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Amity Business School, Noida

Amity Business School, Noida


Once the problem has been carefully defined, the researcher needs to establish the plan that will outline the investigation to be carried out. The research design indicates the steps that will be taken and in what sequence they occur. There are two main types of research design: 1. 2. Exploratory research Conclusive research itself subdivided into Descriptive research and Causal research Each of these types of research design can rely on one or more data collection techniques: 1. Primary research Observation technique Direct communication with subjects, e.g. survey technique, interview or Projective methods 2. Secondary research, which essentially means reviewing literature and data sources, collected for some other purpose than the study at hand. This stage shall help the researchers to restrict and select only the important question and issue, which inhabit growth and segmentation in the industry. These set of

Amity Business School, Noida questions are then proposed to be studied under a descriptive research setting finally leading to formation of hypotheses and testing under causal research.




Focus Group Expert interview Secondary Data Analysis

Single Cross Sectional Design

The Hypothetico-deductive method was adopted by the researchers. As the Hypothetico-deductive method utilises and equips its findings by establishing a relationship of concept with theory, and specifies the test to be applied especially in context of meaningful value judgment. Its validity can be determined when it is tested for

Amity Business School, Noida which the use and effect of hypothesize is actual and essential, which helps in establishing value judgments for its variables (Sekaran)

1.2 Research Techniques

There are many different ways for the investigator to collect data from subjects by communicating directly with them either in person, through others or through a document, such as a questionnaire. Direct communication is used in both qualitative and quantitative research. Each has a number of different techniques: 1. Qualitative research techniques

In-depth interview Focus group Projective methods Case study Pilot study

2. Quantitative research techniques

Telephone Self-administered In-person Interview Questionnaires

Projective Technique Deeply held attitudes and motivations are often not verbalized by respondents when questioned directly. Indeed, respondents may not even be aware that they hold

Amity Business School, Noida these particular attitudes, or may feel that their motivations reflect badly on them. Projective techniques allow respondents to project their subjective or true opinions and beliefs onto other people or even objects. The respondents real feelings are then inferred from what s/he says about others. Projective techniques are normally used during individual or small group interviews. They incorporate a number of different research methods. Among the most commonly used are:

Word association test Sentence completion test Picture test

While deceptively simple, projective techniques often require the expertise of a trained psychologist to help devise the tests and interpret them correctly.


We have used quantitative research techniques to conduct market research. As we have already discussed types of methods used in quantitative research techniques, following are the methods we have used.


The use of the telephone has been found to be one of the most inexpensive, quick and efficient ways of surveying respondent. Telephone surveys also allow for random sampling, allowing for the extrapolation of characteristics from the sample to the population as a whole. There tends to be less interviewer bias than in interview surveys, especially if the interviewers are trained and supervised to ensure consistent interview administration. The

Amity Business School, Noida absence of face-to-face contact can also be an advantage since respondents may be somewhat more inclined to provide sensitive information. Further, some people are reluctant to be approached by strangers, whether at their home or in a more public location, which can be overcome by the more impersonal use of the telephone.


Face-to-face interviews are a direct communication, primary research collection technique. If relatively unstructured but in-depth, they tend to be considered as part of qualitative research. When administered as an intercept survey or door-to-door, they are usually part of quantitative research. The opportunity for feedback to the respondent is a distinct advantage in personal interviews. Not only is there the opportunity to reassure the respondent should s/he be reluctant to participate, but the interviewer can also clarify certain instructions or questions. The interviewer also has the opportunity to probe answers by asking the respondent to clarify or expand on a specific response. The interviewer can also supplement answers by recording his/her own observations, for instance there is no need to ask the respondents gender or the time of day/place where the interview took place. The length of interview or its complexity can both be much greater than in other survey techniques. At the same time, the researcher is assured that the responses are actually provided by the person intended, and that no questions are skipped. Referred to as item non-response, it is far less likely to occur in personal interviews than in telephone or self-administered surveys. Another distinct advantage of this technique is that props or visual aid can be used. It is not uncommon, for instance, to provide a written response alternatives where these are complex or very numerous. Also, new products or concepts can be demonstrated as part of the interview. Personal interviews provide significant scope for interviewer error or bias. Whether it is the tone of voice, the way a question is rephrased when clarified or even the

Amity Business School, Noida gender and appearance of the interviewer, all have been shown to potentially influence the respondents answer. It is therefore important that interviewers are well trained and that a certain amount of control is exercised over them to ensure proper handling of the interview process. This makes the interview survey one of the most costly survey methods.


The focus of our primary research consisted of using two methods of qualitative study. The first were in-depth, personal interviews. Respondents were asked questions about the furniture they were owning, and why they are preferring that particular furniture only and other questions regarding the ranking of the attributes of furniture. We as Interviewers also observed the general feelings and perceptions of other, noninterviewed viewers who were watching the game. Those who were interviewed were selected based on their willingness to volunteer to be interviewed during the game. Participants were asked a series of questions about past experience, their buying frequency, what branded furniture they liked.



The furniture sector in India only makes a marginal contribution to the formation of GDP, representing just a small percentage (about 0.5%). The furniture production in the year 2001 was around 2.2 billion Euros. That means an increase from 1999, where the furniture production was only 1.93 billion Euros.
Furniture Production

Amity Business School, Noida

Figure 2 Furniture production billion Euros

The furniture industry in India can be considered a non organized sector. Handicraft production account for about 85% of the furniture production in India. The office furniture segment is the one that boasts the most important companies, both from the point of view of size and of the technological innovation of the production. The furniture industry employs a total of around 300,000 workers. In 1999 the value of furniture sales in India was just over 1,800 million Euros at production prices. The annual per capita consumption of furniture in India is no more than 11 Euros. The internationalization of the furniture sector is poor. In 1998 India ranked 48th among furniture exporters and 49 th among importers. Cause to explain that situation can be found on one hand the high import duty applied until 1998, on the one hand, and on the other from the low technological level of Indian companies and the local tastes and traditions that influence the style of the products offered, making them difficult to export.The future on the furniture sector in India seems positive. From the commercial point of view India shows good perspectives to sell furniture in the follow years. First of all because its size and secondly because Indian taste have started to be more refine looking Indian people for more western furniture style.

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The furniture production in 2001 has been worth for about 2.000 billion Euros.

Over the period 1996-99 average annual growth in the Indian furniture industry reached 3%. After four year of prosperity the Indian furniture sector slowdown 10% in 1999 due to the cyclical situation of the economy. In the last two years the furniture sector has been recovered from the 99 crisis and show annual growth rates of 3-3.5%. Despite the forecast growth, India is still a country with a furniture industry that is not particularly developed, not only in comparison to western countries (Germany, Italy, the United States), but also compared to the rest of South East Asia (both in the absolute value of the sector and in terms of percentage of GDP, which is about 0.5%). The principal cause of this situation is that furniture production is typically mainly a craftsmens activity and the process of industrialization, which is fairly advanced in other industries, has yet to be implemented in the furniture case. An example

Amity Business School, Noida of the evolution of the furniture sector in the last years is the use of the materials like: laminates, plastic and marble and with a constant increase in the use of panels. Another new element is the greater attention that local producers pay to include design and technological innovation in their supply. Although still bound to a product model that is typical of the British colonial style, the Indian industry is making great progress in offering furniture of a more modern design to consumers who are increasingly demanding the standards of quality and design found in western countries. 1.4.3 FURNITURE CONSUMPTION Obviously the purchasing power is completely in the hands of the upper segments of the Indian population. One study carried out by the World Bank attributed 33% of private consumption in India to the richest 10% of the population (in terms of per capita income), whereas the poorest decile of the Indian population claimed only 3% of consumption. If the richest 20% of the population are considered, the quota of total consumption attributable to this group is around 47%. Analyses carried out by important world researchers and the classification of Indian consumers conducted by research institutes are still not enough to provide an estimate of the size of the potential market. Having said that a quarter of the worlds poor lives in India and a not very large number of rich people, we still need to quantify that middle class of consumers that forms the potential market for foreign companies wishing to sell on the Indian market.


Amity Business School, Noida In India there are 33 million families, or roughly 200 million people, have an average annual income of over US$ 1,300. This section of the population is more or less the Indian market for consumer goods including furniture. Data for income distribution is however not sufficient to be able to determine the size of the market, which varies according to the type of goods considered. The number varies from 300 million people to 100 million according to the consumer good in question. This situation may be the result of a lack of uniformity within the middle class and of the huge differences in the prices charged in different areas of the country for the same product. Consumer purchasing power in India seems to be more closely linked to the location of the consumer than to the income. Family habits therefore play a greater role in determining the size of the market than the distribution of income. If only consumer durables are considered of an international level, an estimate, felt by many local observers to be rather pessimistic, put the number at around 50 million (which would still make India a larger market than any European country). Despite the increasing urbanization of the country the richer section of the population does not necessarily live in the large cities. It is certainly true that in the four largest cities (Calcutta, Mumbai, New Delhi and Madras), which are home to about 60 million people, there is a concentration of the more westernized population in terms of tastes, but it is equally true that in the rural areas there is a large part of the wealthier classes and in general the population of these areas was not badly hit by the economic crisis of 1998-99. Also the population that resides in the country is, in turn, 30% concentrated in villages that often have the same number of inhabitants as a provincial town in Europe. So far foreign investors and local companies have ignored this segment of the market, which remains firmly ensconced in its own cultural and religious traditions and has not been affected by the consumerism typical of the urban population. But if this segment


Amity Business School, Noida were approached with targeted marketing strategies, the number of people effectively making up the Indian market for consumer goods would increase significantly.


The Indian market for furniture is worth approximately 1,700 million Euros and roughly 85% of this comes from the non-organized sector (craftsmen). There are few Indian companies that produce or sell brand name furniture. The home furniture segment claims 65% of furniture sales, the office segment 20% and contract the remaining 15%.

An Indian home is usually made up of three rooms (including kitchen and bathroom). While 25% of the population lives in homes with more than 5 rooms, 45% lives in houses with fewer than 3 rooms and 16% lives in just one room. With regard to the furniture itself, in the upper-middle class homes some rooms are furnished in the Indian style and others in typically European furnishings. The upper classes are very attentive to design and quality, and the price is rarely a discriminating factor in the consumption of top range consumer durables (and therefore also in the


Amity Business School, Noida consumption of furniture). Colonial furniture is still very common in India, but the fashion seems to be declining slowly. .


In primary research, data is collected specifically for the study at hand. It can be obtained either by the investigator observing the subject or phenomenon being studied or communicating directly or indirectly with the subject. Direct communication techniques include such qualitative research techniques as in-depth interview, focus group and projective techniques, and quantitative research techniques such as telephone, selfadministered and interview surveys.

Primary research can be as simple as asking customers or suppliers how they feel about a business or as complex as surveys conducted by professional marketing research firms. Direct mail questionnaires, telephone surveys, experiments, panel studies, test marketing, and behavior observation are all examples of primary research. Primary research is often divided into reactive and non-reactive research. Non-reactive primary research observes how real people behave in real market situations without influencing that behavior even accidentally. Reactive research, including surveys, interviews, and questionnaires, is best left to marketing professionals, as they can usually get more objective and sophisticated results. Those who can't afford high-priced marketing research services should consider asking nearby college or university business schools for help.


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Collection of data

Quantitative data
Surveys Questionnaires

Qualitative data
Observation Indirect observation Focus group Expert opinion Projective Word Association Picture Test


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Probability Sampling


Convenience Sampling Stratified Random Sampling

Judgmental Sampling Dis-proportional


Amity Business School, Noida No research can be done completely probabilistic therefore has to be some bit of nonprobabilistic nature also.


Format of Questionnaire

Funnel approach
A strategy for ordering questions in a questionnaire in which the sequence starts with the general questions progressively followed by specific questions in order to prevent specific questions being biasing from general questions.

Branching question
Where one question leads to another, which in turn helps in extracting more information from the respondents.


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Amity Business School, Noida

Observation is a primary method of collecting data by human, mechanical, electrical or electronic means. The researcher may or may not have direct contact or communication with the people whose behavior is being recorded. Observation techniques can be part of qualitative research as well as quantitative research techniques. There are four different ways of observation methods which was used in our Research are: Participant & Non-participant observation, depending on whether the researcher chooses to be part of the situation s/he is studying (e.g. studying social interaction of tour groups by being a tour participant would be participant observation which was used in your research Disguised & Non-disguised observation, depending on whether the subjects being observed are aware that they are being studied or not. In disguised observation, the researcher may pretend to be someone else, how we conduced was "just" another tourist participating in the tour group, as opposed to the other tour group members being aware that s/he is a researcher. Structured & Unstructured observation, which refers to guidelines or a checklist being used for the aspects of the behaviour that are to be recorded; for instance, noting who starts the introductory conversation between two tour group members and what specific words are used by way of introduction. Direct & Indirect observation, depending on whether the behaviour is being observed as it occurs or after the fact, as in the case of TV viewing, for instance, where choice of program and channel flicking can all be recorded for later analysis.


Amity Business School, Noida


Amity Business School, Noida


1.10.1 Interviewer Error There is interviewer bias in the questionnaire method. Open-ended questions can be biased by the interviewers views or probing, as interviewers are guiding the respondent while the questionnaire is being filled out. The attitudes the interviewer revels to the respondent during the interview can greatly affect their level of interest and willingness to answer openly. As interviewers probing and clarifications maximize respondent understanding and yield complete answers, these advantages are offset by the problems of prestige seeking, social desirability and courtesy biases.

1.10.2 Questionnaire Error The questionnaire designing has to careful so that only required data is concisely reveled and there is no redundant data generated. the questions have to be worded carefully so that the questions are not loaded and does not lead to a bias in the respondents mind

1.10.3 Respondent Error The respondents selected to be interviewed were not always available and willing to co operate also in some cases the respondents were found to not have the knowledge, opinion, attitudes or facts required additionally uninformed response errors and response styles also led to survey error.

1.10.4 Sampling Error We have taken the sample size of 200, which cannot determine the buying behavior of the total population. The sample has been drawn from only some part of north Indian marke


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Sample Size 20-30 years 30-40 years above 40 years WESTERN UP Location DELHI 1. Sec- 18, Atta Market 2. PVR SPICE 3. Sarita Vihar 4. Nehru Place Duration of the surveys Type of questionnaire No. of Questions involved Type of questions 10 days Structured 12 questions Eleven of them are close ended except one open end question. Likert Scale Ranking Scale Types of Scales Used Nominal Scales Ordinal scales Semantic differential scale Comparing brands. 50

Target Population



Amity Business School, Noida No. of professionals interviewed Duration of interview Two 3 minutes each - Regarding the furniture they use Types of question asked Reason for using that particular furniture. Can Furniture be taken as status symbol? Preference given while choosing the furniture.


Showroom visited

Furniture gallery Wadhwa furniture. Khan Market Style spa


Amity Business School, Noida


Furniture is one of the most significant assets that an Indian household considers and this project addresses the most simple but important issue i.e. Without understanding what consumer wants, it would be chasing a black cat in a dark room The project undertaken highlights the factors that influence the buying decision of a consumer. The factors under consideration were Price, Income of the consumer Attributes/ Features in the furniture, Durability, Comfortable, Stylishness, Multipurpose, Compactness, and latest trend and also gives a glimpse of the traditional mind set of Indian consumer regarding purchase of furniture. For the purpose the project following activities were undertaken: Surveying relevant consumer base through exhaustive questionnaire. Understand the elements underplaying in consumers mind. Deducing Co-relation between various factors and elements through different statistical methods.

Along with answering subtly the question: Is an Indian consumer ready for more? Itll strive to arrive at the factor, which is the driving motive behind the effective demand of furniture. Or in other words, from the spread of choices offered by various manufacturers under various segments, of which one the customer will finally turn appreciate & buy the furniture.


Amity Business School, Noida


The Indian furniture industry is estimated at around Rs 35,000 crore (Rs 350 billion). Eighty-five per cent of this falls into the unorganized sector. Some facts about Indian furniture Industry

The share of the wooden furniture market is around Rs 60 crore (Rs 600 million). The world home furniture market is worth Rs 20,000 crore (Rs 200 billion). During the past three years, it grew by 20 per cent a year. According to a World Bank study, the organized furniture industry is expected to grow by 20 per cent a year and India, Russia and Brazil will witness a boom. The range of indigenous furniture available in India includes both residential and contract system furniture, with an increased concentration in office and kitchen furniture.

Manufacturers in India generally use a three-tier selling and distribution structure, comprising the distributor, wholesaler and retailer. The total production of furniture in 2001-02 (according to Annual survey of Industry) was USD 3580 million. India was the biggest furniture importer in 2004-05, with a 17 per cent share in furniture imports worldwide. A total of 10,476 importers shipped furniture to India during this period.

The current imports are mainly from Italy, Germany, Spain, China, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Japan. The furniture market in India is mainly concentrated in A, B and C cities (the top 589 cities). It has been estimated that the top 784 urban centers contribute 41 per cent to the total consumer furniture market. A and B type cities together contribute 33 per cent of the total market. The furniture industry in India is considered as a "non organized" sector, with

handicraft production accounts for about 85% of the furniture production in India.


Amity Business School, Noida The furniture sector in India only makes a marginal contribution to the formation of GDP, representing just a small percentage (about 0.5%). Among all the types of furniture used, office furniture segment is the one that boasts the most important companies, both from the point of view of size and of the technological innovation of the production. The furniture industry employs a total of around 300,000 workers.

3.3 Customization in Furniture Industry

Nowadays Indian consumers would be dazzled by the array of new designs of furniture emerging in the market and would empty their wallets to get them. But. The biggest mistakes in any large system design are usually made on the first day They should never take customer for granted, dont make assumptions because it is the customer who decides the fate of any product or service by the way he/she responds to it. For the consumers in the past decades, the thought was My neighbor has bought it, my uncle has bought it and my friends have bought it & why should I be left behind? One good advertisement was able to easily exploit this psychology very well Neighbors Envy Owners Pride but now with the wise consumer this tactics wont work , they will neither be motivated by such consideration nor allow his/her judgment be clouded by advertisement . He makes it sure that the product has everything that he/she desires like value for money, trouble free service, durability, right price and want the furniture to be designed according to their own needs.


Amity Business School, Noida


India, the land of diversity has much to offer. Sofa sets, dining tables and chairs, garden chairs, shelves, book-stands... the list is endless, as is the variety available. Different materials like wood, cane and bamboo, metal etc. are used to make furniture, with each state having its own distinct style. The magnificent artistic skills of the artisans reflect the wide range of ethnic patterns. Furniture that was once exclusive to the royal palaces today adorns the drawing rooms of the houses belonging to common man, thanks to the exquisite workmanship of our craftsmen. Interior decoration with these pieces is bound to offer elegance. The choices range from vibrant colors to soft hues, from simple styles to the most intricate artwork; from your living room to your kitchen. They fill your house with taste and elegance. The various types of furniture are: Wooden Plastic Cane Wrought Iron Glass Branded Durian, Style spa, IKEA, Godrej etc.


Amity Business School, Noida

4.2 Wooden Furniture

The design and style of exclusive woodcraft glorifies the cultural richness of India. The skill of the wood workers of the India is not only restricted to domestic use, but also extended to the fashioning of panels, cabinets, doors, windows, temples and furniture. There has been a complete revival of the traditional and antique woodcraft, owing to its uniqueness and demand, both in India and abroad. Artisans are involved in continuous experimentation with designs and therefore creating a blend of traditional and modern woodcraft items. Carved wooden furniture is very popular and includes heavy carvings - inlay work, veneering, fretwork, and turned and lacquered work. The beautiful collection of wooden furniture adds to the beauty of both internal and external decor and is aesthetically adored for intricate craftsmanship and skillful designs. While designing wooden furniture, the Indian artisans make a perfect balance between design and safety. This balance lends exceptional curb appeal to the surroundings, along with the glazing in harmony with specific environmental conditions. Handcrafted from a large variety of exotic woods, the furniture is designed for both home and commercial uses with a more exacting standard for the ultimate beauty, efficiency and performance. Wood is available as:

Teak Deodar


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4.3 Plastic Furniture

Plastic furniture is not new to the furniture industry. Plastics are used tremendously for furniture. Initially it was considered as cheap option for furniture. But now a day due to latest technology & modernization good quality of plastic furniture is produced. Somehow plastic furniture is not extensively used as main furniture. Depending on raw material used we can categorize in following manner:

Rigid PVC (U - PVC): is a moderately priced rigid material that is strong, abrasion resistant, and naturally ignition resistant. It is co-extricable with flexible PVC, to produce a wide range of unique applications.

Flexible PVC (P - PVC): is a moderately priced flexible material, with a rubber or leather like feel. It is often the material of choice for bumper edges, refrigerator gaskets and seals. Ideal for components that have to bend easily

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS): is a rigid material noted for its structural rigidity, toughness, pleasant surface luster, and colourablity. It has a higher heat deflection temperature than PVC and is resistant to scuffing, staining, and chemicals.

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE): this material offers good chemical resistance, natural lubricity and provides excellent abrasion resistance. Polypropylene (PP): is similar to high density polyethylene. It is the material from which the "living hinge" extrusions are made. Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR): are flexible materials that provide better physical and thermal properties than PPVC.
Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) PP blended with EPDM.


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4.4 Cane Furniture

Cane furniture has long been a popular choice for conservatories offering a long life of superb comfort. Only premium quality cane is selected for our cane furniture ensuring a strong and durable product. Each of cane furniture unique designs are made to exacting specifications and finished in matt or gloss varnish. This finish provides a high performance surface that is tough, durable and easy to clean. Quality cane furniture gives

Superb comfort; A strong, durable and easy to clean product; Stylish design.

Cane furniture has always been favored among conservatory owners. This is due to the fact that conservatoriese can get very hot or cold depending on the time of year. Cane is very durable and so it is an ideal product in the making of conservatory furniture. Rattan is a thinner natural material and when used to make rattan furniture can produce some beautiful designs, it's proved popular over the years due to its durability and toughness. Conservatory Furniture Conservatory furniture by the Cane Furniture Warehouse is strong, light and available in a variety of quality designs to suit your style and pocket. Different people have varying tastes, and we try to cater for as many as we possibly can. Conservatory furniture is ideal when entertaining guests at a gettogether or party. Cane conservatory furniture can be used on the patio or in the garden; it's comfortable and perfect for relaxing after a day's work.


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4.5 Wrought Iron Furniture

Also referred to as the commercial form of iron, wrought iron is tough, malleable and can be bent and hammered. It serves as one of the most popular choices for making exclusive and highly ornate furniture. Wrought iron furniture a product of Indian artisans' savoir-faire design with perfected molds and modern finishes. Elegant and fashionable, the wrought iron furniture furnishes the homes with stunning style and handcrafted Indian artistry. Hand forged for uniqueness, quality wrought iron furniture provides a distinctive touch to the home, garden, office or living space. Handcrafted and art sculptured by Indian craftsman, all wrought iron items are beautiful works of art that can be proudly displayed in the house. They also make for great decorating gifts and craft items. Available in different sizes, styles and finish, the range of beautiful wrought iron furniture surely adds casual warmth to any decor. Furniture can also be adorned with beautiful fabrics and colorful cushions adding immense style and elegance to the interior setting. It is often treated with an exclusive sintering coating process that completely covers its surface-every corner and nook. The furniture range chiseled out in wrought iron resists scratching, peeling, fading, and chipping and stands up to the weather. is


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4.6 Glass Furniture

Three layers of glass laminated together. The center layer is fractured which creates a reflective, multi-faceted appearance. Though it seems little absurd to talk about Glass furniture as such BUT If you have gorgeous floors or sumptuous carpets that you hate to obscure with bulky furniture, or such strange and wonderful dcor that matching and coordinating is a nightmare, then transparent furniture could be just the ticket. Light and reflective in glass or acrylic, it can add complexity and depth to the overall look of a room, as well as interestingly varied visual textures. And it really comes into its own in smaller spaces, bouncing light and lifting the eye rather than cluttering the space as heavier, darker furniture can do. As well as the ubiquitous glass table-top, there is a whole world of see-through furniture and accessories available online. It includes some of the 20th Century's classic designs as well as unique and surprising chairs; sleek display cases and stands for books, ornaments and hi-fis; and even top-of-the-range, glassy bathtubs and sinks. Glass-topped dining tables and coffee tables are already a wellentrenched feature of interior design, for good reason. Glass on a coffee table can turn it from a low, crouching bulk on the 32

Amity Business School, Noida floor of a room into a light-reflective, shiny and transparent surface which seems to take up less space than its size might suggest. One stylish take on the theme is Trannon's GTX glass-topped dining table, which has all the cool, dynamic qualities of the company's signature style With rock-solid X-crossed ash beams for legs, a system of bracing forms between them ensures the table's solid stance, even on an uneven floor, and provides intriguing, geometrical forms as seen through the glass

4.7 Branded Furniture

We have considered major 1. Style spa 2. Durian 3. Godrej 4. Ikea


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Style Spa Furniture, India brings to you a wide range of furniture for Living room, Dining room, Bedroom, Office and Computer tables. Being the largest furniture retailer in India, we have more than 70 furniture showrooms across the country.

Every piece of Style Spa furniture exacting aesthetic is built to and technical


Matching such standards demands a factory that is equally flawless. The giant $15-million factory in Chennai, South India - 225,000 square feet of imported equipment and dedicated employees - is well suited to the task. This plant can churn out 160,000 pieces of furniture annually. The high levels of technology, of both material and machinery, ensure absolute consistency in fit and finish, from the first unit to the last. Be it a TV cabinet or a bed, each Style Spa product follows the same path to perfection. Computer-simulated creations from the design team begin life as panels of particle board (a high-quality tailored wood based product that's eco-friendly, attractive and easy to work to with). Passing through lamination, sawing, edge-banding and varnishing sections, they emerge as prototypes that are tested and checked rigorously. Finally, only after a strict quality-control crew is impressed, mass production is flagged off. The finished furniture, made to last for generations, makes its way to showrooms and homes right from India to Europe.


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Furniture range
At Style Spa, furniture isn't a product - it's a passion. The only joy that matches sculpting something so beautiful in its practicality is the pleasure of seeing it adorn a home or rule an office. This section catalogues our complete range of home and office furniture. Every one of them sports unmistakable Style Spa Features - modular simplicity, legendary durability, thoughtful ergonomics, rich tones and silky smooth textures.

Type of wood used for manufacturing At style spa they use engineered woods as our raw material, which are imported. These are then laminated and varnished in our factory. They are edge sealed by automatic machines. Engineered woods These are plain particle board & medium density fiber board. They are made from wood chipped/pulped and bonded with resins and glues under high pressure. These boards are termite, pest resistant and fire retardant. They are consistent in quality and do not lose shape or warp. Customization of furniture Style spas furniture is mass-produced in a totally computerised factory. They produce up to 500 to 600 units of furniture per day. Therefore it is not possible to manufacture or modify the furniture according to shoppers requirement unless the quantities are large. However they have a wide range of sizes and designs which should suit shoppers needs. Life of furniture


Amity Business School, Noida The furniture will last a lifetime so long as it is maintained well and not abused. Uniformity in products offered Style spas products are manufactured according to international standards in a computercontrolled factory. Therefore, all pieces will be of the same quality. Moreover, they are offering a warranty of one year against any manufacturing defect in our furniture. Reason for High prices No carpenter can match the quality or finish of our products. These designs cannot be copied perfectly. Backed by our all India network, they can provide shopper with excellent after sales service no matter where the purchase is made. Last but not the least their furniture can be dismantled and repacked making it easy to transport. Their product is available readily thereby saving you the trouble of running behind the carpenter. Even after going to the carpenter you are not sure of the kind of furniture you would get. Individual pricing strategy They price our furniture individually to enable the customer to select a piece of furniture that best suits his requirement and also to enable him to buy the remaining items over a period of time. Whenever bought, all pieces will look alike.


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4.7.2 DURIAN

The universally acclaimed mega brand 'DURIAN' which has already acquired a household name, and made a deep impact over the years in the building Industry with its multi range of Commercial and Marine Plywood, Decorative Plywood, Flush / Panel Doors with designer P.V.C sheets elegantly impregnated and supply of exquisitely chosen Imported Veneers; has taken a giant leap forward by capturing a major market share in the field of imported furniture.

It stocks only imported furniture, from a wide range of sofa sets, bunkers for children, computer workstations, centre tables, side tables, exclusive office furniture, study desks, dining tables, bar cabinets, bedroom and living room sets.

The most coveted furniture styles from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Australia, Spain, Malaysia and Singapore have made their way to India. Furniture range Besides being in the business of plywood, doors and imported veneers, the group has commenced imports of exquisite range of residential and office furniture from versatile manufactures from all over the world. The elaborate range of imported furniture offered by Durian includes:


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Bedroom Sets Sofa Sets Exclusive Children's Bedroom Sets Banquet chairs Exquisite Executive Tables & Chairs Centre and Side Tables T.V. Trolleys Book Shelves Shoe Racks Bar Units Kitchen Trolleys Glass cabinets

Dining Sets Wall units Computer Workstations Office Chairs Wrought Iron and other Varieties of Metal Beds Sofa - cum Beds Folding Single Beds Study Desks Telephone Stands Recliner and Massage Chairs Grand Father Clocks

The Durian Lifestyle

A truly international lifestyle experience with world's best and latest furniture designs. The most popular furniture brand in the country, best service, finest range, competitive pricing and above all unequalled quality.

Largest Furniture Range

Hundreds of elegant options to choose from in living, bedroom, dining and office furniture. Available in modern, contemporary, traditional, casual and trendy styles in the finest of finishes and in every material combination from wood, steel, glass, acrylic, glittering chrome, wrought iron, powder coated and molded to upholstered.

Only Imported Furniture

Avail the best in the world class styles, designs, finishes, materials and unmatched quality of the finest machine finished furniture. Imported to the country in knockdown condition, can be set up at a Customer's place in shortest time.


Amity Business School, Noida

4.7.3 IKEA
Since its founding in 1943, Sweden-based IKEA has offered a wide range of home furnishings and accessories of good design and function, at low prices so the majority of the people can afford them. IKEA was named recently in Working Mother magazine's 18th annual list of the "100 Best Companies for Working Mothers" and was honored with the magazine's Family Champion award in recognition of the company's family-friendly programs. IKEA currently has more than 190 stores in 31 countries including 18 in the U.S. As part of its North American expansion, IKEA plans to open five new stores a year for the next ten years. IKEA is recognized as a socially responsible company, and continuously supports initiatives that benefit causes such as children and the environment. IKEA, the leading home furnishings retailer, received the prestigious Elle Decoration International Design Award 2003 for the IKEA kitchen design, HALLARUM. Created by the Swedish designer Mikael Warnhammar, the IKEA HALLARUM kitchen design with its dark stained doors made of eucalyptus veneer won first prize in the kitchen category for being design conscious, smart and value for money. According to the November 9, 2003 edition of Swedish ELLE Interir, IKEA has shown that design wise they are as good as the worlds leading brands when it comes to kitchens. The IKEA kitchens have flexible interiors and accessories, good quality and are always fashionable. We especially reward IKEA for easy-accessibility and the all-inone-packages.


Amity Business School, Noida

4.7.4 Godrej

When it comes to furniture, be it office or home, Godrej has entire range under one roof. It's endeavor to deliver ergonomically designed & contemporary seating, desking, Open Plan Office Systems, bedroom sets, dining sets, kitchens and kid's furniture-that are comfortable, healthy and productive . No wonder then, its country's largest furniture manufacturer with the widest distribution network and the only manufacturer to have both the coveted ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications. Godrej is the leader in Open Plan Office Systems, Seating and Desking products. Each and every solution is designed keeping in mind the comfort, health and productivity. Its office furniture products have been certified by India's leading medical fraternity as being ergonomically and scientifically designed. In addition, it also offers its customers office interior products from leading global majors like SteelCase - world's largest furniture manufacturer and Milliken - one of the leading Carpet Tile manufacturers in the world. Godrej Formula 'S' Office is a concept that is revolutionizing office furniture needs and providing its customers with the sure fire way to success! As an organisation that demands the very best one can be well satisfied with the total furniture solutions that a Godrej Formula 'S' Office promises to deliver. Features like ergonomic seating that make for a healthy workforce, Open Plan Office Systems that allow privacy and peace and quiet and an efficient delivery and installation service are sure to make one bullish of its capabilities.. The principle of Colour and Aura therapy is another dimension that our offices are based on. The positive energies that our offices give also yield higher productivity and better results.


Amity Business School, Noida It's this totality that makes Godrej Formula 'S' Office Systems special and one of its kind and the first choice when it comes to choosing office furniture that makes a difference. HEALTHY WAY TO MAKE A PROFIT The sturdy and ergonomic structure of the furniture keeps the employees healthy even after all those long hours of constant seating at one particular place. Godrej pioneers in developing innovative and healthy office furniture and has been accredited with the ISO 9001 standard in quality management. With the aid of meticulous precision and technological know-how such as the BIFMA certification, its furniture supports and takes care of complex body structure. Eventually, this healthy workforce results in higher output thus making profits for organization while adding value to existing assets. Besides this, every office emits uninterrupted energy to add a positive aura and vibe to the workplace! THE KEY TO PRODUCTIVITY! An office that inspires is an office that delivers. Godrej Formula 'S' Offices do this day in and day out. It provides with the support to create a productive work environment. The 'regal air' of every piece of furniture compliments its perfect design and superlative finish and inspires to reach for the pinnacle of success! The vibrant and colourful hues create an ambience of positive vibes within the organisation, challenging one and his colleagues to be at creative best. Always! Constant innovation and a keen insight got from years of experience in the industry give Godrej 'the edge' in creating a perfect ambience that leads to higher productivity and overall user satisfaction. THE MOST FORGETTABLE OFFICE Like any other product from Godrej, the Godrej Formula 'S' Offices are durable and in a sense 'forgettable'. Once it is installed there is very little that you have to worry about. The desks and worktables are all pre-wired and have well concealed wire management systems. The partitions of the Open Plan Office Systems have adjustable


Amity Business School, Noida panels, which can be removed with the minimal of fuss. Ergonomic seating provide, comfort for a productive workday. Further more the desks and storage units have protective and superlative finish that makes maintenance a mere formality. All this and more just goes to show that the Godrej Formula 'S' Offices are true value for ones money while the increased productivity of the workforce directly enhances your balance sheet. A RESPONSIBLE OFFICE Success can be measured in many parameters. One of them is working in an environment that doesn't disturb the eco-logical balance of our complex planet. Godrej Formula 'S' Offices are proud to be accredited with the coveted ISO 14001 - a standard in eco-friendly solutions that has pioneered a new wave in corporate thinking. By using CFC free foam that preserves the ozone layer or Robotic welding technology is used to prevent cancer and other ailments that affect the workforce.

When it comes to home furniture, it has the complete range for its customer. Be it bedroom sets, dining sets, kitchens, kids' furniture and more. All available in a range of aesthetic patterns, designs and colors - crafted to give one the perfection one has sought for years. Add to this the trust and the durability of Godrej, and one has nothing less than the perfect home. Bedroom: A perfect relationship is a blend of everlasting dependability and trust. For over 80 years, millions of its customers have trusted the Godrej Storwel. Living room: Comfortable, accommodating, and supportive. If only everything in life was as perfect. Godrej has a complete range of furniture that adds style to ones living room.


Amity Business School, Noida Godrej Furniture and Fittings have been synonymous with trusted quality for more than a century now. This has contributed to its total understanding and empathy of user needs. its familiarity with workplace design and new generation aesthetics has resulted in industry-leading laboratory solutions. Godrej adheres to the basic rules of functionality, ease-of access, optimal modular space usage, safety and ergonomic comfort. Island Units with Reagent Shelves: Comprising of a heavy -duty understructure table, end supporting vertical panels and horizontal shelves for at-hand storage, allows conducting a great deal of work in one space, ergonomically. Wall units: Godrej Wall Units are available with the option of clear glass or quality-coated MS shutters, fitted with special self-closing hinges & MS (SS optional) 8mm handles for superb operating ease & durability. Storage Cabinets: For storage as well as providing a work surface. Available in 3 configurations, the shutters have soft closing action and the roller-bearing slides ensure smooth movement of drawers.


Amity Business School, Noida


5.1 INTRODUCTION: Definition: "A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that to combine relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure". Research design is a conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. Research design is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research operations, thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding maximum information with minimum effort, time and money. Research design stands for advance planning of methods to be used for collecting the relevant data and the techniques to be used in their analyses. Preparation of research design should be done with great care as any error may upset the entire project. Therefore it is imperative that an efficient design must be prepared before starting research operations. The design helps the researcher to organize his ideas in a form whereby it will be possible for him to look for flaws and inadequacies. The following questions have to be answered in a research design: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is the study about? Why is the study being made? Where will the study be carried out? What type of data is required? Where can the required data be found? What periods of time will the study include? What will be the sample design? What techniques of data collection will be used? How will the data be analyzed?


Amity Business School, Noida


1. To study the taste and preferences of consumers regarding Designers furniture. 2. To do comparative study of various attributes of Furniture through SPSS finding 3. To study the statistical analysis of different types of Furniture. 4. To study the consumption pattern of customers. 5. Examine the psychographic state of Designer furniture customers 6. Probe the buying behavior of Indian Consumer. 7. Find out the expectations of people regarding the furniture they are purchasing 8. To judge the awareness level of branded furniture and its competitors amongst people. Assumptions: The sample size represents the entire population of Designer furniture owners. The respondents do not give biased answers.


One major aim of the project was to analyze the and study the taste and preferences of consumers regarding Designers furniture and we got an opportunity to visit Wooden furniture market especially of Kartarpur and Saharanpur and other branded showrooms. Therefore this survey has helped us to gain knowledge about consumers preference with regards to customized furniture. In order to accumulate this knowledge we had to go through a lot of secondary data available on website, magazines i.e. Design today, inside outside. The only way this project could have been done was by collecting primary data from the common man. For this purpose a detailed questionnaire was made and tested before being put to use.


Amity Business School, Noida


In order to gather information about peoples' perceptions, attitudes, behavior and decision process regarding designer furniture use of a questionnaire was the best option. Due importance was given to ensure that the respondent is always at ease to answer the questions. As the questionnaire was long, the questions were put in an order, so as to avoid any stress to the respondents, as far as possible, the wordings of the questionnaire were kept simple. Use of open ended questions was done in order to gather data about peoples expectations, perceptions etc.


Unable to conduct the survey at all India level but covered most of the northern part. Unwillingness among respondents to give their income level and personal contact numbers. Hesitation among people to give personal interview as they were scared of camera.


Amity Business School, Noida


6.1 Introduction
First step in formulating a marketing communication scheme is to identify, analyze and finally understand the target market and its buying behavior Three question which have to be answered are: 1. Who is the buyer? 2. Why do they buy 3. What, how and where do they buy? The buying process involves the following steps:

Problem recognition

Information search




Post-purchase Dissonance

Dissatisfaction = Brand Rejection

Satisfaction = Brand acceptance

To find out the complete buying behavior of furniture owners one has to break down the behavior into several constituting factors. Some of these factors have been studied during the course of the project. These have been analyzed below:


Amity Business School, Noida


Q1. Which type of furniture you would like to buy?

Branded Furniture Custumised Furniture Second hand/renovated fur




Findings: Most of the respondents want to buy furniture designed according to their need. Branded furniture is preferred by a small percentage.


Amity Business School, Noida Q2. Rank various features according to preference:

50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rank "comfortablility" according to preference. 7 t n c r e P t n c r e P

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rank "Stylishness" according to preference. 7


Amity Business School, Noida

30 25 20 15 t n c r e P 10 5 0 2 3 4 5 6 Rank "Durability" according to preference. 1 7

25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rank "Cost" according to preference. 7 t n c r e P


Amity Business School, Noida

30 25 20 15 t n c r e P 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Rank "Multipurposeness " according to preference. 6 7



20 t n c r e P 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rank "Compactness" according to preference. 7


Amity Business School, Noida

30 25 20 15 t n c r e P 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rank "Latest Trends" according to preference. 7

Findings: Trends in these features shows that comfortability and durability are most preferred features of consumers. As furniture is a long term household asset so cost and style also plays an important role. Multipurpose-ness and compactness is mostly preferred by those who have small houses or lives in flat systems. Last feature latest trend is least preferred.


Amity Business School, Noida Q3. Furniture you use at your home signifies your social status. Rate this sentence.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

6.9% 16.26% 29.06%


Findings: It reflected the attitude of respondents. Around 70% of the people agreed to it. A small percentage of people denied as they said that there are many people with transferable job, who do not prefer expensive furniture and they keep easy to handle low cost furniture. 15% were neutral regarding the statement. There is still a large number of consumers who do not believe in show off.


Amity Business School, Noida Q4. When do you replace or buy furniture?

0-2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Not applicable



31.03% 43.84%

Findings: Furniture is a durable asset, so people change it mostly after 5 years or more. Only a few percentages who move along with latest trends change it frequently.


Amity Business School, Noida

The recent buying behaviour of the respondents is as follows:



t n u o C



0 0-6 months 6 months - 2years 2years - 5years more than 5 years

When did you purchased furniture last time

Findings: People purchase furniture according to their needs. They constantly purchase furniture whether to replace old one, change the look or to have a new variety. They like to spent pretty good amount on furniture.


Amity Business School, Noida Q7. From whom do you sought advise before buying furniture




t n c r e P
10 0 Family Friends and colleagues persons already owing the particular furniture Interior Decorators Furniture Dealers others

Finding: Decisions regarding purchase of furniture are majorly taken in consultation with family members. Next best source for taking advise are interior decorators. It also shows the increased consciousness among people regarding their interiors.


Amity Business School, Noida Q8. When do you buy furniture?

On special occasion On need just to change look




Finding: Majority of consumers buy when they need it. Some of them say it is not a commodity to be changed so frequently. Only the persons moving with latest trends change it frequently. Indians are very religious, they like to invest or purchase heavy amounts on special occasions. For example- people have a concept in their mind that at the time of marriage they will purchase furniture or at festival time or in navratras.


Amity Business School, Noida

Different kinds of furniture used presently and if given an option to change what they would change for:


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t n c r e P
40 20 0 Wooden Wrought Iron Bamboo/ cane Glass Steel

Which category of furniture you are using right now ( drawing room)




t n c r e P
20 0 Wooden Wrought Iron Bamboo/ cane Glass Steel Plastic

If you like to replace current furniture with latest one, which one you would choose ( drawing room)


Amity Business School, Noida




t n c r e P
20 0 Wooden Wrought Iron Bamboo/ cane Glass Steel Plastic

If you like to replace current furniture with latest one, which one you would choose ( drawing room)

Finding: Data clearly shows that wooden furniture is the choice of people for their drawing rooms.
70 60 50 40

t n c r e P

30 20 10 0 Wooden Wrought Iron Bamboo/ cane Glass Steel Plastic

Which category of furniture you are using right now ( Living Room)


Amity Business School, Noida

70 60 50 40

t n c r e P

30 20 10 0 Wooden Wrought Iron Bamboo/ cane Glass Steel

If you like to replace current furniture with latest one, which one you would choose ( living room)

Finding: Wooden furniture is the choice of all. Wrought Iron is also gaining popularity as people prefer it for their living rooms.




t n c r e P
20 0 Wooden Wrought Iron Bamboo/ cane Glass Steel Plastic

Which category of furniture you are using right now ( Bed room)


Amity Business School, Noida




t n c r e P
20 0 Wooden Wrought Iron Bamboo/ cane Glass Steel Plastic

If you like to replace current furniture with latest one, which one you would choose ( bedroom)

Finding: Wooden furniture is the undisputed leader. Other types of furniture are used by a small percentage of people.




t n e c r P



0 Wooden Wrought Iron Bamboo/ cane Glass Steel Plastic

Which category of furniture you are using right now ( Garden / open Spaces)


Amity Business School, Noida




t n c r e P



0 Wooden Wrought Iron Bamboo/ cane Glass Steel Plastic

If you like to replace current furniture with latest one, which one you would choose ( garden/open spaces)

Finding: As we can infer from these graphs that plastic furniture is mostly used for gardens & open spaces as it is durable as regards to seasonal changes. After plastic, bamboo and cane is very popular but it needs more maintainence.


Amity Business School, Noida Q10. If you won a lottery, which brand would you prefer?

If you won a lottery, which brand you like to buy; Style Spa Durian Godrej IKEA Turja If others, please specify

7 15



Finding: If people are free from monetary constraints, then more than 50% voted for Durian, Godrej & Style spa takes the same place. Brands are popular among high class people and its market is growing slowly.


Amity Business School, Noida


Case Processing Summary

Cases Included N which type of furniture you would like to buy * "Furniture you use at home signifies your social status".Rate this sentence 203 100.0% 0 .0% 203 100.0% Percent N Excluded Percent N Total Percent

OLAP Cubes "Furniture you use at home signifies your social status".Rate this sentence: Total % of Total Sum which type of furniture you would like to buy 374 N 203 Mean 1.84 Std. Deviation .379 Sum 100.0% % of Total N 100.0%

Statistics "Furniture you use at home signifies your social status. Rate this sentence N Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance Skewness Std. Error of Skewness Valid Missing 203 0 2.05 2.00 .929 .863 .864 .171



Amity Business School, Noida

Statistics you sought advice from the following, When did Do you replace or buy furniture every N Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance Skewness Std. Error of Skewness Range Valid Missing 203 0 2.66 3.00 .855 .730 -.197 .171 3 you purchased furniture last time 203 0 2.33 2.00 .946 .895 .216 .171 3 How much money did you spent 203 0 2.52 2.00 .961 .924 .072 .171 3 before deciding about furniture to buy 203 0 2.57 2.00 1.528 2.336 .406 .171 5 When do you buy furniture 203 0 2.07 2.00 .633 .401 -.056 .171 2

Do you replace or buy furniture every Cumulative Valid 0-2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Not applicable Total Frequency 19 63 89 32 203 Percent 9.4 31.0 43.8 15.8 100.0 Valid Percent 9.4 31.0 43.8 15.8 100.0 Percent 9.4 40.4 84.2 100.0

When did you purchased furniture last time Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent


Amity Business School, Noida

Valid 0-6 months 6 months 2years 2years 5years more than 5 years Total 42 78 57 26 203 20.7 38.4 28.1 12.8 100.0 20.7 38.4 28.1 12.8 100.0 20.7 59.1 87.2 100.0

How much money did you spent Cumulative Frequency Valid less than 15000 Rs 15000 30000 RS 30000 50000 Rs More than 5 years Total 30 75 60 38 203 Percent 14.8 36.9 29.6 18.7 100.0 Valid Percent 14.8 36.9 29.6 18.7 100.0 Percent 14.8 51.7 81.3 100.0

you sought advice from the following, before deciding about furniture to buy Cumulative Valid Family Friends and colleagues persons already owing the particular furniture Interior Decorators Furniture Dealers If others, please specify Total Frequency 77 36 Percent 37.9 17.7 Valid Percent 37.9 17.7 Percent 37.9 55.7





47 23 3 203

23.2 11.3 1.5 100.0

23.2 11.3 1.5 100.0

87.2 98.5 100.0


Amity Business School, Noida

When do you buy furniture Cumulative Frequency Valid On special occasion On need just to change look Total 34 121 48 203 Percent 16.7 59.6 23.6 100.0 Valid Percent 16.7 59.6 23.6 100.0 Percent 16.7 76.4 100.0

If you won a lottery, which brand you like to buy; Cumulative Valid Style Spa Durian Godrej IKEA Turja If others, please specify Total Frequency 28 114 30 14 8 9 203 Percent 13.8 56.2 14.8 6.9 3.9 4.4 100.0 Valid Percent 13.8 56.2 14.8 6.9 3.9 4.4 100.0 Percent 13.8 70.0 84.7 91.6 95.6 100.0

Statistics If you won a lottery, which brand you like to buy; N Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance Skewness Std. Error of Skewness Range Valid Missing 203 0 2.44 2.00 1.198 1.436 1.460 .171 5


Amity Business School, Noida


Correlations "Furniture you use at home which type of furniture you would like to buy which type of furniture you would like to buy "Furniture you use at home signifies your social status".Rate this sentence Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N 1 . 203 .123 .081 203 signifies your social status".Rate this sentence .123 .081 203 1 . 203

Nonparametric Correlations

Correlations "Furniture you use at home which type of furniture you would Spearman's rho which type of furniture you would like to buy Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N like to buy 1.000 . 203 signifies your social status".Rate this sentence .119 .092 203


Amity Business School, Noida

"Furniture you use at home signifies your social status".Rate this sentence Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N .119 .092 203 1.000 . 203


Amity Business School, Noida



Furniture is the basic necessity of people. It is one of the expensive household assets. People purchase furniture according to their taste and preferences.. Furniture is the basic for building looks of house. Beauty of house depends on the kind of furniture placed inside it. There are different kinds of furniture placed in the market and the advantage is that people can use different kind of furniture for different rooms. At the same time one can have different looks inside a house like- traditional wooden look, modern wrought iron, Italian look, modular kitchens etc. Since it is an expensive fixed asset, people emphasize more on durability and comfortability factors and they replace it after a long time.

The decision to buy a furniture is made mainly by the elderly decision makers in the family.The furniture is bought not to fulfill the needs of one particular family person but to cater to the entire family's needs. Like children wants to have a multipurpose furniture including multistoreyed beds. People consulted furniture dealers, interior decorators before purchasing furniture. It has been derived from the data that people are conscious regarding their houses looks as majority believed that it signifies their social status. Designing by the interior decorators is popular even in smaller cities. They are a little apprehensive about the purchase and want to quench their anxiety. Although the family is the most consulted, before making a purchase decision, none of the factors can be ignored. Before purchasing furniture, various other features are also considered among which durability and comfortability. Cost is another major factor responsible for buying behaviour. Since it is not replaced frequently so these factors are to be considered.


Amity Business School, Noida Moreover their buying behaviour predicted that a small percentage is brand conscious, and they go for replacing furniture to just to change looks.

People purchased furniture according to their needs. Further in India people believe in investing on festival days or at the time of marriage and they postpone the purchase. A majority goes with their needs and a small percentage changes looks frequently. As according to findings even after emergence of so many brands and varieties of furniture, wooden furniture is the heart of all. Even if people want to change, they would go for wooden only. Brand popularity is increasing slowly. Various brands with a large variety and attractive displays are easily available. But they are still not popular among middle class. They suits the tastes of upper class people. High prices discourage the consumers to go for brands. If cost constraints are removed, Durian occupies the top place, which is the result of its good advertising strategy. It is being advertised on television so it is the widely known name among the brands.


Amity Business School, Noida



Furniture is most acceptable

among Indians.
The Rs 25,000-crore furnishing industry, so far dependent on whims and fancy of carpenters and home-grown designers, is slowly opening up to the organized sector with the entry of companies like Durian, IKEA, Style Spa who are fast expanding their chain of imported furniture all over the country. But along with this people have started given more preference to their own choice and taste of furniture which they could design according to their own preferences, convenience, price, latest trend and moreover they feel more satisfied and find the furniture prepared to be more durable and long-lasting. No matters whether it is Wooden furniture, plastic, wrought iron, glass or branded ones ,we noticed that majority of people want to customized the furniture themselves which reflects that consumer nowadays are more knowledgeable and awared. There were many people who want that the furniture should be made and designed in front of them may be in their houses basically under their own supervision. BRANDED FURNITURE Durian made its foray into the lifestyle business three years ago and claims to have brought to the country the best of imported furniture from all over the globe. Having opened already 25 showrooms, Durian has plans to double the number very soon.

The retail scene has started to hot up with new entrant Durian resorting to aggressive marketing and ingenious tactics. Adopting innovative retailing strategies, the showrooms are designed to be as customer friendly having ample lighting and space for browsing, the stores offer a feel-at-home ambience without the requirement of sales persons snooping around as all the products are price tagged.


Amity Business School, Noida It stocks only imported furniture, from a wide range of sofa sets, bunkers for children, computer workstations, centre tables, side tables, exclusive office furniture, study desks, dining tables, bar cabinets, bedroom and living room sets.

In a bid to get hold of consumers' fancy, the Durian keeps monitoring latest international trends and imports as soon as these are introduced abroad. The company has also tied up with ABN-Amro Bank to offer easy finance to customers The universally acclaimed mega brand 'DURIAN' which has already acquired a household name, and made a deep impact over the years in the building Industry with its multi range of Commercial and Marine Plywood, Decorative Plywood, Flush / Panel Doors with designer P.V.C sheets elegantly impregnated and supply of exquisitely chosen Imported Veneers; has taken a giant leap forward by capturing a major market share in the field of imported furniture.


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As future managers the research done for this project has definitely helped us in practically understanding the exact meaning of Market Research starting from minute detail of framing of the questionnaire i.e. its design should meet the motive of our Market Research.

Apart from this with we also learnt that people were finding little bit difficulty in understanding 11th question which next time we have to be careful. Then while personal interviewing we got to know how to approach to customers and the way they avoid to be interviewed when they see a Camera.

Lastly SPSS findings have certainly enhanced our knowledge in real market. It was indeed a great learning experience and also gave us a closer view to learn consumers buying behavior.


Amity Business School, Noida

Designers Furniture: Study of Buying Behavior of Indian 76 Consumer.

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