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Standard with everythinq a customer could want, the Sun lire vzio is the ultimate
hiqhdensity, rackotimized server. lowered by u to two i.6Hz UltraSlAkC llli
rocessors in a comact, iU form factor, the Sun lire vzio server is a true allinone solution.
lour autoneqotiatinq 6iqabit Lthernet orts rovide multile connectivity for hiqhseed, hiqh
bandwidth networkinq.
lhe first server with a lowcost inteqrated SSL otion on the motherboard, the Sun lire vzio
server rovides fast, secure web transactions without sacrificinq ClU cycles or a lCl slot. Hot
swaable, frontaccessible SCSl disks make the Sun lire vzio reliable and easy to maintain,
service, and uqrade. lhe standard System Confiquration Card and serviceability features enable
quick uqrades and reairs, while the unit's Sun Advanced Liqhts 0ut Manaqer (AL0M) rovides
remote manaqement to a larqe number of servers from virtually anywhere on the network.
kackotimized, ikU/zin.
deth desiqn
U to z x i.6Hz rocessors
U to ib 68 memory
U to z x //ib68, hotswa,
UltraSCSl disks
0ne fulllenqth lCl slot
Sinqle ower suly
lour inteqrated 6iqabit Lthernet orts
SSL encrytion dauqhtercard that
luqs onto the system motherboard
Comes with Solaris
0eratinq System,
remote manaqement, Sun }ava
Lnterrise System software, and
a variety of l/0 connectivity-
all standard
Sun Fire V210 Server
lhis rackotimized server sets the standard for allinone
solutions with comrehensive, industryleadinq features
acked into a ikU ackaqe at lC ricinq.
lrccesscr 0re cr tWc I.{|0ht
ultraSl/kC llli
/rclitecture e| lit, |Wa] suerscalar
Sl/kC V|
Cacle e| Kb cata, {z Kb irstructicr,
arc I Hb irteratec lz
| DlHH slcts er rccesscr,
reisterec DDkI SDk/H
(lCzIcc} Iz8 lit - lCC catalus
s]ster ccrliuraticrs lrcr ,Iz
Hb tc Ie0b
hetWcrl lcur Ic/Icc/Icccbase!
hetWcrl 0re Icbase! ltlerret
Serial Haraerert 0re !l//ll/z{zl (kj|,} crt
Serial lcrt 0re !l//ll/z{zl as]rclrcrcus
SCSl 0re ultraIecSCSl rultircce
uSb !Wc 0hClI.cccrliart irter
laces, sucrtir cual seecs
cl Iz arc I., Hlits/sec. eacl
ltarsicr bus 0re e|lit {{/eeHht, {.{V,
lulllertl slct (lCl z.zccrliart}
S]ster lrcrtaccessille lcr trarsler cl
Ccrliuraticr s]ster ccrliuraticr irlcrra
ticr, irclucir lcst lD reacer
arc carc (rercalle}
Securit] 0ticral harcWare
Cr]tcralic Hccule, cllerir
securit] rctcccl acceleraticr
ia a caultercarc
Sun lire vzio Server Secifications
lrterral Disl u tc tWc lctsWa
ultraIecSCSl ){/I|e0b cisls.
Hitir cl cries is errittec
ir tle ccrliraticrs:
I t ){0b
I t I|e0b
I t ){0b & I t I|e0b
lrterral DVD 0re Slirlire /!/ll DVDk0H
ltterral Disl Sur Stcrlce` SI arra]*
Sur Stcrlce {{Ic SCSl arra]*
Sur Stcrlce {Izc SCSl arra]*
Sur Stcrlce {,Ic lC/l arra]
Sur Stcrlce {,II lC/l arra]
Sur Stcrlce {,zc lC/l arra]
Sur Stcrlce ,{Ic lC/l arra]
Sur Stcrlce |||c, ||8,, ||8c,
||)c, ||ec, ||Ic series
Sur Stcrae Dz|c recia tra]*
id hZgkZgZmiZgcVaH8H>edgi
ltterral !ae Sur Stcrlce D/! )z !ae
Sur Stcrlce l8 !ae /utclcacer
(Sclaris 8 & |, l!cz & SDl!{zc}
Sur Stcrlce lz,
(Sclaris | crl], l!cz}
Sur Stcrlce lIcc
(Sclaris | crl], l!cz}
Sur Stcrlce l,cc
0eratir Sclaris Ic leirrir Witl
S]ster release c{/c,, Sclaris | leirrir

Witl release Iz/c{, Sclaris 8
leirrir Witl release hw c)/c{.
keuires rarcatcr] atcl
laruaes C/C--, l0k!k/h, Sur jaa`
rcrarrir laruae, all
ctler starcarc Sursucrtec
hetWcrlir 0hC`, hlS, !Cl/ll, Surlirl`,
0Sl, HhS, llK`/SlK
Haraerert Sur` Haraerert Certer,
SurV!S`, SkS keac], SkH, /l0H
Sur jaa lrterrise lrclucec Witl tle Sur lire VzIc
S]ster serer ScltWare is a |cca]
ealuaticr licerse lcr:
hetWcrl lcertit] Serices
Sur jaa
S]ster Directcr]
Serer , zcc,QI
Sur jaa
S]ster /ccess
raraer e zcc,QI
Sur jaa
S]ster Directcr]
lrct] Serer , zcc,QI
wel arc /licaticr Serices
Sur jaa
S]ster /licaticr
Serer lrterrise lciticr 8.I
Sur jaa
S]ster Hessae
Queue { zcc,QI lrterrise
Sur jaa
S]ster wel Serer
e.I Serice lacl | zcc,QI
lcrtal Serices
Sur jaa
S]ster lcrtal
Serer e zcc,QI
Sur jaa
S]ster lcrtal Serer
Hclile /ccess e zcc,QI
Sur jaa
S]ster lcrtal Serer
Secure kercte /ccess e zcc,QI
Ccrruricaticr arc
Ccllalcraticr Serices
Sur jaa
S]ster Hessair
Serer e zcc,QI
Sur jaa
S]ster Calercar
Serer e zcc,QI
Sur jaa
S]ster lrstart
Hessair ) zcc,QI
/ailalilit] Serices
Cluster {.I |/c|
Sur Cluster /erts lcr Sur
Serices (wel, /, Directcr],
Hessair arc Calercar
Serers arc Hessae Queue}
dcHdaVg^h&%!Wji]VhWZZc adVYZY[dg
DeZgVi^c\ :ck^gdcbZcikZgh^dch-VcY.#
Hatirur DC cutut {zc w
/C cWer |c - ze| V /C (|) - e{ ht}
0eratir , C tc |c C (|I l tc Ic| l},
!ererature Ic tc |c relatie luricit],
rcrccrcersir, z) C rat.
Wet lull
hcrceratir |c C tc e, C (|c l tc I|| l},
!ererature u tc |{ relatie luricit],
rcrccrcersir, {8 C rat.
Wet lull
/ltituce u tc {cccr, ratirur arliert
(0eratir} tererature is ceratec l] z C
er ,ccr alce ,ccr
/ltituce u tc Iz,cccr
/ccustic hcise less tlar ).{b scurc cWer
ir arliert tererature cl u
tc z| C
H[]kbWj_ed(meets or exceeds the followinq
Salet] llCec|,c, ul/CS/ec|,c,
kll/lHl lCC Class /, lart I, |) Clk,
lh,,czz, ClSlk zz
lrrurit] lh,,cz|
Salet] culus Harl, !uV 0S Harl, Cl
Harl, SHarl, CCC, 00S!
lHC Cl Harl (|{/e8/llC}, lCC
kchS kestricticr cl hatarccus
Sulstarces - kchS ccrliart
ccrliuraticrs aailalle
autlcritec Class /, lClS, VCCl,
bSHl, C!lCK, HlC, CCC, 00S!
Classis |{.zrr (I.) ir.} h t |z,rr
(Ie.){ ir.} w t e{,rr (z, ir.} D
weilt Iz l (ze.| ll.} lull] ccrliurec,
I,.e l ({|.{I ll.} Witl racl
rcurt rails arc calle
raraerert arr
lrclcsure lits irtc a starcarc I|ir.Wice
racl. lcurcst racl lit
acjustalle letWeer )zcrr
arc |z,rr
wel Serer
/licaticr Deelcrert
lcrtal 0ateWa]
0ric lrire
!eclrical Ccrutir
:WjWi^[[j Sun lire vzio Server Edj^[M[X z
zoob Sun Microsystems, lnc. All riqht reserved Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun loqo, Sun SlAkC, Solaris, llX, }ava, 0NC, Sun lire, Sun StorLdqe, SunLink, and Sun vlS are trademarks or reqistered trademarks of
Sun Microsystems, lnc. in the United States and other countries.
oz/ob Sunwin# b//b
IkdC_Yheioij[ci"?dY$ io Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA o USA F^ed[ iboboioo or i8ooSUN M[X
Get the details.
Learn more about the Sun lire vzio-
a featurerich, readytodeloy, iU server
for web servinq, security alications,
technical comutinq, and other network
services-by visitinq:

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