Cat Hoarseness

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Cat Hoarseness

Hoarseness is usually caused by an inflammation of the larynx ("voice box"), condition called laryngitis. The cat's meow may sound different or may be temporarily lost. Bacterial or viral infections are common causes of laryngitis, as are overworked vocal cords. Cat Hoarseness Causes There can be various causes behind the hoarseness of the voice of your cat. The following are some of the probable causes behind the development of the cat hoarseness.

One of the most common causes behind the hoarse voice of your cat might be due to incidence of a upper respiratory ailment. In most cases cats with a history of respiratory disorders for a prolonged period of time might suffer from hoarse voice. The infection in the respiratory tract would lead to the inflammation of the nasal cavities and the throat. The hoarseness of the voice is generally accompanied with occasional coughing and sneezing. If the nasal passage of the cat gets damaged due to the prolonged illness caused due to the chronic form of the herpes virus. The hoarse voice caused due to the infection is often accompanied by sneezing, nasal discharge even bleeding of the nose. The incidence of hyperthyroidism may also lead to the cat hoarseness. The hyperthyroidism is the condition when the thyroid gland secretes the thyroid hormone (T4) to an excess level. If you find your cat to be losing weight in spite of having a normal or a more than a normal diet, you are recommended to take your cat to avet click for a thyroid nest. The development of polyps in the nasal chamber or the ear passage of the cat may lead to the hoarseness of the cats voice. The formation of polyps in the nasal cavity is quite common and the cat hoarseness may be accompanied by sneezing and coughing as well. The formation of cancerous tumors in the pharyngeal and the laryngeal regions may lead to the development of the hoarseness of the voice. Though quite rare but the hoarseness might be caused due to the laryngeal paralysis. In laryngeal paralysis the folds of the larynx may not open and move backwards properly while breathing leading to the change of the voice. Laryngeal paralysis can also be the result of your pet being exposed to the disease called rabies. The cat might also suffer from hoarse voice when inflammation or infection develops in the nasal or pharyngeal cavity due to the intrusion of any foreign object in it.

Immediate medical attention may help your cat to get rid of the diseases responsible for the cat hoarseness efficiently. Cat Hoarseness Home Remedies Time is the best remedy if there is no fever or other signs of illness. If no improvement occurs in three days, see your veterinarian. Cat Hoarseness Treatment If an infection is suspected, blood tests or radiographs of the chest may be needed for treatment of coughs.

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