Ujian Diagnostik Tahun 6 2012

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SCIENCE DIAGNOSTIC TEST FOR YEAR 6 NAME :______________________________________ CLASS : _____________________ SECTION A [30 marks] Each question is followed

by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. Arahan: Setiap soalan diikuti oleh empat jawapan pilihan, A, B, C, dan D. Pilih jawapan yang betul. 1. Which of the following is not the basic need of humans? Antara berikut yang manakah bukan keperluan asas manusia? A 2. Air Udara B Car Kereta C Water Air D Food Makanan

Plants will wilt and die if they do not get... Tumbuhan akan layu dan mati jika tumbuhan tidak mendapat... I air. udara II water, air. III food. makanan IV sunlight. cahaya matahari. A I, II, and III C II, III and IV B I, II and IV D I, II, III and IV Which of the following aquatic animals breathe through their lungs? Antara haiwan akuatik yang berikut, manakah yang bernafas melalui peparu? I Turtles Penyu II Squids Sotong III Stingrays Ikan pari IV Dolphins Ikan lumba-lumba A I and II only C II and III only B I and IV only D III and IV only Which of the following diagrams shows the response of a human to a stimulus? Antara rajah yang berikut, manakah yang menunjukkan gerak balas manusia terhadap rangsangan?




Which waste materials are produced when humans excrete? Bahan yang manakah disingkirkan apabila manusia berkumuh? I Urine Air kencing III Water Air II Sweat Peluh IV Faeces Tinja A I and IV only C II, III and IV only B I, II and III only D I, II, III and IV Diagram 1 shows four animals classified into two groups, P and Q. Rajah 1 menunjukkan haiwan-haiwan yang dikumpulkan kepada dua kumpulan, P dan Q. What are the characteristics of the animals in P and Q? Apakah ciri-ciri haiwan yang terdapat di P dan Q?


P A B C D Breathing through the lungs Bernafas melalui peparu Giving birth Melahirkan anak Excreting through the kidneys Berkumuh melalui ginjal Excreting through the lungs Berkumuh melalui peparu

Q Breathings through the gills Bernafas melalui insang Laying eggs Bertelur Excreting through the moist skin Berkumuh melalui kulit lembap Excreting through the gills Berkumuh melalui insang


Bamboo plants can survive in strong winds because... Pokok buluh boleh hidup dalam keadaan angin kencang kerana... A their leaves are divided to reduce the resistance of the wind. daunnya yang berbelah-belah mengurangkan rintangan angin. B their stems can sway easily with the wind. batangnya boleh melentur dengan mudah bersama angin. C their roots grow deep into the ground to grip the soil. akarnya tumbuh jauh ke dalam tanah untuk mencengkam tanah. D they have strong buttress roots. pokok buluh mempunyai akar banir yang kuat. The information below shows a characteristic of a planet. Maklumat di bawah menunjukkan satu ciri sebuah planet. It lies on its side as it moves round the Sun. Planet ini berputar pada sisinya sambil bergerak mengelilingi Matahari What is the name of the planet? A Mars Marikh C Uranus Uranus Apakah nama planet ini? B Jupiter Musytari D Neptune Neptun



Which of the following vehicles is not an example of technology in the field of transport? Antara kenderaan yang berikut, bukan dalam bidang pengangkutan?


Which of the following diseases is not contagious? Antara penyakit berikut, yang manakah tidak berjangkit? A Flu Selesema B Ringworm Kurap C Chicken pox Cacar air D Tooth decay Gigi reput


Diagram 21 shows a slice of bread that has turned bad. Rajah 2 menunjukkan sekeping roti yang bertukar menjadi rosak.

Diagram 2 l Rajah 2 What causes the change in the food shown above? Apakah yang menyebabkan perubahan dalam makanan yang ditunjukkan di atas? A. Bacteria B Virus C Fungi D Protozoa Bakteria Virus Kulat Protozoa 12. Which of the following animals is not correctly matched with its way of survival? Antara haiwan berikut, yang manakah tidak dipadankan dengan betul dengan cara kemandiriannya?


Diagram 3 shows four living things found in a habitat. Rajah 3 menunjukkan empat hidupan yang terdapat dalam satu habitat. Which of the following is a food chain formed by the living things above? Antara berikut, yang manakah rantai makanan yang dibentuk oleh hidupan di atas? A. P R Q S B. R P S Q C. Q S R P D. P R S Q


Which of the following is the main source of energy? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah adalah sumber tenaga utama? A. The Sun B. Fuel C. The wind D. Food Matahari Bahan api Angin Makanan

15 Diagram 4 shows a rice cooker. Rajah 8 menunjukkan sebuah periuk nasi. Diagram 4 / Rajah 4 Which sequence shows the correct transformation of energy when we use it? Antara berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan urutan perubahan tenaga yang benar apabila kita menggunakannya?

A. B. C. D. 16.

Electrical energysound energy Potential energy electrical energy Electrical energyheat energysound energy Heat energyelectrical energy + sound energy

Diagram 5 shows an investigation. Rajah 5 menunjukkan satu penyiasatan.

Diagram 5/ Rajah 5 Which of the following shows the shape of the shadow formed on the screen? Antara berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan bentuk bayang-bayang yang terbentuk pada skrin?


What happens when an object loses heat? Apakah yang berlaku apabila sesuatu objek A It contracts. C Ia mengecut. B It becomes warmer. D. la menjadi lebih panas. Diagram 6 shows an investigation.

kehilangan haba? Its temperature increases Suhunya meningkat. It expands. Ia mengembang.


The investigation above can prove that A iron ball is a heat conductor B iron ball expands when it is heated C iron ball contracts when it is heated D iron ball becomes hot when it is heated 19. Why Ahmad is not able to see his friend who is standing behind a wall? A His friend is an opaque object B The wall is an opaque object C The wall is a transparent object D Ahmad did not wear his glasses 20. What type of object does not allow light to pass through it? A Translucent B Transparent C Transplant D Opaque


Table I shows the results of one investigation. Liquid P Q R S Red litmus paper Turns into blue No change No change Turns into blue Blue litmus paper No change Turns into red No change No change

Based on the results in Table above, which of the following statements is not true? A Liquid P is an alkaline substance. C Liquid R is a neutral substance. B Liquid Q is an acidic substance. D Liquid S is a neutral substance. 22. Diagram 7 shows how water is circulated on Earth. Rajah 7 menunjukkan bagaimana air dikitar di Bumi.

Diagram 7 /Rajah 7 Which process takes place at X? Proses apakah yang berlaku di X? A Melting Peleburan C Evaporation Penyejatan B Freezing Pembekuan D Condensation Kondensasi 23. 24. The earth moves around the _____ A moon B earth



The information below lists four planets in the Solar System. P Venus Q Pluto R - Uranus S - Pluto

Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the planets from the smallest to the biggest? A P, Q, R, S B Q, P, R, S C S, R, Q, P D R, Q, P, S 25. Technology can benefit mankind if it is used _______ A unwisely C at random B wisely D bluntly Based on Figure 8, what is the phase of the moon when it is at position X ?


27. A sailor is unable to navigate his ship at night because the navigation system is down. Which of the following can he use to find his way? Seorang pelayar menghadapi masalah untuk menentukan arah kapalnya pada waktu malam kerana sistem penunjuk arahnya mengalami kerosakan. Antara berikut, yang manakah boleh beliau gunakan untuk menentukan arah kapalnya?


Dalam satu penyiasatan, sehelai daun tumbuhan ditutup dengan sekeping kertas berwarna hitam seperti dalam Rajah 1. The investigation is carried out to show that Penyiasatan ini dijalankan untuk menunjukkan bahawa A B C D plants need air tumbuhan memerlukan udara plants need food tumbuhan memerlukan makanan plants need water tumbuhan memerlukan air plants need sunlight tumbuhan memerlukan cahaya matahari

Diagram 9 Rajah 9


Which of the following beakers contains water of the highest temperature? Antara bikar berikut, yang manakah mempunyai air yang paling panas? A C


Figure 12 shows an investigation carried out by a pupil. The pupil cannot see the flame of the candle when cardboard C is moved to the right. Rajah 12 menunjukkan satu penyiasatan yang dijalankan oleh seorang murid. Murid itu tidak dapat melihat nyalaan lilin apabila kadbod C digerakkan ke sebelah kanan.

Figure 12 / Rajah12 This is because lni kerana A light is reflected cahaya dipantulkan B light is not bright cahaya tidak terang C D light is dispersed cahaya disebarkan light travels in straight lines cahaya bergerak lurus

Section B [20 marks] This section consists of 4 questions. You are advised to spend 30 minutes to answer the questions in this section. Bahagian ini mengandungi 4 soalan. Kamu dinasihati supaya mengambil masa 30 minit untuk menjawab soalan dalam bahagian ini. Answer all the questions. Jawab semua soalan 1. Picture below shows the reaction of three animals when faced with certain situations. Gambar di bawah menunjukkan tindakan tiga haiwan apabila berhadapan dengan situasi tertentu.


Animal X / Haiwan X Animal Y / Haiwan Y Animal Z / Haiwan Z Squirting black ink Curling its body Camourflage Memancutkan dakwat Menggulungkan badannya Penyamaran diri Hitam State one reason (inference) based on the reaction of animals when facing with certain situations. Nyatakan satu sebab (inferen) berdasarkan tindakan haiwan apabila berhadapan dengan situasi yang tertentu. ___________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark / 1 markah]


State two information gathered during this investigation. Nyatakan dua maklumat yang dikumpul dalam penyiasatan ini. (i) (ii) ______________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________ _ [ 2 marks / 2 markah ]


What is the purpose of this investigation? Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark / 1 markah ]


A group of pupils carried out an investigation. They put different amounts of load into two boxes that are of the same size. Then one of the pupils tried to push the boxes. Table 1 shows the results of the investigation. Sekumpulan murid menjalankan suatu penyiasatan. Mereka meletakkan beban yang berlainan ke dalam dua kotak yang sama saiz. Kemudian seorang daripada murid itu cuba menolak kotak-kotak tersebut. Jadual 1 menunjukkan keputusan penyiasatan. Box Kotak P Q Load (kg) Beban (kg) 20 50 Observation Pemerhatian The box can be pushed easily. Kotak dapat ditolak dengan mudah. The box is hard to push. Kotak sukar ditolak. TABLE 1/JADUAL 1

(a) What is the purpose (aim) of the investigation? Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark][markah] (b) In this investigation, state... Dalam penyiasatan ini, nyatakan... i. what is changed (manipulated variable), pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan,

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark][markah] ii. what is kept the same (constant variable), pemboleh ubah dimalarkan,

_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark][markah] iii. what is observed (responding variable). pemboleh ubah bergerak balas.

_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark][markah] (c) What will happen if the boxes are pushed on a rougher surface? Apakah yang akan berlaku jika kotak-kotak itu ditolak di atas permukaan yang lebih kasar? __________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark][markah] (d) What conclusion can be drawn from the investigation? Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat daripada penyiasatan ini? __________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark][markah]


Diagram shows an investigation that was carried out by Azizah. The temperature of a beaker of boiled water is recorded every 5 minutes. Rajah menunjukkan satu penyiasatan yang dilakukan oleh Azizah. Suhu satu bikar air mendidih direkod setiap 5 minit.

Table shows the result of the investigation. Jadual menunjukkan keputusan bagi penyiasatan itu. Time ( minute ) Masa ( minit ) Temperature of the water Suhu air a) 0 100 5 90 10 80 15 70 20 60

What is the trend the temperature of the water? Apakah corak suhu air? __________________________________________________________


State the relationship between the time and the temperature of the water. Nyatakan satu perhubungan di antara masa dan suhu air __________________________________________________________


Predict the temperature of the water at 30 minutes. Ramalkan suhu air selepas 30 minit __________________________________________________________ State the following : Nyatakan yang berikut : I What is change? : Pemboleh ubah manipulasi? _____________________________________________________ 2. What to keep the same? Pemboleh ubah yang dimalarkan? _____________________________________________________ ( 5 marks )




E : evaporation R : rain

C : condensation S : sea

W : water vapour X : thick cloud

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