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Field Study

Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

Episode 1

Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: Cooperating School: Year & Section: Signature _______________

The purpose of the observation is to provide opportunity for you to relate theory with actual practice.
Know and understand what you need to observe. Study the observation guides. Listen to your FS teacher and ask questions to be sure all is clear to you. Have pen and paper ready to jot down details. Carefully separate facts from interpretation. Accomplish the checklists/form as soon as possible so that the details are still fresh in your mind.

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will be able to identify the principles in teachinglearning activities, manuals and other instructional materials used by the teacher in selected subjects.

Your Stair Way to Success

Learning how to apply the teaching principles in a classroom setting is something you aspire for. Initially, you would need to observe and describe how it is manifested in the real classroom. To hit your Target, work your way through these steps:

Step 4. Reflect on your experience Step 3. List down the instructional materials used by the teacher to facilitate learning Step 2. Observe the cognitive, metacognitive, and Motivational processes in the classroom. Step 1. Observe at least three classses and describe the Principles of teaching and learning used by the teacher.

Your Tools

As you visit a school and observe classes, use the activity forms to document your observation and write your insights or reflections.


Name of the School observed:

School Address:

Date of Visit:

Grade/Year Level:

Subject Area:


What principles in teaching-learning were commonly applied? ( motivation, process, management and discipline)





Write your Reaction/s here:

2. What instructional materials were used in teaching?

Suggest other instructional material/s that can also be used in your observed class/classes.

3. Which of the principles in teaching facilitate the cognitive, metacognitive and positive motivational processes of learning?

Read an article related to your answer. Paste a photocopy of such article here.

Scribble a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation experience.

Peace Concept on Focus:

CRITICAL FRIENDS The observations made on the principles of teaching and learning are shared with a fellow FS student to share insights and draw common conclusion as to applicability and effectiveness according to given context and type of learners. This sharing is meant to critique the observation in a friendly mode.

From the observed class, who are considered as critical friends? Why?

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