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6 Advantages of Not Using Facebook

Some people will argue that Facebook is the most popular social network site and it helps you keep in touch with friends and family. Then why you guys dont like facebook. So i thought to give you some advantages of not using facebook that will prove that without facebook you will be more safe, happy and more social person than using facebook and other social networking sites.

Here are some advantages of not using Facebook: 1 Dont Have To Worry About Privacy The first benefit is that you wont have to worry about privacy concerns. Many people arent aware of some of the strange terms of service changes that Facebook has made in the last year or so. Some of these have been changed back because users didnt like them, but your photos and personal information could potentially be compromised using this system. 2 Facebook is a Waste of Time Many get sucked into Facebook and it ends up being a waste of time. Without having an account, you dont have to worry about this becoming a problem at all and literally can save hell of time to spend with your family and friends. 3 Control Over Types of Conversation Without Facebook you can have control over the types of conversations that you want to have with people. Some people just dont like talking through a computer. You might not be able to type well or might enjoy the phone or talking in person much better. 4 Avoid Higher Risk of Effecting Your Computer From Malware and Scams Some people click links in Facebook that lead to malware problems or scams. Without using an account, you wont have to worry about getting these types of problems through that site. Well you can get malwares and trojans by visiting some sites and through emails but the risk is much higher when you use facebook and other social networking sites. 5 Reliable Communication Communication on Facebook is not as reliable as you would like. Some people are on it every day meaning you will reach them but some dont sign on too often. Using your phone to call or text is a bit more reliable. 6 Can Keep Things to Yourself Without having a Facebook account, you can keep more things to yourself. You might not want others to know everything about your life all the time.

43 Responses to 6 Advantages of Not Using Facebook

behzad on March 1st, 2011 9:07 pm: wao. i got somebody else as well who thinks the way i think about facebook. very true said indeed i also prepared a report on how facebook took away the faces from books. can be read here.

Krizz on March 9th, 2011 4:53 am: Facebook management is not good. they are dipressing there users by this type of things. i have a new account and its just the 2nd time i am using facebook. and i connot add more friends even i havent added my all reletives yet. i think i have added only 100 freinds. they also blocked my one account because i clicked on FIND FRIENDS and added friends from my MSN LIVE MESSENGER CONTACTS. they just disabled my account permenently without any reason. i had more then 2500 pictures of my family and friends in my that account i lost many things, my pics, my videos, my contacts, my msgs i wish i could do something wrong with people of facebook management. they dont care about their users. they dont even know that their useless polices can hurt someone without any reason.

Ludavid21 on March 12th, 2011 9:52 pm:

Facebook is shit. Its the biggest piece of shit Ive never seen! Its a black hole for privacy!


corey on March 20th, 2011 11:30 pm: .

fshah on March 26th, 2011 11:28 am: hate facebookdeath be upon the person who created it!just created to make more n more anguish and to wreck lives n lively homes.

johny on April 3rd, 2011 11:48 am: Facebook = waste of time.. got to agree with that..

Vukomanov on April 3rd, 2011 1:54 pm: I could not agree more! Facebook sucks! It is much better having a chat with someone in person or by a phone call. Greetings for all anti-Facebookers!

somedude on April 6th, 2011 11:04 am: I agree with the waist of time. Not only is a waist of time, but also turns people away from real life. I dont wish the death of its creator though. Its up to each one of you to use it or not I dont.

sam on April 10th, 2011 1:40 am: Facebook is waising of time for peopel .i agree.facebook not good for personal use but only for add .i am happy that i delete my account.realy not worth it .i spend my time with my friend and family.

me on April 14th, 2011 2:20 pm: too agree with all those points!!

Rachael on April 14th, 2011 9:14 pm: I have ALWAYS hated all social networking websites but I hate Facebook the most. I login to the website maybe 2 times per month. I think its disgusting that people are addicted to social networking. In fact, I dont like the term social networking because using and becoming addicted to sites such as Facebook and the like is not REAL social networking. Its fake, people! I actually find it rather boring. Our society is becoming more and more dumb as technology advances. Uggh. So many reasons I find it all so sickening. Well, thanks for the article. I am definately deleting my F-book account. I really dont give a damn if people can find me on their or not as I truly live in the REAL world.

Croft on April 20th, 2011 9:53 pm: I just found this article its SO true, and mostly I agree with what Rachael said. I have aquaintances who are on facebook ALL the time. And you know what? I dont like being around them. Here the the REAL world people dont enjoy being ignored to their face in favor of a computer screen! What losers. Has anyone SEEN the Southpark episode about Facebook? Yes, facebook addicts YOU ARE THAT PATHETIC. Relationships grow farther and farther apart, the sense of community among people these days is all but dead and people think that computer screen interaction is somehow drawing people together ?? Its a phony replacement for the real thing! Our society grows ever closer to the hilarious yet frighteningly possible portrayal of future humankind in the movie Wall-e. A bunch of fat blobs, floating aound with their faces GLUED to a computer screen which effectively replaces the real world! I laughed so hard when I saw that because ITS COMING TRUE! People who update their status all day long are one of two things: pathetic and insecure, or narcasistic and self promoting. They either demand constant validation and attention, or they have to pretend that they actually have friends. News flash: being able to read someones public post does NOT equal being their friend. It does not mean that person would have actually told YOU personally anything about themselves! Its SO pathetic. And now, my impression of a facebook addict: Hey something funny just happened I should update my status on facebook!! And then everyone might see it and laugh, and write something funny BACK!! hahahahahahah! Im SO funny!! I wonder how many people might think my post is FUNNY!? I could have the longest thread of posts making me the most popular friend of all!! I better make sure to poke or throw a cow at all 300 of my friends so they all remember to look at my page!! Im so cool!

Mel on April 23rd, 2011 1:41 am:

What Croft said.


Hell explorer on April 24th, 2011 12:02 pm: As a dating tool i find it useless I got a Facebook profile because many women I have dated with were asking me if I have a profile there to make sure that they can check me out and I am not a freak! After I have got a girlfriend who checked me out on Facebook she has told me she will leave me if I dont give up Facebook! besides for girlsif you are a male and over 18 you are already suspicious whatever you do

Jewel on April 25th, 2011 8:56 am: Facebook is the most pointless pile of shit. Since deleting my account 4 months my life is MUCH better now I dont have a bunch of fake cunts to worry about. And Ive discovered who my real friends are (about 5 real friends) whilst the remainder of the 300 fake ass wankers who added me can go to hell. Ive also lost touch with many of my friends from school because they cant be fucking bothered to keep in touch via phone. Oh come back on Faceshit! UM NO FUCK YOU. Also an invasion of privacy. I highly recommended this website if you are a sad prick with no life, are insecure and are attempting to make it look like you have a life.

Carlson Yamamoto on April 26th, 2011 9:46 pm: Why dont you use The sight is so different then Facebook, MySpace and others.

Hogan on April 27th, 2011 2:48 am: I hate facebook sooo much. The people who created facebook knew that it would start problems in peoples life. I got tired of all the stupid poking i mean come on i think facebook is a place for losers and petofile. Facebook ruined my relationship with my family friends girlfriend and son. I have been facebook free since february 2011. Fuck facebook. Hogan, 20 houston tx.

D.B on May 1st, 2011 10:00 pm: Facebook is a shameful way to profit by collecting your personal data Itd be nice if there were laws that could control privacy-killer sites like Facebook. Most of my friends use Facebook, but personally, I dont see any reason why do I need to have a failbook, so, I dont have one. I still have true friends Cheers

shinobisays on May 20th, 2011 2:59 pm: Very true.

Jb on May 26th, 2011 5:45 pm: I hate fb

S on June 7th, 2011 1:44 am: facebook has literally prevented people from creating real relationships in the real world. now everyone is making friendships in cyberspace. the people that i want to spend time with face to face or on the phone know how to contact me. if you are looking for me on facebook i probably dont want to talk to you anyway. Ive had total strangers want to friend me based on my profile pic alone. I set my privacy settings on the most exclusive level after that and the next time i logged on facebook had reset my changes to everyone. i was so disgusted that i immediately went to delete my account. when u do that they save all your info and only put your account on hold. It was so complicated to actually disable my account i gave up completely. Luckily I didnt use the account for very long and i didnt put alot of personal info up. so they pretty much just have my profile pic and demographics. but even knowing they save that is unsettling. Im done with all of it. i texted and called all my friends and family and said im off facebook for real but you can text or call me anytime. facebook really takes away opportunities to go out and socialize in the real world. Its actually more isolating than anything while forcing you to communicate. you start to feel guilty that youre not updating facebook friends on your activities rather than actually going out and spending time with friends. this is something that i will never go back to. I know people who are constantly on facebook on their phones while im in the same room with them trying to have a conversation. that is just sad. its like zuck has created a massive group of socially crippled individuals just like him so he doesnt have to feel alone. f that lifestyle. i have one life to live and it wont be on facebook or any other social networking site. It will be in the real world cultivating real relationships. thanx for the rant space.

jay on June 7th, 2011 10:36 pm: thanx so much for this article!!!!!! i agree, fb is shit and anyone who continues to waste their time on it is a sad man

Mitch on June 11th, 2011 1:00 pm: This got to be the best blog Id ever visited. Most of this blog stuff is a waste of time cause they all try to sniff someones fart in the wake of being partially recognized, too. This blog is telling nothing but the truth and the creators of this blog deserve a medal. Now I have found one other place that dares to oppose to a fake Zuckerberg, A place the is growing on numbers using their own brain and coming to senses on what this smelly Berg aus Zucker is really about. If someone only understood this con-boy ad from where he come and where he tried to go he would have no followers. The remaining ones who still try to suck his cock are the ones alike him anyway. This clan will make it to the worlds darkest underground group of folks, the scam ghetto of human society, the place where all the out-seleted will live their remaining days in vegetation. Mark, if Hitler, Stalin or Zhedong, etc., was still around, you would run for your life and hide under your mothers skirt! But nowadays where people only stare into their mobile phones (you cant even walk down the streets anymore without having an army of dumb-asses with their face glued on a LCD bumping into you losers like you get a chance to feel like winners. Wait for the judgment day and we will see if you can buy the lord with your billions. You have the very least reason to feel proud, Mark, unless you consider creating the worlds biggest absolute worthless and meaning less piece of scrap, well then, feel proud, youve done it! In business we will reject everyone who follows Facebook! Period! Its the very least we can do to oppose to your criminal piece of shit! Yes, I dare to say you are a criminal and you know it better than anyone else. But you may now engulf

your criminal lawyers who are happy to suck your money to proof you are not a criminal no matter what they come up with, in the world we live, you are. This blog will be promoted all over and we will do our very best to help promoting it! The world needs realistic focused information and eye-openers like this blog! Well done, to whoever started it!

Lucy on June 24th, 2011 10:19 am: this site is brilliant! i deleted my facebook about 3 months ago after my friend asked if me and my boyfriend were official yes but its not on facebook so not really what?!!?!? so if its not on facebook, then suddenly it doesnt exist?! well i deleted facebook, do i now cease to exist? no, actually, my social life is still very much there and now i dont have to check peoples profiles 23812312873 times a day to check what theyre upto, if they want to speak to me, they have my number if they dont and they want to speak to me, then they will find a way to get it if its IMPORTANT. im fed up of mindless status updates from people i dont give a crap about, and they dont give a crap about me deleting facebook is the best thing iv ever done! =D xxx

Mike on June 28th, 2011 1:18 am: ive been free of facebook for about 9 months

you are all correct, nice to see you agree with me my GF has been on facebook and insists shes never getting rid of it. never said i wont get rid of her ass

Aisha on July 7th, 2011 4:03 pm: yup all this is so true and thanks to all of ya because i was gonna make an account on fb becuz all my frnzz insistd meah!! but now im not gonna get into HORRIBLE fb THANKS FOR SHARING EXPERIENCES TO ALL!! SO.. +1 FAN FOR HATING FACEBOOK.. i hope we get many such people

melaque on July 9th, 2011 11:26 pm: Im so glad I found this site. I despise Fartfacebook or Slutfacebook or whatever its better name would be. People who use that site are like LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!!! I HAD a BOWEL MOVEMENT! Or I JUST GOT LAID! JUST LOOK AT ME IM SOOO IMPORTANT. People can easily hook up and cheat on their relationships. Its a regular Sodam and Gomorrah there. And waste time playing the games and poking or boogar flinging. People can spy on you. Youre a goldfish in a bowl. I hate that site. I hate the little lowercase f on everything. And there is no escape from hearing Like us on Facebook Why? What good is that? Im glad I have a life. Unfortunately my boyfriend has an account. He cant kiss me when he wakes up. Nope. He runs to his puter hoes. Im sick of it. I need a FB free man like the same way I need a VD free man.. I will do cartwheels when Fuckfacebook is gone. Maybe I will see my friends again. Maybe they wont be in the FB trance and think its as much required as food and water. God! I hate Facebook

Nicholle on July 11th, 2011 5:57 am: I would rather eat a steaming pile of shit than be so pathetic as to have to have a pukefacebook account. Just another way big brother can spy on people. The sad part is people who are on this site go along with that willingly with smiles on their faces. Lambs to the slaughter. I will be glad when that site crashes and burns like myspace did. It really sucks.

Dr. Snarfle on July 23rd, 2011 4:16 am: i concur peeps. facecrap is a huge load of internet poo poo. lets all spread he good word! i cant wait to see how history will record these bizarre days we currently live in. and in the early part of the century people tragically became facebook sheeple, a now much recognized & long-term psychological problem which continues to plague mental institutions to this day (circa 2055). whilst these brainless fools were becoming addicted to social interneting, millions of idiots were stupidly convinced to hand over all their treasured private photos & other personal information for the sake of short term gratification and other anti-social & strange sycophantic & narcissistic behaviors. <>

Thracymuchus on July 25th, 2011 1:18 am: You may have seen the Matrix and thought WOW, exciting, creepy, frightening, philosophically challenging but that will never happen in real life. Think again! Have you seen Catfish? Forget for a moment the question of whether its a real documentary or not (thats another story) and think about the setup in both films. The Matrix proposes two worlds: The real and the virtual, so does Catfish In The Matrix Neo initially believes in the world presented by the machines, as Nev does does on Facebook in Catfish In The Matrix Neo takes the Red pill to find out whats really going on. Same in Catfish when Nev decides to follow the story through to the end after he realizing hes been hoaxed. In the Matrix Neo discovers the real world is not as pleasant than the virtual one, just like Nev in Catfish. Finally Neo confronts the Architect in the Matrix and realizes that life is more complicated than he thought, just like Nev after he confronts Angela. Angela turned out not to be a malicious person (real or not) but Facebook really is about the creation of other realities some of which may not be as benign as Catfish. Facebook: Welcome to the desert of the real.

akuma on July 26th, 2011 10:00 am: Cho should have killed Zuckerberg at first!!!!!

akuma on July 26th, 2011 10:23 am: KILL ZUCKERBERG NOW!!!

Sam on July 30th, 2011 5:47 pm: Looks like a lot of people are bitter towards stuff that has happened to them on Facebook. I know Im gunna get chowed for this but I like Facebook and since I lived all over the world for 4 years I find it a great tool to keep in touch that doesnt cost a fortune. And seriously Zuckerberg was a genius that you just wish you could be. Peace out and get a Facebook account.

mike on August 9th, 2011 6:14 pm: I think the funny thing is the excessive use of vulgar language maybe thats why you lost your account and maybe hitting on under aged girls Facebook is for adults sorry kids you guys have my space . I have Facebook and use it from time to time if you spend more than 2 hours a day on any blog you really dont have a social life anyway ! what happened top people going to the malls and places to meet people like we used to as kids I never had a computer till i was 26 and a cell phone till I was 35 and I do not use my phone for anything other than a phone. Using it as a hand held texting computer is totally lame we had a name for dorks back in the day the was nerds or geeks who used to bring there hand held games to school but since best buy made geeks cool I guess you all have been brainwashed by nerds taking over the world just be careful not to spit when you talk there is no excuse for that DORK!

Luis on August 20th, 2011 8:01 pm: I hate facebook. It is total crap. Why does everyone like facebook anyways? I feel that facebook is as stupid as dog shit.

NamNam on August 23rd, 2011 8:59 am:

Tell me, what have you accomplished with adding dozens of friends everyday? Do you even know any of these people? Or are you just doing it for the sake of whoring yourself out to people? If you accept my friend request and I message you, not once, not twice, but THRICE within just about a week and you dont respond AT ALL (while taking the time to like silly status updates and spamming random bullshit on your wall all day long) then this pretty much proves my point. Social networking is the worst form of, well, socializing. I live my life outside of the computer, having fun with friends. Not sitting alone in my room, hoping that really cute girl Im stalking liked the poem I wrote her.

sangie on October 1st, 2011 6:19 pm: Facebook is a piece or shit plan and simple

Mike on October 6th, 2011 10:03 pm: I gave up facebook a couple of years ago now. I felt at the time of signing up that it would be a great way to get back in touch with a few people from university, college and school. However as time went by, people I didnt know and people I didnt want to befriend again were adding me as friends and one or two demanding I upload photos/personal information on the site. In addition, I found it incredibly difficult to actually sustain any meaningful conversations with any of my old friends, meaning that the candle had burnt out some time ago, so to speak. Im quite a shy, reserved and private person and dont believe my life to be interesting enough to post mindless status updates of my every thought or activity. Eventually I

deactivated/deleted my facebook account after realising I was never going to be comfortable uploading personal information. I do want to establish meaningful relationships with people of the opposite sex and make friends with plenty of others but I feel it to be quite sad in todays society that we have to resort to signing up to a virtual world to make this happen.

Nick on October 24th, 2011 8:13 am: Fuck facebook! I dont have to know every one of my friends goddamn brilliant achievements and their life stories. At least now, without FB, Ill be at peace.

dadah on November 3rd, 2011 2:18 pm: i have NEVER done fb. i am so glad that i am not the only one. we don t even have time for family much less 1000 fb friends. also,most of the crises in the world is spread by comments and videos on such sites.

I won't tell on November 16th, 2011 11:01 am:

I just deleted my facebook account. While I have been living away form home and family for 3 years now, I never found facebook as useful as it is often cited. Recently I started liking a girl in my class and this led to an over dependence on Facebook. The funny thing was I now felt afraid to talk to her face to face. To anyone who thinks Facebook is useful, I would recommend you please be sure because the side-effects can be very strong.

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