Mini Research

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Contets o Acknowledgement o Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Literature 3. Methology 4. Result 4.1. 4.2. Case Study One Case Study Two

4.2.1. Experiment One 4.2.2. Experiment Two 5. Discussion 6. Conclussion 7. Recommendation References Appendix Acknowledgement I should like to acknowledge the support of my colleges in developing and progress reading this report. Were this funded? I would also acknowledge my funding body here as well as the input of any supervisor or other internal or external assistance. Abstract Abstract should usually be no more than 100-150 words. They provide a brief summary of therefore including the methods used, the key finding and conclusion. An example of two-line

abstract of this reports follows. Provides an outline of an example report and a summary of the main elements. A report should include report writing, check lot for use by students.

1. Introduction This report provides an example structure for a report each section is considerably shorter than it would need to be for a full academic report. The intention os to provide an overview of the main sections that most report should have. 2. Literary Review Having introduction my topic, I should then review what the literary has to say about it. 3. Methodology If this were a research report, I would outline methodology at this stage.


A Report on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Smoking Meyllisa 083112200350066 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Report Writing Course January 9, 2012

Acknowledgement I would like to thank my lecturer Mr. Everything Ok for the valuable advice and support he has given me in the writing of this report. I would also like to thank my teachers, Mrs. Sonia and Mr. Evert for their encouragement and guidance. Thanks also to my typist, Ms. Adel, for her immaculate job and her suggestions. My deepest thanks go to my wife/husband (if have), for his love, understands and supports. (100 words) Summary /Abstract

This study was to find out the advantages and disadvantages of smoking requested by Mr. Evert. It was requested on January 9, 2012. The investigation was done by Class Discussion.. The main finding were that .. it was concluded that.. the recommendation are that should be..(100-150 words).

Introduction Background(100 words) This report has been written because it was requested by. It was requested on. (100 words). 1. Objectives (tujuan penelitian) The objectives of this report are two.. (100 words) 2. Scope (ruang lingkup) This report examines.. it does not examine. Because (100 words). 3. Methodology The methods of this mini research done by discussion and take the class respondents. Choosen by the method of class discussion were surveyed from January 9, 2012 to January 9, 2012. The statistics were analyzed using a test because the significance of the results was (100 words).

4. Findings 4.1. Introduction

5. Conclusion

The main conclusion that can be drawn is therefore that (in the lost of this, recommended that(+a general recommendation, e.g. that something needs to be changed.) The detail ed recommendation section below). 6. Recommendation In the light of these conclusion, I recommended that should be international addition, a could (100 kata).

GRAMMAR NOTE: To make suggestion and recommendations, you should use could infinitive verb (if you are less sure), or should + infinitive verb (if you are more sure). You could also suggest + or suggest that + a subjection (e.g. we) + a verb (e.g. could)+also use infinitive verb). DO NOT use Suggest to.

REMEMBER!!!: Ini Cuma contoh pas ujian bikin sendiri formatnya kegini bahan nanti dikaso langsung sama pak evert pas ujian. okay.. GOOD LUCK.!!!!

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