with Gnumeric simply waiting for a selection to be made to complete the sum. The user selects the destination cell, pushes this button, enters the range to be summed and pushes the confirm button (green arrow) in the data entry area or types the Return key.

The function druid This button will start a formula in the current cell using the function druid.

Sort Ascending Sorts the selected region in ascending order based on the first column selected.

Sort Descending Sorts the selected region in descending order based on the first column selected.

Graph This button calls the graph druid to create a graph.

Insert Object This button will insert a component object into the current worksheet. Components are the way that the GNOME project has chosen to enable certain programs to use others

within themselves. Gnumeric is able to use the Guppi plotting program and the Dia diagramming program in this way.

Insert Shaped Component This button allows user to insert a component into Gnumeric that is not a simple rectangle but may have an arbitrary shape. This functionality is currently not used but provided for future needs.

Zoom The zoom button allows the users to trade-off the extent of the worksheet which is visible against the size of the visible text and cells. General Toolbar Behavior

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