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The nurse is caring for a client with folic acid deficiency.

The nurse recalls that oneof the most frequent causes of folic acid deficiency is: A. poor nutritional intake due to alcoholism B. lack of absorption of the intrinsic factor C. a diet that consists of vegetables only and no meat D. a complicated pregnancy during the second trimester

When planning care for a patient who is pancytopenic, the major goal should be: A. prevent hemorrhage and infection B. administering an oral iron preparation C. preventing fatigue and fluid overload D. encouraging consumption of a neutropenic diet

Propanolol (Inderal) is commonly prescribed for clients with hyperthyroidism to: A. block formation of the thyroid hormone B. decrease the vascularity of the thyroid gland C. inhibit peripheral conversion of T4 and T3 D. decrease CNS stimulation

The client with cancer is receiving chemotherapy and developsthrombocytopenia. Which goal should be given the highest priority in the NCP? A. ambulation tree times a day B. monitoring temperature C. monitoring hemoglobin and hematocrit D. monitoring for pathologic fractures

The nurse is monitoring the laboratory results of a client preparing to receivechemotherapy. The nurse determines that the WBC count is normal if which of thefollowing results is present? A. 3,000 to 8,000/ B. 4,000 to 9,000/ C. 7,000 to 15,000/

D. 2,000 to 5,000/cu. Mm.

The nurse is caring for a client following a radical mastectomy. Which of thefollowing nursing interventions would assist in preventing lymphedema of the affectedarm? A. placing cool compress on the affected arm B. elevating the affected arm on pillow below the heart level C. maintaining an IV site below the antecubital area of the affected side D. avoiding arm exercises in the immediate post-operative period

The client has undergone esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD).The nurse places highest priority on which of the following items as apart of the clientscare plan? A. assessing for the return of the gag reflex B. giving warm gargle for sore throat C. monitoring temperature D. monitoring complaints of heartburn

The nurse is reviewing the record of the client with Crohns disease(inflammation).Which of the following stool characteristic does the nurse expect to note in this client? A. bloody stool B. diarrhea C. constipation alternating with diarrhea D. stool constantly oozing from the rectum

The nurse is giving dietary instruction for the client who has a new colostomy. Thenurse encourages the client to eat foods representing which of the following diets for thefirst 4 to 6 weeks postoperatively? A. high protein B. high carbohydrates C. low calorie D. low residue

The nurse has given instructions to the client with an ileostomy about foods to eat tothicken the stool. The nurse evaluates that the client did not fully understand theinstructions if the client stated that eating which of the following foods makes the stoolless watery?

A. pasta B. boiled rice C. bran D. low-fat cheese

The nurse assesses the client experiencing an acute episode of cholecystitis for painthat is located in the right: A. upper quadrant and radiates to the left scapula and shoulder B. upper quadrant and radiates to the right scapula and shoulder C. lower quadrant and radiates to the umbilicus D. lower quadrant and radiates to the back

Miotics are used in the treatment of glaucoma. What is an example of a commonlyused miotic( substance causes the constriction of the pupil of the eye) ? A. atropine(mydriatic) B. pilocarpine C. acetazolamide (Diamox) D. scopolamine

What is the rationale for using miotics in the treatment of glaucoma? A. they decrease the rate of aqueous humor production B. pupil constriction increases outflow of aqueous humor C. increased pupil size relaxes the ciliary muscles D. the blood flow to the conjunctiva is increased

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