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Name Date of birth Place of birth Sex Marital status Current address Telephone and fax Email

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Gunawan Tjahjono 11 December 1945 Medan, Indonesia Male Married Jl. Palakali Raya No. 15 Depok 16425 (62-21) 787-2304

EDUCATION 1989 Ph.D. in Architecture, University of California at Berkeley. Major: Social and Cultural Factors in Architecture. Minors: Design Theories and Methods; Theories of Urban Form and Design; Geography of Religion; and Ethnography. Master of Architecture, University of California at Los Angeles. Major: Urban Design. Insinyur in Architecture, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.

1983 1975

TITLE 1989 now Member, Advisory Board of Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review a University of California at Berkeley based refereed journal for International Association for the Studies of Traditional Environment. Nominator, the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Member, Advisory Board of Urban Design Reviewing Team (Tim Penasehat Arsitektur Kota TPAK) to the Governor of Jakarta. Member, Advisory Board of Campus Environment (Tim Penataan LIngkungan Kampus TPLK), University of Indonesia.

1992-now 1994-now 1995-2007

Editor-in-Chief, Kilas: Journal of the Department of Architecture at the University of Indonesia. 1997-now Member, Advisory Board of Urban Conservation Committee (Tim Sidang Pemugaran TSP) to the Governor of Jakarta.

Head, Research Program of Social and Cultural Aspects in Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia. 1

1998-2009 2002-now 2002-now

Member, Board of Professional Affairs Dewan Keprofesian Arsitek DKA), Indonesian Institute of Architects. Professor of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. Reviewer, Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education, Republic of Indonesia for competitive grant.

Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Southeast Asian Architecture. A publication of the National University of Singapore. 2003-2007 2004-now Head, Board of Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. Head, Advisory Board of Urban Design Reviewing Team (Tim Penasehat Arsitektur Kota) to the Governor of Jakarta.

Editorial Advisory Board of Jurnal Kota. University of Indonesia. 2009 Head of Jury for the Architectural Design Competition of the New Library of the University of Indonesia at the Depok Campus. Sponsored by University of Indonesia. Head of jury for the Sustainable Construction Competition in Indonesia. Sponsored by Holcim Indonesia. Head of jury, for the Architectural Design Competition of the Faculty of Humanities Building X at University of Indonesia Depok Campus. Sponsored by the Faculty of Humanities of University of Indonesia. Head of jury, for the Architectural Design Competition of the Art and Cultural Center of the University of Indonesia Depok Campus, sponsored by University of Indonesia. Head of jury, for the Architectural Design Competition of the Facuty of Computer Science Building of the University of Indonesia at the Depok Campus. Sponsored by University of Indonesia Head of Jury for the Architectural Design Competition of Vocational School of the University of Indonesia at the Depok Campus. Sponsored by the University of Indonesia. Jury member for the Architectural Design of the Integrated Faculty Club of the University of Indonesia a the Depok Campus. Sponsored by the University of Indonesia. Head of jury, for the selection of Best Faculty Members of the Unviersity of Indonesia. Reviewer, for the selection of Research Proposal at National Level. Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education. 2008 Member of the Regional Jury, Asia Pacific, Holcim Award for Sustainable Construction. Head of Jury for the Design Competition of the Tangerang City Gate at Kota Tiga Raksa sponsored by the City Municipality of Tangerang. Jury member, Architectural competition for the design of University of Gajahmada Teahing Hospital Sponsored by University of Gajah Mada.

Head of Jury for the Archiectural Design Competition of Mass Subsidized Housing Sponsored by the State Ministry of Housing. Jury member, Architectural Competition for the design of the University of Indonesia Train Terminals at the Depok CAmpus. Jury member, Architectural Competition for the design of New Addition of Departement of Electrical Engineering at the Complex of Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Depok Campus. Jury member, for the Architectural Design Competition of the Roossenno Center of Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia Depok Campus. Jury member for the selection of the Best Final Project Design Award of the Final Year Architectural Undergraduate Students of the University of Parahyangan. Head of Jury for the Selection of the Best Faculty Member Award of the Unviersity of Indonesia. Head of jury for the Departement of Public Work Award for the Best Practice of Building Services by the local government. Member, Revise the Master Plan of the University of Indonesia Depok Campus. 2007 Jury member, Is Architecture Fashionable? Competition, sponsored by Architecture Student Assosiation of University of Tarumanagara. Jury member, the Jakarta Design Center Faade Upgrading Limited Competition, sponsored by Indonesian Institute of Architects Jakarta Chapter. Scientific Committee Member, the International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements: Pace or Speed?: Vernacular Building Types and Settlements in Transition. Ahmedabab, India, 14-17 February 2008. Head of jury, for the Selection of the Best Practice in Building Services performed by a local government sponsored by the Department of the Public Work, Republic of Indonesia Steering Committee Member, the International Seminar on Knowledge City: Spirit, Character and Manifestation. Medan, Indonesia, 13-14 November 2007. 2006 Jury member, the Lombok New Airport Competition, sponsored by Angkasa Pura, Jakarta. Head of proposal preparation team for the application document of the establishment of Universitas Pembangunan Jaya. Head of Jury, Lonsum 100 Year Commemeration Monument Competition at Tanjung Wurawa. Sponsored by Lonsum. Head of Jury, Indonesian Institute of Architects, Jakarta Chapter Best Design Awards. Head of Jury, the Department of Public Works Award for Best Practices in implementing Building Legislation. Jury member, the Medan Kuala Namu new Airport limited Competition, sponsored by Angkasa Pura I. 3

Jury member, the Jogjakarta Airport Extension Competition, sponsored by Angkasa Pura, Jakarta Jury member, New Wing of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia 2005 Jury member, Harian Suara Merdekas Head Quarter Competition at Semarang. Sponsored by Indonesian Institute of Architects Central Java Chapter Jury member for the selection of Best Practice in Implementation of Building Legislation by a city municipality, sponsored by the Department of Public Work Jury member, The Makassar Airport Competition. Sponsored by Angkasa Pura 2. Jakarta Jury member. The Pantai Mutiara Club House Competition. Sponsored by Agung Sedayu Group Jury member. Indonesian Construction Photography and Writing Award. Sponsored by Inkindo of Jakarta. 2004 Jury, Competition of a Hotel in Semarang, sponsored by Indonesian Institute of Architects, Central Java Chapter. Head, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia.

1996-2003 2003

Head of Jury team, Competition on the Main Gate of University of Indonesia, Depok Campus. Head of Jury team, Competition on Best Articles to Promote Building Regulation, Department of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure, Jakarta. Panel member, International Forum on City to City Cooperation, the Third Series of Asia Looking to the Future, 11th-13th March 2003, Osaka, Japan. Sponsored by Osaka International House Foundation. Examiner, Doctoral Dissertation of Laksmi Siregar Gondokusumo. Fakulty of Cultural Sciences, University of Indonesia.


Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia.

Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Unviersity of Tarumanagara. 2002 Jury member, Infobox competition sponsored by Indonesian Institute of Architects and city Municipality of Jakarta. Jury member, Competition for Bus Terminal at Pulo Gebang, Jakarta, sponsored by city Municipality of Jakarta. Jury member, Competition for the shelter for Busway for the Municipality of Jakarta. Jury member, Competition for the Terminal at Rawa Buaya, sponsored by the City Municipality of Jakarta. Examiner for the Doctoral Qualifying Examination at Catholic University of Parahyangan, Bandung. 4

Examiner for the Doctoral Qualifying Examination at 10 November Institute of Technology, Surabaya. 1998-2001 Facilitator, Teaching Improvement Workshop in Bandung.

2000 Jury member, Scientific Paper Selection Team for University of Indonesia for Environmental Concern of Real Estate. Visiting Lecturer, 10-18th August, Department of Architecture, University of Adelaide. Advisor to the Urban Design committee of Jakarta Cybercity Project. JITC. Evaluator, Indonesian Institute of Architects Certification Program for the professional members working experience verification. 1989--1999 Research Fellow, Center for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Institute of Research, University of Indonesia.

1999 Steering committee, Seminar on Vernacular Settlements, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. Examiner for the Dissertation of Ari Indra for Master of Architecture degree at University of Melbourne. Volume Editor for "Architecture," the volume 6 of Indonesian Heritage series. Published in 1998 by Archipelago Press. 1998 1997 Instructor for Private University Architectural Lecturer Upgrading Program. Examiner, PhD Thesis of Titien Saraswati, University of Melbourne. Jury member for the competition of Garin Nugrohos house. Jury member (head) for the competition of Library of Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. Jury member for the competition of sculpture for Citra Raya Estate. 1996 Supervisor, representing Urban Architecture Advisory Board of the city Municipality of Jakarta for the construction of Candranaya Complex where a historical building should be retained. Jury member for the Competition on Experimental Houses sponsored by Sketsa, the Magazine of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tarumanagara. 1995 Technical reviewer for the final stage of two nominated projects for the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Supervisor, representing Urban Architecture Advisory Board of the city Municipality of Jakarta for the construction of Candranaya Complex where a historical building should be retained. Jury member for the Competition on Emergency Houses sponsored by Sketsa, the Magazine of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tarumanagara. 5


Jury member for the competition of Faculty of Engineering, Catholic University of Soegiapranata, Semarang. Panel member for The Best Young Researchers Of The Year in the category of Social and Cultural Dynamics, sponsored by the Indonesian Institutes of Sciences. Panel member for the Fulbright Fellowship on the selection of Master's degree candidate in Urban Planning and Design.


Jury member (head) for the 1991-93 Indonesian Institute of Architects' biannual Architecture Awards. Jury member (head) for the Telecommunication Tower Competition Project, sponsored by the Telecommunication Company. Panel member for the Fulbright Fellowship on the selection of Master's degree candidate in Urban and Regional Planning. Volume Editor for Diddier Millet's publication of Indonesian Heritage Series for the volume on Architecture.


Panel member for the Fulbright Fellowship on the selection of Ph.D's degree candidate in Social Sciences, Linguistics, and Urban Planning. Jury member of the Student Competition on the Vernacular Architecture in 2000. Advisor to the Project Manager of the Institut Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Manajemen Urban Campus Project.


Jury member of the Indonesian Institute of Architects Award, Special Award category.

1983-84 Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia and Tarumanegara University.



Anugeraha Sewaka Winayaroka, Penghargaan Pengabdian Pendidikan Tinggi Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 17 Desember 2007. Participation as a team member for the Limited Design Competition of Tuanku Tambusais Fort in Riau. Sponsored by the Regency Government of Riau. Participation as the Head of the Team for the Competition of Central Java Learning Center. Sponsored by the Government of Central Java. Winner of the category of Innovative Design of Aceh Tsunami Museum Competition, as a member of University of Indonesia team.


Finalist. Participation as a team members in the Jatinegara District Urban Development Competition. Sponsored by the Municipality of the Eastern Jakarta. 6

Participation as the head of the team in the Kemayoran Gates Competition. Sponsored by the Indonesian Institute of Architects. Participation as the head of the team in the Competition of the Great Mosque of Padang. Sponsored by the City Municipality of Padang, West Sumatra. 2005 Participation in the Senen District Urban Development Competition. Sponsored by the Municipality of the Central Jakarta. University of Indonesia Lecturer of Achievement Award for two publications. Participation in the Jatinegara District Urban Development Competition. Sponsored by the Municipality of East Jakarta. 2004 Wining Scheme, Design Competition for the extension of Pasturan Gereja Thresia. Sponsored by PDGP of Gereja Theresia.

2003 Third Prize winner, Nasional Competition on the Entry Gate Environment of Islamic University of Indonesia at Yogyakarta. As Team leader. Fourth Prize winner, for the Competition of Bekasi City Gate, sponsored by the City Municipality of Bekasi and Indonesian Institute of Architects. As team leader. 2001 Award, winning scheme in the category of Conceptual Adventurous in the Competition of Museum of Contemporary Arts. Judged by Antoine Predock. As leader of the team of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. Senior Researcher of Achievement in the field of Engineering (architecture), University of Indonesia. Third Place Researcher of the Year 2000 in the field of Engineering, (architecture) University of Indonesia. Paper Writing Award for paper published within the year 1999-2000 by refereed international journal, University of Indonesia. 2000 1999 1998 1997 Teaching Grant Award for Self-Relienced Acquisition of Knowledge for Non-Design Courses for Architecture Students from Quality for Undergraduate Project Batch II Year 2. Lecture Notes Award for preparation of course content in Design Methods awarded by Quality for Undergraduate Education Project Batch II year 1. Paper writing Award for researchers whose paper has been published within the year 1997-1998 by refereed international journal. Third Prize Award, as leader of the team for Competition of the Islamic Center at Tebet, Jakarta. This competition is sponsored by the Catholic University of Parahyangan and PT Sarana Jaya. Participation on limited Competiton on the Mosque of Brojonegara Harbor. Sponsored by PT Pelabuahn II. First prize winner, as head of the team, limited competition on the Pelabuhan Dua Redevelopment. Sponsored by PT Pelabuhan II.

1995 1994

1993 1992 1991

Dosen Berprestasi Peringkat I (Lecturer of the Best Achievement), Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. Honorable Mention, Ragunan Zoo Open Competition, as the team leader of DCM Design team. Indonesian Institute of Architects Award for the design of Main Administration Building of the University of Indonesia, Depok Campus, as architect in-charge. Wining scheme, limited invited competition for Lippo Bank office building at Jl Kebon Sirih Jakarta. As team member of DCM Jakarta, Unbuild First Prize, Ford Foundation Southeast Asia Regional Office Competition, as a member of the design team of PT DCM.

1988-89 Chancellor Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley. 1985-88 World Bank IX Indonesia Higher Education Project Fellowship. 1987 Award, University of California Education Abroad Faculty Exchange Program.

1981-83 World Bank IX Indonesia Higher Education Project Fellowship. 1981-82 Fellowship, Universty of California at Los Angeles, Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning. 1978 1977 1976 Honorable Mention (as the head of the team of University of Indonesia), the Pasar Baru Urban Development Competition, Jakarta, Indonesia. First Prize (as the head of the team), the Tanah Serial Low Income Settlement Redevelopment Competition, Jakarta, Indonesia. Third Prize (as a member of the team of PT. Kakrea) in The Surabaya Islamic Center Competition, Surabaya, Indonesia. Participation as member of the team of PT Kakrea, Blok M redevelopment Competition. 1975 First Prize winner (as a member of the team of PT. Kakrea) in the Particle Board Housing Competition, Bogor, Indonesia.

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2009 Collective unconscious and the transformative power in design. A self financed long time archival interpretive research on the transformation of primitive and vernacular idea in the contemporary context. Mapping the minds of Chinese Real Estate Developers through the land acquisition pattern. An data acquisition activity for a further interpretation. Study on the phenomenon of celebration of Chinese Indonesian in various sites in Jakarta, Semarang by means of visual communication.




Building Density Studies for the preparation of National Building Intensity Code. Sponsored by Departemnt of Public Work. Research on Life Cycles of Adolescent as the Base of Urban Space Policy to Mitigate School Students Mass Fighting. Grant from National Research Council. Head of Research Team.



Field observation on architectural tradition of three villages: Wolotopo, Bena, and Wogo of Flores Island. Sponsored by the Department of Architecture, Unviersity of Indonesia. Head of the Team of Accompanying Instructors. Field observation on the Setu Babakan Betawi Cultural Center at Southern part of Jakarta. Self interest. The Uluk Pailing Community Development Guideplan. As the Head of the Design Research Team of PT Perentjana Jaya.


Field observation on the Taman Daya architectural tradition at Uluk Pailing, Putusibau, West Kalimantan. Sponsored by the Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia. Head of the Team of Accompanying Instructors. Field work in Tumori, North Nias on the traditional dwellings under the pressure of global trend. Sponsored by the Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia. Head of the Team of Accompanying Instructors.


Research design for a new teaching method for non design course for first year architecture student based on learning by doing, learning to live together, and learning to learn principles. Research grant from the QUE Project. Head of the Research Team. Field observation on the campus street hawkers pattern and network. Head of research team. Self interest.

1999 On experimentation of a new teaching method for architectural design studio course based on the principle of problem based learning method, collaboration with Mr. Hery Fuad. Field observation on the architectural tradition of Minangkabau at Tanah Datar, West Sumatra. Sponsored by the Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia. Head of the Team of Accompanying Instructors. 1998 On the four riverside old mosques of Jakarta. It focuses on the significant of spirit of the place in historic religious center as the generative force for revitalization, and the meaning of river at the time of clean environment once enjoyed by the city. Self sponsored. Field research on the architectural tradition of West Sumba. The emphasis of this research was on the spatial pattern, belief system, and the concept of soul and life as expressed in the built form in a locality with strong tradition. Sponsored by the Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia. Head of the Accompanying Instructors.


1994.96 Field Research on the Social and Cultural Change as a Result of Resettlement for the Post Earthquake Community in Flores, as head of a multi disciplinary research team which comprises of architects, anthropologist, and psychologist, through a Research Grant from the National Research Council for 1994-1996 in the area of Social and Cultural Dynamics. Head of the Research Team. Visual guidelines study for eight Conservation Zones of Jakarta. Sponsored by the Conservation Agency of Provincial Government of Jakarta. Team member. 9

1992.93 Field research on cultural development. It focusses on the similarities and differences expressed through language, agriculture and architecture among four ethnic groups: Minahasa, Bolaang Mongondow, Gorontalo and Sangir Talaud of North Sulawesi.Sponsored by the Institutes for Sciences of Indonesia. Serves as the Head of Architecture Section in a multidisciplinary team of Indonesian Institute For Sciences. Guidelines study on the Conservation Zone of Condet. Preparing a cultural tourism program for Condet Special Conservation District. Sponsored by the Conservation Agency, Provincial Government of Jakarta. Head of the Research Team. 1991 Field research on The Spatial Conception of the Kenyah of Long Merah, East Kalimantan. Head of Architecture Section of a multi-disciplinary research team of University of Indonesia to investigate the attitude toward resettlement of an isolated community. Sponsored by the Department of Social Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia. Team member. Urban Design Guidelines Study for the 90 ha Urban Corridor of Menteng Pulo in order to anticipate the fast development of a potential urban core. Sponsored by the Urban Planning Board, Provincial Government of Jakarta. of DKI. Head of the Team. Guideplan for the down town of Jakarta, an urban core redevelopment study of an 100 ha Conservation Zone of the oldest spot of Jakarta, sponsored by the Conservation Agency of Provincial Government of Jakarta. Head of the Team. 1990 Field survey of Architectural Tradition of Lombok. Supervised a team of students studying the houses and settlement patterns in Lombok, a neighboring island of Bali. As Accompanying supervisor of the Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia. Field work in Kota Gede, Central Java, as a participant observer and interviewer to collect field data on the dwellings, belief, and worldview of the dwellers as expressed in build form. It is located at, arguably, the core of Central Javanese culture. Self sponsored related to the Dissertation writing. Field study on the pilgrimage centers and religious buildings along the coastal area of Java and Bali. This observation covered the religious path of Nine Saints of Java and the cultural link between Java and Bali. Self sponsored. Preliminary survey on the settlement patterns and house shapes of Kota Gede. This study depicted the unique pattern of Kota Gede as the origin of the present Javanese town. Self Sponsored.




1980-81 Team member of the Penjaringan Settlement Research Project sponsored by PPPPL, Jakarta. 1980 Team member of the Experiment in Self-Help House Project, Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia. Field Survey, as Part-time Junior Counterpart to the housing expert of PAS (Public Administration Service) for the proposal of a demonstration project which to be implemented in the housing industry in Indonesia. 1979 Team member, the Jakarta Museum Exhibition Study sponsored by the City Municipal of Jakarta. Feasibility study of the Housing Loan Project sponsored by The Housing Agency of the Department of Public Work. 1977 Head of the team of P.T. Kakrea's for the survey of Riau and Jambi Road Sign Allocation Project. Sponsored by Department of Transportation. 10


2009-Now 1989-Now

Instructor, Environment of the Life Cycle, an elective course offered by the upper level undergraduate students and graduate students of the Department of Architecture. Instructor, Senior Year Architectural Design course. In this course, students is challenged to design (a) building(s) in a complex urban setting within 7 weeks.

Committee member, the Master's Thesis of graduate students in anthropology program, ethnic architecture research, University of Indonesia. Instructor of "Design Theories and Methods." A course for senoior year students on theories and methods in architectural design; normative and systemic design tradition, design as "program", pattern language, argumentative model (IBIS), spatial archetype analysis, etc. 2001-now Instructor, Graduate Architectural Design Course, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia.

Instructor, Graduate Course on City and Its Development in Indonesia. Graduate Program on Urban Studies, University of Indonesia. Facilitator, Advanced Design Theories and Methods, for Graduate Course at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. 1996-now 1998-2001 1991-1997 Committee member, the Final Year Scientific Writing course, a compulsory course for undergraduate degree of the Department of Architecture. Instructor/fasilitator for Teaching Improvement Workshop to prepare lecturers to improve teaching quality. Instructor, "The Environments of Life Cycles." A semi-seminar course offered in Anthropology program at the Graduate Division, on the spatial consequences of both physiological and psychological development of person and community in various social and cultural settings.

Instructor, "Ethnic Architecture," an upper division course surveying the architecture of distinctive ethnic groups around the world with emphasis on Indonesia. 1989-96 Committee member, Final Year Architectural Design Studio Course, a comprehensive examination for degree requirement of the fifth year students. 1991-95 Instructor, "Introduction to Research Methods in Design." An upper division introductory course for senior year student, on man-environment relation in design. The course offered basic methods of observation, in-depth interview, questionaire, survey, evaluation, scaling, statement and supporting evidence/reason, report and proposal. 1992 Instructor, Short Courses on Urban Design, Center for Architecture and Urban Studies.

1983-84 Instructor, Junior year Architectural Design course, University of Indonesia and University of Tarumanagara. 11

Instructor, Seminar in Architectural Design course for Senior year students at University of Tarumanagara. Final Year Architectural Design Studio Course supervisor, a comprehensive examination for degree requirement of the fifth year students.

PUBLICATIONS 2009 Maha Pembangunan dan Keberlanjutan Lingkungan:Suatu Tntangan Kebijakan Umum Tata Ruang.. Paper Presented in the National Seminar on Between Super and Sustainable Urban Development:Pengembangan Properti Berskala Besar dan Kebijakan Tata Ruang yang BErkelanjutan. University of Tarumanagara, Jakarta, 11/02/2009. Tantangan Pendidikan Arsitektur dalam Dunia yang Semakin Merata. In M. Hidayatun et al. (eds.). Seorang Pendidik dan Arsitek: Markis Ignatio Aditjipto. Surabaya: Jurusan Arsitektur UK Petra. Diri, Bangun, Huni: Belajar dari Arsitektur Orang Sangir dan Pencerminannya. Dalam buku Sutrisno Murtiyoso (penyunting). 50 Tahun Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia. Bandung: Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia. Sejarah Kebudayaan Indonesia: Arsitektur (penyunting). Jakarta: Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata. Pedagogic, Didaktik, atau Mathetik yang paling Pantas untuk Arsitektur?: Suatu Penelusuran Gagasan. Arsitektur dan Rakyat. Dalam Prosiding Sarasehan Arsitek Sasra Matra. Semarang: Unviersitas Diponegoro.


Studio dalam Pendidikan Arsitektur. Proceedings, Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Arsitektur: Manajemen Studio Menuju Dunia Arsitektur Professional. 9-10 Februari 2008, Denpasar-Bali. Pp. 1-11. Bahasa Klasik dan Arsitektur: Apa yang Terjadi di Jakarta? dalam Versus Vol.I No.1. 4D. a Chapter for the Book 4D Arsitektur. Will be published by Gramedia. Menelusuri Jjak Pendidikan Arsitektur di Indonesia:Sutu Catatan Pribadi. A Chapter fro the Book 4D. Will be published by Gramedia. On Text: Exploration of an Idea in Reading Architecture at Home. A Chapter for a book edited by David Utama. Will be published by Universitas Pelita Harapan. Permasalahan Perancangan Rumah Susun Sederhana Milik (RUSUNAMI). Paper presented in the Workshop on: Implementasi Kebijakan Penyelenggaraan Pembangunan Ruamh Susun di Kawasan Perkotaan. Sponsored by the State Ministry of Public Housing. Jakarta 20-21 August 2008.


[Ibu] Kota Baru: Pertimbangan Penentuan dan Konsekuensi. An Invited Keynotes speech at the Seminar on: Strategi dalam Penentuan Pusat Ibukota Kabupaten Serang Mambangun Keseimbangan Ekonomi, Ekologi, Equity & Geopolitik. Serang, 05/04/2008. 2007 The Youth On-Street Mass Fighting: Density VS Open Space of School in the Development of Jakarta. Paper presented in the Conference on Density Inside-Out at the University of Edinburgh, on 6-8 June 2007. Visual Environment of Celebration: Reconstructing Selves and Identity of Chinese Indonesians in the Era of Reformation. Paper (invited) presented on the Conference on Public Eyes/Private Lenses: Visualizing the Chinese in Indonesia and in North America. 1-3 March 2007, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Pertumbuhan Kawasan Perkotaan: suatu Tinjauan Gagasan. Paper presented for the event of Disemminasi Konsep/Model Pengembangan Potensi Pertumbuhan Perkotaan. Sponsored by the department of Interior Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta, 27/09/2007. Menggali Kekayaan Arsitektur Tradisional di Indonesia. Co written with Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan. Paper presented in the Lokakarya Pekan Produk Budaya Indonesia 2007, sponsored by the Department of Commerce, 13/07/2007 at Jakarta Convention Center. Dari HijauKe Hijau: Mencapai Kota Terhuni Bermutu Tinggi. Paper Presented at Seminar on Jakarta Hijau: Nyata atau Ilusi? as part of the event of the Musyawarah Daerah Ikatan Arsitek Lansekap Indonesia, Jakarta, 16 June 2007. Pengendalian Rencana Bangunan Gedung dalam Aspek Keselamatan Jiwa. Paper (invited) presented on Seminar cum Workshop on Life Safety NFPA.101 dan Masalah Keandalan Gedung Menyambut Pemberlakuan Undang-Undang Bangunan Gedung No 28 Tahun 2002. 16 January 2007, Jakarta. Menuju Strategi Perencanaan Tata Ruang dan Wilayah, Membangun Keseimbangan Pembangunan dan Kelestarian Lingkungan. Seminar for the Socialization of Long Term Development Plan 2006-2026 of Serang Regency. Hotel Le Dian, Serang, 10 Mei 2007. Taman Budaya Tionghoa di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah: Kunjung Ulang Pascamoderen. Public Lecture for the Celebration of Design Week at Universitas Pelita Harapan, Karawaci, 4 April, 2007. Arsitektur di Indonesia: Sebuah Pembayangan yang Belum Terjangkau? National Seminar on Perkembangan Arsitektur di Indonesia. Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 5 May 2007. Written commentary, on Analisis Implikasi Negatif Pembangunan Hypermarket di Kawasan Perkotaan. By PT Padmaduta Cipta, for the National Planning Board, Tuesday, 30 January 2007. 2006 PUSAT PERBELANJAAN DAN RUANG TERBUKA HIJAU: KONTES LAHAN TAK BERIMBANG DI JAKARTA YANG BELUM TERSELESAIKAN. Paper presented in Seminar Nasional Pusat Belanja Perkembangan Mall dan Pusat Perbelanjaan di DKI Jakarta, Tren, Permasalahan dan Perspektif, sponsored by REI, UNTAR, and APPBBI on Wednesday 29 November 2006, Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta.


Mencari Jawaban Terhadap Tantangan Pendidikan Arsitektur. Paper presented Seminar dan Workshop on Arsitektur dan Dinamika Kota sponsored by Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 18 Nov 2006. The Javanese Architecture in History of Science and Technology in the Non Western World. An Online Encyclopaedia. KOTA:GAGASAN DAN PANDANGAN. Keynotes Address on Seminar on Visi Kota Jakarta 2030 on the occassion of 47th Anniversary of Indonesian Institute of Architects. Jakarta, 13 September 2006. Pembentukan Megalopolis: Suatu Pandangan. in Journal Kota, Vol 2, 2006. pp. 10-15. Klasik dan Arsitektur: Apa yang Terjadi di Jakarta? A short paper presentation on Classicism and its influence in Jakarta, for the Indonesian Institute of Architects, Jakarta Chapter Discussion Session on January 19, 2006. 2005 Membangun Arsitektur will be published as a Chapter of a Book dedicated to Diyan Sigit. Previously a Keynotes Speech for the 35 anniversary inauguration of the Department of Architecture at The Christian University of Petra, Surabaya. Pemekaran Pusat Perbelanjaan: Arsitektur dan Penguasaan Kapitalisme atas Manusia Indonesia Melalui Rayuan Citra Kebendaan. In Prosidings Seminar Urban Design on Wajah Kota: Trend Perkembangan Pusat Perbelanjaan di Jakarta Sponsored by Vhadyaswasti Duapuluh. 2003 Dwellings in Indonesia: Tradition, Resilience, Change. Chapter 7 of Ronald Knapp (ed.) Old Dwellings of Asia: Tradition, Resilience, Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. pp. 159-184. Reviving the Betawi Tradition: The Case of Setu Babakan, Indonesia in Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review. Volume XV Number I, Fall 2003. Pp. 59-72. Mendulang Budaya Bermukim di Nusantara: Beberapa Pelajaran Membangun Keynotes Address for the International Symposium on Exploring Nusantara Architecture, Brastagi, 11-12 December 2003. 2002 Arsitektur di Indonesia: Kancah Penjelajahan Tanpa Batas. Professorship acceptance speech on Saturday 28th December 2002 at University of Indonesia, Depok Campus. Jakarta: University of Indonesia Press, 2002. Architectural Tradition in Indonesia: Possible Prospect. Seminar on Historical and Cultural Relationship between Indonesia and Thailand. August 27-28, 2002 at National Museum. Aspek Estetika Jalan Raya: Mengatasi Kemungkinan Penambahan Lajur Khusus Bus (Busway). Seminar and Workshop on Busway, Jakarta, 23 May 2002. Kampus Universitas Indonesia (as Co-Author). Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia Press. Pelestarian Bangunan Gedung: Suatu Catatan Mengenai Prosedur. Limited Seminar on Building. DEPKIMPRASWIL Jakarta, 27 Juni 2002. Learning Architecture The Asian Way: Toward A New Architectural Education Paradigm In Indonesia. Symposium paper on the Journal of Aoutheast Asian Architecture, Singapore, 15 March 2002. 14

Arsitek Pendidik, Pendidik Arsitek dan Pendidikan Arsitektur di Indonesia di Permulaan Abad Ke 21. Nyala Nirmala: 72 Tahun Han Awal. Depok: Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia. Hal. 2001 Future Urban equity for a Problematic Metropolis: Image and Reality of Planning Practice in Jakarta. In (forthcoming) Proceedings: The First World Planning School Conference on The future of Asian Cities, Shanghai, China. Mutu Perancangan Arsitektur Dalam Era Serba Industri Prosidings, Seminar Nasional Dominasi Industri Terhadap Rancangan Arsitektur di Indonesia. 8 November 2001, ITS Pendapa dan Kegayutannya di Masa Kini. In Prajna Pundarika. Vol.XXVIII, No.313 Januri 2001. P. 40 Adakah Ciri Wajah Kota Jakarta? In Indo Construction. Vol II No.8. October 2001. Home Sweet Home. In Tempo. Vol.XXX No 7 16-22 April 2001. P.86 Bahan Bangunan dan Kehadiran Arsitektur. In Sketsa. 17/07/2001. Pp. 8-17. 2000 The House that Breathes: On the Distinction of Sangirese Architectural Tradition. In Nezar AlSayyad (Series Editor) Technology and the Making of Urban Landscape. Center for Environmental Design Research IASTE Working Paper Series. Vol.135, 2000, pp.1-16. Metode Perancangan: Suatu Pengantar untuk Arsitek dan Perancang. Depok: Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000. Merancang dengan Tema sebagai Titik Awal Penyelesaian. In Kilas, Vol 2, No.1 Januari 2000. PP.69-78. Environmental Design: A Prospect for Future Environment? in forth coming Proceedings. Technology and Environment. 7th Pacific Basin symposium on In Search of New Asian Way. 28-30 August 2000 at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Kajian Semiotik dalam Arsitektur. In Edi Masinambaw & Rahayu Hidayat (eds.) Semiotik: Kumpulan Makalah Seminar. Depok: Pusat Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2000. Pp.67-86. Beberapa Catatan Tentang Lokalitas dan Arsitektur Lokal. In Proceedings: Seminar and Workshop on Writing and Teaching History of Architecture. 20-22 November 2000 at University of Tarumanagara and University of Trisakti, Jakarta. Values of Urban Historic Heritage in Cultural Tourism. In Forth Coming, Proceedings of IHS Refresher Course on Saving Our Inner Cities: Integrated Approaches to Inner City Revitalization and Urban Heritage in Indonesia from 14to 25 February 2000. The schedule for this paper is 22nd February 2000. Fakta, Masalah, Kendala, dan Peluang Pendidikan Arsitektur di Indonesia. In Proceedings: Workshop Pendidinkan Arsitektur, Bandung 20-22 August 2000. Sekitar Permukiman Vernacular: Suatu Catatan. YAI Seminar, 22 March, 2000. Arsitektur Supermoderen: Adakah Itu? Sketsa.


Riverside Historical Sites Conservation as Urban design Policy in Jakarta. Proceedings of Cities and Sustainability: Sustaining Our Cultural Heritage. Millenium Conference: Sri Lanka 2000. 1999 "On Vernacular Settlement" in Proceedings: International Seminar on Vernacular Settlement: The Role of Local Knowledge in Built Environment. Faculty of Engineering, 3-4 August 1999. pp. 1-10. "Site, Memory, and Recovery: Some Lessons from the Post Calamity Society of Flores." In Confeence Proceedings on Sites of Recovery: Architecture's (Inter)disciplinary Role. Birut, Libanon, 25-28-1999. PP.401-408. Perancangan Kota untuk Konservasi Lingkungan Alam dan Sosekbud Tepian Sungai Musi, Proceedings, Akademic Seminar on Musi Riverside Tourism Development, in Palembang 16 June 1999. Bandung: Bandung Institute of Technology, pp.85-101. "Arsitektur dalam konteks kebudayaan: tinjauan konsep membangun di daerh bertradisi kuat." In Hidayat, R. (ed) Cerlang Budaya: Gelar Karya untuk Edi Sedyawati. Pusat Penelitian Kemasayrakatan dan Budaya. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, Depok 1999. PP.189-206. "Naskah (Dan Teks) Dalam Kajian Arsitektur." In Proseding Simposium Nasional: Naskah Arsitektur Nusantara. Surabaya 9-9-1999. PP.1-15. "Spatial Change and Social Disorder: The Loss of Sacred Place in Post Earthquake Mitigation of the Lio Village in Flores." Environment by Design, Autumn 1999, Vol. 3 Number 1, pp.53-72. "An Old Mosque in a New Commercial Complex: An Urban Design Model for Jakarta?" In Proceeding of the Symposium on Mosque Architecture, Volume 3: The Urban Design of Mosques. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1999. pp. 43-58. Co-written with Choesnah Idarti. "Peran Arsitektur dan Antropologi dalam Tata Ruang Kota Indonesia di Abad 21," Journal Antropologi Indonesia, Antropologi Indonesia: Indonesian Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropologi. Th.XXIII, No.59, Mei-Agustus 1999, pp.80-94. The House that Breathes: Indigenous Architecture of the Sangirese Bandung: ICOMOS, pp.5863. 1998 Architecture, as Volume Editor for the Volume 6 of Indonesian Heritage Series. Published by Edition Didier Millet of Archipelago Press in Singapore. "Rivitalize Riverside Historical Sites as an Urban Design idea for the 21st Century Jakarta." Proceeding, International Symposium and Workshop on Historic Cities in Islamic Societies, April 21-23, 1998, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. "A Traditional Shape Packaged: On the Pancasila Mosque of Indonesia." CEDR (Center for Environmental Design Research) Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series Volume 119/IASTE, December 1998. 1997 "Archetypes and Some Key Works of Atelier Enam." To be published in 1998 as an article in a book on the works of this famous Indonesian architectural firm. "New Town: Urban Future for Expanded Metropolis in Indonesia?" In Journal of Southeast Asian Architecture, Vol II, No.1, 1997, PP. 13-24. 16

"Identifikasi Pendekatan Penataan Ruang Kawasan Pemugaran di Kota Jakarta." In Proceeding: Forum Diskusi Perkotaan, City Municipality of Jakarta, 1997. 1996 "Social and Cultural Based Planning for Disaster Sensitive Traditional Districts: The Case of Flores, Indonesia." in Nezar AlSayyad (ed.). Maintaining Tradition: Planning in the Face of External Factors, CEDR (Center for Environmental Design Research) Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series, Volume Eighty-Five/ IASTE, December, 1996. PP.27-64. "Penghayatan dan Tindakan: Suatu Renungan Terhadap Karya Arsitektur Mangunwijaya," in Mendidik Manusia Merdeka, Romo Mangunwijaya 65 Tahun. Yogyakarta: Interfidei, 1995. PP. 145-166. "Local Response to Global Challenge: Reading Indonesian Architectural Phenomena," in Proceedings, Conference on: Rewriting the Pacific, in Davis, California, 19-22 October 1995. "How Relevant Indonesian Architectural Authenticity Is?" in The Jakarta Post, Vol.13 No.079, July 16, 1995, p.10. "Konsep Ruang Arsitektur Orang Kenyah: Tradisi dan Pembangunan di Long Merah," in Perubahan Terencana, Center for Social and Cultural Research, University of Indonesia, Depok, 1995, pp. 21-43. "Deconstruction, Arsitektur dan Masalahnya." in Sketsa. No. 11/03 1995. PP. 34-43. 1994 "Trading the Menado House: the Commercialization of a Traditional House Shape." As a working paper in Nezar AlSayyad (ed.) Elements of Traditional Built Environments, IASTE 6994, Center for Environmental Design Research, University of California, Berkeley, pp. 13-29. "The World of Kenyah: Tradition Vs. Development in Rukun Damai," in Preservation of Traditional Environments in the Face of Migration and Development, CEDR Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series, Volume fifty-two / IASTE WP 52-93, pp 75-113. "Arsitektur Indonesia Menjelang Abad 21: Beberapa Sikap Terhadap Berbagai Kecenderungan," in Sketsa No.7/3 1992, pp.26-37. "Laporan ARCASIA Forum: Gagasan Baru Menghadapi Perumahan Massal," Sketsa No.07/3 1992, pp.84-89. "Arsitektur Kota Dalam Pengamatan" in Posisi, No.1, 1992. "Space and Place in The Javanese Architectural Tradition." in the Proceedings of Society of Architectural Historian of Australia and New Zealand Conference on Asia Austral Asia in Geelong, July 3-7 1992. 1991 "Javanese Duality: On The Myth And Reality of Center And Periphery," in Myth, Ritual And The Generation of Space, CEDR Traditional Dwellings And Settlements Working Paper Series, Volume Twenty/ IASTE WP 21-91, pp. 59-80. "Expressions of Islam in Buildings: Indonesian Experience," in Expressions Of Islam In Buildings, Aga Khan Publication, 1991, pp 188-202.





Cosmos, Center, And Duality In The Javanese Architectural Tradition: The Symbolic Dimensions of House Shapes in Kota Gede And Surroundings, unpublished dissertation, University Microfilm Services, Michigan, 1991. "Arsitektur Etnik: Suatu Pengantar," in Pelita, 29 February 1991. 1990 "Toward the Maturity of Indonesian Architecture," in Proceeding of Asean Architecture Symposium, Bangkok, 21-25 May, 1990. "Pemikiran Kembali Kurikulum Arsitektur," in Proceeding of FNPA Conference, 21-23 May 1990, Denpasar, Bali. 1989 "Center and Duality in the Javanese Dwellings," in Jean-Paul Bourdier and Nezar AlSayyad (eds.) Traditional Dwellings and Settlements: a Comparative Perspective, N.Y.: American University Press. pp.213-236. "The Idea of Center in Javanese Landscape" in Journal IAI, no. 1/1987. "Design dan Merancang: Penjelajahan Sebuah Gagasan" in Architrave, no.4, 1987. 1981 1978 Perilaku Masyarakat dan Tata Ruang (co-author) Jakarta: PPPPL, 1981. "Flat Dari Aspek Arsitektur" (co-author) in Widyapura no.1, tahun II, 1978. "Pondok Sari" (in team) in Widyapura, edisi khusus, 1978.


PROFESSIONAL WORKS AND PROJECTS 2010 2009 Designing the Master Plan for Universitas Negeri Menado. Design of the Chandari Creative Village Museum of Graphic Design on 8000 m2 lot. Unbuild. Review and revise the Master Plan of the University of Indonesia Salemba Campus. Designing the Master Plan of Taman Nusa Cultural Village at Bali (revise and enlarge) due to requirement change. Competition entry for the design of the Rest Area at the TOL ROAD, sponsored by Indonesian Institute of Architects. Competition entry for the design of Sport Stadium at North Jakarta. Sponsored by the City Municipality of North Jakarta. 2008 Design of the Residence of Wisnu Sunanto, a Three stories, 200 m2 compact house at the Southern part of Jakarta (design development stage). Review and revise the Master Plan of the University of Indonesia Depok, Salemba, and other Campuses. Competition entry for the design of Papua Cultural Center and Museum at Jayapura. Competition entry for the urban desing of Saigon New Development Strip.


Liberal Arts Curriculum Outline Development, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya. (Continue Program) 2007 Review and revise the Master Plan of the University of Indonesia Depok Campuses Design Proposal for a Sport Clubhouse at Patra Kuningan. A building with indoor sport facility and a driving range of 3000 sqm total floor area. Design of the house of Mr and Mrs Wisnu Sunanto at Podok Indah, a Three Stories house in a small plot of land (18.5X 8 m2, preliminary design stage). Designing the Museum and Gallery of Taman Nusa Cultural Center. Member, Design Competition Team of University of Indonesia for Aceh Tsunami Museum. Winning scheme in the Category of Innovative Design. Liberal Art Curriculum Outline Development, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya. 2006 Masterplan of Taman Nusa Cultural Center in Gianyar, Bali. A 15 hectare of cultural center comprises of Indonesian Cultural Village, Museum of Heritage, Indonesian Pavilions, and Cultural Bazaar. Masterplan for the 140 hectare Muhammad Subuh Center in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Proposal for the Universitas Pembangunan Jayas establishment. A subject to be reviewed by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Republic of Indonesia. 2005 Design development for the St. Theresia Church new building and the preservation of Old Pasturan Building. Building Intensity Technical Guidelines Preparation for Department of Public Works. Head of Design Team for the Senen District Development Competition. Head of Design Team for the Jatinegara District Development Competition. 2004 Head of Design Team for the Competition of Central School and a Buddhist Center at Puri Indah, Jakarta. Head of Design Team for the Competition of a new building to facilitate St. Theresia Church Complex. 2003 Head of Design Team. Competition for the Gate of Bekasi City. Head of Design Team. Competition for the Gateway Environments of Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta Campus. Head of Design Team of the Department of Architecture, Competition for new town of Gorontalo Regency. Team Member for the Urban Design Guidelines for Gelora Bung Karno Sport Complex and Its Surroundings. 200 Ha development project. 2002-2003 Self employed. Design of Dr. Sunantos residence, Jakarta, 200 m2, two stories. 19

Self employed. Design of Mr Jeffreys residence in Menado, 240 m2, two strories. Self employed. Design of Mr. Suharmans Residence in Jakarta, 360 m2, three stories. Self employed. Design of Ms. Titi Sunantos residence in Jakarta, 450 m2, two stories. Resource person for PT Mutu Pratama. Masterplan for the Redevelopment of Kemang District as a Modern Kampung. 2001 Head of Design Team. Competition for the National Gallery Rebuilding, judged by Antoine Predock. Independent expert, Air Right Regulation Preparation Study (Penyusunan Pedoman Penataan Ruang Udara) for Elevated Commercial Buildings in Jakarta. 1999 Architect in-charge, Lembaga Teknologi. Design of Restaurant on the Riverbank of the Faculty of Economics. University of Indonesia, Depok campus. Member of In-house Design Team. Masterplan for the development of University of Indonesia Salemba Campus. A 6 hectares urban campus redevelopment scheme. Self employed. Design of Mr. Michael Sumariantos house, 400 m2, two stories. 1998 1997 PT.ENCONA Proposal for the Bridge and Shopping Centers Project in Down Town Jakarta. Lembaga Teknologi FTUI. Review and renew New Masterplan for University of Indonesia, Second Expansion Plan. This new plan is to match the requirement of the coming global era and information age. It utilizes 300 hectares of land with 170 of it as forestation. Personal. Competition scheme for Banjarnegara Mosque. This scheme utilizes the image of coastal site condition. Wave line dominates the design of this 2500 m2 mosque. Team member of Department of Architecture. Competition scheme for Islamic Center in Tebet of South Jakarta. The program calls for a madrasah, a library, a prayer court and parking facilities around an exixting mosque. It was sponsored by the Catholic University of Parahyangan in Bandung and the City Municipality of Jakarta. This proposal won the third prize. Head of design team, PT ENCONA Design of the Main Administration Building for Muhammadiyah Palembang New Campus, 4000 M2, three stories. Head of design team, Lembaga Teknologi FTUI. Design proposal for the extension of student dining room in the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia at Depok. It houses both students and faculty members in two wings (@ 1000 m2) of buildings at the sloppy site. Lembaga Teknologi FTUI. Masterplan for the Setoko Island Sport Center and Advanced Education Project in a 1000 ha land. PT ENCONA. Design concept for the Taman Medan Merdeka signage, street furniture, forestation, and lighting 1996 Head of design team PT ENCONA. Masterplan for the IKIP Cikarang Campus. A plan to house 25.000 students in an 80 ha of land in Lippo Cikarang, West Java


Lembaga Teknologi FTUI. Design of Batam Visitor Center. A 5000 sqm building in an 5 ha of land to offer information on several magnificent engineering achievement by Indonesian in Batam. As team leader of Design Team of Institute for Technology, University of Indonesia. Member of conservation team of DKI. Conservation Guidelines of Candranaya building in the development of a business complex. 1995 Team member of PT.Arservo and Associates. Manual for Urban Design Guidelines, sponsored by the City Municipality of Jakarta. Member of UI ITB Team. Entry for the Jakarta Tower (Kemayoran) limited design competition, a 450 meter high telecommunication tower and a service podium Project. Personal. Entry for National Museum Faade design competition, Jakarta. Sponsored by Indonesian Institute of Architects. Personal. Entry for the Monumen of the Unknown Patriot, a competition sponsored by Indonesian Institute of Architects. Member of team of the Department of Architecture FTUI. Manual for Building and Environmental Design Guidelines, as a team member representing University of Indonesia for Cakramangilingan, sponsored by the Department of Public Works. Design in-charge, Lembaga Teknologi FTUI.Urban Design Guidelines for the Galang 2 Project, a 100 hectars sub civic center for a resort island. As head of the team of Lembaga Teknologi. Personal. Entry for National Museum of Korea, an International Competition for a 100.000 sqm Museum on a 350.000 sqm of land. As head of a design team of PT. SVC Consultants and Associates. Personal. Entry for the Maritime Business Center limited competition, a 250,000 sqm multifunctional complex on a 5 Hectares land at the coast of Tanjung Priuk Sea Port. Team leader. As senior counterpart of John Portman and Associate, representing PT. Encona for the Urban Design Guidelines of the 300 Hectars Central Business District of Bumi Serpong Damai. Personal. Design of the Center for American Studies in the Campus of the University of Indonesia, a 3200 sqm, 3 stories research and teaching center which encompasses a library, offices, and multipurpose hall. Chief masterplanner for PT ENCONA. Masterplan of the Campus of University of Muhammadiyah at Palembang. A 200,ooo sqm campus to admit 20.000 students in a 35 hectars of swampy land in Palembang. Head of the team of Department of Architecture FTUI. Visual guidance for eight special conservation districts in Jakarta, sponsored by the City Municipality of Jakarta. 1994 Member of PT.ENCONA Team. Urban Design Guidelines for the 265 Ha National Square District, Jakarta. The program calls for a complete set of design guidelines which includes micro landuse, building envelops, building bulk, visual corridors, green areas, signages, floor area ratios, building coverages.


Partner in-charge for PT SVC. Proposal for an Executive hotel in West Jakarta. The program called for 400 Executuive suites, a 2000 seats convention hall, and full facilities on the site of Orchid Palace Hotel. Partner in-charge for PT.ENCONA. Landscape concept and theme along the twelve kilometer long Jakarta International Airport freeway. Head, Design team of PT.ENCONA. Masterplan for the Campus of Gorontalo School of Education, it covers 50 hectars of land and 50,000 sqm of educational facilities. Concept formulation for PT. Encona Engineering. Partner in-charge for PT SVC. Siteplan for Mahogany Hill 17 Ha Housing Project at Cianjur, West Java. Personal. Theme house (bipolar living condition) for my own family. 180 sqm, two story, Depok, West Java. 1993 Architect in-charge for PT DCM Jakarta. Proposal for a mixed use complex which includes two apartment towers (@ 75 units) and a wholesale shopping center (8000 sqm). Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta.Proposal for a 16 stories, 16.000 sqm office Tower at Jl. Jatibaru, Jakarta. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Proposal for an apartment tower and its facility in a housing complex at Surabaya. Head of design team of Lembaga Teknologi FTUI. Urban Design Guidelines and blockplan for the Tanjung Uncang 59 ha community center at Batam. The program calls for a governmental administration center, a cultural center, schools, clinics and small hospital, sport center, recreation center, market place and small commercial blocks. As team leader. Consultant to PT. ENCONA. Masterplan of the University of Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta, an 18 ha campus to house 18,000 students. As a team member of Encona Engineering Inc. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Conceptual scheme for the landscaping of Palm Court Hotel at Surabaya. Team leader of Department of Architecture Detailed urban design guidelines for the 150 ha Downtown Jakarta Conservation District. Team leader. Personal. Architect of the 200 sq-m residence of Mr. Harly Oyong at Cisarua, West Java. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Proposal for a 11 ha resort zone at Citeko, West Jawa. The program called for 12 villas, 12 greenhouses, and a clubhouse. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Proposal for 220 unit apartment, spread into three 20story-towers on a podium of 3 story parking building at Mangga Dua District in Jakarta. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta.Proposal for 160 unit apartment in two 20-story-towers at Jl. Fachrudin, Jakarta. 1992 Design team leader, Lembaga Teknologi FTUI. Urban Design Guideplan for Batam Center at the Island of Batam. Team leader for the urban architecture section.


Team member of Department of Architecture FTUI. Urban Design Guidelines for a 90 ha of land in Menteng Pulo as one of the Government program of large scheme Urban Corridor Development Projects. Team leader. Team leader, Department of Architecture FTUI. Masterplan for the 40 ha riverbank area of the Condet Conservation District. As team leader. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Masterplan for Ragunan Zoo, 114 ha. Honorable Mention of the competition entry. As team leader of DCM design team. Personal. Proposal for a rental office at Jl. Hasanudin, Jakarta. 3000 sq-m, four stories. Personal. Proposal for a 64 units, eight stories apartment building at Hasanudin, Jakarta. Personal. Proposal for a 120 units, four stories apartment complex in Lebak bulus, Jakarta. Personal. Design of the Residence of Mrs. Itet Soemarjanto, two stories, 250 sq-m, at Bekasi, West Java. 1991 Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. The Ford Foundation Southeast Asia Regional Office in Jakarta. First Prize winning scheme of an open competition. As team a member of DCM Jakarta. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Masterplan for Lido Ecopark Agro-tourism Project in a 250 ha resort land of West Java. Facilities include a hortimart, convention complex, farm hostels, discovery village, community college, farming research center, housing, and training hotel. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Masterplan for a 1000 ha coastal resort zone. Program includes a small airport, community center, hotels, cottages, golf course, lagoon housing, water sport facility, fruit farm, natural reserve forest and bat caves. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Proposal, Malioboro Plaza, a shopping center in a culturally sensitive area of Yogyakarta, Central Java. Team leader, Department of Architecture FTUI. Masterplan for the 150 ha down town Jakarta Conservation District. 1990 Duta Cermat Mandiri (DCM), senior architect for the proposal of Wamena Resort Hotel 3000 sqm. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Entry for the International Competition for Samarkan Urban Development, sponsored by The Aga Khan Trustee for Culture. Proposal of Bank Umum Nasional Surabaya Branch Office, 9 stories 11,000 Sqm. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Proposal of Lippo Bank Surabaya Branch Office, 17 stories, 15,000 sqm. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Proposal of a 3 ha mixed-use complex in Karang Setra, Bandung. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Proposal of BKPM 70,000 sqm Office park complex, Jakarta. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Siteplan of the proposal of Krekot Businese District; a mixed use commplex that house a hotel, various office blocks and apartment buildings. 23

Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Winning Scheme for a 10,500 sqm, 14 stories Office Tower limited Competition. Sponsored by Colliers Inc. Architect in-charge for PT. DCM Jakarta. Proposal of Lippo Tower, 24 stories, 17,500 sqm. office for the Lippo Land Development Company. Individual architect, for the design of Mr. G.A.S. Nayoan's house in Jakarta. 1984 Lembaga Teknologi, chief Architect for the master plan and design guidelines of the new campus of the University of Indonesia at Depok, Indonesia. The campus should accomodate 25,000 students in 13 faculties by the year 2005. Chief architect for Lembaga Teknologi FTUI. Design of the ten stories main administration building (14000 sq. meter) complex in the University of Indonesia new campus. 1983 P.T. Dacrea, chief architect for the proposal of the Tarakan Domestic Airport project, 2000 sq-m. P.T. Dacrea, chief architect. Proposal for the Senayan Condominium Project, three tower blocks. P.T. Dacrea, chief architect. Proposal for Tugu Pratama Head Office limited competition Project. 1981 Personal. Design of Mr. Amril Munir's 200 sqm residence, Jakarta. Consultant to P.T. Atelier 6, in-charge for the design of the 150-units (each 70 sq-m) housing project for ARCO's staff. Architect, Mr. Amril Munir's residence, 120 sq-m, Jakarta. 1980 Architect, PLN branch office in Jl. Ketapang, 4 stories, 3000 sq-m, Jakarta. P.T. Dacrea, architect in-charge for the design of the head office of P.T. Dacrea (unbuilt). P.T. Dacrea, architect in-charge for Proposal of a crematorium complex at Cilandak. (unbuilt) P.T. Mirazh, architect in-charge for the design of the branch office of the Department of Religion in Lampung; the proposal for Center for Studies and Training of Departmant of Man Power. 1979 Architect of Mr. Sirman's residence, two stories, 250 sq-m, Jakarta. Interior design for the lobby of the Marcopolo Hotel. P.T. Mirazh, architect in-charge, for the design of the head quarter of the Agency of Meterology and Geophysics in Jakarta; and P.T. Mirazh, architect in-charge for Design of a mosque in Semen Cibinong complex, Cibinong. Participant, of Le Halle International Competition. Participant of the Madrid Islamic Center International Center Competition. 1978 Personal. Design of Mr. Abdul Razak's 250 sqm residence, Jakarta. Personal. Design of the Dentists Recreation building in a dormitory complex in Jakarta. 24

P.T.Mirazh, architect in-charge for the design of the branch office of the Internal Revenue Service in Tanggerang, Indonesia. (unbuilt) P.T. Kakrea, architect in-charge for the design of Jakarta Blood Transfusion Center. Personal. Participant of the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition. Personal. Participant of the Pasar Baru Urban Development Competition, Third prize Winner. 1977 P.T. Kakrea, architect in-charge for the design of the Jakarta Professional Building; and P.T. Kakrea, architect in-charge . Mr. Giri. S. Soeseno's resident. P.T. Kakrea, architect in-charge. Proposal for the Branch Office of Jakarta Internal Revenue Service in Jakarta. Member of the University of Indonesia Team for the proposal of Pelni Hospital Master Plan project. Personal. Design of the Lampung Shopping Center. Architect of the Bengkulu Shopping Center, two stories. Member of team. Participant in the Tanah Serial Low Income Housing Competition. First Prize Winner 1976 P.T. Kakrea, architect in-charge, for the design of the East Jakarta Mini Sport Stadium at Rawamangun. P.T. Kakrea, architect in-charge. Design of The Mini Gallery at TIM, Jakarta. P.T. Kakrea, architect in-charge. Proposal for the Pertamina Academy of Computer Technology in Sawangan, 20,000 sqm. Member of the Team (P.T. Kakrea) for the Surabaya Islamic Center Competition (Third Prize winner); and the Particle Board Housing Competition (First Prize Winner). PT. Kakrea as partner in-charge for the design of a school complex in Tanah Abang, Jakarta. Personal. Design of Mrs. Christina's residence in Jelambar, Jakarta. The program called for providing three houses, 150 sqm each, for the owner and her brothers. 1974 1973 1972 P.T. Kakrea, Assistant architect, the Computer Center in Plaju, Indonesia. Member of the Campus Planning Team UI. for the Master Plan of the University of Indonesia, Rawamangun and Salemba campuses. Member of the Planning Team for the Master Plan of Padang General Hospital.



2005-Now 1975-now 1988-now 1989-now

Advisory Board Member of BPPI. Professional Member, Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (Indonesian Institute of Architects). Advisory Board Member, International Association for the studies of Traditional Environment. Member, Lembaga Sejarah Arsitektur Indonesia. (The Institute of Indonesian Architectural Historian).

Advisory Board, Journal of Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Reviews. 1992-1995 Member, Yayasan Pusat Kajian Hak Azasi Manusia (Center for the Studies of Human Rights).

Member, Society of Architectural History of Austarlia and New Zealand.


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