How Is Hajj Performed

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Kaam Woh Ley Leejiye Tum Ko Jo Raazi Karey

Theek Ho Naam e RAZA Tum Pey Karoron Durood


P P E E R R F F O O R R M M E E D D ? ?

Hazrat Allama Mohammed
Shakir Ali Noorie
(Ameer Sunni Dawat e Islami)

Published by
Maktab e Taibah
126 Kambekar St | Mumbai 3
Title: How is Hajj Performed?

Author: Hazrat Allama Mohammed
Shakir Ali Noorie

Translation: Hafiz Muhammed Salim Noorie
(Muballig Sunni Dawat e Islami)

Typesetting: Maksud Yusuf

Quantity: 5000

Publisher: Maktab-e-Taibah

Copyright Reserved

Ismail Habib Masjid | 126 Kambekar St
Mumbai 3 | Tel: 0091 22 23434366

U.K. | S.D.I Youth Education Centre.
33 Hibbert St | Bolton | BL1 8JG | U.K
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Table of Contents

Dedication......................................................................................... 10
Admiration....................................................................................... 11
Foreword .......................................................................................... 13
What is Hajj?..................................................................................... 17
Importance of Sincerity in Hajj....................................................... 18
Why is it Necessary to Learn Rules? ............................................. 26
Signs of Accepted and Rejected Hajj ............................................. 28
HAJJ AT A GLANCE ...................................................................... 30
First Day of Hajj (8th Dhul Hijjah)................................................. 40
Second Day of Hajj (9th Dhul Hijjah) ............................................ 40
Third Day of Hajj (10th Dhul Hijjah)............................................. 42
Fourth Day of Hajj (11th Dhul Hijjah)........................................... 43
Fifth Day of Hajj (12th Dhul Hijjah) .............................................. 44
Types of Hajj..................................................................................... 46
Hajj-e-Qiran...................................................................................... 46
Hajj-e-Tamattu ................................................................................. 49
Hajj-e-Ifrad........................................................................................ 51
Time of Hajj ...................................................................................... 51
Brief Outline of Umrah .................................................................. 52
Brief Outline of Hajj-e-Ifrad............................................................ 52
Brief Outline of Hajj-e-Qiran.......................................................... 53
Brief Outline of Hajj-e-Tamattu .................................................... 54
Detailed Outline of Hajj-e-Tamattu .............................................. 55
Hajj and Umrah Terminology....................................................... 57
Conditions for Hajj to be Correct ................................................... 66
Conditions for a Compulsory Hajj to be Correct ......................... 68
Compulsory (Fard) Acts of Hajj ..................................................... 69
Wajib Acts of Hajj ............................................................................ 70
Sunnah Acts of Hajj ......................................................................... 72
Miqat ................................................................................................. 74
Before the Journey for Hajj ............................................................. 76
How to Wear the Ehram................................................................. 78
Setting off for Hajj............................................................................ 79
When Leaving Home ...................................................................... 81
When Meeting Relatives ................................................................. 82
At the Airport................................................................................... 83
Forbidden Things in Ehram........................................................... 91
Disliked (Makrooh) Things in Ehram........................................... 94
Things Allowed in Ehram............................................................... 96
Differences in the Ehram of Men & Women............................... 101
When Boarding the Aeroplane..................................................... 103
Entry into Makkah Shareef........................................................... 105
Seeing the Kaaba........................................................................... 108
Before Beginning Tawaf................................................................ 109
How to Perform Istilam?............................................................... 111
First Round of Tawaf..................................................................... 112
Second Round of Tawaf ................................................................ 115
Third Round of Tawaf................................................................... 117
Fourth Round of Tawaf................................................................. 118
Fifth Round of Tawaf .................................................................... 120
Sixth Round of Tawaf.................................................................... 122
Seventh Round of Tawaf............................................................... 124
Rules Regarding Tawaf................................................................. 126
Forbidden Things in Tawaf .......................................................... 130
Disliked Things in Tawaf.............................................................. 131
Salah of Tawaf................................................................................ 133
Multazim......................................................................................... 136
Well of Zam-Zam........................................................................... 138
Exiting Masjid-e-Haraam.............................................................. 140
Performing Saee............................................................................ 140
Rules regarding Saee.................................................................... 149
Rules regarding Tawaf and Saee ................................................ 151
Permissible Actions in Tawaf & Saee......................................... 152
Disliked Actions during Saee...................................................... 152
Mens and Womens Tawaf & Saee ............................................ 153
Pay Attention! ................................................................................ 155
Whilst Waiting for the Days of Hajj............................................. 156
HAJJ IN DETAIL............................................................................ 159
First Day of Hajj ............................................................................. 160
Leaving for Mina ........................................................................... 162
Second Day of Hajj ........................................................................ 164
How to Perform Wuqoof-e-Arafat.............................................. 168
Duas for Wuqoof............................................................................ 170
Yaa Ilahi Rahma Farmaa Mustafa Key Waastey........................ 182
Yaa Ilaahi Har Jagah Teyri Ataa Ka Saath Ho........................... 185
Dard e Dil Kar Mujhey Ataa Ya Rab.......................................... 187
Sunnahs of Wuqoof-e-Arafat....................................................... 190
Disliked Actions during Wuqoof................................................. 190
Rules Regarding Wuqoof.............................................................. 191
Leaving for Muzdalifah ................................................................ 193
Salah in Muzdalifah....................................................................... 196
Wuqoof-e-Muzdalifah................................................................... 198
Third Day of Hajj ........................................................................... 201
Upon Reaching Mina..................................................................... 202
Rami (Stoning) of Jamaraat........................................................... 203
Time of Rami .................................................................................. 204
How to Perform Rami? ................................................................. 205
Rules Regarding Rami................................................................... 207
Disliked Actions during Rami...................................................... 209
Sacrifice........................................................................................... 210
Shaving / Cutting the Hair............................................................ 213
How to Perform Halq or Taqseer?............................................... 214
Rules Regarding Halq and Taqseer ............................................. 215
Tawaf-e-Ziarat................................................................................ 218
How to Perform Tawaf-e-Ziarat .................................................. 219
Rules Regarding Tawaf-e-Ziarat.................................................. 221
Pay Attention! ................................................................................ 224
Fourth Day of Hajj ......................................................................... 224
Fifth Day of Hajj............................................................................. 226
Returning to Makkah Shareef ...................................................... 227
During the stay in Makkah Shareef ............................................. 228
Tawaf-e-Rukhsat............................................................................ 229
When Leaving Makkah................................................................. 234
Allowances for Women................................................................. 235
Underage Children........................................................................ 238
New Issues Related to Hajj ........................................................... 239
Using Fragranced Soap................................................................. 239
Using Ehram Washed in a Laundry............................................ 240
Sleeping on a Fragranced Bed...................................................... 240
Bleeding from a Wound................................................................ 241
Bandaging a Wound...................................................................... 241
Band-aid on the Face etc ............................................................... 241
Wearing Sunglasses....................................................................... 242
Masturbation.................................................................................. 242
Wiping with a Cloth or Towel...................................................... 243
Eating Raw Onions........................................................................ 243
Using Tissue Paper ........................................................................ 243
Wuqoof Outside the Limits of Muzdalifah................................. 244
Drinking Fruit Juice....................................................................... 244
Wudhu Breaking During Tawaf .................................................. 244
Covering the Foot .......................................................................... 245
Delay between Tawaf and Saee .................................................. 245
Using Balm or Vicks etc ................................................................ 246
Using Toothpaste........................................................................... 246
Using Coconut Oil ......................................................................... 247
Injections......................................................................................... 247
Tawaf whilst Menstruating .......................................................... 247
Menstrual Cycle Begins during Tawaf........................................ 248
Saee in the New Masaa ............................................................... 248
Wearing Rings and Watches ........................................................ 250
Flavoured Juices............................................................................. 250
Seeing the Moon of Shawwal ....................................................... 250
Errors and Compensations ........................................................... 251
Fragrances and Oils....................................................................... 254
Wearing Stitched Clothing ........................................................... 256
Removing / Breaking Hair............................................................ 258
Clipping Nails................................................................................ 259
Kissing and Touching.................................................................... 260
Sexual Intercourse.......................................................................... 261
Killing Head Lice whilst in Ehram.............................................. 262
Mistakes during Tawaf ................................................................. 263
Mistakes during Saee ................................................................... 266
Mistakes in Arafat and Muzdalifah............................................ 267
Mistakes During Rami (Stoning) ................................................. 268
Mistakes in Shaving and Sacrifice ............................................... 268
Wearing Ehram upon Ehram....................................................... 269
HajjeBadal................................................................................... 270
Muhsar ............................................................................................ 274
Important Warnings...................................................................... 276
Final Word...................................................................................... 278
Salaam - (Mustafa Jaan e Rehmat) ............................................... 282


This book is dedicated to:

Companion of the Cave, Sayyiduna
Abu Bakr Siddique


I have read the complete book How
is Hajj Performed? Alhamdulillah!
The issues and answers in it are
correct, the language is easy to
understand, the style is articulate and
the manner is very pleasing. The
rules and regulations are based on
Bahar-e-Shariat and also include new
issues that have emerged with the
changing environment in the last
number of years. There is a great
need for books like these in this era
which is being fulfilled through the
efforts of Ameer Sunni Dawat-e-

May Allah Almighty grant this book
acceptance and grant blessings in the
sincerity, knowledge, deeds, words
and life of the author. Aameen.

Mufti Muhammad Nizamuddin
(Head of Ifta Dept. Jamiaatul
Ashrafia, Mubarakpur)



It has been the desire of my colleagues
that a book should be written and
published by Sunni Dawat e Islami
explaining the rules and requirements of
Hajj as well as the etiquettes of visiting
the court of the Holy Prophet . I
would intend to do it many times but one
or more matter which needed attention
was always a barrier in pursuing this

Hazrat Syed Dada Bapu regularly
contacts this faqeer to enquire about rules
and regulations pertaining to Hajj via
telephone. On one occasion, he came to
Makkah Mukarramah or Madinah
Munawwarah to meet me and gave me a
pen as a gift and instructed that I should
write on this subject at my earliest

It has taken approximately two years to
act upon his order, in which time the
organisation Idara-e-Maaarif e Islami
has been formed under the umbrella of
Sunni Dawat e Islami. I asked for the
opinions of two important members of
this organisation, Maulana Syed Imran
Qadri Najmi and Maulana Muhammad
Abdullah Aazmi Najmi and
Alhamdulillah they assured me of their
full cooperation and with this assurance it
became easier to fulfil this task.
Muhaqqiq e Masaail e Jadeedah, Allama
Mufti Nizamuddin Saheb and Qari
Rizwan Khan Saheb helped with the

Nevertheless, I am aware of my lack of
knowledge and so if the readers notice
any kind of shortcomings or mistakes
they are requested to advise us so we can
correct them.

Seeker of Supplications and Forgiveness,
Mohammed Shakir Ali Noorie
(Ameer Sunni Dawat e Islami)

Ramadhan 1431 AH.
August, 2010



. .

Nahmaduhu Wa Nusalli Alaa Rasoolihil Kareem,
Amma Baad!

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and is the fourth
requirement for Muslims in terms of worship. In
other words, it is the fourth act of worship (after
Salah, Fasting and Zakat) which is compulsory
(Fard) upon all Muslims who are financially
capable, to perform it once in their lifetime,
regardless of where they live in the world.

In terms of performing Hajj, Allah Almighty states:

_ .

...and performing the Hajj (pilgrimage) of this house,
for the sake of Allah, is a duty upon mankind, for those
who can reach it; and whoever disbelieves - then Allah
is Independent (Unwanting) of the entire creation!
(Surah Aal e Imran, Verse 97)

Financially capable means having the means to
pay for the journey and having enough to ensure
that the family (wife and children that do not
undertake the journey) have enough money and
means to survive comfortably.

What is Hajj?

On the ninth of Dhul Hijjah, being in a state of
Ehram, standing in Arafat and performing Tawaf
at a specific time is called Hajj.

To perform Hajj for show or to go for Hajj with
unlawful money is not permissible (Haraam).
It is disliked (Makrooh) to go for Hajj without
obtaining permission from those whom it is
necessary to gain it from e.g. If the parents are
dependent on a person he must obtain their
permission before performing Hajj. The same
rule also applies to grandparents.
In the case of a voluntary (Nafl) Hajj, it is
incumbent and necessary to obey the parents
wishes and commands completely.
As soon as a person has the means to go for Hajj,
it immediately becomes compulsory (Fard). It
should be performed that year as delaying it is a
If a person does not go for Hajj for a few years
after it becomes compulsory upon him then he is
considered a sinner and transgressor (Faasiq)
whose testimony is not acceptable.
If a person does not perform Hajj when he has
the wealth and means, if he then, later in his life,
does not have the wealth, he must borrow
money and perform Hajj.

Importance of Sincerity in Hajj
Sincerity means an intention in which there is no
worldly benefit involved, rather, it is purely for the
sake of Allah Almighty. People asked RasoolAllah
what sincerity was. The Beloved Prophet of
Allah Almighty replied, That you say that my
Lord is Allah Almighty and then you remain
steadfast in obeying the commands that He has
given you.

All worships and deeds are dependent upon the
Grace of Allah Almighty. However, when any
worship is performed with all its conditions
fulfilled then a person feels satisfaction and
optimism in his heart regarding its acceptance in
the Court of Allah Almighty, because He has stated:

...indeed Allah does not waste the wages of the

virtuous. (Surah Taubah, Verse 120)

Muhsineen means those people who perform
good deeds with the conditions and prerequisites
fulfilled, regardless of whether that worship is in
relation to the Rights of Allah (Huqooq Ullah) or
the rights of people (Huqooq ul Ibaad).

There are two types of conditions which must be
fulfilled for all worships

1) Those which relate to the outward and apparent
and without which the worship will not be valid
e.g. having Wudhu when performing Salah,
having Ehram when performing Hajj etc.
2) Those which relate to the inner self and which
are not apparent or visible. If this is missed for
any reason, the worship will be classed as
having been performed but there is no
guarantee that any reward will be obtained for
performing it. e.g. Performing Salah with
concentration and devotion and having sincerity
in all worships etc

The Master of the worlds described sincerity
with the following words, The reward for all
actions is based on intention. Each person will
receive reward based on his intention. (Bukhari
Shareef Hadith 1)

It is apparent from these words of RasoolAllah
that intention is the basis and foundation of the
invisible, inner conditions that are necessary for all
forms of worship. The result of all actions is wholly
dependent on a persons intention. This is why the
Holy Quran has stated this at many different
places and has ordered us to ensure that our deeds
are performed with sincerity. At one place in the
Quran, Allah Almighty states,

...whoever desires the rewards of this world, We
bestow upon him from it; and whoever desires the
reward of the Hereafter, We bestow upon him from it;
and We shall soon reward the thankful.
(Surah Aal e Imran, Verse 145)

At another place Allah Almighty states:


Whoever desires the reward of this world, then with
Allah only lie both - the rewards of this world and of
the Hereafter; and Allah is All Hearing, All Seeing.
(Surah Nisaa, Verse 134)
At yet another point the Almighty states

...and worship Him, as only His devoted
worshippers... (Surah Aaraaf, Verse 29)

It becomes crystal clear from these verses and the
Ahadith of RasoolAllah that sincerity is the most
important aspect in all actions and worships and without
it the worships are void of satisfaction and reward.
Nowadays, many people perform Hajj but do so only for
the sake of worldly respect and fame or because they
want to become wealthy as RasoolAllah has said,
Perform Hajj and become wealthy. However, if there is
a lack of sincerity or if one has the wrong intention then
there is no certainty as to whether or not that Hajj will
even be accepted. When Allah Almighty revealed the
verse in relation to Hajj being compulsory, He stated:


And perform Hajj (greater pilgrimage) and Umrah
(lesser pilgrimage) for Allah...
(Surah Baqarah, Verse 196)

At another place He states:

_ .

...and performing the pilgrimage of this house, for the
sake of Allah, is a duty upon mankind, for those who
can reach it... (Surah Aal e Imran, Verse 97)

In both verses Allah Almighty uses the word
Lillah which means that the only aim of
performing Hajj and Umrah should be the Pleasure
of Allah Almighty.

In relation to this verse, Allama Syed Tantawi
writes on page 331 of his Tafseer that:

(Translation) It is the opinion of many
Companions, Tabieen, and Hanfi and Maliki Jurists
that where it states in this verse that perform Hajj
and Umrah for the sake of Allah it means that all
aspects of these worships should be completed with
utmost sincerity and purely for the sake of the
Pleasure of Allah Almighty. Additionally, it is
necessary for a Muslim that when he performs Hajj
and Umrah, or either one of them, he should
perform them fully and properly just as
RasoolAllah and the Companions performed

Remember! Hajj should not be performed with the
intention that it will make you rich and famous;
rather the only intention should be the Pleasure of
Allah Almighty. The only Hajj that is accepted in
the Court of Allah Almighty is the Hajj that is done
to please Him. It should also be remembered that
our intention (from the heart) is not seen by other
humans but Allah Almighty undoubtedly sees it.
As far as the benefits and blessings for those who
perform Hajj, it should be wholeheartedly believed
that the promises made by Allah Almighty and His
Beloved Prophet are certainly true. We will
undoubtedly receive those blessings and benefits
but we should be performing Hajj only for His
pleasure rather than for those rewards. Let us read
about the sincerity of a pious predecessor and
strengthen our faith.

A pious predecessor states, I repeated all the
Salahs that I had performed in the front row for
thirty years. The reason for this was that one day I
arrived late at the Masjid and only found space in
the last row. I became embarrassed and thought to
myself, What will people think of me? They will
say that I came late. At that point I realised that I
was pleased at the fact that people saw me
performing my Salah in the first row and I feared
that all my Salah would have been wasted and I
therefore repeated all of them.

Sincerity is the soul of worship because the
blessings obtained in worship depend on the
intention. Therefore, if Hajj is performed for the
Pleasure of Allah Almighty then you will surely
find Allah Almighty and if you find Him, will you
not obtain His Blessings?

This is the reason that when any of the pious
predecessors would go for Hajj or Umrah and
would say Labbaik (I am here) their colour would
change out of fear that their Labbaik would be
rejected. Remember that when you say Labbaik
you should have in your mind that just as I am
saying Labbaik upon Allah Almightys order for
performing Hajj, I will run and say Labbaik upon
every Command of Allah Almighty, Insha Allah.

Why is it Necessary to Learn Rules?
Hazrat Ataa Salmi prepared a beautiful cloth
and took it to the market place to sell. He showed it
to a cloth merchant who offered a very low price for
it. He pointed out all the faults in the cloth and
stated that because of all the faults I cannot give
you full price for it. Hazrat Ataa Salmi took
the cloth back from the merchant and began to cry.
The merchant felt great regret and apologised to
him and offered to pay him the full price for the
cloth. But Hazrat Ataa Salmi stated, I am not
crying at the fact that I am not getting a good price
for my cloth. I am crying because I know the trade
of making cloth and I tried to make this cloth
strong, beautiful and long lasting. As far as I was
concerned there were no faults in this cloth.
However, when I showed it to an expert like you,
many faults were exposed in my cloth that was not
visible to me. What then will happen to our deeds
when they are presented before Allah Almighty on
the Day of Judgement? Who knows how many
faults and defects will become visible in our deeds
that we are unaware of today. (Momin ki Namaz
Page 31)

Read the above incident time and again and ponder
on the fact that we perform many deeds which we
think we have performed perfectly but there is the
possibility that there are many faults and defects in
those worships and deeds.

Remember that when we intend to perform Hajj or
Umrah, until we become familiar with their rules
and regulations, we will not be able to perform
them correctly. And until we do not perform them
correctly, we will be deprived of the rewards and
blessings associated with performing these

Signs of Accepted and Rejected Hajj
There are three signs of an accepted Hajj:

1) Always being soft hearted and merciful after
performing Hajj.
2) Developing a hatred for sins.
3) Becoming attracted towards good deeds.

There are also three signs of a Hajj that is rejected
and not accepted:

1) Becoming hard hearted and cruel.
2) Being attracted towards sins.
3) Having a hatred for good deeds.
(Tafseer e Naeemi Vol 2 Pg 287)

Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi
writes, The pious predecessors have stated that the
sign of an accepted Hajj is that a person returns a
better person than he was before, is attracted to the
hereafter, avoids worldly people and does not
become tainted with sins again. (Ashatul Lamaat
Vol 2 Pg 302)

Therefore it is necessary for every Haji to look at
himself and if he is not better than before, does not
perform Salah, does not pay Zakat, does not
perform other worships and is not attracted
towards good deeds, rather he develops a dislike
for good deeds and is attracted towards bad deeds,
then he should realise that his Hajj has not been

Remember the following tips before travelling for
Hajj and Insha Allah you will gain great rewards.

If you are married, have your wife apply Itr on
both pieces of your Ehram.
Remove hair from the armpits along with your
pubic hair. Also clip your nails and trim your
Perform Ghusl (bath) according to the Sunnah.
Tie one piece of Ehram on your lower body and
wrap the other piece around your upper body.
Perform four rakats Nafl Salah with your head
covered. Pray for safety and ease during your
journey and for the safeguarding of your home
and family until you return.
Perform two rakats Nafl for Ehram. After
Alhamdu Shareef, recite Surah Kaafiroon in the
first rakat and Surah Ikhlas in the second as this
is Sunnah. These two rakats should also be
prayed with the head covered. As soon as you
finish you should remove the Ehram from your
head. Most of the people who go for Hajj from
India perform Hajj-e-Tamattu. If you are
intending to perform Hajj-e-Tamattu then make
intention (Niyyah) for Umrah alone and say the
following words:


, ._

O Allah! I am intending to perform Umrah, make it
easy for me and accept it from me. I have made the
intention for Umrah purely for the sake of Allah
Almighty and have put on the Ehram for it. O Allah! I
am present for Umrah.

After making the intention men should recite
the Talbiyyah aloud three times and women
should recite it quietly:

, .

, . .

I am present O Allah! I am present. I am present,
there is no one worthy of worship except You, I am
present. Undoubtedly all praises, divine blessings
and the universe is for You. There is no one worthy of
worship except You.

After reciting the Talbiyyah, recite Durood
Shareef once and then recite the following dua:

O Allah! I seek from You Your Pleasure and Paradise
and seek refuge from Your Displeasure and from the
fire of Hell.

Now all the restrictions of Ehram begin. (Refer
to the section on Ehram for further details.)
After this dua, make dua for the well-being and
forgiveness of your parents, wife/husband,
children, teachers, spiritual guide, neighbours
and all Muslim men and women.
All through the journey, ensure you remain
busy in reciting the Quran, Durood Shareef,
Tauba-o-Istigfaar and Talbiyyah.
Ensure that you do not miss any Salah during
your journey.
Refrain from idle chat as you do not want this
idle chat to deprive you of the blessings of Hajj.
If anyone wrongs you in any way, forgive them.
If you have made intention for Hajj-e-Tamattu
then you will have to perform Umrah first.
After arriving in Makkah Mukarramah make
your way to your hotel and if you are tired
ensure that you rest. Once rested make your
way towards Haram Shareef. Recite Talbiyyah
loudly along the way. It is better to enter Masjid-
e-Haraam through Baab-us-Salaam. Nowadays
however, that door is usually closed. Therefore,
enter Haram Shareef through whichever door is
easiest for you. It is better to keep your gaze
lowered when entering Haram Shareef and
recite the dua for entering a Masjid.
Very soon after entering Haram Shareef you will
see the blessed Kaaba. The dua made upon first
seeing the Kaaba will Insha Allah be accepted
by Allah Almighty. It is better to make dua in
the following manner O Allah! Whatever and
whenever I supplicate for good, pure things,
accept it from me.

Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu

Wallahu Akbar three times. Stand and
supplicate (make dua) for a short while and then
whilst reciting Talbiyyah proceed towards the
Kaaba. Before beginning Tawaf uncover your
right shoulder by putting the upper Ehram sheet
under your right arm and over your left
shoulder. This is known as Ijtiba. Then proceed
towards Hajr-e-Aswad and make intention
(Niyyah) for Tawaf.
If you are able to kiss Hajr-e-Aswad then
Subhan Allah! Otherwise stand in line with
Hajr-e-Aswad, raise your hands with your
palms facing towards it and recite

Bismillahi Allahu Akbar and kiss your fingers
(This is called Istilam). As soon as you make
intention (Niyyah) for Tawaf, you should stop
reciting Talbiyyah.
Now you should begin Tawaf. In the first three
circuits you should walk hurriedly with forceful
and narrow paces while shaking the shoulders
like a brave soldier going into the battlefield.
This is Sunnah and is called Ramal.
Before beginning each circuit stand in front of
Hajr-e-Aswad and do Istilam.
Recite the duas in each circuit that are
mentioned in the chapter on Tawaf.
After completing the Tawaf (7 circuits) find a
space anywhere behind Maqam-e-Ibrahim and
after covering your shoulder perform two
rakats Waajibut Tawaf Salah. After Alhamdu
Shareef, recite Surah Kaafiroon in the first rakat
and Surah Ikhlas in the second and then make
Now, if possible, go to Multazim and cling to
the wall of the Kaaba and make dua.
Then go and drink Zam-Zam water as much as
you can.
Recite the following dua when drinking Zam-

O Allah! I seek from You knowledge that benefits,
wealth that expands and cure from all illnesses.

Do Istilam of Hajr-e-Aswad after drinking Zam-
Zam and then head towards Safa Marwa to
perform Saee.
Stand on mount Safa facing the Kaaba, make
the intention to perform Saee and then make
dua for a short while.
After completing the dua start walking towards
Marwa. Keep reciting Durood Shareef, Tauba-o-
Istigfaar and duas etc.
Men should jog between Meelain Akhdarain
(two green lights).
Any dua made whilst doing Saee will Insha
Allah be accepted.
Upon reaching mount Marwa, turn towards the
Kaaba and make dua.
From Safa to Marwa is one circuit, from Marwa
back to Safa makes two circuits. In this manner
complete seven circuits.
These rules are for the Nabvi Masaa (area
where RasoolAllah performed Saee) and not
the new Masaa that has recently been
completed. Saee is not permissible in the new
Masaa. Therefore you must walk from Marwa
to Safa seven times or at a minimum four times
for the Saee to be valid. The reason for this is
that the new Masaa (Safa to Marwa) that has
been built by the Saudi authorities is outside the
area of Masaa that was ordained by
RasoolAllah . The Masaa that goes from
Marwa to Safa is within the bounds of the Nabvi
Upon reaching Marwa after completing seven
circuits, turn towards the Kaaba and make dua.
After completing Saee shave your hair or have
the hair cut.
Now your Umrah is complete and the
restrictions of Ehram are lifted from you.
Remove the Ehram clothing and wait for the
days of Hajj.
During this time continue to perform voluntary
(Nafl) Tawafs.
Those who have made intention for Hajj-e-Qiran
should remember that they should perform all
the requirements of Umrah but should not have
their hair cut or shaved. They have to stay in a
state of Ehram even after performing Saee and
the restrictions of Ehram are still applicable to
If a person performing Hajj e Qiran makes any
error then he has to pay two compensations.
This Tawaf will be Tawaf-e-Qudoom and the
Saee will be the Saee of Hajj for the person who
makes intention for Hajj e Ifrad. He has the
option of not performing Saee after Tawaf-e-
Those performing Hajj-e-Tamattu should
perform Ghusl (bath) anytime after Zuhr on the
7th Dhul Hijjah, put on their Ehram and proceed
to Masjid-e-Haraam.
With your head covered perform two rakats
Nafl Salah with the intention of Ehram. Upon
completing the Salah remove the cover from
your head.
Then make the intention for Hajj and begin
reciting Talbiyyah (Labbaik).
As soon as you begin to recite Talbiyyah, all the
restrictions of Ehram become applicable to you.
Now perform a Nafl Tawaf with Ramal and
Pray two rakats Waajibut Tawaf Salah upon
completing the Tawaf.
If you want to perform the Saee for Tawaf-e-
Ziarat today you may do so or you can wait
until after you have performed Tawaf-e-Ziarat
to do it. You can also just put on your Ehram
and head straight for Mina.
Now come back to your hotel and remain busy
in reciting Durood Shareef, Tauba-o-Istigfaar
Tour operators usually take people to Mina on
the night between the 7th and 8th Dhul Hijjah.
This is against the Sunnah but there is no
penalty (damm) due.

First Day of Hajj (8th Dhul Hijjah)

You should perform the Salah of Zuhr, Asr,
Maghrib and Isha as well as Fajr of the 9th in

Second Day of Hajj (9th Dhul Hijjah)
This day is known as the day of Arafat.
On this day, at the time of Ishraq, you should
proceed towards Arafat with Talbiyyah,
Durood Shareef, Tauba-o-Istigfaar and dua on
your lips.
If you get to Arafat before Zawal (midday) then
perform ghusl as this is Sunnat-e-Muakkadah.
If you get to Arafat later than that then perform
Wudhu correctly and perform Zuhr Salah.
Now perform Wuqoof-e-Arafat.
Make dua in abundance under the open sky.
Perform the Salahs of Zuhr and Asr in their
own times in your own tents behind a Sunni
Just after sunset, without praying Maghrib
Salah, leave Arafat and head towards
Muzdalifah. Ensure that you have Talbiyyah,
Durood and duas on your lips.
Upon reaching Muzdalifah, perform Maghrib
and Isha with Jamaat in the following manner.
First say the Iqamat for and perform Maghrib
Salah. Immediately after the Fard of Maghrib,
say the Iqamat for Isha and perform the Fard of
Isha. Then perform the Sunnah and Nafl for
Maghrib and then perform the Sunnah, Nafl and
Witr of Isha.
This night is more exalted than the Night of
Power (Shab-e-Qadr) for those performing Hajj.
Therefore, spend as little time as possible resting
and spend as much time as you can in worship.
Wake up early for Fajr Salah and perform it with
Jamaat in the earliest time possible.
After Fajr Salah, perform Wuqoof-e-Muzdalifah.
On this night, seek forgiveness for any
shortcomings you have in terms of fulfilling the
rights of others.
10 to 15 minutes before sunrise gather 70 small
pebbles and head towards Mina.

Third Day of Hajj (10th Dhul Hijjah)
The first thing to do on this day is perform
Rami (stoning) of Jamrah Uqbah (large
shaitaan) with seven pebbles. Stop reciting
Talbiyyah before Rami.
Now offer your sacrifice. Men should then cut or
shave their hair, women should wrap some hair
around their finger and cut it and the Ehram
should now be taken off. Normal, stitched
clothes can now be worn.
The restrictions of Ehram are now lifted except
for relationship between a husband and wife.
This restriction is lifted after performing Tawaf-
Perform ghusl (if possible) according to Sunnah,
wear normal clothes, ensure you are with
wudhu and make your way to Makkah
Mukarramah to perform Tawaf-e-Ziarat.
After completing the Tawaf, perform two rakats
Waajibut Tawaf by Maqam-e-Ibrahim.
Make dua at Multazim and then drink Zam-
If you have not already completed the Saee for
after Tawaf-e-Ziarat, then do so now.
Upon completion of Tawaf-e-Ziarat, ALL the
restrictions of Ehram are now lifted.
Now head back to Mina and spend the night

Fourth Day of Hajj (11th Dhul Hijjah)
On this day, immediately following Zawal, the
time for Rami (stoning) begins.
Today all three Jamaraat should be stoned with
seven pebbles each. First Jamaraat Oolaa (small
shaitaan), then Jamaraat Wustaa (middle) and
finally Jamaraat Uqba (large) with seven
pebbles each. After stoning each of the first two,
you should move to one side and make dua
whilst standing there. After stoning the third
Jamaraat do not stand there but keep walking
and make dua whilst you are walking back
towards your tent.
If anyone did not perform Tawaf-e-Ziarat on the
then they can perform it today (11

Fifth Day of Hajj (12th Dhul Hijjah)
Just like the day before, on this day after Zuhr
the three Jamaraat have to be stoned in the same
order. After stoning each of the first two
Jamaraat move to one side and make dua whilst
standing there. After stoning the third Jamaraat
you can head straight for Makkah or come back
to Mina.
You have the option to go back to Makkah
before sunset. It is Makrooh (disliked) to leave
Mina for Makkah after sunset.
If you are in Mina until dawn of the 13
performing Rami on this day is compulsory
(Wajib) on you. It is not permissible to leave
Mina without stoning the Jamaraat. If you leave
on this day without stoning then a penalty
(damm) will be due. This Rami is also
performed after Zawal.
Congratulations! Your Hajj is now complete.
May Allah Almighty accept it, Aameen.
Now those who live outside the boundaries of
the Miqat must perform Tawaf-e-Widaa before
leaving Makkah.
For as long as you are in Makkah, perform as
many Tawafs as possible. Also keep reciting
Quran Shareef and perform voluntary (Nafl)
prayers or do Qaza of the past missed Salahs.
After Tawaf e Widaa, leave Makkah and head
towards Madinah Munawwarah to present
yourself in the blessed court of RasoolAllah
For details regarding the method and manner of
visiting Madinah Munawwarah, look in the
book Excellence and Etiquettes of Madinah

Types of Hajj
There are three types of Hajj:
(1) Qiran, (2) Tamattu, (3) Ifrad.

The best (most rewarded) is Qiran, then Tamattu
and then Ifrad.

Qiran is the Hajj where the intention is done
together for Umrah and Hajj. If the Ehram is worn
for Umrah alone but before completing 4 circuits of
Tawaf the intention is made to include Hajj in this
Ehram then this will be classified as Hajj-e-Qiran.
Similarly, if the Ehram is worn for Hajj but the
intention is made to include Umrah before 4
circuits of Tawaf have been completed, this will
also be Hajj-e-Qiran.

However, if you do not put on the Ehram for Hajj
and Umrah together and just put on the Ehram for
Hajj and decide to include Umrah in the same
Ehram before Tawaf-e-Qudoom then this is against
Sunnah. If the Umrah Ehram is put on after Tawaf-
e-Qudoom then it is Wajib to break the Umrah and
pay the penalty and perform the (Qaza) Umrah
later. Even if the Umrah is not broken, it is still
necessary to pay the penalty.

It is Wajib in Qiran to first perform Tawaf of the
Kaaba. It is Sunnah to do Ramal (walk hurriedly)
in the first three circuits, and then Saee should be
performed. The first part of Hajj-e-Qiran has now
been completed, namely Umrah. However, you
cannot perform Halq (shaving hair) yet. Even if the
hair is shaved, a person still cannot come out of
Ehram and must pay two penalties (damm). It is
Wajib upon those who do Hajj-e-Qiran to perform
sacrifice (Qurbani) on the 10
after Rami (stoning).
This is to offer gratitude that Allah Almighty has
grated the guidance to perform two worships.

This sacrifice has to be offered inside the precincts
of Haram and it is better if it is offered in Mina. The
time for offering this sacrifice is from Fajr on the
until sunset on the 12
but it is essential that it
is offered only after performing Rami. If it is offered
before Rami, then a penalty (damm) has to be paid.
If the sacrifice is not offered by the 12
then it is not
cancelled or forgiven. As long as you remain alive,
that sacrifice will remain Wajib upon you until you
offer it.

If a Qarin (person doing Hajj-e-Qiran) does not
have enough money with which to buy a sacrificial
animal, nor has anything that he can sell in order to
get enough money to buy one, then he should fast
for ten days three fasts during the days of Hajj
whilst in Ehram and the remaining seven after the
days of Hajj have passed. If he does not keep the
three fasts before the 9
of Dhul Hijjah then it is not
sufficient to fast these three after the 9
, he must
pay a penalty (damm). However, the remaining
seven can be kept whilst in Haram, or can be kept
after returning home.

Hajj-e-Tamattu is the Hajj where the Ehram is
worn for Umrah during the month of Hajj and
after performing Umrah the Ehram is removed.
Then the Ehram is worn for Hajj later on and Hajj is

There are ten conditions for Hajj-e-Tamattu

1) Completing a full Tawaf (minimum of four
circuits) in the months of Hajj.
2) The Ehram for Umrah must be worn before the
Ehram for Hajj.
3) Completing all of the Tawaf (or at least 4
circuits) before the Ehram of Hajj is worn.
4) Umrah must not be nullified.
5) Hajj must not be nullified.
6) Cannot return home after completing Umrah
and removing Ehram. Must stay until Hajj and
return home after completing Hajj.
7) Umrah and Hajj must be in the same year.
8) Must not have the intention to stay in Makkah
9) Cannot be without Ehram in Makkah and also
cannot perform the Tawaf (or most of a Tawaf)
before the months of Hajj.
10) Has to live outside the Miqat. Those who live in
Makkah cannot perform Hajj-e-Tamattu.

It is not necessary that a person performing Hajj-e-
Tamattu performs both Umrah and Hajj for the
same person. It is possible that you can perform one
of them for yourself and the other on behalf of
someone else or the Hajj and Umrah can be on
behalf of two different people who have both given
him permission for Tamattu. However, if a person
performing Hajj-e-Tamattu (also known as a
Mutamatti) is not able to afford a sacrifice then he
will have to keep the ten Fasts himself, regardless
of who he is doing the Hajj for.

Hajj-e-Ifrad is when Hajj alone is performed. In
other words, Umrah and Hajj are not combined in
the months of Hajj. If Umrah is performed before
or after the months of Hajj, it will still be classed as

Time of Hajj
Allah Almighty states:

The Hajj is during the well-known months; and for
one who intends to perform the Hajj in it - neither is
there to be mention of cohabitation in the presence of
women, nor any sin, nor a fight with anyone till the
completion of Hajj;... (Surah Baqarah, Verse 197)

The time of Hajj is from Shawwal until the 10
Dhul Hijjah. The acts of Hajj cannot be performed
before this. It is also disliked (Makrooh) to put on
the Ehram of Hajj before this time.

Brief Outline of Umrah
1) Ehram for Umrah Shart (Condition)
2) Tawaf with Ramal and Ijtiba Fard
3) Saee of Safa Marwa Wajib (Obligatory)
4) Halq or Taqseer (Shaving or Cutting Hair)
Wajib (Obligatory)

Brief Outline of Hajj-e-Ifrad
1) Ehram for Hajj Shart (Condition)
2) Tawaf-e-Qudoom Sunnah
3) Wuqoof-e-Arafat Fard (Compulsory)
4) Wuqoof-e-Muzdalifah Wajib (Obligatory)
5) Rami of Jamarah UqbahWajib (Obligatory)
6) Qurbani (Sacrifice) Mustahab (Better /
7) Halq or Taqseer Wajib (Obligatory)
8) Tawaf-e-Ziarat Fard (Compulsory)
9) Saee of Safa Marwa Wajib (Obligatory)
10) Rami of Jamaraat Wajib (Obligatory)
11) Tawaf-e-Widaa Wajib (Obligatory)

Brief Outline of Hajj-e-Qiran
1) Ehram for Hajj / UmrahShart (Condition)
2) Tawaf with Ramal and Ijtiba Fard
3) Saee of Umrah Wajib (Obligatory)
4) Tawaf-e-Qudoom with Ramal Sunnah
5) Saee of Safa Marwa Wajib (Obligatory)
6) Wuqoof-e-Arafat Fard (Compulsory)
7) Wuqoof-e-Muzdalifah Wajib (Obligatory)
8) Rami of Jamarah Uqbah Wajib (Obligatory)
9) Qurbani (Sacrifice) Wajib (Obligatory)
10) Halq or Taqseer Wajib (Obligatory)
11) Tawaf-e-Ziarat Fard (Compulsory)
12) Rami of Jamaraat Wajib (Obligatory)
13) Tawaf- e-Widaa Wajib (Obligatory)

Brief Outline of Hajj-e-Tamattu
1) Ehram for Umrah Shart (Condition)
2) Tawaf with Ramal and Ijtiba Fard
3) Saee of Umrah Wajib (Obligatory)
4) Halq or Taqseer Wajib (Obligatory)
5) Ehram of Hajj (8th Dhul Hijjah) Shart
6) Wuqoof-e-Arafat Fard (Compulsory)
7) Wuqoof-e-Muzdalifah Wajib (Obligatory)
8) Rami of Jamarah Uqbah Wajib (Obligatory)
9) Qurbani (Sacrifice) Wajib (Obligatory)
10) Halq Taqseer Wajib (Obligatory)
11) Tawaf-e-Ziarat Fard (Compulsory)
12) Saee of Safa Marwa Wajib (Obligatory)
13) Rami of Jamaraat Wajib (Obligatory)
14) Tawaf-e-Widaa Wajib (Obligatory)

Detailed Outline of Hajj-e-Tamattu
Most of the people who perform Hajj from India,
Europe, and North America etc all perform Hajj-e-
Tamattu. Therefore we will provide a detailed
outline (from leaving home until Hajj is complete)
in relation to Hajj-e-Tamattu.

1) Putting on the Ehram and leaving home.
2) Praying two rakats Salah and making the
intention (Niyyah) for Ehram either at the
airport or at home.
3) Tawaf of the Kaaba, two rakats at Maqam e
Ibrahim and drinking Zam-Zam.
4) Performing Saee, having the hair shaved or
cut and then removing the Ehram.
5) Putting on the Ehram for Hajj on the 8
Dhul Hijjah and going to Mina and
performing the Salahs of Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib
and Isha as well as the Salah of Fajr on the 9
6) Performing the Salahs of Zuhr and Asr of the
in Arafat and performing Wuqoof-e-
Arafat (standing at Arafat).
7) Going to Muzdalifah after sunset on the 9

and performing Maghrib and Isha together in
Muzdalifah. Spend the night in worship in
Muzdalifah and performing Wuqoof-e-
Muzdalifah a little before sunrise.
8) Coming back to Mina on the 10
Dhul Hijjah
and stoning the large Shaitaan (Jamarah
Uqbah), performing sacrifice and having the
hair shaved or cut.
9) Going to Makkah on the 10
of Dhul Hijjah
and performing Tawaf-e-Ziarat as well as
Saee (if not performed before leaving for
Mina) and then returning to Mina.
10) Spending the 11
, 12
and 13
of Dhul Hijjah
in Mina and stoning the devils on each day
and then returning to Makkah.
11) Performing Tawaf-e-Ziarat before leaving
12) Visiting Madinah Munawwarah with the sole
intention of visiting RasoolAllah . (If you
have not visited before Hajj)

Hajj and Umrah Terminology
Ashhur-e-Hajj: The months of Hajj (Shawwal, Dhul
Qadah and the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah).

Ehram: After making the intention for Hajj or
Umrah and reciting the Talbiyyah, certain lawful
(Halal) things become unlawful (Haraam) this is
called Ehram. (The two unstitched pieces of cloth
that are worn are not actually called Ehram but
people generally call them Ehram).

Talbiyyah: The phrase that is constantly repeated
in Ehram when performing Hajj or Umrah is called
the Talbiyyah.

Ijtiba: Taking the upper cloth of the Ehram under
the right armpit and placing on the left shoulder so
that the right shoulder remains uncovered.

Ramal: In the first three (3) circuits of Tawaf
walking hurriedly with forceful and narrow paces
while shaking the shoulders.

Tawaf: Walking seven times around the Holy

Mataf: The space around the Kaaba which is
designated for performing Tawaf.

Tawaf-e-Qudoom: The first Tawaf that is
performed upon reaching Makkah Mukarramah. (It
is Sunnat-e-Muakkadah for those performing Hajj-
e-Ifrad or Qiran). This Tawaf is done to offer
gratitude for having the opportunity to visit the
House of Allah Almighty.

Tawaf-e-Ziarat: The compulsory Tawaf that is done
between the 10
and 12
of Dhul Hijjah by all those
who perform Hajj.

Tawaf-e-Widaa: After performing Hajj, when one
intends to leave Makkah, this Tawaf is performed
and is Wajib for those who live outside the Miqat.

Tawaf-e-Umrah: This Tawaf is compulsory upon
those performing Umrah.

Istilam: To kiss Hajr-e-Aswad or touching it with
your hands or a stick and kissing your hands or the
stick or raising your hands towards Hajr-e-Aswad
and kissing your fingers.

Saee: Walking seven times between Safa and
Rami: Stoning the Shayateen (Jamaraat) in Mina.

Halq: Shaving all the hair within the precincts of
Haram in order to come out of the restrictions of
Taqseer: To cut one quarter of all the hair. At a
minimum, to cut the hair that wraps around one

Baab-us-Salaam: A door that is on the east side of
Masjid-e-Haraam. It is better to enter through this
door the first time you enter Masjid-e-Haraam.

Rukn-e-Aswad: The southeast corner of the Kaaba
where Hajr-e-Aswad (the Black Stone) is located.

Rukn-e-Iraqi: The corner of the Kaaba that points
towards Iraq and is the northeast corner of the

Rukn-e-Shaami: The corner which points towards
Syria and is the northwest corner of the Kaaba.

Rukn-e-Yamaani: The corner which points towards
Yemen and is the southwest corner.

Multazim: The wall between Rukn-e-Aswad and
the door of the Kaaba.
Mustajaab: The southern wall of the Kaaba
between Rukn-e-Yamaani and Rukn-e-Aswad.
70,000 Angels say Aameen to duas that are made
at this place.

Hateem: The area on the north side of the Kaaba
inside a semi-circle shaped wall. This is actually a
part of the Kaaba and entering it means to enter the
Holy Kaaba.

Mizab-e-Rehmat: This is a gold spout (drain)
sticking out from the roof of the northern wall of
the Kaaba between Rukn-e-Iraqi and Rukn-e-
Shaami. The rain water that falls from this spout
falls into Hateem.

Maqam-e-Ibrahim: Opposite the door of the Kaaba
is this stone from Paradise that Hazrat Ibrahim
stood on whilst building the Kaaba. The footprints
of Hazrat Ibrahim are present in this stone even

Chaah-e-Zam-Zam: That blessed well in Makkah
that sprouted water when Hazrat Ismail rubbed
his heels on the ground. This well is to the south of

Baab-us-Safa: A door on the south side of Masjid-e-
Haraam that is close to Mount Safa.

Koh-e-Safa: A mountain on the south side of the
Kaaba from where Saee is started.

Koh-e-Marwa: A mountain opposite Mount Safa
where Saee ends.

Meelain Akhdarain: An area just after Safa where
green lights have been installed on the walls and
ceiling which signify the start and end of Meelain
Akhdarain. During Saee men must jog in this area.

Masaa: The area between Mount Safa and Mount
Marwa which is designated for performing Saee.

Miqat: The area where it is not permissible to enter
without Ehram when going to Makkah even if it for
business etc.

Taneem: Where the Ehram is worn from for
Umrah whilst staying in Makkah. It is about 7
kilometres from Makkah on the road to Madinah
and Masjid Aisha has been built there.

Jorana: This is a place approximately 26 kilometres
from Makkah on the road to Taif. Whilst staying in
Makkah, Ehram can also be worn from here.

Haram: The area of Haram extends out from
Makkah for a number of miles in each direction.
This area is extremely respectful and pure which is
why it is called Haram. Signboards are posted in all
directions signifying where it starts. The people
who live inside this area are called Ahle Haram.

Hil: The area that is between Haram and the Miqat
is called Hil. The people who live in this area are
called Hilli.
Mina: This is the valley approximately five
kilometres from Masjid-e-Haraam where people
who are performing Hajj stay. (Mina is inside the
precincts of Haram).

Jamrah: Three pillars have been constructed
between Makkah and Mina which are called
Jamrah (plural Jamaraat). The first pillar (closest to
Makkah) is called Jamratul Uqba. The second one
is called Jamratul Wustaa and the one closest to
Mina is called Jamratul Oolaa.
Arafat: A large plain approximately 11 kilometres
from Mina where all those performing Hajj gather
on the 9
of Dhul Hijjah. (Arafat is outside the
precincts of Haram).

Jabal-e-Rehmat: A mount in Arafat. It is more
preferred to stand nearer to it for Wuqoof-e-Arafat.

Muzdalifah: This is an area approximately 5
kilometres from Mina between Mina and Arafat. It
is Sunnah to spend the night here when returning
from Arafat and it is Wajib to stand for even a
moment between dawn and sunrise.

Masharey Haraam: A mountain close to
Muzdalifah that is also called Jabal-e-Quzah.

Wadi-e-Muhassir: An area that borders Muzdalifah
where punishment rained down on the people of
the elephant (Ashab-e-Feel). This plain should be
crossed quickly.

Wadi-e-Muhassab: An area between two
mountains close to Jannatul Maala.

Batane Urnah: An area close to Arafat where it is
not allowed to stand for Wuqoof.

Madaa: A place between Masjid-e-Haraam and
Jannatul Maala where it is recommended to make

Conditions for Hajj to be Correct
There are nine conditions that must be met for Hajj
to be performed correctly. If any one of these
conditions is not met then Hajj will not have been
performed correctly.

1) To be a Muslim.
2) To be in a state of Ehram
3) Time. Meaning Hajj must be performed on
specific days. For example, Tawaf-e-Qudoom
and Saee cannot be performed before the
days of Hajj begin, Wuqoof-e-Arafat cannot
be before mid-day of the 9
or after the
morning of the 10
, and Tawaf-e-Ziarat
cannot be before the 10
4) Place: This means that being in the location
that is assigned for certain acts. For example,
Tawaf must be done in Masjid-e-Haraam,
Wuqoof must be done in Arafat and
Muzdalifah, stoning the Shayateen must be in
Mina and sacrifice must be performed within
the boundary of Haram.
5) Sense and judgement: Meaning a person
cannot be irrational and unable to make
sound decisions.
6) Intelligence: Meaning a person cannot be
7) Performing the compulsory acts of Hajj
8) Not engaging in sexual relationships after
Ehram and before Wuqoof otherwise Hajj is
annulled and will not count.
9) Performing Hajj in the same year that Ehram
is worn. Therefore if Hajj is missed this year
then perform Umrah and remove the Ehram
and put on a new Ehram for Hajj the
following year.

Conditions for a Compulsory Hajj to be
For those upon whom Hajj is Fard, if the following
conditions are met then it will have been performed
correctly, otherwise it will not.

1) To be a Muslim.
2) Remaining a Muslim until you die.
3) Being of sound mind and intellect.
4) Being mature.
5) Being free (not a slave)
6) Performing it yourself (if you are able to).
7) The intention must not be for a voluntary
(Nafl) Hajj.
8) The intention should not be to perform Hajj
on behalf of someone else.
9) Not invalidating (nullifying) the Hajj after
beginning it.

Compulsory (Fard) Acts of Hajj
The following items are compulsory for Hajj and if
any one of them is missed then Hajj will not have
been performed.

1) Ehram.
2) Wuqoof-e-Arafat: Standing in Arafat at
anytime between the beginning of Zuhr on
the 9
until dawn on the 10
3) Tawaf-e-Ziarat.
4) Intention (Niyyah).
5) Correct order meaning first putting on the
Ehram then performing Wuqoof and then
doing Tawaf etc.
6) Each compulsory act must be performed at its
allocated time.
7) The compulsory acts must be performed at
the correct place. i.e. Wuqoof must be done at
Arafat and Tawaf has to be done in Masjid-e-

Wajib Acts of Hajj
There are twenty-seven Wajib acts in Hajj and if any
one of them is missed then one goat has to be
sacrificed as a penalty (damm).

1) Crossing the Miqat with Ehram.
2) Performing Saee between Safa and Marwa.
3) Beginning the Saee at Safa.
4) Performing Saee on foot if able to and Saee
must be performed after Tawaf.
5) If you perform Wuqoof (staying) at Arafat
during the day, then ensuring that you stay
in Arafat until sunset.
6) Including some portion of the night in the
Wuqoof (i.e. a few minutes after Maghrib).
7) Leave Arafat upon receiving instructions to
leave (after sunset).
8) Stopping in Muzdalifah.
9) Praying Maghrib and Isha Salahs together in
Muzdalifah in the latter part of the night.
10) Stoning the Jamaraat on the 10
, 11
and 12
11) Stoning Jamaraat ul Uqba on the 10
must be
before the hair is shaved or cut.
12) Performing Rami (stoning) for each day on
that day itself.
13) Halq (shaving) or Taqseer (cutting the hair).
14) Shaving or cutting of the hair must be during
the days of sacrifice.
15) It must be done in the precincts of Haram.
16) Sacrifice must be offered by those performing
Hajj-e-Qiran or Tamattu.
17) This sacrifice has to be offered in Haram and
must be during the days of sacrifice.
18) Tawaf-e-Ziarat, also known as Tawaf-e-Ifada,
must be performed (at least most of it) in the
days of Hajj.
19) Tawaf has to be from the outside of Hateem.
20) Starting Tawaf from the right side.
21) Doing the Tawaf on foot if able to.
22) Being in Wudhu when performing Tawaf.
23) The satr (parts that must be covered) should
be covered during Tawaf.
24) Praying two rakats Salah after Tawaf (if it is
not prayed there is no damm payable).
25) Ensuring Rami, sacrifice, shaving hair and
Tawaf are done in that order and not
swapped around.
26) Tawaf-e-Rukhsat (also known as Tawaf-e-
Widaa). This is Wajib upon all those who live
outside the Miqat. If a woman is on her
menstrual cycle, then it is not Wajib upon her.
27) Not having sexual relations from staying at
Arafat until the hair is shaved.

Sunnah Acts of Hajj
There are fifteen things that are Sunnah in Hajj.

1) Tawaf-e-Qudoom. The first Tawaf that
people perform who come from outside the
Miqat is called Tawaf-e-Qudoom. It is
Sunnah for those performing Hajj-e-Ifrad or
Qiran, not for those performing Hajj-e-
2) Beginning Tawaf at Hajr-e-Aswad.
3) Doing Ramal in Tawaf-e-Qudoom or Tawaf-
4) Running between the two green lights
between Safa and Marwa.
5) The Imam delivering a sermon in Makkah on
the 7
6) The Imam delivering a sermon in Arafat on
the 9
7) The Imam delivering a sermon in Mina on the
8) Leaving for Mina after Fajr on the 8
so that
five Salahs can be performed in Mina.
9) Spending the night of the 9
in Mina.
10) Leaving Mina and heading for Arafat after
11) Performing ghusl for Wuqoof-e-Arafat.
12) Spending the night in Muzdalifah on the way
back from Arafat.
13) Leaving Arafat and going to Muzdalifah
before sunrise.
14) Spending the nights after the 10
and 11
Mina. If staying in Mina for an extra day then
spending the night after the 12
is also
15) Stopping in Wadi-e-Muhassab (even if only
for a moment).

Miqat is the place beyond which it is not
permissible for people to go without Ehram if
they are going to Makkah even if they are going
for business or any other purpose. There are five

(1) Dhul Hulaifah This is the Miqat when
coming from Madinah. Nowadays it is known
as Abyar-e-Ali. People who go to Madinah
before Hajj would also put on their Ehram
from this point when going to Makkah.

(2) Zaat-e-Arq This is the Miqat for people from

(3) Johfah This is the Miqat for people coming
from Syria but Johfah has now become an
isolated and abandoned place. There are very
few people who know about it and therefore
people coming from Syria put on the Ehram at
a place called Raabig as it is closer than Johfah.

(4) Qarn This is the Miqat for people coming
from Najd and it close to Taif.

(5) Yalamlam For people coming from Yemen.

These Miqats are not only for the people
coming from those countries but for anyone
who crosses those Miqats regardless of which
country they are from.
If you do not pass the actual Miqat crossing,
put on the Ehram when you are in line with
any of the points of Miqat.
The Miqat for people from India is Mount
Yalamlam. If you do not know where that is
then you should ask. If you cannot find anyone
to ask then use your own judgement and that
will be the Miqat for you.
If it is impossible to find out where the Miqat
is in any direction then put on your Ehram
when you are two Manzils (approximately 62
kms) from Makkah.
There is no harm in putting on the Ehram
before the Miqat; in fact it is better as long as it
is in the days of Hajj. It is forbidden to put it
on before the month of Shawwal.

Before the Journey for Hajj
Hajj is an important part of Islam and therefore
performing it should purely be for the Pleasure
of Allah Almighty. It should not be for show or
It is necessary to take permission from the
parents before going for a voluntary (Nafl) Hajj.
If they need you to look after them then that
should be given precedent. There is no need to
seek permission for a Compulsory (Fard) Hajj
and even if they refuse permission you are
allowed to perform a Compulsory Hajj.
Debts, goods belonging to others, the rights of
others etc should all be repaid before you leave
or at least have them forgiven by the owners or
ask for extra time to pay it off.
Salah, Fast, Zakat etc that have been missed
should be made up or a firm intention should be
made that they will be made up as soon as
Repent and seek forgiveness for all past sins and
make a firm intention to stay away from sins in
the future.
All the expenses of Hajj should be from lawful
and pure income.
Ensure that your family has enough money and
essentials that they will need until you return.
Before leaving, meet with your family, friends,
neighbours, etc and seek forgiveness from them
for any mistakes you made or if you hurt or
upset them in any way.
Give charity according to your means.
Learn the rules, regulations, essentials,
obligations and likes and dislikes of Hajj before
you leave so that you can perform Hajj correctly.
Similarly, learn the dislikes and things that
invalidate the Hajj so that you can safeguard
your Hajj.

How to Wear the Ehram
When intending to wear the Ehram, first of all
perform Miswak, wudhu and then perform ghusl
well. If unable to take a bath, just do wudhu and
wear the Ehram whilst in a state of wudhu.

Men can cut their hair short in order to ensure
the hair does not fall in the state of Ehram.
Otherwise they should ensure the hair is well
combed and oil is applied.
Before taking a bath clip the nails, trim the
moustache, remove pubic and underarm hair
and you should also try and remove hair from
around the anus.
Put scent (Itr) on your body and on the Ehram
cloths. If it is a scent that will leave a mark on
the Ehram then do not apply it on the Ehram.
Men should remove all stitched clothing as well
as their socks. Take one new or washed
unstitched piece of cloth and wrap it around
your lower body. Then take another piece and
ensure your back, stomach and both shoulders
are covered.

Setting off for Hajj
It is not permissible to enter the Miqat without
Ehram therefore it is better to put on the Ehram
(with intention) from home. If relatives are
going to come to the airport and put garlands
(of flowers) on you then wait until you get to the
airport to make the intention (Niyyah).
If it is not a disliked (Makrooh) time for Salah
then perform two rakats Nafl Salah (for travel)
and then make the following dua:
. :

, .


, .

., _

, .


O Allah! With Your help I am intending to leave, I
have turned towards You, I depend on You and I
Trust only You. O Allah! You alone are my support
and You alone are the centre of my aspirations and
ambitions. O Allah! You are more for me than all
those things which worry me as well as all those
things which do not worry me as well as all those
things which You know better than me. The one who
seeks Your protection is the respectful one and there
is no one worthy of worship except You. O Allah!
Make piety the provision of this journey for me,
forgive my sins and no matter what other things I
think about, always turn my thoughts towards
goodness. (Baihiqi Shareef)

If you want, you can add the following to this dua

O Allah! I seek Your Protection from the difficulties
of travel, from the evils of returning, from trouble
after comfort, from upsetting or grieving the helpless
and from seeing evil or bad things in my possessions
or my family. (Muslim Shareef Hadith 3340)

When Leaving Home
When leaving home, exit with the left foot first.
When leaving home recite the following dua:

, .

_ .

I leave with Allahs Name and I trust in Allah. O
Allah! We seek Your Protection from making
mistakes or going astray from the right path, or
commit tyranny or have tyranny committed upon us,
or commit ignorance or have ignorance committed
upon us. (Tirmidhi Shareef Hadith 3755)

When leaving home, it is recommended to
recite Ayatul Kursi, Surah Nasr, and the 4 Quls
with Bismillah Shareef before each and then
recite Bismillah Shareef at the end. If you recite
this when leaving then Insha Allah you will
not encounter any difficulties and will return
home safely.
Pray 2 rakats Nafl Salah in your local Masjid if
you have time.

When Meeting Relatives
Recite the following dua when meeting family
members and relatives:

I entrust your faith, religion and the result of your

deeds to Allah Almighty.
(Abu Dawood Shareef Hadith 2603)
At the Airport
If not prayed at home, then cover the head with
the Ehram cloth and perform 2 rakats Nafl
Salah for Ehram. Recite Surah Kafiroon in the
first Rakat and Surah Ikhlas in the second
Rakat after Surah Fatiha. Remove the cloth from
the head as soon as you finish the Salah.
If the intention is for Hajj-e-Ifrad then recite the


. .

O Allah! I am intending to perform Hajj. Make it
easy for me and accept it from me. I intend to perform
Hajj and have worn the Ehram for it only for the
Pleasure of Allah.

Those performing Hajj-e-Tamattu should recite
the following after finishing Salah:

. .

O Allah! I am intending to perform Umrah. Make it
easy for me and accept it from me. I intend to perform
Umrah and have worn the Ehram for it only for the
Pleasure of Allah.

Those performing Hajj-e-Qiran should recite the
following after finishing Salah:

. .

O Allah! I am intending to perform Umrah and Hajj.

Make them easy for me and accept them from me. I
intend to perform Umrah and Hajj and have worn
the Ehram for them only for the Pleasure of Allah.

In all three instances, after the dua recite the
Talbiyyah loudly:


I am present O Allah! I am present. I am present,
there is no one worthy of worship except You, I am
present. Undoubtedly all praises, divine blessings
and the universe is for You. There is no one worthy of
worship except You.

Recite the Talbiyyah three times and stop at
each place where there are full stops. After
reciting the Talbiyyah, recite Durood Shareef
and the make dua.

Here is one dua that can be made at this time:

O Allah! I seek from You Your Pleasure and ask from
You Paradise and seek refuge from Your Wrath and
from Hellfire. (Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 31)

Another dua that can be made at this time is:

, .

_ .


, .

, .

, .

, .

, .

, .

, .

, .

, .

O Allah! My hair, skin, bones and blood have
forsaken women, scents and all those things which
You have forbidden for those in Ehram and through
this I seek Your Pleasure. I am present in Your Court
and all goodness is in Your Divine Hands. All
inclination and good deeds are for You. I have
presented myself in Your Court O Possessor of great
blessings and graces. I have presented myself in Your
Court being inclined towards You and fearing You. I
have presented myself in Your Court O Sustainer of
all creations. I present myself in Your Court time and
time again understanding worship to be truthful and
a right that needs to be fulfilled. I am presenting
myself in Your Court, I am presenting myself in Your
Court O Majestic One. I am presenting myself in
Your Court, I am presenting myself in Your Court
like a runaway slave. I am presenting myself in Your
Court, I am presenting myself in Your Court O One
Who removes difficulties. I am presenting myself in
Your Court, I am presenting myself in Your Court, I
am Your slave. I am presenting myself in Your Court,
I am presenting myself in Your Court O One Who
forgives sins. O Allah! Help me in performing this
compulsory Hajj, accept it from me and make me
from those people who are obedient to You and
believe in Your Promise and obey Your Orders. Make
me from the group that You are pleased with and
those whom You have pleased and whom You have

It is necessary to recite the Talbiyyah at least
once with the tongue for Ehram. Even a dumb
person should mime the words with his lips.
Intention (Niyyah) is a condition of Ehram. If
the Talbiyyah is recited without intention then
the Ehram is not valid. Similarly, only the
intention is not sufficient; the Talbiyyah or
similar words (like Subhan Allah or Alhamdu
Lillah) must be recited.
When reciting Talbiyyah the intention (Niyyah)
should also be made. Niyyah is from the heart
but it is better to state the intention with the
tongue also. For example, when performing
Hajj-e-Qiran state Labbaik bil Umrah wal Hajj.
Those performing Tamattu should say Labbaik
bil Umrah and those performing Ifrad should
say Labbaik bil Hajj.
If performing Hajj on behalf of or for someone
else then the intention should be made in the
heart for performing Hajj on their behalf and if
said with the tongue it should be said in the
following manner: Labbaik bil Hajj (or Umrah
if performing Tamattu) an Fulaan. (Replace the
word Fulaan with the name of the person on
whose behalf you are performing Hajj).
If a small child (who does not understand
anything) makes intention for Ehram himself or
performs Hajj it does not count as his
compulsory Hajj. Rather, his guardian should do
these things on his behalf but should not pray
the 2 rakats after Tawaf on behalf of the child. If
a brother and the father are with the child, the
father should perform the rights on behalf of the
If an older child (who has not yet reached
maturity) performs all the duties of Hajj and
misses some things or makes mistakes, there is
no penalty (damm or kaffarah) payable by him.
If a guardian performs the duties on behalf of a
small child and the child does something that is
not allowed, there is no penalty payable by the
If someone wears an Ehram on behalf of a child
then the child should be dressed in the same
unstitched clothing and should be kept away
from all those things that are forbidden for one
in Ehram.
If an immature child voids his Hajj then it does
not need to be repeated, even if he is of an age
that he understands things.
If the intention when saying Labbaik is for
Hajj-e-Qiran or Ifrad then that is what it will be,
regardless of whether it was said with the
tongue or not.
If a person goes with the intention of Hajj and
does not remember to make the intention
(Niyyah) for Hajj when putting on the Ehram
then it will still count as Hajj. If there was no
intention at all then until he does not start the
Tawaf he has the authority to declare the Ehram
for Hajj or Umrah. If he has completed at least
one circuit of Tawaf then it will be an Ehram for
If a person goes with the intention of Hajj but
does not remember to make the intention
(Niyyah) for Hajj when putting on the Ehram
and then has sexual relations before beginning
Tawaf, or something impedes him from
completing his Hajj and he has to stay there (this
is known as Ihsaar), then he has to repeat his
Umrah, there is no need to repeat the Hajj.

Forbidden Things in Ehram
If any of the items that are forbidden (mentioned
below) are done in a state of Ehram then paying a
penalty (damm) in the form of charity etc is Wajib,
which will be explained in detail later.

The following items are forbidden in a state of

Sexual relations with a woman.
To fondle a woman with lust.
To kiss a woman with lust.
To hug a woman with lust.
To look at the private parts of a woman with
To talk with a woman about sexual relations etc.
Rude talk.
The things that are forbidden normally now
become even more forbidden.
To fight or quarrel with anyone about worldly
Cutting your own or someone elses nails or
having your nails cut by someone else.
To (intentionally) remove any hair from any part
of the body.
To cover the head or face with any cloth.
To place any kind of folded cloth or head
covering on the head.
To wear a cap or Imama.
To wear a veil (face covering) that touches the
To wear gloves (for men).
To wear any kind of slippers or shoes etc that
cover the upper part of the foot (for men).
Wearing any kind of stitched clothing (for men).
To put any kind of scent on the hair, body or
Wearing clothes that are scented with any kind
of fragrance when the fragrance is still
noticeable on the cloth.
To eat any food that is highly fragranced or
scented or has a strong odour.
Putting any scent on the end of a scarf or head
covering (for ladies) that emits any kind of scent.
Washing the hair or beard with any kind of
scented shampoo or using any medicine on it
that kills lice.
To apply any kind of hair dye or mehndi.
Applying gel of any kind to fashion the hair.
Putting olive or sesame seed oil on the hair or
body even if it is unscented.
Cutting or shaving someone elses hair even if
he is not in Ehram.
Killing lice.
Picking lice.
Telling anyone else to kill lice.
Cleaning clothes in order to kill lice.
Putting clothes in the sun in order to kill lice.
Putting medicine in the hair to kill lice (in short,
killing lice or other living creatures in any
manner whatsoever is forbidden.

Disliked (Makrooh) Things in Ehram
If any of the items that are disliked (mentioned
below) are done in a state of Ehram then paying a
penalty (damm) in the form of charity etc is
obligatory (Wajib) in some instances, which will be
explained in detail later.
The following items are disliked in a state of

1) Wiping dirt of the body.
2) Washing the hair or body with unscented soaps
or shampoos.
3) Combing.

4) Scratching in such a manner that there is a
chance of hair falling off the body or lice being
5) Wearing a jacket or coat or hanging it on the
6) Wearing any clothes that have been washed
with scented detergent and the scent is still
7) Smelling any scent intentionally even if it is a
flower, fruit or spice like lemon, tangerine, mint
8) Sitting in a perfume shop with the intention that
the smell will freshen the mind.
9) Tying or wrapping a cloth on the forehead.
10) Tying or wrapping a cloth on the face or mouth.

11) Going inside the covering of the Kaaba in such
a manner that it covers your head or face.
12) Covering the nose or any part of the face with a
13) Eating anything with a strong scent if has not
been cooked or if the smell has not left yet.
14) Wearing unstitched clothing that has patches
sewn onto it.
15) Putting your face on a pillow and sleeping
upside down.
16) Touching any fragranced surface with the hand
as long as the fragrance does not come onto the
hand. If it comes onto the hand then it is
forbidden (Haraam).
17) Wearing a Taaweez on the arm.
18) Putting any kind of bandage or band-aid on the
body without a valid reason.
19) Women to beautify themselves and makes
themselves look attractive.

Things Allowed in Ehram
The following items are allowed whilst in a state of

Lying down and covering yourself with a coat,
jacket, blanket, cloth etc in such a manner that
the head and face are not covered.
Tying a jacket, coat, or upper body garment on
the lower body like a Tehband.
Taking the corners of a blanket inside the
Wearing a purse.
Wearing a weapon on the body.
Bathing without rubbing the body.
Taking a dip in water.
Washing clothes provided it is not done to kill
To use a Miswak.
Sitting in the shade of something.
Using an umbrella.
Wearing a ring.
Applying non-fragranced Surma.
Removing a tooth.
Breaking off a partially broken nail.
Popping a boil or pimple.
Having a vein opened in order to allow
Taking a hair out of the eye.
Scratching the head or body softly in such a
manner that no hair is broken.
The scent that was applied before Ehram was
worn remaining on the body or Ehram.
Slaughtering reared animals (camel, goat, cow,
chicken etc), cooking its meat, milking them,
breaking its egg and boiling it etc.
Catching fish in order to eat.
Killing any sea animal for medicine. (If hunting
or fishing is not for medicine or food and is
purely for pleasure as is very common, then
hunting any kind of land or sea animal for this is
strictly prohibited and becomes even more
prohibited in the state of Ehram.
Cutting grass or cutting down trees outside the
Killing impure and poisonous birds of prey,
crows, mice, chameleons, lizards, snakes,
scorpions, bugs, mosquitoes, fleas, flies etc even
if inside the Haram.
Putting on a bandage on a wound on any part of
the body except for the head and face.
Putting a pillow below the head or back.
Placing a hand (whether your own or someone
elses) on your head or nose.
Covering the ears with a cloth.
Covering the beard below the chin.
Carrying a pot or basket on the head.
Eating or drinking food or beverages which are
naturally fragranced or cooked and do not give
off a strong odour.
Applying any kind of oil on the hair or body
(like ghee, fat, mustard seed oil, coconut oil,
almond oil etc)
Wearing clothes dyed with fragrance if the
fragrance is no longer noticeable. However,
clothes dyed in saffron are not allowed for men
in any circumstance.
Quarrelling or arguing for sake of religion.
Rather, this is obligatory and compulsory if the
need arises.
Wearing any kind of shoes that do not cover the
top of the foot.
If necessary, wrapping a Taaweez in an
UNSTITCHED cloth and putting it around the
Looking in the mirror.
Smelling any fragrance that has no scent left in
Tying scented items that have no fragrance left
in them into the end of the head covering.
Getting married (Nikah).

Differences in the Ehram of Men &
Men cannot cover their head with any kind of
cloth or covering.
Women can cover their head it is essential to
cover it in front of permissible (ghair mehram)

Men cannot carry a load (bag or basket etc) on
their heads.
Women can carry a load (bag or basket etc) on
their heads.

Men cannot gel their hair with anything.
Women can gel their hair.

Men cannot tie any kind of wrapping on their
Women can tie wrapping on their heads.

Men cannot wear a Taaweez on their arms.
Women can wear a Taaweez on their arms even if
it is sewn.

Men cannot wear a stitched Taaweez around their
Women can wear a stitched Taaweez around their

Men cannot go inside the covering of the Kaaba
in such a manner that it covers the head.
Women can go inside the covering of the Kaaba
in such a manner that it covers the head.

Men cannot wear gloves.
Women can wear gloves.

Men cannot wear socks.
Women can wear socks.

Men cannot wear stitched clothing.
Women can wear stitched clothing.

Men should recite the Talbiyyah in a loud voice.
Women should recite the Talbiyyah in such a
manner that only she can hear it.

When Boarding the Aeroplane
Once you have boarded the aeroplane recite the
following dua:

In the name of Allah and all praises are for Allah.
Sanctified is He Who made this conveyance obedient
to us whereas without His guidance we would not be
able to make it obedient and we are to return to our

Then recite the following dua:

O Allah! I seek Your refuge from the destruction of
this structure and seek Your refuge from falling and
seek Your refuge from destruction and from fire.
(Nisaai Shareef Hadith 5550)

During the journey, recite the Holy Quran,
Durood Shareef, Tauba-o-Istigfaar and
Ensure that no Salah is missed during the
Refrain from idle chat as this deprives one of the
blessings of Hajj.
If anyone grieves or upsets you then forgive
them immediately.
As a general rule, the tissues and wet towels that
are handed out on aeroplanes are fragranced
therefore avoid using them in a state of Ehram.
Meat dishes that are served on aeroplanes
should be avoided as the status of them (Halal
or Haraam) are doubtful.

Entry into Makkah Shareef
On the way from Jeddah to Makkah you will see
two pillars near a place called Bahrah. The
precincts of Haram start from here.
As you get closer to the Haram, lower your face
with humility and recite Talbiyyah and Durood
Shareef in abundance.
When you get close to Makkah Shareef recite:

. ,

O Allah! Grant me peace and contentment from this
(blessed city) and grant me lawful sustenance in it.
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 38)

When you enter the city of Makkah recite the
following dua:

. .


, .

. .

O Allah! You are my Lord and I am Your slave and
this city is Your city. I have come to You fleeing Your
Punishment in order to fulfil my duty to You and to
seek Your Mercy and Pleasure. I am powerless and
beg from You the ability to fear Your punishment. I
beg of You to accept me through Your Grace and
enter me into Your Mercy. Forgive my mistakes
through Your untold forgiveness and help me fulfil
this obligation of mine. O Allah! Grant me freedom
from Your Punishment and open for me the doors of
Your Mercy and enter me into it and safeguard me
from Satan the rejected.
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 38)

After entering Makkah Shareef go to your hotel
and ensure that you are well rested. After some
of the jet lag has subsided take a bath if possible.
If a bath is not possible then perform Wudhu
carefully and correctly and then proceed
towards Haram Shareef. Along the way recite
Talbiyyah loudly.
When entering Masjid-e-Haraam it is better to
enter through Baab-us-Salaam. However, this
door is mostly closed nowadays therefore enter
through the door which is easiest for you and
enter with your gaze lowered.
Enter Masjid-e-Haraam with your right foot and
recite the following dua:


With Allahs name (I am entering) and all praises are
for Allah and may blessings descend on the Beloved
Prophet . O Allah! Open for me the doors of Your
Mercy and enter me into it. O Allah! I supplicate to you
at this place that You shower blessings on our Master,
Your Bondman and Prophet, Sayyiduna RasoolAllah
and have mercy on me and conceal my faults and
forgive my sins, remove from my neck the burden (of
my sins). (Tabyiynul Haqaiq Sharh Kanzul Daqaiq Vol 4
Page 287)

Seeing the Kaaba
After you take a few steps inside Haram Shareef
you will see the Kaaba. The dua that is made
upon first setting eyes on the Kaaba is accepted.
It is better that when you first sight the Kaaba,
recite Durood Shareef and then supplicate in the
following manner, O Lord! Whenever and
wherever I supplicate to you for anything
lawful, accept my supplication and enter me
into Paradise without any reckoning. When you
first set eyes on the Kaaba recite three times,

Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Wallahu

Akbar!, then recite Durood Shareef and then
recite the following dua:

, .

. ,


O Allah! Your name is Salam (Peace) and Peace is only
through Your Court, grant us a life of peace. O Allah!
Increase the majesty, dignity, respect and awe of this
House of Yours even more and through the majesty,
dignity and respect of this House increase the dignity,
respect and good deeds of all those who come here and
perform Hajj or Umrah. I seek refuge of the Lord of
this House from debt, poverty, a contracting heart and
punishment of the grave.
(Tabyiynul Haqaiq Sharh Kanzul Daqaiq Vol 4 Page 287)

Supplicate for yourself, your parents, family
members and for death with faith etc and then
whilst reciting Talbiyyah proceed towards the

Before Beginning Tawaf
Get closer to the Kaaba and do Ijtiba, meaning
place the upper Ehram cloth under the right
armpit and put the end on the left shoulder so
that the right shoulder is exposed and bare.
Now face the Kaaba in such a manner that Hajr-
e-Aswad is on your right hand side.
Now make the intention for Tawaf in your mind
and recite the following:

O Allah! I am intending to perform Tawaf of your
Majestic House. Make it easy for me and accept it
from me.
As soon as you make the intention for Tawaf,
stop reciting Talbiyyah.
Remain facing the Kaaba and move to the right
a little bit so that you are in line with Hajr-e-
Aswad and raise your hand up to your ears in
such a manner that the palms are facing Hajr-e-
Aswad and recite the following:

, .

. ,

Allahs Name I begin with. All praises are for Allah
and Allah is the greatest. Peace and blessings be upon
the Prophet of Allah . (Fatawa-e-Razvia Vol 10 Pe 812)

How to Perform Istilam?
Now perform Istilam of Hajr-e-Aswad. In other
words, place your hands on Hajr-e-Aswad and
place your lips between your hands and kiss it
in such a manner that no sound is made (of
kissing). If this is not possible due to
overcrowding then do not trouble or cause
discomfort to anyone. Rather, touch Hajr-e-
Aswad with your hands or a knife or stick and
then kiss that. If that too is not possible then
raise your hands towards Hajr-e-Aswad and
kiss your fingers.
When performing Istilam of Hajr-e-Aswad recite
the following dua:

, .

Allah in the name of, the most Affectionate the
Merciful. O Allah! Forgive my sins, purify my heart,
expand my chest, make my work easy for me and grant
me peace amongst those people to whom You have
granted peace. (Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 46)
First Round of Tawaf
Begin Tawaf at Hajr-e-Aswad in such a manner
that the Kaaba is on your left hand side and you
are at least three feet away from the Kaaba.
Men should perform Ramal in the first three
rounds of Tawaf. In other words you should
walk hurriedly with forceful and narrow paces
while shaking the shoulders like a brave soldier
going into the battlefield.
Now recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Walillahil
Hamd. Allahs Name I begin with. All praises
are for Allah and Allah is the greatest. Peace and
blessings be upon the Prophet of Allah and
proceed to begin the first round.
From the beginning of the first round until you
reach Rukn-e-Yamaani, recite the following dua:

. ,





Allah is pure and all praise is for Allah and Allah is the
greatest and all strength and power is for Allah who is
Mighty and Majestic. Peace and blessings on Allahs
Beloved Prophet . O Allah! I believe in You, testify
to Your Book, fulfil Your oath and in acting upon the
Sunnah of Your Beloved Prophet I bear witness
that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah,
who is One, He has no partner, and I bear witness that
Hazrat Muhammed is His Beloved bondman and
Prophet. O Allah! I seek from You forgiveness and
pardon in this world and the world hereafter for always
and I seek from You success in Paradise and freedom
from the fire of Hell. (Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 36)

From Rukn-e-Yamaani to Hajr-e-Aswad recite
the following:

O our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and the
hereafter and save us from the fire of Hell and enter us
into Paradise with the righteous ones, O Powerful,
Forgiving One, O Lord of all the worlds.
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 47)

Upon reaching Hajr-e-Aswad kiss it. If this is
not possible due to overcrowding then touch
Hajr-e-Aswad with your hands or a knife or
stick and then kiss that. If that too is not possible
then raise your hands towards Hajr-e-Aswad
and kiss your fingers.

Second Round of Tawaf
After Istilam begin the second round and recite
Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Walillahil Hamd.

. ,

From Hajr-e-Aswad to Rukn-e-Yamaani recite
the following:

_ .


. ,

O Allah! This House is Your House and this Haram is
Your Haram and the protection here is protection that is
from You and every slave is Your slave and I am Your
slave and the son of Your slave and this place grants
safety from the fire of Hell. Make our skin and bones
unlawful on the fire of Hell. O Allah! Instil in our
hearts love for the religion and adorn our hearts with
faith and instil in our hearts hatred for infidelity,
polytheism and sins, and make us amongst those who
are obedient. O Allah! Save me from Your punishment
on that day when You raise all Your slaves. O Allah!
Grant me Paradise without reckoning.
(Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 38)

From Rukn-e-Yamaani to Hajr-e-Aswad recite
the following:


O our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and the
world hereafter and save us from the fire of Hell and
enter us into Paradise with the righteous ones, O
Powerful, Forgiving One, O Lord of all the worlds.
(Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 38)

Upon reaching Hajr-e-Aswad perform Istilam.

Third Round of Tawaf
Recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Walillahil

. ,

From Hajr-e-Aswad to Rukn-e-Yamaani recite
the following:



O Allah! I seek Your Protection from suspicion,
idolatry, strife, hypocrisy, bad character, evil fate and
for goodness for my family and possessions. O Allah! I
seek from You Your Pleasure and Paradise and seek
refuge from Your Displeasure and the fire of Hell. O
Allah! I seek Your Protection from the strife of the
grave and from strife of life and death.
(Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 39)

From Rukn-e-Yamaani to Hajr-e-Aswad recite
the following:


O our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and the
world hereafter and save us from the fire of Hell and
enter us into Paradise with the righteous ones, O
Powerful, Forgiving One, O Lord of all the worlds.
(Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 40)

Upon reaching Hajr-e-Aswad perform Istilam.

Fourth Round of Tawaf

Recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Walillahil

. ,

From Hajr-e-Aswad to Rukn-e-Yamaani recite
the following:


_ .

. ,




O Allah! Make this Hajj of mine acceptable and
successful and make it a means for forgiveness of my
sins and make all my deeds good and save me from all
losses, O Knower of what is in the hearts! O Allah! Take
me out of the darkness and into light. O Allah! I seek
from You the path to Your Mercy, means to Your
Forgiveness, protection from all sins, guidance to
perform all good deeds and seek Paradise and freedom
from the fire of Hell. O my Lord! Grant me contentment
in the sustenance that You have given me and grant me
blessings in the bounties that You have bestowed upon
me and grant me reward for every good thing that
comes from You. (Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 40)

From Rukn-e-Yamaani to Hajr-e-Aswad recite
the following:


O our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and the
world hereafter and save us from the fire of Hell and
enter us into Paradise with the righteous ones, O
Powerful, Forgiving One, O Lord of all the worlds.
(Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 41)

Upon reaching Hajr-e-Aswad perform Istilam.

Fifth Round of Tawaf
Recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Walillahil

. ,


From Hajr-e-Aswad to Rukn-e-Yamaani recite
the following:


O Allah! Grant me the shade of Your Throne on the
day when there will be no shade except the shade of
Your Throne and there will be no being except
Yourself. Grant me such a satisfying drink from the
Pond of Your Prophet (Kauthar) that I never feel thirst
after that. O Allah! I seek from You the blessings of all
those things which our Master Hazrat Muhammad
asked You for and I seek Your protection from all those
vices which he sought Your protection from. O Allah! I
seek from You Paradise and its blessings and for words
and deeds which take me closer to Paradise and I seek
Your protection from those words and deeds which take
me closer to the fire of Hell.(Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah
Pages 41-42)
From Rukn-e-Yamaani to Hajr-e-Aswad recite
the following:

O our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and the
world hereafter and save us from the fire of Hell and
enter us into Paradise with the righteous ones, O
Powerful, Forgiving One, O Lord of all the worlds.
(Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 42)

Upon reaching Hajr-e-Aswad perform Istilam.

Sixth Round of Tawaf
Recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Walillahil

. ,


From Hajr-e-Aswad to Rukn-e-Yamaani recite
the following:


_ .


O Allah! There are many rights on me which concern
You and many rights on me which concern your
creations. O Allah! Forgive me my trespasses which
concern Your rights and forgive my shortcomings in
relation to the rights of Your creation. O Allah! Grant
me lawful sustenance and save me from unlawful
sustenance and grant me guidance to be obedient to
You and stay far away from sins and grant me Your
favours and make me independent of seeking the
favours of others, O granter of forgiveness. O Allah!
Your House is very majestic and You are of great
honour. O Allah! You are tolerant and esteemed and
You like forgiveness therefore forgive me. (Tareeqa-e-
Hajj-o-Umrah Page 43)

From Rukn-e-Yamaani to Hajr-e-Aswad recite
the following:

O our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and the
world hereafter and save us from the fire of Hell and
enter us into Paradise with the righteous ones, O
Powerful, Forgiving One, O Lord of all the worlds.
(Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 44)

Upon reaching Hajr-e-Aswad perform Istilam.

Seventh Round of Tawaf
Recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Walillahil

. ,


From Hajr-e-Aswad to Rukn-e-Yamaani recite
the following:


O Allah! Through Your blessings I seek from You
perfect faith, true belief, plentiful sustenance, a humble
heart, tongue that remembers You, pure and clean
sustenance, truthful and heartfelt repentance,
repentance before death, comfort at the time of death,
forgiveness and mercy after death, and forgiveness at
the time of reckoning, Paradise without interrogation
and freedom from the fire of Hell, O Highly
Honourable, O Great Forgiver! O my Lord! Increase my
knowledge and include me in the pious people.
(Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Pages 44-45)

From Rukn-e-Yamaani to Hajr-e-Aswad recite
the following:

O our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world
and the world hereafter and save us from the
fire of Hell and enter us into Paradise with the
righteous ones, O Powerful, Forgiving One, O
Lord of all the worlds. (Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah
Page 45)
Upon reaching Hajr-e-Aswad perform Istilam
and recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Walillahil

. ,

Your Tawaf is now complete.

If a person cannot recite the specific duas
mentioned in this book or other books for any
reason then he should recite Durood Shareef,
Istigfaar etc or should make dua in his own

Rules Regarding Tawaf
Intention (Niyyah) is compulsory (Fard) in
Tawaf. Without it the Tawaf is not valid.
It is not necessary that when making the
intention for Tawaf that the specific Tawaf is
also mentioned in the intention (e.g. Tawaf-e-
Umrah, Tawaf-e-Ziarat etc). Just making the
intention for the Tawaf is sufficient for all
If the Tawaf is not completed in the correct
manner e.g. if the Tawaf is started from the left
etc then the Tawaf must be repeated. If it is not
repeated and a person leaves then a penalty
(damm) becomes obligatory (Wajib).
Tawaf must be performed from outside the
Hateem. If the Tawaf is done inside the Hateem
then it is necessary to repeat the Tawaf. If it is
not repeated then a penalty (damm) becomes
obligatory (Wajib).
If there is doubt as to how many rounds of
Tawaf have been completed then it is better to
start again if the Tawaf is a compulsory (Fard)
or obligatory (Wajib) Tawaf.
If a competent, just person tells you how many
rounds have been completed then it is better to
act upon his word. If two competent, just people
tell you how many rounds have been
completed, then you should definitely act upon
If there is doubt upon how many rounds have
been completed in a voluntary (Nafli) Tawaf,
then you should act upon your best judgement.
Tawaf of the Kaaba must be performed from
inside Masjid-e-Haraam. If it is performed from
the outside it will not be valid.
If you are helping a sick, elderly person perform
Tawaf (e.g. pushing a wheelchair etc), then your
Tawaf will also be fulfilled if you make intention
even if the two Tawafs are with different
intentions (Tawaf-e-Umrah, voluntary Tawaf
If a person interrupts Tawaf in order to perform
Fard Salah or funeral prayer or to make fresh
wudhu then he only needs to continue from
where he left off when he returns. There is no
need to start again. If a person does restart the
Tawaf there is no need to complete the rounds
of the Tawaf that was interrupted.
Ramal (walking hurriedly) is only Sunnah in
the first three rounds of the Tawaf. It is disliked
(Makrooh) to perform it in all seven rounds.
If Ramal is forgotten in the first round, only
perform it in the second and third rounds.
If Ramal is not performed in the first three
rounds for any reason, then do not perform
Ramal in any of the final four rounds.
If Ramal cannot be performed due to
overcrowding then do not delay the Tawaf.
Walk normally and only perform Ramal at
places where it is possible.
Ramal is only Sunnah in those Tawafs after
which Saee has to be performed. If a person
wants to perform the Saee of Tawaf-e-Qudoom
after Tawaf-e-Ziarat, then it is not necessary to
perform Ramal during the Tawaf-e-Qudoom.
It is Sunnah to perform Ijtiba (uncovering the
right shoulder) in all seven rounds of the Tawaf
after which Saee will be performed.
Ijtiba must only be performed when
performing Tawaf. At no other time in Ehram
should the shoulder be uncovered.

Forbidden Things in Tawaf
The following are forbidden (Haraam) in Tawaf
even if it is a voluntary (Nafli) Tawaf.

1) Performing Tawaf without wudhu.
2) One quarter of any part of the body that is
amongst the items that must be covered (Satr)
becoming uncovered (e.g. thigh of a man, ears
and wrist etc of a woman).
3) Performing Tawaf on any kind of conveyance
(camel, wheelchair etc) or on someones
shoulders without a valid reason.
4) Performing Tawaf while crawling or sliding on
all fours without a valid reason.
5) Performing Tawaf in the wrong direction i.e.
having the Kaaba on the right when performing
6) Passing from inside the Hateem when
performing Tawaf.
7) Performing less than seven rounds.

Disliked Things in Tawaf
The following items are disliked (Makrooh) in

1) Engaging in idle chat whilst performing Tawaf.
2) To sell anything whilst performing Tawaf.
3) To buy anything whilst performing Tawaf.
4) Reciting any verses (of poetry) other than verses
of Hamd, Naats or Manqabats.
5) Doing zikr, dua or recitation of the Quran in a
very loud voice.
6) Performing Tawaf in unclean clothes.
7) Not performing Ramal where required to do so.
8) Not doing Ijtiba when required to do so.
9) Not kissing Hajr-e-Aswad when required to do
so without a valid excuse.
10) Separating the rounds of the Tawaf, meaning
doing some rounds and then resting (without a
valid reason) or going and doing some other
work and then completing the rest of the
11) Beginning another Tawaf without praying the
Salah for the first Tawaf. However, if it is a time
when Salah cannot be performed then multiple
Tawafs can be completed and then the Salah (2
rakats) for each of them can be performed
together. If you forget to perform the Salah for
one Tawaf and begin a second Tawaf, if less
than one round has been completed, then the
Tawaf should be stopped and the Salah should
be prayed first. If one full round has been
completed then the Tawaf should be completed
and the Salah for both Tawafs should be
performed after the second Tawaf.
12) Eating whilst performing Tawaf.
13) Performing Tawaf whilst there is an urge to go
to the bathroom or an urge to break wind.

Salah of Tawaf
Allah Almighty states in the Holy Quran:

...and take the place where Ibrahim stood, as your
place of prayer; (Surah Baqarah Verse 125)

After completing the Tawaf come to Maqam-e-
Ibrahim. First of all cover the right shoulder so that
you are no longer in a state of Ijtiba because Ijtiba is
only whilst performing Tawaf and not for any other
act. In fact, it is disliked (Makrooh) to perform
Salah whilst in a state of Ijtiba.

If possible and there is space, perform two rakats
Salah in such a place that Maqam-e-Ibrahim is
between you and the Kaaba. If there is no space
then the Salah can be performed anywhere in
Masjid-e-Haraam but it is preferred to pray in line
with Maqam-e-Ibrahim.
This Salah is obligatory (Wajib) after each Tawaf.
Recite Surah Kafiroon in the first Rakat and Surah
Ikhlas in the second. If it is a disliked time for
performing Salah (sunrise, midday or after Asr
until sunset) then wait until that time has passed
and then perform the Salah.

It is Sunnah to perform this Salah immediately
after completing the Tawaf as long as it is not a
disliked time for performing Salah. There
should not be any gap between the Tawaf and
the Salah (without a valid reason). If for some
reason it cannot be prayed right away then it
should be performed later and will be valid but
to delay it unnecessarily is considered bad.
When Saee needs to be performed after Tawaf,
the Salah should be performed immediately and
then dua should be made at Multazim. When
performing a Tawaf that is not followed by Saee
then dua should be made at Multazim first and
the Salah should be performed at Maqam-e-
After performing the Salah of Tawaf the
following dua should be recited:

, .

, .

, .

O Allah! You know my apparent and my hidden;
accept my repentance and You know my needs so grant
me what I desire. You know what is in my heart so
forgive my sins. O Allah! I seek from You faith that
remains firm in my heart and seek true belief so that I
firmly believe that I will receive everything that You
have destined for me. Grant me the guidance to be
satisfied with my destiny. O Most Merciful One! You
are my helper in this world and the world hereafter.
Grant me death with faith and include me amongst
Your beloved slaves. O our Lord! Do not leave any of
our sins unpardoned at this blessed place. Do not leave
any of our sadness or worries unsolved and do not
leave any of our needs unfulfilled. Make all our work
easy for us and expand our chests for us and illuminate
our hearts and grant us death with good deeds. O Allah!
Grant us death on Islam and include us amongst the
pious without any test or trial. (Ahkam-e-Hajj-o-Umrah
Pages 96-97)

After completing Tawaf and performing 2
rakats Salah at Maqam-e-Ibrahim proceed to
The east wall of the Kaaba between Hajr-e-
Aswad and the door of the Kaaba is called
This is a place where duas are accepted.
Come here and hug the wall of the Kaaba in
such a manner that your stomach touches the
Kaaba. Put your right cheek and left cheek
against the wall of the Kaaba alternatively.
Place your arms and hands above your head
and against the Kaaba and beseech Allah in the
following manner:

_ .

O Divine One! O Majestic One! Do not deprive me of

the blessings that You have granted me.
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 50)

This dua can also be recited at Multazim:

, .

, .

, .



O Allah! O Lord of this blessed House! Save our necks
and those of our forefathers, mothers, brothers and
children from the fire of Hell. O the Forgiver, the
Merciful, the Bountiful and the Benefactor! O Allah!
Acquit us well in all our dealings and save us from
disgrace in this world and punishment in the hereafter.
O Allah! I am Your slave and the child of Your slave. I
am standing beneath the door of Your House. I am
begging in front of You and am seeking Your blessings
and am afraid of Your punishment. O ever Bountiful
One! O Allah! I beseech You to grant my prayers
acceptance and lessen the weight of my sins. Correct me
in my deeds and purify my heart and provide light in
my grave and forgive my sins. I beg You for a high
place in Paradise, accept it. (Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Pages

Well of Zam-Zam
After completing Tawaf, Salah of Tawaf and
going to Multazim, go to the well of Zam-Zam
and drink plenty of water as this is preferred
Drink Zam-Zam standing up, whilst facing the
Qibla, recite Bismillah before drinking and
Alhamdulillah after drinking.
After drinking Zam-Zam take the remaining
water in the glass and rub it on your face and
Recite the following dua when drinking Zam-

O Allah! Bestow on me beneficial knowledge,
abundant sustenance, acceptable deeds and cure
from all illnesses.
(Durr-e-Mansur Vol 5 Page 34)

After drinking Zam-Zam perform Istilam of
Hajr-e-Aswad one more time.

Exiting Masjid-e-Haraam
After completing Istilam for a ninth time
proceed towards Mount Safa.
Exit through Baab-us-Safa and arrive at Mount
Safa (you can use any other door also to reach
Mount Safa).

Performing Saee
Allah Almighty states:

Undoubtedly Safa and Marwa are among the symbols
of Allah; so there is no sin on him, for whoever
performs pilgrimage of this House (of Allah) or the
Umrah (lesser pilgrimage), to go back and forth
between them... (Surah Baqarah Verse 158)

When you are close to Mount Safa recite:

I also start from the place where Allah started from (as
is mentioned in the verse) Undoubtedly Safa and
Marwa are amongst the symbols of Allah.
(Tareeqa-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 56)

Stand on Mount Safa and face the Kaaba.
Recite Subhan Allah, Alhamdu Lillah, Allahu
Akbar and Durood Shareef etc.
This is a place where duas are accepted. Make
dua with sincerity and devotion for yourself,
your family, the whole Muslim Ummah and for
death with faith.
With complete humility and devotion recite the
following dua:


. ,

. ,

. ,

. ,

. ,

. . .


_ -

_ -


_ -

_ -

_ -

, .

. ,

, .


, .

, .

. .

, .

. .

, .

. .

, .


. _

Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! There is no
deity except Allah and Allah is the Greatest! Allah is
the Greatest and all praise is for Allah! All praise is for
Allah Who guided us, all praise is for Allah Who
granted us blessings, all praise is for Allah Who
inspired us, all praise is for Allah Who guided us and if
He would not have guided us we would not have been
guided. None has the right to be worshipped except
Allah, He is One without any partner. For Him is the
kingdom of heaven and earth and all praise is for Him.
He gives life and death and He Himself lives and never
dies. In His Hand is goodness and He has control over
all things. None has the right to be worshipped except
Allah, He is One and is true to His Promise. He helped
His slaves and gave strength to His troops and defeated
the infidels Himself. None has the right to be
worshipped except Allah, we worship Him sincerely
even though the infidels do not like it. All praise is for
Allah day and night and for Him is praise in the
heavens and on the earth and in the early morning and
at midday. He gives life to the dead and death to the
living and gives life to the earth after it has died and
that is how you will be raised. O Lord! Just as you have
guided me towards Islam I beg You not to tear me away
from Islam until I die. All praise is for Allah and none
has the right to be worshipped except Allah and Allah
is the Greatest. There is no power or strength to do
good or stay away from sins except through the help of
Allah Who is Exalted and Majestic. O Lord! Enable me
to live according to the Sunnah of the Prophet and
give me death in his community and save me from
trials and tribulations. O Lord! Make me amongst those
who love You and love Your Prophets, Messengers,
Angels and pious people. O Lord! Make my work easy
for me and save me from difficulties. O Lord! Keep me
alive upon the Sunnah of Your Prophet and make
me die as a Muslim and keep me close to good deeds
and make me an inheritor of the highest Paradise and
forgive my sins on the Day of Judgement. O Lord! We
seek complete faith and a sincere heart from You and
seek beneficial knowledge and true belief and the right
path. We seek protection from all calamities and
difficulties and seek complete peace and tranquillity
forever and the ability to be thankful for the peace that
we receive and we seek freedom from being dependent
on people. O Lord! Send peace and blessings upon our
master Muhammad and on his family and
companions in the same quantity as Your creations,
Your Pleasure, the weight of Your Throne and
according to the longevity of Your Words for as long as
Your Words are recited and for as long as those who are
forgetful forget to remember You. (Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6
Pages 52-53)

Now make the intention for Saee in your heart
and recite the words with the tongue:

, .

_ -

O Allah! I intend to perform seven rounds of Saee
between Safa and Marwa purely for Your Pleasure.
Make it easy for me and accept it from me.
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 53)

Now begin walking towards Marwa. When men
reach Meelain Akhdarain (marked by green
lights) they should jog between the lights.
Ensure that no one is troubled when you jog and
stop jogging when you reach the second green
When jogging between Meelain Akhdarain in all
rounds of Saee recite:


, .


O Lord! Forgive us and have mercy and pardon all

that You know (our sins) and You know that which
we do not know. Undoubtedly You are the Respectful
and Gracious One. O Allah! Make this an accepted
Hajj and Saee and forgive my sins. O Allah! Forgive
me and my parents and all believing men and women.
O the One Who accepts duas! O Lord! Accept this
from us. Undoubtedly You are the One Who Hears
and Knows all things and accept our repentance.
Undoubtedly You are the Forgiving and Merciful
One. O Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and the
world hereafter and save us from the fire of Hell.
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Pages 53-54)
Another short dua that can be prayed is:


O my Lord! Forgive me and have mercy on me and You

are the Respectful, Majestic One.

After passing the green lights walk at normal
pace and continuously recite the fourth kalima
which is as follows:

_ -

. .


No one is worthy of worship except Allah, He is One
and has no partner. For Him is the Kingdom and for
Him is all praise. He gives life and death, He is Alive
and death will never come to Him. In His Hands is all
goodness and He can do all things.
(Bahar-e-Shariat, Vol 6 Page 54)

Upon reaching Marwa climb to the top and
stand facing the Kaaba.
Just like at Safa recite Subhan Allah, Alhamdu
Lillah, Allahu Akbar and Durood Shareef etc.
Make dua just like the duas that were made at
Now you have completed one round of Saee.
Just as you recited Durood Shareef, Zikr and
duas whilst going from Safa to Marwa, walk
back from Marwa to Safa whilst reciting similar
Run between Meelain Akhdarain just as before.
After passing the green lights walk at normal
pace until you reach Mount Safa.
Just as before, face the Kaaba and recite Subhan
Allah, Alhamdu Lillah, Allahu Akbar and
Durood Shareef and duas.
You have now completed two rounds of Saee.
Complete seven rounds of Saee in this manner.
The seventh round will finish at Marwa.
After completing Saee, it is Sunnah to come into
Masjid-e-Haraam and perform two rakats Salah
near the Mataf (where Tawaf is done).

Rules regarding Saee
Perform Saee immediately after Tawaf. It is
against Sunnah and disliked to delay it
If Saee needs to be performed after Tawaf then
you need to come back to Hajr-e-Aswad and
perform Istilam again before going to Safa. If
Saee does not need to be performed, there is no
need to perform Istilam again.
Remain busy in Durood and Zikr and climb Safa
until you can see the Kaaba.
If there is not overcrowding you will be able to
see the Kaaba right away upon reaching Safa.
Therefore it is not necessary to climb to the top
of Safa as this is against the way of Ahle Sunnah
and is the way of those with false beliefs and
those with lack of knowledge.
A condition of Saee is that it must be performed
after Tawaf or the majority of the Tawaf has
been completed. Therefore if Saee is performed
before Tawaf or before at least four rounds of
Tawaf have been completed then that Saee will
not be valid.
Another condition of Saee is that the Ehram
must be worn before Saee regardless of whether
Hajj or Umrah is being performed.
If the Saee for Hajj is being performed before
the day of Arafat then the Ehram must be worn
for Saee. If it being done after the day of Arafat
then to wear the Ehram is Sunnah.
It is compulsory (Wajib) to have Ehram for Saee
in Umrah. Therefore, if the hair is shaved after
Tawaf and then Saee is performed then the
Saee will be valid but because a Wajib was
missed a penalty (damm) must be paid.
Purity is not a condition for Saee. Therefore a
menstruating woman or a man who needs to
take a compulsory bath are both allowed to
perform Saee.
It is compulsory (Wajib) to perform Saee on foot
(unless there is a valid reason). If someone
performs Saee on a conveyance or wheelchair
without a valid reason then a penalty (damm)
becomes compulsory.
If it is not Makrooh time, it is better to pray 2
rakats Salah in the Masjid after Saee.
The seven rounds must be completed one after
the other consecutively. It is disliked to do them
separately one by one.

Rules regarding Tawaf and Saee
It is better and more careful for women to go for
Tawaf and Saee late at night when there is less
As a general rule, it is recommended that
women should perform their Salah in their
homes or hotels as there is more reward for
them in this.
When in Makkah Mukarramah women should
try and perform one Tawaf each night (as there
is less of a rush at that time) and when in
Madinah Munawwarah they should go and
present blessings and salutations in the morning
and afternoon.

Permissible Actions in Tawaf & Saee
1) Greeting one another.
2) Replying to a greeting.
3) Talking out of necessity.
4) Asking religious questions.
5) Answering religious questions.
6) Drinking water.
7) Reciting verses of Hamd, Naat and Manqabat in
a soft voice.
8) Eating is allowed during Saee but not during

Disliked Actions during Saee
Taking unnecessary breaks between the rounds
of Saee.
Buying anything.
Selling anything.
Engaging in idle chat.
Not climbing Mount Safa.
Not climbing Mount Marwa.
(Men) not running where required without a
valid reason.
Delaying the Saee after Tawaf for an extended
amount of time without reason.
Not covering the parts of the body that must be
Looking around unnecessarily (this is even more
disliked during Tawaf).

Mens and Womens Tawaf & Saee
Men will perform Ijtiba (uncovering the right
Women will not perform Ijtiba.

Men will perform Ramal during Tawaf.
Women will not perform Ramal during Tawaf.

Men will jog during Saee (at the allocated places)
Women will not jog during Saee.

Men will kiss Hajr-e-Aswad (as long as no one is
troubled in the process).
If a womans body will touch a non permissible
male then she will not attempt to kiss Hajr-e-

Men will touch Rukn-e-Yamaani (as long as no one
is troubled in the process).
If a womans body will touch a non permissible
male then she will not attempt to touch Rukn-e-

Men will try and be as close to the Kaaba as
possible (as long as no one is troubled in the
If a womans body will touch a non permissible
male then she will not attempt to be close to the
Men will try and get as close to the well (or taps) of
Zam-Zam as possible (as long as no one is troubled
in the process).
If a womans body will touch a non permissible
male then she will not attempt to get close to the
well of Zam-Zam.

Pay Attention!
The first Tawaf performed by a person
performing Hajj-e-Ifrad will be Tawaf-e-
Qudoom and the Saee will be for Hajj. A person
performing Hajj-e-Ifrad also has the permission
to perform Saee after Tawaf-e-Ziarat.
The first Tawaf and Saee performed by a person
performing Hajj-e-Tamattu is for Umrah.
Therefore a person performing it will shave his
hair or cut it after Saee and will then remove the
Ehram as his Umrah has been completed. Now
these people will wear the Ehram again on the
of Dhul Hijjah and complete all the stages of
Hajj (the Ehram can be adopted before the 8
Dhul Hijjah).
For those performing Hajj-e-Qiran the first
Tawaf and Saee is also for Umrah. Their
Umrah is complete but these people will not
have their head shaved or hair cut nor will they
remove their Ehram. Rather they will remain in
Ehram and will abide by all the rules of Ehram
and will continue reciting Talbiyyah whilst
waiting for the days of Hajj.
Those performing Hajj-e-Qiran must perform
their Tawaf-e-Qudoom after this Tawaf and
Saee. If they want they can perform the Saee
for Hajj with the Tawaf-e-Qudoom.
Those performing Hajj-e-Ifrad will also remain
in Ehram and will abide by all the restrictions of

Whilst Waiting for the Days of Hajj
Whilst waiting for the days of Hajj you should
perform as many Nafli Tawafs as possible (Nafli
Tawafs do not include Ramal or Saee).
Do not be lazy in visiting the Kaaba Shareef and
Masjid-e-Haraam as opportunities like this do
not come around every day.
120 rewards are distributed in Haram Shareef
every day. 60 on those who are performing
Tawaf, 40 on those praying Salah and 20 on
those who are just looking at the Kaaba.
Therefore, spend most of the time performing
Tawaf and Salah and at a minimum, spend your
time in Haram looking at the Kaaba as opposed
to spending your time in the malls and
shopping centres unnecessarily.
For as long as you are in Haram Shareef make
the intention for Itekaaf which is as follows
Nawayto Sunnatal Itekaaf (I intend to perform
Sunnah Itekaaf)
Worship inside the Hateem whenever possible
as worship in Hateem is the same as
worshipping inside the Kaaba.
Sit as close to the wall of the Kaaba as possible.
Kiss or perform Istilam of Hajr-e-Aswad.
Recite the Holy Quran and recite Durood as
much as possible.
Go to Multazim and Mustajaab and supplicate
as much as possible.
Visit all the sacred places in and around


Detailed Information regarding the
Days of Hajj is outlined in the
following pages.

First Day of Hajj
The first day of Hajj is the 8
of Dhul Hijjah.
After sunrise on that day all pilgrims have to
leave Makkah Mukarramah and head towards
Those performing Hajj-e-Ifrad or Qiran will
already be in Ehram whilst those who are
performing Tamattu or who live in Makkah
should perform ghusl according to Sunnah after
Fajr Salah and wear the Ehram (if not already
done on the 7
). First perform Tawaf and then
perform two rakats Salah of Tawaf with the
head covered. Then perform two rakats Nafl
Salah for Ehram.
As soon as the Salah is completed, remove the
cloth from the head and make intention for Hajj
and repeat the words of the Niyyah with the
tongue as follows:


, ._

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O Allah! I intend to perform Hajj. Make it easy for me
and accept it from me. I have sincerely made the
intention to perform Hajj for Allah and have worn the
Ehram for it. O Allah! I am present for Hajj.

Now recite Talbiyyah aloud 3 times and recite
Durood Shareef softly and make dua.
As soon as you recite Talbiyyah the Ehram for
Hajj starts and it becomes compulsory to respect
all the restrictions of Ehram.
It is also permissible to perform the Saee for
Hajj (that is to be performed after Tawaf-e-
Ziarat) at this time if desired.

Leaving for Mina
Leave for Mina after sunrise on the 8
of Dhul
Nowadays, the government buses start
transporting people to Mina during the night.
Therefore, only if you walk will you be able to
leave at the time that is Sunnah. If one walks
then he earns 70 million rewards for each step.
However, if you walk make sure you go with an
experienced person otherwise it will be very
difficult finding your tent in Mina.
Recite Talbiyyah and Durood Shareef along the
Mina is a large plain situated between two
mountains approximately 5 kilometres from
When you see Mina recite:


_ .

O Allah! This is Mina. Grant me the favours that You
granted Your Friends. (Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 61)
In Mina perform five Salahs (from Zuhr on the
Dhul Hijjah until Fajr of the 9
) with Jamaat
in your tents.
The night between the 8
and 9
of Dhul Hijjah
is the night of Arafat. This night is to be spent in
Mina. Sleep as little as possible and spend as
much time as possible in remembrance of Allah
Almighty and in performing voluntary prayers.
If possible, recite the following dua 1000 times
and then supplicate to Allah Almighty. Insha
Allah all your lawful duas will be accepted:


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Glory be to Him Whose Throne is in the heavens.
Glory be to Him Who rules the earth. Glory be to Him
Whose rule controls the oceans. Glory be to Him Whose
kingdom controls the fire of Hell. Glory be to Him
Whose Mercy is in Paradise. Glory be to Him Whose
Orders are carried out in the grave. Glory be to Him
Whose Mercy controls the winds. Glory be to Him Who
granted the heavens loftiness. Glory be to Him Who
granted the earth humility. Glory be to Him Who is the
only Protector from His Punishment. (Bahar-e-Shariat
Vol 6 Page 61)

Second Day of Hajj
The second day of Hajj is the 9
of Dhul Hijjah.
This is called the day of Arafat.
On this day, after Fajr Salah remain busy in
Talbiyyah, remembrance of Allah Almighty,
recitation of the Quran, Durood Shareef,
supplications etc.
When the sun begins to shine on Mount Shabeer
(opposite Masjid-e-Khaif) leave Mina and head
towards Arafat (for convenience and to avoid
congestion, these days the buses leave Mina
before this time).
Arafat is approximately 10 kilometres from
If possible, travel on foot as there are great
blessings and reward in this. If not, there is no
problem travelling in a vehicle either.
On the way to Arafat, remain busy in
Talbiyyah, remembrance of Allah Almighty,
recitation of the Quran, Durood Shareef,
supplications etc.
Refrain from idle chat and recite Talbiyyah in
When leaving Mina for Arafat recite:




O Allah! I have turned towards You and put my trust in
You and have made the intention to please You.
Therefore forgive my sins, make my Hajj an accepted
Hajj, have mercy on me and do not deprive me. Bless
my journey and fulfil my needs in Arafat.
Undoubtedly You have power over all things.
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 62)
When you see Jabal-e-Rehmat (Mount of Mercy)

_ .

, .



. ,

O Allah! I have turned towards You and put my trust in

You and seek Your Pleasure and Happiness. O Allah!
Forgive me, accept my repentance, fulfil my needs and
grant me goodness from all directions. Allah Almighty
is pure from all defects and all praise is for Allah and
there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and
Allah Almighty is the Greatest.
(Ahkam-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 120)

Standing in Arafat (Wuqoof-e-Arafat) is the
most important part of Hajj. If a person does not
perform this then Hajj will not have been
The time for Wuqoof-e-Arafat is from midday
on the 9
until dawn on the 10
. Standing in
Arafat at any time during this fulfils the
requirement of the Wuqoof. However, it is
compulsory (Wajib) to remain in Arafat until
sunset on the 9
. If a person leaves before sunset
on the 9
then a penalty (damm) is compulsory.
There are signs indicating the area of Arafat.
Wuqoof must be performed within the limits of
Just inside the limits of Arafat is a very large
Mosque which is called Masjid-e-Nimrah. It is in
one corner of Arafat. Beside the west wall of the
Mosque is a valley called Batane Urna. This
valley is outside the limits of Arafat and
Wuqoof cannot be performed there.
Other than Batane Urna you can stand in any
part of Arafat where you find space.
It is preferred to stand close to Jabal-e-Rehmat.
Do not climb to the top of Jabal-e-Rehmat.

How to Perform Wuqoof-e-Arafat
The Sunnah way is to perform ghusl before the
time of Zuhr. If it is not possible to perform
ghusl then perform wudhu. Then pray Zuhr at
its time and Asr at its time behind a Sunni
Imam or on your own.
If you have made the intention to stay in
Makkah for fifteen days or more you are classed
as a resident (Muqeem). If intending to stay for
less than 15 days then you are classed as a
traveller (Musafir). If you are a traveller then
Qasr Salah is prayed meaning the Salahs that
have four rakats Fard are shortened to two
After performing Salah come into the plain of
Arafat. It is better to stand at the base of Jabal-e-
Rehmat. If there is no space there then stand
anywhere in Arafat.
It is better to face the Qibla when performing
Wuqoof. If there is difficulty in standing then
stand for a short while and then sit down for
some rest before standing again.
Spend the whole time of Wuqoof in humbly and
sincerely praising Allah, making dua, Tauba-o-
Istigfaar, reciting the Quran and reciting
Durood Shareef.
Recite the Talbiyyah during the Wuqoof.
Also recite Rabbana Aatena Fid Dunya
Hasanataw Wa Fil Aakhirati Hasanataw Waqina
Athaaban Naar in abundance.
Also make dua for forgiveness and success for
yourself, your parents, your family, your friends
and for all Muslims.
Be shameful about your sins and sincerely seek
repentance and freedom from the punishment of
Allah Almighty.
If there is no need, do not use an umbrella or
any kind of shade during the Wuqoof.

Duas for Wuqoof
1) Some duas that are reported from RasoolAllah
on the day of Arafat are produced here. During
the Wuqoof pray them three times:

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. . .



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Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the
Greatest! All praise is for Allah! All praise is for Allah!
All praise is for Allah! No one is worthy of worship
except Allah, He is One without a partner. For Him is
all the kingdom and all praise. He gives life and death
and can do all things. O Allah! Keep me firm on
guidance and purify me and perfect me in piety and
save me from sins and forgive me in this world and the
hereafter. O Allah! Make this Hajj of mine acceptable
and forgive all my sins. O Allah! For You is all praise
that we are able to do and all praise that we are not able
to do. O Allah! My prayer, my worship, my life and
death is for Your Pleasure and to You is my return and
You alone are my successor and Master. O Allah! I seek
Your refuge from the torment of the grave, evil
suggestions of the heart and from all difficulties. O
Allah! I ask you for all the goodness that the winds
bring and refuge from all the evils that the winds bring.
O Allah! Guide us towards the right path, decorate us
with piety and forgive us in this world and the
hereafter. O Allah! I seek from you pure, lawful and
blessed sustenance. O Allah! You ordered us to
supplicate to you and took on the responsibility of
accepting our supplications and there is no doubt that
You do not break your Promise and are true to Your
word. O Allah! Make the goodness that You prefer
beloved to us and make it easy for us. Make us dislike
the things that You dislike and keep us far away from
them and do not take the blessing of Islam away from
us after You have guided us to it. No one is worthy of
worship except Allah, He is One without a partner. For
Him is all the kingdom and all praise. He gives life and
death and can do all things.

O Allah! Fill my chest, ears, eyes and heart with the
light of perfect faith. O Allah! Expand my chest for me
and make my work easy for me and I seek Your refuge
from evil suggestions of the heart, harm in my affairs
and punishment of the grave. O Allah! I seek Your
refuge from all the evils that the winds bring and from
all disasters and calamities. O our Lord and Sustainer!
Grant us goodness in this world and the hereafter and
save us from punishment in the next world. O Allah! I
ask You for that goodness that Your Prophet asked
You for and seek refuge from the evil that Your Prophet

O our Lord! We have committed injustices against our
souls and if You do not forgive our sins and have mercy
on us then we will be amongst the losers. O my Lord!
Make me punctual in my Salah and my children too. O
our Lord! Accept our prayer. My Lord! Forgive me and
my parents and all those with faith on the day of
reckoning. My Lord! Have mercy on my parents like
they had on me in my childhood. O our Lord! Do not let
us have hatred or animosity towards those of our
brothers who have passed away with faith or other
believers. O our Lord! Undoubtedly You are the Most
Forgiving, Most Merciful. O Our Lord! You hear and
know all things and shower Your grace upon us.
Undoubtedly You are the Forgiving, Most Merciful and
the strength to stay away from evil and strength to do
good deeds is only from Allah Who is Majestic and
Exalted. O Allah! You know and see and hear my words
and are aware of my apparent and hidden and none of
my deeds are hidden from You. I am poor, dependent,
seeking shelter and fearful and accept my sins. I am a
poor, destitute, humble beggar and am a petitioner who
begs You for reward. I humbly confess my sins and beg
You and beg like a blind man whose neck is bowed
before You, whose eyes are tearful, whose body has
weakened and whose nose is full of dust and begging
Your mercy. O Allah! Do not deprive me of my prayers
and be kind and merciful to me. O the Best of those
who are asked! O the Best of all givers! O Most
Merciful One! All praise is for Allah Who is Lord of all
the worlds. O Allah! Accept my prayer and my presence
here. O the One Who never gets tired at the insistence
of those who are asking and never gets tired of their
requests. Make us taste the coolness of Your Pardon, the
sweetness of Your forgiveness and the pleasure of
pleading to You and Your Mercy.

O Allah! I am present in Your Court and am standing
before You and am hopeful of Your Grace and Mercy in
this blessed place. Do not deprive me of Your Graces on
this day and grant me Paradise and treat me with
kindness and forgiveness. Save me from the fire of Hell
and from the evilness of people. Our Lord! Forgive us
all and our parents, our elders, our teachers, our
children, our family members, all those who are here as
well as all those who are not here through Your infinite
Mercy. O Most Merciful One! And O Allah! Send
blessings and salutations on our Master and Leader,
Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa , on his whole family
and on all his companions. (Ahkam-e-Hajj-o-Umrah
Pages 135-136)

2) First raise your hand and recite Allahu Akbar
Wa Lillaahil Hamd three times and then make
the following supplication:

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. ,


, .

No one is worthy of worship except Allah, He is One
without a partner. For Him is all the kingdom and all
praise. He gives life and death and can do all things. O
Allah! Keep me firm on guidance and purify me and
save me from sins through piety and forgive me in this
world and the hereafter.
(Musannif Ibn Abi Shaiba Hadith 11)

After reciting this supplication put your hands
down for a short while. Then raise your hands
again and recite the same supplication. Then lower
your hands for a short while and then raise them
again and make the same supplication a third time.

3) During the Wuqoof, stand and face the Qibla and
recite the fourth kalima 100 times, Surah Ikhlas 100
times and Durood-e-Ibrahim 100 times.


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, _

4) On the day of Arafat beseech Allah Almighty
humbly with tears in the following manner:

, .

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5) O Lord! I beseech You through the waseela of
Your Beloved Prophet , O My Lord! Forgive
all our small and large sins.
O Merciful Lord! Through Your Infinite Grace
and Mercy, instil in our hearts hatred for sins.
O Lord! Grant a means of livelihood to all those
who have no livelihood.
O Lord! Take those who are in debt out of the
shackles of debt.
O Lord! Grant pious, obedient children to those
who have no children.
O Lord! Grant health and wellness to all those
who are sick. O Lord! I beseech and beg You! In
this huge crowd of people there must be
someone who is favoured and beloved in Your
Court. O Allah! Through the waseela of that
person do not deprive us, grant us all our lawful
needs and grant success to all the lawful aims
and ambitions of Your slaves.

O Lord! Forgive all our family members and
forefathers who have passed away from this
world. Grant them the bounties of Paradise at
every turn.

O Lord! Through the blessed feet of Your
Beloved , take such work from us that pleases
You and Your Beloved Prophet .

O Lord! O Sustainer! Save us all from pretence
and show and grant us all the gift of sincerity.
Grant us all beneficial knowledge. Grant us
sincerity in our deeds. Purify our hearts of
malice and hatred.
O Lord of the worlds! Keep our country safe
from all trials and tribulations.
O Lord! Make our country a centre of peace and
O Lord! My Provider and Creator! My true
Lord! Keep us alive as beggars in the court of
Your Beloved . Grant us the guidance to
sustain ourselves from the blessings we receive
from his court.
O Lord! Shower us with Your Grace and Mercy.
Grant us all the opportunity to visit the blessed
cities of Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah
Munawwarah time and time again.


_ .

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Yaa Ilahi Rahma Farmaa Mustafa Key
6) Recite the following verses with the intention of

Yaa Ilahi Rahma Farmaa Mustafa Key Waastey
Yaa RasoolAllah Karam Keejiye Khuda Key Waastey

Mushkiley Hal Kar Shahey Mushkil Kusha Key Waastey
Kar Balaaein Radd Shaheedey Karbala Key Waastey

Sayyidey Sajjad Key Sadqey Mey Saajid Rakh Mujhey
Ilme Haq Dey Baqirey Ilmey Huda Key Waastey

Sidq Saadiq Ka Tasadduq Saadiqul Islam Kar
Bey Ghazab Raazi Ho Kazim Aur Raza Key Waastey

Behrey Maaroofo Sirri Maaroof Dey Beykhud Saree
Jundey Haq Mey Gin Junaid-E-Baa Safaa Key Waastey

Behre Shiblee Shere Haq Duniya Key Kutto Sey Bachaa
Eyk Ka Rakh Abdey Waahid Bey Riyaa Key Waastey

Bul Farah Ka Sadqa Kar Gham Ko Farh Dey Husno Saad
Bul Hasan Aur Bu-Saeed Saad Key Waastey

Qadri Kar Qadri Rakh Qadriyo Mey Uthaa
Qadrey Abdul Qadirey Qudrat Numaa Key Waastey

Ahsanal Laaha Lahum Rizqan Sey Dey Rizqey Hasan
Banda-e-Razzaq Taajul Asfiya Key Waastey

Nasraabi Saalih Ka Sadqa Saalih O Mansoor Rakh
Dey Hayaat E Dee(N) Muhye Jaa(N) Fizaa Key Waastey

Toorey Irfano Uloo-o-Hamdo Husna-o-Bahaa
Dey Ali Moosa Hasan Bahaa Key Waastey

Behrey Ibrahim Mujh Par Naar e Gham Gulzaar Kar
Bheekh Dey Daata Bhikaari Baadshah Key Waastey

Khaana-e-Dil Ko Ziyaa Dey Roo-e-Imaan Ko Jamal
Shah Ziyaa Maula Jamalul Auliya Key Waastey

Dey Muhammad Key Liye Rozi Kar Ahmed Key Liye
Khwaan Fazlul Laah Sey Hissa Gadaa Key Waastey

Hubbe Ahle Bait Dey Aal-e-Muhammad Key Liye
Kar Shaheedey Ishq Hamza Paishwaa Key Waastey

Dil Ko Achchha Tan Ko Suthraa Jaan Ko Pur-Noor Kar
Achchhey Pyaarey Shamsuddin Badrul Ulaa Key Waastey

Do Jahan Mey Khaadim-e-Aal-e-RasoolAllah Kar
Hazratey Aal-e-Rasool-e-Muqtada Key Waastey

Sadqa Un Ayaan Ka Dey Chhey Ain Izz Ilmo Amal
Afwa, Irfa(N), Aafiyat Ahmed Raza Key Waastey

Yaa Ilaahi Har Jagah Teyri Ataa Ka Saath
7) Recite the following verses with the intention of

Yaa Ilaahi Har Jagah Teyri Ataa Ka Saath Ho
Jab Parey Mushkil Shahey Mushkil Kushaa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Bhool Jaaoon Naza Ki Takleef Ko
Shaadiye Deedar Husney Mustafa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Gor e Teerah Ki Jab Aaye Sakht Raat
Un Key Pyarey Moonh Ki Subhey Jaan Fizaa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Jab Zubaaney Baahar Aayen Pyaas Sey
Saahib e Kausar Shahey Jood o Ataa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Jab Parey Mehshar Main Shor e Daar o Geer
Amn Deyney Waaley Pyaarey Peshwaa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Sard Mehri Par Ho Jab Khurshid e Hashr
Sayyidey Bey-Saayaa Key Zilley Liwaa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Garmee e Mehshar Sey Jab Bharkey Badan
Daaman e Mehboob Ki Thandi Hawa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Naama e Aamaal Jab Khulney Lagein
Aib Poshey Khalq Sattaar e Khataa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Jab Bahain Aankhein Hisaab e Jurm Mein
Un Tabbasum Raiz Hothon Ki Dua Ka Saath Ho

Ya Ilaahi Jab Hisaabey Khanda-e-Beyjaa Rulaaye
Chashmey Giryaaney Shafee-e Murtaza Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Rang Laaye Jab Meri Bey Baakiyan
Unki Neechi Neechi Nazron Ki Hayaa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Jab Chaloon Taareeq Raah e Pul Siraat
Aaftaab e Haashmi Noorul Huda Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Jab Sar e Shamsheer Par Chalna Parey
Rabbe Sallim Kehney Waaley Gham Zuda Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Jo Duain Naik Main Tujh Sey Karoon
Qudsiyon Key Lab Sey Aameen Rabbana Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Ilaahi Jab Raza Khwaab e Giraan Sey Sar Uthaaye
Daulat e Beydaar Ishqey Mustafa Ka Saath Ho

Dard e Dil Kar Mujhey Ataa Ya Rab

8) Recite the following verses with the intention of

Dard e Dil Kar Mujhey Ataa Ya Rab
Dey Merey Dard Ki Dawaa Ya Rab

Laaj Rakhley Gunah Gaaron Ki
Naam Rahmaan Hai Teyra Ya Rab

Ayb Merey Na Khol Mehshar Mein
Naam Sattaar Hai Teyra Ya Rab

Bey Sabab Bakhsh Dey Na Pooch Amal
Naam Ghaffaar Hai Teyra Ya Rab

Bhool Kar Bhi Na Aaye Yaad Apni
Merey Dil Sey Mujhey Bhula Ya Rab

Khaak Kar Apney Aastaaney Ki
Yoon Hamain Khaak Mey Mila Ya Rab

Teyri Jaanib Yeh Musht Khaak Urey
Bheyj Aisee Koi Hawa Ya Rab

Sabaqat Rahmati Alaa Ghazabi
Tu Ney Jab Sey Suna Diya Ya Rab

Aasraa Ham Gunah Gaaron Ka
Aur Mazboot Ho Gaya Ya Rab

Tu Ney Merey Zaleel Haathon Mey
Daaman e Mustafa Diya Ya Rab

Kar Diya Tu Ney Qadri Mujh Ko
Teyri Qudrat Key Mey Fida Ya Rab

Merey Ahbaab Par Bhi Fazl Rahey
Teyra, Teyrey Habeeb Ka Ya Rab

Ahle Sunnat Ki Har Jamaat Par
Har Jagah Ho Teyri Ataa Ya Rab

Tu Hasan Ko Utha Hasan Kar Key
Ho Maal Khair Khaatima Ya Rab

As well as the above, recite Durood Shareef,
Quran, Kalima Tayyiba, Subhan Allah, Alhamdu
Lillah, Allahu Akbar, Fourth Kalima, Tauba-o-
Istigfaar and the comprehensive dua:

Rabbana Aatena Fid Dunya Hasanataw Wa Fil
Aakhirati Hasanataw Waqina Athaaban Naar in

The duas that have been mentioned for specific
days and occasions should be recited at those
times. If a person cannot read them or cannot
memorise them then he should make dua in his
own language, in his own words and constantly
recite Durood Shareef and the Holy Quran.

Sunnahs of Wuqoof-e-Arafat
The following are Sunnahs of Wuqoof-e-Arafat:

1) To take a bath.
2) Not to Fast on that day.
3) To be with Wudhu.
4) To perform the Wuqoof immediately after
performing the Salahs.

Disliked Actions during Wuqoof
The following are disliked during Wuqoof-e-

1) Terminating the Wuqoof and starting to leave
Arafat before sunset. (As long as you are still
within the boundary of Arafat whereas to leave
the boundary of Arafat before sunset is
forbidden (Haraam).
2) Eating or drinking anything from the time
Wuqoof starts until sunset.
3) Doing any other thing other than turning
towards Allah Almighty from the start of
Wuqoof until sunset.
4) Talking about any worldly thing from the start
of Wuqoof until sunset.
5) Once you are certain that the sun has set
delaying leaving Arafat unnecessarily.
6) Praying Maghrib or Isha in Arafat.
(Avoid using an umbrella or any kind of shade
whilst performing Wuqoof in Arafat where
possible. If there is some urgent need to use
shade then that is allowed).

Rules Regarding Wuqoof
The time for Wuqoof-e-Arafat is from midday
on the 9
of Dhul Hijjah until the start of Fajr
time on the 10
. If the Wuqoof is done at any
time other than this then Hajj has not been
Standing for even a moment in Arafat means
that the Wuqoof has been completed even if the
person is not aware that he is in Arafat.
If a person passes through Arafat in Ehram then
Hajj has been performed even if he does not
have Wudhu, is impure, is a menstruating
woman, is asleep, unconscious or has lost his
If a person is not able to perform Wuqoof
between midday of the 9
and dawn of the 10

then his Hajj is invalid. It then becomes
obligatory (Fard) upon him to perform Hajj
again the next year. His other acts (of Hajj) are
now annulled and his Ehram now becomes an
Umrah Ehram. Therefore, he should perform
Umrah and remove his Ehram and repeat the
Hajj the following year.
If a person leaves Arafat before sunset because
of fear of overcrowding or crushing then it is
compulsory for him to pay a penalty (damm). If
he then returns to Arafat before sunset and
remains there until after sunset then the penalty
is forgiven.
If a person has not prayed Isha Salah and there
is only time for him to pray 4 rakats Fard before
dawn, but if he prays them he will not make it to
Arafat, then he should leave the Salah and go to
Arafat for Wuqoof. In this situation it is better
for him to pray the Salah in the car or on the bus
and repeat it later.

Leaving for Muzdalifah
Allah Almighty states: when you return from Arafat, remember
Allah near the Sacred Symbol (Masharil
Haram)... (Surah Baqarah Verse 198)

After completing Wuqoof-e-Arafat, on the night
between the 9
and 10
of Dhul Hijjah, leave
Arafat after sunset and head for Muzdalifah
without praying Maghrib Salah.
On the way to Muzdalifah, remain busy in
reciting Talbiyyah, remembrance of Allah,
Durood Shareef and duas.
If possible travel by foot. If not there is no
problem in travelling by car or bus.
When travelling towards Muzdalifah recite the
following dua:


, .


O Allah! I have come towards You seeking Your
Mercy and am fearful of Your Wrath and
Punishment. Accept my worship, reward me
greatly, accept my repentance and sincerity and
fulfil my requests. O Allah! Do not make this my
last visit to this sacred place and grant me many
more visits to this place through Your Grace and
Blessings. (Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 69)

When entering the boundary of Muzdalifah
recite the following dua:


_ .


. .


_ .

_ -


O Allah! This is (the gathering of) Muzdalifah! I ask
You for all kinds of goodness. O Allah! O Lord of
Haram! O Lord of Zam-Zam and Maqam-e-Ibrahim! O
Respectful Lord of the city of Makkah! O Lord of
Masjid-e-Haraam! I seek the waseela of Your Blessed
Light and ask You to forgive my sins. Have mercy
on me and guide me in all things and make piety the
provisions for my journey. End my journey with a
successful hereafter and grant me Your happiness in
this world and the hereafter. O Merciful One in Whose
(Divine) Hand are all good things! Grant me all good
things and save me from all kinds of evil. O Allah!
Make my meat, skin, bones, hair and all parts of my
body forbidden on the fire of Hell, O Most Merciful
One. (Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 69)

Salah in Muzdalifah
Maghrib and Isha must be performed together
in Isha time with one Adhaan and two Iqamats,
regardless of whether they are prayed alone or
with Jamaat (first the Fard of Maghrib, then the
Fard of Isha, then the Sunnah and Nafl of
Maghrib followed by the Sunnah, Nafl and Witr
of Isha.)
If the night is spent in Arafat or the road taken
from Arafat is not to Muzdalifah then Maghrib
must be prayed at its time and Isha at its time.
Even if a person reaches Muzdalifah before the
end of Maghrib time, it is compulsory to wait for
the beginning time of Isha before starting to
If a person reaches Muzdalifah and prays
Maghrib Salah along the way or prays it in
Muzdalifah before the time of Isha begins, then
the order is for him to wait for the time of Isha
to begin in Muzdalifah and repeat the Maghrib
If a person prays Isha Salah before Maghrib
Salah in Muzdalifah then he must repeat the
Isha Salah after praying Maghrib.
If there is a danger that the sun will rise whilst
travelling between Arafat and Muzdalifah then
perform Maghrib and Isha along the way and
do not wait for Muzdalifah to perform them.
Do not pray any Sunnah or Nafl between the
Fards. Perform the Sunnah of Maghrib after the
Fard of Isha.
Reaching Muzdalifah after the beginning of Fajr
time is against the Sunnah but there is no
penalty (damm) payable.

In Muzdalifah, try and perform the Wuqoof as
close to Masharil Haram (a mountain) as
possible. If there is no space here due to
overcrowding then perform the Wuqoof
anywhere in Muzdalifah other than Wadi-e-
Wadi-e-Muhassir is also known as Wadi-an-
Naar (Valley of the fire). There are signs
marked here and it is not permissible to perform
Wuqoof here.
The time for Wuqoof-e-Muzdalifah is from the
beginning of Fajr time until sunrise. If someone
even passes through Muzdalifah during this
time them the Wuqoof is classed as being
performed. However, if a person does not
perform Wuqoof during this time then the
Wuqoof is invalid and a penalty (damm)
becomes compulsory.
Well before dawn perform Wudhu and be ready
to perform Fajr and the Wuqoof. Perform Fajr
Salah with Jamaat at its earliest time whilst it is
still dark.
After completing Fajr Salah, perform Wuqoof-e-
Muzdalifah by remaining busy in sincere and
humble remembrance and praise of Allah
Almighty, Talbiyyah, Durood Shareef and dua
until just before sunrise.
The actions that are essential, preferred and
disliked in Wuqoof-e-Arafat are also applicable
to Wuqoof-e-Muzdalifah.
If a person leaves Muzdalifah before dawn (Fajr
beginning time) then a penalty (damm) becomes
compulsory on him. However, if the person is
ill, is a woman or is a weak person who will face
difficulty and danger in the rush then there is no
penalty payable.
If a person leaves Muzdalifah after dawn
without praying Fajr then this is wrong but
there is no penalty payable.
70 pebbles should be picked up in Muzdalifah to
perform Rami and should be washed and kept
with you. It is Sunnah to pick up the pebbles in
The pebbles should not be either too small or too
big. Rather, they should be about the size of a
chick pea or pit of a date.
It is also permissible to pick the pebbles from
any place.

Third Day of Hajj
The third day of Hajj is the 10
of Dhul Hijjah.
On this day, after performing Wuqoof-e-
Muzdalifah, a little before sunrise leave
Muzdalifah and head towards Mina.
On the way to Mina recite the following dua:



O Allah! I have returned towards You and seek Your

Mercy and fear Your Displeasure and Punishment.
Accept my Hajj, grant me a great reward, accept my
repentance and fulfil my needs, O Most Merciful One.
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 74)

Along the way remain busy in remembrance
and praise of Allah Almighty, Talbiyyah,
Durood Shareef and dua etc.
When you reach the Wadi-e-Muhassir (this is
the valley where birds rained down stones on
the people of the elephants) pass through it
quickly with hurried paces or if possible run
through it.
When passing through this valley recite:


O Allah! Do not make us a target for Your
Wrath and do not destroy us through Your
Punishment and grant us safety.
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 74)

Upon Reaching Mina
Upon reaching the boundary of Mina recite the
following dua:


_ .


O Allah! This is Mina! I have entered into it. I am Your
slave and the son of Your slave. I pray that You grant
me those favours that You granted Your Friends. O
Allah! I seek refuge from being deprived and from
calamities in my faith. O Most Merciful One! All praise
is for Allah who made me reach this place safely.
(Ahkam-e-Hajj-o-Umrah Page 149)

Rami (Stoning) of Jamaraat
Rami means to stone and the three locations
in Mina where stoning is performed are called
Jamaraat (Pillars).
The Jamrah that is close to Masjid-e-Khaif is
called Jamrah Oolaa (small shaitaan). The one
next to it is called Jamrah Wustaa (middle
shaitaan) and the one at the end of Mina is
called Jamrah Uqba (large shaitaan).
On this day (10
Dhul Hijjah) only stoning
Jamrah Uqba is compulsory (Wajib).
Out of the 70 pebbles that were collected in
Muzdalifah, use 7 of them to stone Jamrah

Time of Rami
Only the large shaitaan needs to be stoned on
the 10
of Dhul Hijjah.
If the Rami of this day is not performed during
the day of the 10
or on the night of the 11
after Maghrib on the 10
) then repeating it and
paying a penalty are both compulsory (Wajib).
All three Jamaraat have to be stoned on the
other days.
The time for Rami is from sunrise on the 10

until dawn on the 11
. However, it is Sunnah to
perform it between sunrise and noon on the 10
It is permissible (Jaiz) to perform Rami from
midday to sunset and it is disliked (Makrooh) to
perform it between sunset and dawn.
Performing Rami just before dawn of the 11
will fulfil the requirement but delaying it until
then without reason is highly disliked.
If women or weak males are not able to perform
Rami during the day then they should perform
it during the night.
If a healthy person appoints someone else to
perform Rami on their behalf because of
tiredness or fear of overcrowding then the Rami
will not be fulfilled and one who does this has to
offer a sacrifice as compensation.

How to Perform Rami?
Stand approximately 6 or 7 feet away from the
Jamrah in such a manner that Mina is on your
right, Makkah on your left and the Jamrah
straight in front of you.
If there is overcrowding and a danger of being
crushed then stand wherever you find space and
perform Rami.
Take one pebble in the right hand and raise the
hand up high. Recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar
and throw the pebble at the Jamrah. Keep
repeating this action until you have thrown
seven (7) pebbles.
Recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar when throwing
each pebble.
It is preferable (Mustahab) to recite the
following dua when performing Rami:

, .

. ,

. ,

Allahs Name (I begin with), Allah is the Greatest!
Allah is the Greatest! In order to disgrace shaitaan and
please the Merciful One (I am performing Rami). O
Allah! Accept this Hajj, accept my efforts and forgive
my sins. (Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 74)

It is better to stone the base of the pillars.
It is not a condition that the pebbles must hit the
pillars (Jamaraat). It is acceptable if they fall
inside the boundary wall. However, if they fall
outside the wall then another stone must be
thrown in its place.

Rules Regarding Rami
Upon throwing the first pebble on the first day
stop reciting Talbiyyah.
Throw seven pebbles during Rami. It is not
permissible to throw less than that.
If no pebbles are thrown or less than three are
thrown then a penalty (damm) becomes
compulsory (Wajib).
If 4, 5 or 6 pebbles are thrown then offer charity
(Sadqa), equivalent to Sadqa-e-Fitr, for each
pebble that was missed.
It is against Sunnah to have a large interval
between throwing each of the pebbles.
It is necessary to throw the pebbles one at a
time. If all seven are thrown at once then that
will only count as one pebble.
Rami must be performed with items that are
from the elements of the earth meaning those
things with which Tayammum can be
performed i.e. stones, pebbles, soil etc.
Rami cannot be performed with items that are
not from elements of the earth i.e. gold, silver,
animal droppings etc.
The pebbles that are accepted are raised up and
the ones that are not accepted remain at the base
of the pillars. It is not permissible to perform
Rami with the pebbles that lie around the
It is disliked (Makrooh) to perform Rami with
pebbles that you know to be impure. If you do
not know that they are impure then it is not
disliked but it is better to wash them.
It is also disliked to perform Rami between
dawn and sunrise on the 10
of Dhul Hijjah.
If Rami is not performed at all then only one
penalty (damm) is compulsory (Wajib).
If pebbles are gathered for all four days (10
) but you want to leave Mina after Rami on
the 12
then you can give the pebbles to anyone
who needs them. Otherwise leave them in a
clean place. It is disliked to throw leftover
pebbles at the Jamaraat and it is not necessary to
bury the leftover pebbles.
If Rami is performed differently than the way
described then it is better to repeat the Rami.
Do not remain there after performing Rami.
Rather, remain busy in remembrance of Allah
and making dua whilst walking back to your
tent and make arrangements for sacrifice.

Disliked Actions during Rami
1) Performing Rami of the 10
after sunset.
2) Performing Rami of the 13
before the
3) Throwing large rocks or stones.
4) Breaking a large stone into smaller pebbles.
5) Throwing pebbles taken from a Masjid.
6) Throwing pebbles which are lying around the
7) Throwing unclean pebbles.
8) Throwing more than seven pebbles.
9) Facing any direction other than the Qibla when
throwing the pebbles.
10) Standing less than five feet away from the
11) Performing Rami in the wrong order.
12) Placing the pebbles by the Jamrah rather than
throwing them.

Sacrifice (Qurbani) will also be performed on the
of Dhul Hijjah.
This is not the sacrifice that is performed on Eid-
ul-Adha. Rather, it is a sacrifice to offer
gratitude to Allah for Hajj.
This sacrifice is compulsory (Wajib) on those
who perform Hajj-e-Qiran or Tamattu even if
they are poor. It is preferred (Mustahab) for a
person performing Hajj-e-Ifrad to offer a
sacrifice even though there is no problem if he
does not offer it even if he is wealthy.
If a Haji has made the intention to stay in
Makkah for more than 15 days then he is classed
as a resident (Muqeem) and therefore the
sacrifice of Eid-ul-Adha is also compulsory on
him. However, he has the authority to either
offer this sacrifice in Haram or have it offered in
his name in his own country. Nevertheless, it is
essential to offer the sacrifice for Hajj within the
boundaries of Haram.
Those performing Hajj-e-Qiran or Tamattu
cannot shave or cut their hair until the sacrifice
has been offered. If they do this then they must
pay a penalty (damm).
Those performing Hajj-e-Ifrad can have their
hair shaved or cut even before offering the
The rules and regulations for this sacrifice are
the same as for the sacrifice of Eid-ul-Adha.
It is permissible to offer a sacrifice of a lamb,
goat, camel or cow etc.
An animal whose limp is apparent, whose eyes
are obviously defective or who is extremely thin
cannot be sacrificed.
If a person intends to perform Hajj-e-Qiran or
Tamattu but does not have a sacrificial animal,
nor does he have enough money to buy one, nor
does he have anything that he can sell to get
enough money to buy an animal then such a
person should fast for 10 days.
It is essential that three of these fasts are kept in
the days of Hajj (1
Shawwal to 9
Dhul Hijjah)
after wearing the Ehram. They can be kept all
together or separately. It is better to fast on the
, 8
and 9
Dhul Hijjah. The remaining 7 can
be kept anytime after the 13
Dhul Hijjah.
Those who are this poor and do not keep at least
3 fasts before the day of Arafat, then it becomes
compulsory (Wajib) for them to offer a sacrifice.
Such a person must now shave or cut his hair
and remove his Ehram. Now he has to pay two
penalties (damm) one for not performing the
sacrifice and the second for having the hair
shaved or cut before the sacrifice.

Shaving / Cutting the Hair
After offering the sacrifice the hair must be
shaved or cut (called Halq or Taqseer). For
men this means either having the whole head
shaved or at a minimum having one quarter of
all the hair on the head cut. It is better for men to
shave their head. Women must wrap the end of
their hair around one finger and cut it. It is not
permissible for women to shave their head.
The time for shaving or cutting the hair is
during the days of sacrifice (10
, 11
, 12
Hijjah). The first day is the best (for offering the
sacrifice). However, the shaving or cutting must
be done after the sacrifice has been offered.
It is compulsory to perform the Halq or Taqseer
within the limits of Haram and it is Sunnah to
perform it in Mina. If done outside the boundary
of Haram then a penalty becomes compulsory
After shaving or cutting the hair, all the
restrictions of Ehram are now lifted except for
relations between a husband and wife. The
Ehram can be removed and normal stitched
clothing can now be worn.

How to Perform Halq or Taqseer?
Sit facing the Qibla.
Start with the right side of the head and shave or
cut that side first or have that side shaved or cut
During Halq or Taqseer recite the following
Takbeer in a medium audible voice:

. ,

. ,

. ,

Duas are accepted after the hair is shaved or cut

therefore supplicate for yourself, your parents,
family members, teachers, friends, relatives and
all Muslims.
If a person does not have any hair on his head
for any reason he should still have a blade run
over his head.
Similarly, those people who perform multiple
Umrahs in a day or on consecutive days should
also have a razor run over their heads.
It is better (Mustahab) to trim the moustache
and remove pubic and underarm hair after
having the hair shaved or cut.

Rules Regarding Halq and Taqseer
A person who is in a position to remove his
Ehram can shave or cut his own hair or another
persons hair provided both of them are in a
state of Ehram and have performed Rami
(stoning) and Qurbani (sacrifice), or in the case
of Umrah have completed Saee.
If a person has hair but is too short to cut and
shaving it will cause pain (due to boils, pimples
etc) then he is excused from having the hair
shaved or cut. All actions are now lawful for
him just as they are for someone who has his
hair shaved or cut. However, it is better for such
a person to avoid those things until after the 12
It is forbidden for women to shave the hair.
They must wrap the end of their hair around
one finger and cut it.
If a Mufrid (person performing Hajj-e-Ifrad)
offers a sacrifice then it is better for him to shave
or cut the hair after the sacrifice. There is no
problem if he offers the sacrifice after shaving or
cutting the hair.
It is compulsory (Wajib) for those performing
Qiran or Tamattu to offer the sacrifice before
having the hair shaved or cut. If the hair is
shaved or cut first then a penalty (damm) must
be paid.
The things that are unlawful in Ehram do not
become lawful until the hair has been shaved or
If the hair is not shaved or cut by the 12
then a
penalty (damm) must be paid because that is the
time by which it must be done.
If the hair is removed by another method
(creams or chemicals) then this is also
The hair should be buried (outside of Hajj the
hair should also be buried when removed from
the body).
If the beard is trimmed or the nails are cut
before the head is shaved or hair is cut then a
penalty (damm) is also payable.
After the head is shaved or hair is cut all those
things that were unlawful in Ehram are now
lawful (except for sexual relations, lustfully
hugging, kissing or looking at the private parts
of the spouse).

Allah Almighty states in the Holy Quran:

They must then remove their dirt and fulfil their
pledges and go around the Free House.
(Surah Hajj Verse 29)

On the 10
of Dhul Hijjah, after shaving or
cutting the hair, Tawaf-e-Ziarat has to be
This Tawaf is the third Fard and final act of Hajj.
Once it has been performed the Hajj is complete.
It is also known as Tawaf-e-Hajj, Tawaf-e-Rukn,
Tawaf-e-Fard and Tawaf-e-Ifada.
The time for this Tawaf is from the 10
of Dhul
Hijjah (after Rami, sacrifice and shaving/cutting
the hair has been completed) until sunset of the
of Dhul Hijjah. However, it is better to
perform it on the 10
How to Perform Tawaf-e-Ziarat
After performing Rami, sacrifice and shaving or
cutting the hair on the 10
, take a bath according
to Sunnah, perform Wudhu, put on normal
clothes and apply Itr.
Eat some sacrificial meat and head for Makkah
on foot. It is also allowed to travel to Makkah by
car or bus.
Remain busy in remembrance of Allah along the
Perform this Tawaf just as you performed the
voluntary (Nafli) Tawafs before. Recite the same
duas that were recited before.
For those performing Hajj-e-Qiran or Ifrad, if
you have performed Ramal in Tawaf-e-
Qudoom, or if performing Tamattu, if you have
done Ramal in the Tawaf when putting on
Ehram for Hajj, then do not perform Ramal in
this Tawaf. Otherwise Ramal must be performed
in this Tawaf.
This Tawaf is performed in stitched clothing.
There is no Ijtiba in this Tawaf.
Once you have completed seven circuits, come
to Maqam-e-Ibrahim and pray the two rakats
(Waajibut Tawaf) Salah and dua as before.
Come to Multazim and hug it and make dua as
mentioned earlier.
Now drink Zam-Zam.
If the Saee for Hajj has not been performed
earlier then perform it now as normal.
The method of this Saee is exactly the same as
has been mentioned earlier.
The same duas should be recited in this Saee.
Perform two rakats Nafl Salah close to the
Mataf in Masjid-e-Haraam after the Saee has
been completed.
Congratulations! All the acts of Hajj have now
been completed. All that is left is to spend two
or three days in Mina and stone the pillars
(shaitaan). Therefore, after completing this
Tawaf come back to Mina. It is Sunnah to spend
the nights of the 10
, 11
and 12
in Mina.

Rules Regarding Tawaf-e-Ziarat
This Tawaf also consists of seven circuits out of
which four are Fard. Without them the Tawaf
will not count neither will Hajj be correct.
It is compulsory (Wajib) to complete four
circuits. If all seven are not completed (after
completing four) then a penalty (damm) is
compulsory (Wajib).
If an unconscious or sick person is carried on
your back or pushed in a wheelchair and the
intention is made for both, then the Tawaf of
both people will be fulfilled.
Intention (Niyyah) is also a condition of this
Tawaf. If it is performed without intention then
it will not be valid. It is not necessary that the
intention be made specifically for Tawaf-e-
Ziarat. If the intention is just made for
performing a Tawaf then it will still be valid.
For those performing Hajj-e-Qiran or Ifrad, if
Ramal and Saee have not been performed in
Tawaf-e-Qudoom, or if performing Tamattu, if
Ramal and Saee have not been performed in the
Tawaf when putting on Ehram for Hajj, then
Ramal and Saee must be performed in this
If there is extreme overcrowding, women or the
elderly or sick can perform Tawaf-e-Ziarat on
the 11
instead of the 10
If there is overcrowding on the 11
also, it is
acceptable to perform it on the 12
. However,
delaying it until after the 12
will mean that a
sacrifice has to be offered as compensation
If a woman starts menstruating then she must
perform Tawaf-e-Ziarat after menstruation
stops. If it does not stop by the 12
then she
must wait until she stops menstruating before
performing it. There is no penalty on a woman
for this delay.
If a woman stops menstruating on the 12
has enough time to bathe and complete at least
four circuits of Tawaf, or she has enough time to
complete the Tawaf before she starts
menstruating, but delays it unnecessarily then
she must offer a sacrifice as compensation.
After this Tawaf sexual relations, hugging,
kissing etc all become lawful.
If this Tawaf is not completed then no matter
how much time passes, sexual relations are not
This Tawaf never becomes Qaza (late) nor is
there a replacement for it. If a person does not
perform it and returns to their country, this
Tawaf will still remain obligatory on him and
will remain so until he remains alive. He will
have to pay a penalty (damm) for delaying it but
it will still need to be performed.
If a person goes to Makkah to perform Tawaf-e-
Ziarat on the 11
or 12
, he must still return to
Mina and spend the night in Mina.

Pay Attention!
It is essential to perform Rami (stoning) of the
large shaitaan on 10
Dhul Hijjah. It cannot be
done on any other day.
After performing Rami of the large shaitaan,
you can offer sacrifice, shave or cut the hair and
perform Tawaf-e-Ziarat on either the 10
, 11
of Dhul Hijjah, whichever is more
convenient for you.
Those performing Hajj-e-Qiran or Tamattu
cannot have the hair shaved or cut before
offering the sacrifice and they cannot take off
their Ehram until they have had the hair shaved
or cut. Acting against this will mean they have
to pay a penalty (damm).

Fourth Day of Hajj
The fourth day of Hajj is the 11
of Dhul Hijjah.
On this day it is compulsory (Wajib) to stone all
three Jamaraat (pillars) after Zuhr Salah.
The rules and issues for this Rami are exactly the
same as have been mentioned earlier.
The Sunnah method is to stone Jamrah Oolaa
(small pillar) first, the Jamrah Wustaa (middle
pillar) and then finally Jamrah Uqba (large
pillar) with seven pebbles each.
Face the Qibla when stoning each of the three
Throw seven pebbles (one after the other) at the
small pillar and recite the dua for Rami that has
been mentioned earlier.
This is a time for acceptance of supplications
therefore after throwing all seven pebbles, move
away from the pillar and face the Qibla.
Supplicate to Allah with raised hands for at least
8-10 minutes and pray for yourself, your family
and for all Muslims.
After stoning the small pillar and supplicating to
Allah Almighty, now come to the middle pillar
and perform the same actions here as were
performed at the small pillar. Stone it in the
same manner whilst reciting the same dua and
then move away a little and supplicate to Allah
Almighty as before.
After stoning the middle pillar now come to the
large pillar and stone it whilst reciting the same
duas as before. After stoning Jamrah Uqba
(large pillar) do not remain there but head
towards your tent whilst reciting Zikr, Durood
and duas etc. Do not stand and supplicate after
stoning the large pillar as this is against the
Sunnah and is not what was done by
RasoolAllah .

Fifth Day of Hajj
The fifth day of Hajj is the 12
of Dhul Hijjah.
Rami (stoning) has to be performed just as it was
performed on the 11
of Dhul Hijjah.
The method, order, rules and issues are exactly
the same as for the Rami that was performed on
the 11
After performing Rami on the 12
you can leave
before sunset and go to Makkah Shareef. Rather,
it is Sunnah and better to perform Rami after
Zuhr and then head back to Makkah. However,
it is disliked to leave Mina after sunset.
If you remain in Mina until the morning of the
then performing Rami (stoning) on this day
is also compulsory (Wajib) upon you. It is not
now permissible to leave Mina without
performing Rami otherwise a penalty (damm)
will have to be paid. This Rami also has to be
performed after midday.
The Rami performed on the 13
has the same
method, order, rules and issues as the Rami that
was performed on the 11
and 12
The time for all forms of Rami (Adaa or Qaza)
ends on the 13
of Dhul Hijjah.

Returning to Makkah Shareef
After completing all the customs and duties of
Mina return to Makkah Shareef.
Those people who came for Hajj from outside
the Miqat have one more Wajib Tawaf
remaining to complete their Hajj and that is
Tawaf-e-Rukhsat (also called Tawaf-e-Widaa).

During the stay in Makkah Shareef
From the 13
of Dhul Hijjah and until you remain
in Makkah Shareef:

Offer as many Umrahs as possible on behalf of
RasoolAllah , , your parents, teachers, friends,
relatives and if possible on behalf of this Faqeer
(author). RasoolAllah said, The person who
performs 50 Tawafs of the Kaaba becomes as
pure as one who has just been born.
Perform as many voluntary (Nafli) Tawafs as
Try and complete recitation of at least one full
Quran (or as much as possible).
Drink Zam-Zam in abundance.
Pray Nafl Salahs inside Hateem.
Cling onto Multazim and supplicate to Allah
Kiss Hajr-e-Aswad (if possible).
Constantly and regularly look at the Holy
Remain busy in supplicating to Allah Almighty.
Visit the historical and important places in
Makkah. (For details about these places see our
book Why is Hajj Performed?

Tawaf-e-Rukhsat is also called Tawaf-e-Widaa
or Tawaf-e-Sadar.
Tawaf-e-Rukhsat is compulsory (Wajib) upon
those who have come from outside the Miqat.
Just before leaving Makkah, perform Tawaf-e-
Rukhsat in normal clothes without Ramal, Ijtiba
or Saee.
The method of this Tawaf is exactly the same as
other Tawafs and the duas to be recited in it are
the same as for all other Tawafs.
After completing the Tawaf perform two rakats
Salah for Tawaf, then supplicate and drink as
much Zam-Zam as possible and rub it on your
face and body. Whilst drinking Zam-Zam look
at the Kaaba longingly. After this go to the door
of the Kaaba, kiss the base of the door if
possible and make dua for many more visits to
this blessed place and recite the following dua:

O Allah! This beggar is standing at Your Door
and is seeking Your Grace and is hopeful of Your
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 82)

Now go to Multazim and praise Allah
Almighty, recite Tauba-o-Istigfaar and Durood
Shareef as well as the following dua:


All praise is for Allah who guided us and without
His Guidance we would not have been guided. O
Allah! Just as You gave us guidance also accept
our presence here and do not make this visit to
Your blessed House our last visit. Grant us the
honour of visiting this House time and time again
so that You may be pleased with us through Your
Mercy, O Most Merciful One! Praise and Honour
is for Allah who is Lord of all the worlds and may
Allah Almighty shower blessings and salutations
upon our master Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa
on his family and on all his Companions.
(Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Pages 82-83)

After this come and kiss Hajr-e-Aswad if
possible and then recite this dua and bid
farewell to the House of Allah Almighty:

. _

.. ,

O Yamin of Allah! I make you a witness and the

Testimony of Allah is enough. I testify that there is no
one worthy of worship except Allah and that Hazrat
Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. I am entrusting
you with this testimony so that on the Day of
Judgement, which will be a day of great worries and
difficulties, you will testify on my behalf. O Allah! Do
not make this Hajj my final visit to Your House. If this is
my last visit then grant me Paradise in its place. We all
bow down before Allah and repent, we praise and
worship our Lord and seek His Mercy. Allah Almighty
has fulfilled His Promise and helped His Beloved
Bondman and alone defeated the infidels. The strength
to avoid sins is only from Allah the Majestic and
Supreme. (Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6 Page 83)

If a woman is menstruating at the time of
leaving Makkah then this Tawaf is not
compulsory (Wajib) on her.
This Tawaf is only for those who have
performed Hajj. It does not need to be done by
those who perform Umrah.
If Tawaf-e-Rukhsat is completed and then you
have to remain in Makkah for some reason, then
this Tawaf will suffice as long as the intention is
not to remain in Makkah for an extended period
of time. However, it is better to perform another
Tawaf-e-Rukhsat so that the last thing done in
Makkah is Tawaf.
The intention (Niyyah) that should be made is
just for Tawaf. There is no need to specifically
make intention for Tawaf-e-Rukhsat, Tawaf-e-
Widaa etc.
If a menstruating woman becomes pure before
leaving Makkah then this Tawaf is compulsory
(Wajib) upon her. If she becomes pure after
leaving there is no need for her to return to
Makkah to perform it. If she returns to Makkah
without having left the Miqat then it is also
compulsory (Wajib) upon her.

When Leaving Makkah
When leaving, walk backwards whilst looking at
the Kaaba or if walking forward then keep
looking back at the Kaaba longingly.
Shed tears and cry at the thought of being
separated from the Kaaba.
Recite this when leaving and Insha Allah you
will be granted many visits through the
blessings of this verse:

Indeed He Who has ordained the Quran upon you

will surely bring you back to where you wish...
(Surah Qasas Verse 85)

It is Sunnah to leave through Baab-ul-Widaa
(which is now King Fahd Gate).
Offer as much charity as you are able to afford
after leaving Masjid-e-Haraam.

Allowances for Women
Women should go for Hajj with their husbands
or with a non-permissible male relative
(Mehram). If the Mehram is not willing to go
with her then she should wait and if certain that
she will not be able to go with a Mehram then
she can arrange for someone to perform Hajj-e-
Badal on her behalf.
Except for Tawaf, menstruating women can
perform all the other acts of Hajj whilst
menstruating. The reason for this is that Tawaf
is performed within the precincts of Masjid-e-
If a woman starts menstruating she should wait
until it stops and then perform Tawaf for Hajj.
If a woman is unable to perform Tawaf in the
allocated time because of menstruation then
there is no penalty (damm) or charity (Sadqa)
that needs to be paid.
Women can put on their Ehram clothes whilst
menstruating but they will not perform the
Salah of Ehram. They will just put on their
Ehram clothes and begin reciting Talbiyyah.
Women can recite Talbiyyah, duas, Tauba-o-
Istigfaar, Zikr and Wazeefas whilst
If a woman begins menstruating after the
intention is made to leave Makkah and there is
not enough time to wait for it to stop then she
can leave without performing Tawaf-e-Rukhsat.
There is no penalty payable in this situation.
Women should wear stitched clothing, cover
their head properly and leave their faces open
whilst in Ehram.
Women can wear coloured clothing, gloves and
socks as well as jewellery whilst in Ehram.
Women should not wear clothes that are
coloured or dyed with Saffron or any other
Men and women are not allowed to clean their
teeth with flavoured toothpaste or powder
whilst in Ehram. They should both use Miswak
when in Ehram to clean the teeth.
Women should recite Labbaik softly.
Women should not perform Ramal or Ijtiba
during Tawaf.
Women should not go amongst or through men
to kiss Hajr-e-Aswad. If there is no room then
they should perform Istilam from afar and kiss
their fingers.
Women should not go amongst men in order to
touch Rukn-e-Yamaani.
Women should not run or jog between Meelain
Akhdarain (green lights) whilst performing
In order to get out of Ehram, women should
only cut hair that is wrapped around one finger.
Underage Children
Hajj is not Fard upon underage children. If a
person takes his underage children for Hajj then
this Hajj will be a voluntary (Nafli) Hajj for them
and upon reaching maturity Hajj will still be
Fard upon them if they have the means.
Children (males) should also be dressed in
unstitched clothing whilst performing Hajj or
The father (or older brother) of an underage
child should make the intention (Niyyah) for
Ehram and recite Talbiyyah on behalf of the
underage child.
If an underage child is able to perform all the
acts of Hajj by himself he should do so.
Otherwise the father should carry the child in
his arms and perform all the acts of Hajj on
behalf of both of them.
If the child is unable to perform any of the acts
of Hajj or if he does any of the prohibited things
in Ehram then there is no penalty payable by the
child or the father.

New Issues Related to Hajj
Due to the changing nature of the world, issues
related to Hajj also change and it is necessary for
pilgrims to be aware of new and changing issues. A
few new issues are being mentioned with solutions
based on the research of Hazrat Allama Mufti
Nizamuddin Saheb Qibla. Read them carefully and
ensure that you are aware of them.

Using Fragranced Soap
A Muhrim (one who is in a state of Ehram) should
not use fragranced soap or shampoo on the hands,
body or head. This is highly disliked and
abominable in Shariah and one who uses them has
to pay Sadqa as compensation. This refers to those
soaps and shampoos that are lightly fragranced. If a
person uses soaps or shampoos whose scent is so
strong that its fragrance is easily smelled then a
penalty (damm) is compulsory (Wajib). It is
permissible to use unscented soaps and shampoos.

Using Ehram Washed in a Laundry
It is not permissible to wear an Ehram that has been
washed in a laundry and has a strong fragrance
(washing powder or bleach etc) to it. If the
fragrance is strong then a penalty (damm) is
payable and if the fragrance is light then Sadqa is

Sleeping on a Fragranced Bed
If the bed, pillow or blankets etc are fragranced
then it is forbidden to sleep on them whilst in a
state of Ehram if there is a possibility that the
fragrance will transfer onto the body or Ehram. If a
small amount of fragrance transfers then Sadqa is
payable and if a large amount transfers then a
penalty (damm) is payable. A Muhrim should put
his own (non-fragranced) blanket on the bed and
take off the pillowcase and put his own blanket on
the pillow.

Bleeding from a Wound
There is no problem if bleeding occurs from any
wound as this does not affect the state of Ehram in
any way. It is permissible to remove dead blood
(cupping) and be circumcised whilst in the state of

Bandaging a Wound
Whilst in a state of Ehram it is permissible to
bandage or cover any wound with a dressing or
band-aid provided it is not on the head, face or
upper part of the foot. If there is no need for a
dressing or band-aid then it is disliked to apply one
for no reason.

Band-aid on the Face etc
If there is a wound on the face, head or upper part
of the foot then all attempts should be made to
close the wound with medicine, injections or non-
fragranced creams. A band-air should not be used if
possible as this is Makrooh. If a band-aid or
dressing has to be used and there is no other option
then this is allowed but a Sadqa will have to be paid
because regardless of whether a rule was broken on
purpose or by necessity, a penalty has to be paid.
The difference is that where one is forced to break
the rules out of necessity, there is no sin. This order
for paying Sadqa is applicable if the band-aid or
dressing is left on for more than twelve hours.

Wearing Sunglasses
It is permissible to wear sunglasses whilst in a state
of Ehram because even though the sunglasses cover
a part of the face, they are not made to cover the
face. They are used in order to save the eyes from
strong sunlight.
If a person masturbates and ejaculates whilst in a
state of Ehram then a penalty (damm) is payable. If
ejaculation does not occur then it is disliked

Wiping with a Cloth or Towel
It is a sin and not allowed to wipe the face with a
cloth or towel whilst in a state of Ehram. Sadqa
must be paid if this is done.

Eating Raw Onions
It is allowed to eat raw onions whilst in Ehram but
it is better to avoid them so that others are not
troubled by the smell. However, if the intention is
to go to Masjid-e-Haraam immediately after eating
them then it is disliked (Makrooh) to eat them.

Using Tissue Paper
It is permissible to use tissue paper whilst in Ehram
because they are not normally used to cover the
face or head. This is what is deduced from the
writing and research of Scholars. However, if the
tissue paper is scented then it should be avoided.
Wuqoof Outside the Limits of
If a person performs Wuqoof-e-Muzdalifah outside
the limits of Muzdalifah and realises or finds out
after dawn that he was not in Muzdalifah then the
Wuqoof is invalid and he must pay a penalty

Drinking Fruit Juice
It is allowed to drink fruit juice whilst in Ehram as
long as additional flavourings have not been added
to the juice. It is disliked (Makrooh) to smell fruits
in Ehram but it is allowed to eat them or drink their

Wudhu Breaking During Tawaf
If Wudhu breaks and less than three circuits of
Tawaf have been completed then restart the Tawaf
after performing fresh Wudhu. If four or more
circuits have been completed then continue on from
where you left off after performing fresh Wudhu.

Covering the Foot
It is compulsory (Wajib) to keep the upper part of
the foot, where the laces are normally tied,
uncovered whilst in Ehram. To cover this area is
Haraam. That is why only slippers which leave the
whole top of the foot uncovered should be worn
whilst in Ehram. If they are not available or there is
some other reason why they cannot be worn then
the top part of the shoes or sandals that are worn
must be cut so that the upper part of the foot
remains uncovered. If the top of the foot is left
covered in Ehram with leather socks or sandals or
slippers then a penalty (damm) is Wajib.

Delay between Tawaf and Saee
It is Sunnah to perform Saee immediately after
Tawaf. There is no problem with taking a break
after Tawaf before beginning Saee but it should be
avoided as it is against Sunnah. If a person takes an
extended break after Tawaf and then performs
Saee the Saee will still be valid.

Using Balm or Vicks etc
It is disliked (Makrooh) to use Tiger Balm, Vicks or
pain relief balms and creams on the forehead or
nose etc whilst in a state of Ehram. If a person uses
so much that it is noticeable then a penalty (damm)
is payable and if only a small amount is used then
Sadqa must be paid.

Using Toothpaste
There is no problem with brushing the teeth with
just a toothbrush whilst in Ehram. Unscented
toothpastes may also be used to clean the teeth.
However, most toothpastes are scented and
therefore it is not allowed to use them. If they are
used then Sadqa must be paid.

Using Coconut Oil
It is allowed to use coconut oil on the head whilst in
Ehram. Rather all oils that are not fragranced, (with
the exception of olive oil and sesame seed oil) can
be used on the head as well as on the body.
Therefore, coconut oil, almond oil, pumpkin oil and
even ghee and fat can be used.

It is permissible to have an injection whilst in
Ehram as there is no fragrance in the medicine that
is injected. It may contain a smell that is not
pleasing and fragrances are those smells which are
pleasing. Injections are not taken in order to enjoy
the fragrance and therefore they are allowed.

Tawaf whilst Menstruating
A penalty (damm) is payable if a woman performs
Tawaf whilst menstruating (also applies if a person
is impure or without Wudhu). If she becomes pure
before leaving Makkah then she should repeat the
Tawaf and the penalty is cancelled.

Menstrual Cycle Begins during Tawaf
If a womans menstrual cycle begins during Tawaf
then she should stop immediately and exit Masjid-
e-Haraam. Once she is pure she should perform
Tawaf and then perform Saee. If she continues
with the Tawaf then a penalty (damm) is Wajib
unless she repeats the Tawaf after she becomes
pure. The reason for this is that Tawaf is totally
forbidden whilst menstruating, regardless of
whether the cycle began before or started during
the Tawaf.

Saee in the New Masaa
The new Masaa that has been built alongside the
Nabvi Masaa by the Saudis is one of the greatest
innovations of the modern era and Saee is not
permissible in it. Saee by itself is not a form of
worship, it was granted the status of worship by
being a Sunnah of RasoolAllah . It will only be
classed as worship if Saee is performed in the area
where it can be proved that RasoolAllah
performed it and that area is the old Masaa.
However, due to a lack of knowledge or fear of the
Saudi authorities, most Muslims are performing
their Fard Saee in the new Masaa and this has
been the case since 2008. If an order was given
based on Shariah that everyones Hajj and Umrah
is invalid and incomplete and everyone must pay a
penalty (damm) it would create a great argument
and distress. In order to avoid this, it is hoped that
the Mercy of Allah Almighty will forgive the
forsaking of this compulsory act.

In the meantime, care should be taken to ensure
that those performing Hajj or Umrah should
complete at least four circuits from Marwa to Safa
as that will ensure that a Wajib act is fulfilled.
Sadqa (in the form of food or money) should be
given for each of the three circuits that are missed
to poor people in Haram. There is no place in the
old Masaa for wheelchairs and therefore those who
are in a wheelchair cannot perform Saee in the old
Masaa and for this reason Saee and Sadqa is
forgiven for them.

Wearing Rings and Watches
It is permissible to wear a ring and watch whilst in
Ehram. It is also allowed to wear a belt to hold
money, food, books, etc. Prescription eyeglasses can
also be worn as they are not designed to hide or
cover the face.

Flavoured Juices
It is disliked (Makrooh) to drink flavoured juices
and drinking it once makes a Sadqa compulsory
and drinking it three times or more means a penalty
(damm) is compulsory.

Seeing the Moon of Shawwal
If a Mutamir (person performing Umrah) is in
Makkah and during his stay the month of Shawwal
begins then Hajj is obligatory (Fard) upon him that
year if he has not already performed his Fard Hajj.
All the conditions that are normally required in
order to reach Makkah do not apply to him as he is
already in Makkah. However, the conditions that
apply to those who live in and around Makkah do
apply to him (such as being able to reach Arafat
and Muzdalifah etc by foot or car etc) and that his
wife and children have enough money and supplies
to survive until he returns.

Errors and Compensations
Compensation is payable in all instances if a
mistake is made or offence committed
regardless of whether the offence was
committed intentionally or by mistake, whether
it was known to be a mistake or not, whether
committed freely or by force, whether whilst
sleeping or awake or whether committed by
oneself or on someone elses orders.
If a person intentionally commits a mistake
without a valid reason then he must give
compensation and is also a sinner. In this
instance, only offering compensation is not
enough. He must also repent.
If the mistake is committed unknowingly or
with a valid religious reason then just offering
compensation is sufficient.
Where the compensation involves a large
penalty (Kaffarah) it means offering a cow,
buffalo, camel or similar large sacrificial animal.
Where it involves a small penalty (damm) it
means a goat or sheep or one seventh of a large
animal listed above.
Charity (Sadqa) means 2.47 kilos of wheat, or
4.94 kilos of some other commodities like dates,
barley or the equivalent in cash.
Where a penalty (damm) becomes liable because
of illness, extreme heat or cold, injury, boils,
abscesses or lice etc then a person has some
choice in how to pay the penalty. He can either
pay one Sadqa each to six poor people or feed
them fully two times or he can fast for three
If Sadqa needs to be paid because of any of the
reasons mentioned above, it is permissible for a
person to Fast instead of paying Sadqa.
If all six Sadqas are given to one person or if
they are distributed amongst three or seven
poor people etc then the Sadqa (penalty) will not
have been paid.
The crimes that require one penalty or one
Sadqa each to be paid, a person performing Hajj-
e-Qiran must pay two each.
The sacrifice offered as compensation (Kaffarah)
must be offered in Haram. It will not be classed
as having been paid if it is done anywhere else.
The meat of the sacrifice offered as gratitude for
Hajj can be eaten by oneself and can also be fed
to rich people.
The sacrifice offered as compensation cannot be
eaten by oneself nor can it be fed to rich people.
Rather, all the meat should be given to the poor.
If a person is fasting as compensation then the
intention (Niyyah) has to be made before dawn.
It is also necessary to mention the offence that
the Fast is being offered for. If the intention is
only made to Fast, without the reason being
mentioned, then the compensation is not classed
as having been paid.

Fragrances and Oils
If excess fragrance is used that is apparent on
only a small part of the body, or if only a little is
used on a large part like the head, face, shin etc,
in both these instances a penalty (damm) must
be paid.
If only a small amount of fragrance is used on a
very small part of the body then charity (Sadqa)
must be paid.
If fragrance was put on the body before the
Ehram was worn, if it then spreads to other
parts of the body after the Ehram is worn then
no penalty is payable.
Jasmine or fragranced oils have the same order
as fragrances.
Sesame seed oil and Olive oil are also classed as
fragrances even if there is no scent or fragrance
in them. However there is no penalty payable if
food is cooked with them or if applied on
wounds or put in the nose or in the ears.
If a small amount of fragrance is put on many
parts of the body and the whole amount would
be enough to put on a large part of the body
then a penalty (damm) is payable. If not then
charity (Sadqa) is payable.
A penalty (damm) becomes payable if excess
fragrance is used regardless of whether it is put
on one part of the body or on many parts.
It is disliked to smell flowers and fruits whilst in
a state of Ehram but there is no penalty payable.
Tobacco should also not be used in a state of
Ehram as this also contains fragrances but there
is no penalty if someone does use it. Tobacco
should not be used out of Ehram either because
not only are there worldly and bodily damages
from it but it is also disliked in Islam.

Wearing Stitched Clothing
If stitched clothing is worn for one whole day or
night or for 12 hours or more then a penalty
(damm) is compulsory. If worn for less than that
then charity (Sadqa) must be paid, regardless of
how little time it is worn for.
Even if stitched clothing is worn continuously
for a number of days only one penalty (damm)
is payable. However if they are worn for some
days without a valid reason and for some days
with a valid reason then two penalties are
If the penalty is paid for wearing stitched
clothing but the clothing is not removed and
another day passes then a second penalty is now
If a man or woman covers their face or at least a
quarter of it, whilst sleeping or awake, then a
penalty (damm) must be paid if it is for 12 hours
or more. If less than 12 hours then charity
(Sadqa) is compulsory.
If a man covers his head whilst awake or
sleeping for 12 hours or more then he has to pay
a penalty (damm). If covered for less than 12
hours then charity (Sadqa) must be paid.
If less than a quarter of the head is covered for
12 hours or more then charity (Sadqa) is
compulsory. If covered for less than 12 hours
then there is no penalty but it is a sin.
If a wrapped cloth (gathri) is placed on the head
that then is also classified as covering the head
and therefore a penalty or charity must be paid
depending on how long it is put on there for.
There is no penalty payable if a bushel of grain,
wheat etc or a bucket is placed on the head.
If shoes or slippers are worn for more than 12
hours which cover the top of the foot then a
penalty (damm) is payable. If worn for less than
12 hours then charity (Sadqa) must be paid.
It is not permissible (for men) to wear a vest or
underwear whilst in Ehram.
Women can wear stitched clothing whilst in

Removing / Breaking Hair
If more than a quarter of the hair of the head or
beard is removed whilst in Ehram then a
penalty (damm) is payable. If less than a quarter
then charity (Sadqa) is payable.
If all the hair of the neck, armpits or all the pubic
hair is removed then it is compulsory to pay a
penalty (damm). If some of it is removed then
charity (Sadqa) must be paid. (Even if the hair of
both armpits are removed only one penalty is
If the moustache is trimmed or completely
removed charity (Sadqa) must be paid.
If hair falls whilst cooking, whilst doing Wudhu
or whilst combing then charity (Sadqa) is
One charity (meaning a handful of food or one
chapatti, or a handful of dates) must be given for
each hair that falls out up to a maximum of 3.
If hair falls out by itself or because of illness then
no penalty is payable.
If a woman cuts more than a quarter of her hair
then she must pay a penalty (damm). If less than
that then she must pay charity (Sadqa).

Clipping Nails
If all the nails of one hand or one foot are
clipped or the nails of both hands and feet are
clipped then a penalty (damm) must be paid.
If only some of the nails are cut then charity
(Sadqa) must be paid for each nail that is cut.
For example, if 4 nails are cut from each hand
and each foot then 16 charities are payable.
However, if the price of 16 charities is greater
than one penalty (damm) then the penalty
(damm) should be paid.
If all the nails of one hand and one foot are cut
and the nails of the other hand and foot are cut
separately at a later time then two penalties
(damm) are payable.
If all four sets of nails (2 hands, 2 feet) are cut
separately on 4 separate occasions then 4
penalties (damm) are payable.
If part of a nail breaks off and is not able to grow
then there is no problem with cutting the other
part of the nail.

Kissing and Touching
A penalty (damm) becomes compulsory if a
woman is kissed, hugged or touched with lust
whilst in a state of Ehram, regardless of whether
sperm was released or not.
If a woman kisses, touches or hugs a man with
lust then she must pay a penalty (damm) also.
If a man and woman are both in a state of Ehram
and the man kisses, touches or hugs the woman
with lust but the woman does not feel anything
then only the man must pay the penalty
(damm). There is no penalty (damm) payable by
the woman.
If sperm is released due to a wet dream or
thinking about sexual intercourse then there is
no penalty (damm) payable. However, you
should not think about sexual intercourse etc
whilst in a state of Ehram.

Sexual Intercourse
Engaging in sexual intercourse before Wuqoof-
e-Arafat voids the Hajj. Complete the rest of the
Hajj, pay the penalty (damm) and then return
the next year and repeat the Hajj. If the woman
was also in a state of Ehram then her Hajj is also
void and the same rule applies to her.
If sexual intercourse takes place after Wuqoof-e-
Arafat but before the hair is shaved and Tawaf-
e-Ziarat is done then the Hajj is not void but it is
compulsory to offer a large animal such as a
camel, cow etc as compensation (Kaffarah).
If sexual intercourse takes place after the hair is
shaved or cut then a penalty (damm) is payable.
There is no penalty payable if sexual intercourse
takes place after the hair is shaved or cut and
Tawaf-e-Ziarat has been performed.
If sexual intercourse takes place before Tawaf
when performing Umrah then the Umrah is
void. A penalty (damm) must be paid and the
Umrah repeated.
If sexual intercourse takes place after Tawaf but
before Saee and shaving/cutting the hair then
only a penalty (damm) must be paid. There is no
need to repeat the Umrah.

Killing Head Lice whilst in Ehram
If head lice are killed on the head or on the
clothes then one piece of roti must be given for
each head lice that is killed. If two or three are
killed then one handful of food must be given
and if more than that are killed then charity
(Sadqa) must be paid.
If the hair or cloth is washed in order to kill the
lice or if a cloth is left in the sun in order to kill
them then the order is the same for paying
penalty (damm).
If the cloth gets wet and is left in the sun to dry
and the lice die, but the intention was not to kill
them, there is no penalty (damm) payable.

Mistakes during Tawaf
If four or more circuits of Tawaf-e-Ziarat are
completed whilst in a state of impurity or whilst
menstruating then a large sacrifice is
compulsory and repeating it in a state of purity
is also compulsory. If the Tawaf is repeated in a
state of purity before the 12
of Dhul Hijjah, the
sacrifice is cancelled. If the Tawaf is repeated in
a state of purity after the 12
of Dhul Hijjah, the
sacrifice is cancelled but a penalty (damm) must
be paid.
If Tawaf-e-Ziarat was performed without
Wudhu then a penalty (damm) must be paid
and it is better to repeat the Tawaf.
If the Tawaf is repeated, even after the 12
the penalty (damm) is cancelled and does not
need to be paid.
If three circuits or less are performed in a state
of impurity then one charity (Sadqa) is payable
for each circuit.
If one is unable to perform Tawaf-e-Ziarat
before Maghrib of the 12
of Dhul Hijjah, then it
should be performed after and a penalty
(damm) must be paid.
If four or more circuits of Tawaf-e-Ziarat are
performed in a wheelchair or conveyance
without reason, or if any part of the body that
should be covered remains exposed (e.g. more
than a quarter of a womans wrist, more than a
quarter of a womans hair etc), then a penalty
(damm) is payable. However, if the Tawaf is
repeated correctly then the penalty is cancelled.
If the Tawaf is not repeated and you return
home then you must send the money for a goat
to be slaughtered in Haram as compensation
because the sacrifice for compensation has to be
offered within Haram.
If four or more rounds of any other Tawaf are
performed in a state of impurity then a penalty
(damm) is payable. If performed without
Wudhu then charity (Sadqa) should be paid. If
three or less circuits are performed in this
manner then offer one charity (Sadqa) for each
circuit. In both of these instances, the penalties
are cancelled if the Tawaf is repeated correctly.
If Tawaf-e-Ziarat, or four or more circuits of it
are left (not completed), then it is compulsory to
pay a penalty (damm). If less than four are left
then one charity (Sadqa) should be paid for each
circuit that is missed.
If Tawaf-e-Qudoom is left unfinished there is no
penalty but it is a bad act.
If even one circuit of a Tawaf for Umrah is left
unfinished then a penalty (damm) must be paid.
If it is not performed at all or most of it is left
unfinished there is no compensation, it MUST
be performed or finished.
If a person performing Hajj-e-Qiran performs
both Tawaf-e-Qudoom and Tawaf-e-Umrah
without Wudhu then he must repeat the Tawaf
of Umrah before the 10
of Dhul Hijjah. If he
does not repeat it before Fajr on the 10
then a
penalty (damm) is compulsory. In this instance
he must perform Ramal and Saee in Tawaf-e-
It is disliked (Makrooh) to perform Tawaf in
impure clothes but there is no penalty payable
for it.

Mistakes during Saee
If four or more rounds of Saee are performed in
a wheelchair etc without a valid reason then a
penalty (damm) must be paid, however, the Hajj
will be valid. If the Saee is repeated then the
penalty is cancelled.
If less than four rounds of Saee are performed
in a wheelchair etc without a valid reason then
one charity (Sadqa) must be paid for each round.
If the Saee is repeated then the penalty is
If Saee is performed before Tawaf and is not
repeated then a penalty (damm) is payable.

Mistakes in Arafat and Muzdalifah
A person who leaves Arafat before sunset must
pay a penalty (damm). If he returns before
sunset then the penalty is cancelled. It is not
cancelled if he returns after sunset.
A penalty (damm) is payable regardless of
whether a person leaves Arafat on his own or is
forced out.
If Wuqoof-e-Muzdalifah is not performed on the
morning of the 10
of Dhul Hijjah without a
valid reason then a penalty (damm) is payable.
If a weak person or women forego the Wuqoof
because of extreme overcrowding or crushing
then no penalty is payable.

Mistakes During Rami (Stoning)
If Rami is missed or if all or the majority of the
pebbles are missed on any of the days then a
penalty (damm) is payable in all cases.
If less than half of the pebbles are missed or if
the missed pebbles are made up the next day
then one charity (Sadqa) should be paid for each
If the price of the charities (Sadqa) exceed the
price of one penalty (damm) then reduce it by a

Mistakes in Shaving and Sacrifice
If those performing Hajj-e-Qiran or Tamattu
offer their sacrifice before Rami (stoning) then a
penalty (damm) is compulsory.
If the head is shaved after the 12
or before
Rami then in both instances a penalty (damm)
becomes compulsory.
If shaving the hair or sacrifice is performed
outside Haram then a penalty (damm) is
The shaving of the hair for Umrah must also be
performed within the boundary of Haram. If
done outside Haram then a penalty is payable.
If a person who performs Hajj has his hair
shaved outside Haram after the 12
of Dhul
Hijjah then he has to pay two penalties one for
shaving hair outside Haram and the one for
having it shaved after the 12

Wearing Ehram upon Ehram
If all the acts of Umrah are performed except for
shaving the hair and the Ehram is worn for
another Umrah then a penalty (damm) must be
paid and it is also a sin.
It is forbidden for those performing Hajj to wear
an Ehram for Umrah from the 10
until the 13

of Dhul Hijjah.

Hajj-e-Badal means a person performing Hajj on
behalf of someone else. There are two types of
Hajj-e-Badal 1) Fard and 2) Nafl

There are a few conditions that must be fulfilled for
a Fard Hajj-e-Badal:

1) Hajj should be compulsory (Fard) on the person
who requests someone else to perform Hajj on
their behalf. If Hajj is not Fard on him and he
asks someone to perform Hajj on his behalf and
then later Hajj does become Fard on him then he
must perform it again or have someone perform
it for him.
2) The person for whom the Hajj is being
performed should be so incapacitated that he is
unable to perform Hajj himself.
3) From the time that Hajj-e-Badal is done for him
until death he must remain incapable of being
able to perform Hajj. If he later becomes well
enough to perform Hajj on his own then the
Hajj-e-Badal will not suffice and he must
perform Hajj himself.
4) The person for whom Hajj-e-Badal is being
performed must request someone to do the Hajj
himself. The request cannot come from any
other person.
5) The person for whom Hajj-e-Badal is being
performed must pay all the costs for the Hajj.
6) Only the person who is requested to perform the
Hajj-e-Badal can perform it. Although if the
request was made in a will and the person who
was requested dies or refuses to perform it then
someone else can perform it.
7) The journey must begin from the country of the
person for whom the Hajj is being performed.
8) The Ehram must be worn from the Miqat.
9) The intention should be made on their behalf.
Rather it is better to say Labbaik on behalf of
(name of person)

If all the conditions are met then the Fard of the
person for whom the Hajj is being done is
fulfilled and the person performing the Hajj will
also be rewarded.
If Hajj is Fard upon the person who is
performing Hajj-e-Badal on behalf of someone
else, this Hajj will not fulfil his Fard Hajj.
It is better to send a person to perform Hajj-e-
Badal who has already fulfilled his own Fard
It is not permissible to send a person who has
the means but has not yet performed his own
Fard Hajj to perform Hajj-e-Badal.
It is better to send a person for Hajj-e-Badal who
is familiar with all the rules, regulations and
requirements of Hajj.
If a person with Wahhabi beliefs or other false
beliefs is sent to perform Hajj-e-Badal then the
Fard Hajj is not fulfilled.
The above conditions are specific for a Fard Hajj.
They do not apply to a Nafli (voluntary) Hajj.
Any person can be sent on behalf of another to
perform a voluntary Hajj.
If a person who is carrying out Hajj-e-Badal is
performing Hajj-e-Qiran or Tamattu then he
must offer the sacrifice on behalf of himself even
though the money was given by the person for
whom he is performing the Hajj.
The person on whom Hajj is Fard and he has not
yet performed it must request in his will that
Hajj be performed for him otherwise he will be a
If a woman has enough money to perform Hajj
but does not have a Mehram, or has a Mehram
but he does not have enough money to perform
Hajj and the woman does not have enough
money to cover the cost for both of them, then it
is compulsory (Wajib) on the woman to pay for
someone to perform Hajj-e-Badal on her behalf.
If a person does not leave a request in his will
for Hajj to be performed for him then his
inheritor can perform Hajj-e-Badal on his behalf
after he dies.

Allah Almighty states:

...and if you are prevented, send sacrifice whatever is
available; and do not shave your heads until the sacrifice
reaches its destination; so whoever among you is sick or
has an ailment in the head, must pay a compensation by
fasting or charity or sacrifice... (Surah Baqarah Verse 196)
Muhsar is the person who wears an Ehram for
Umrah or Hajj and for whatever reason is not
able to complete it.
Some of the reason he is not able to complete it

1) Fear of enemies.
2) Illness (where the fear is that by travelling the
illness will become worse).
3) Arms or legs are broken.
4) Imprisoned.
5) The death of a Mehram who is travelling with a
6) Money (costs for the journey) is stolen etc.

A Muhsar should send the money for the
sacrifice to someone who is in the Haram (as the
sacrifice must be offered in Haram) and should
then remove their Ehram after the sacrifice has
been offered.
If a Muhsar had made the intention for Hajj-e-
Ifrad or Tamattu then he should send enough
money for one sacrifice. If he had intended to
perform Hajj-e- Qiran it is compulsory (Wajib)
for him to send enough money for two
It is not a condition for a Muhsar to have their
head shaved or hair cut in order to come out of
Ehram but it is better if they do.
The sacrifice has to be offered within the Haram
but it does not have to be on the 10
, 11
or 12
It can be offered before or after these days also.

Important Warnings
Looking at impermissible things is always
forbidden and in Haram Shareef it is the
ultimate test of self-control and discipline.
Women are ordered not to cover their faces and
men are ordered not to look at them. Remember
that these are the slaves of a very Majestic and
Honourable Lord and at this time both you and
them are present in an esteemed place. Without
a doubt, no one will look at a lions cub when it
is in the lap of the lioness. Similarly, these slaves
of Allah are in His Special Court and looking at
them with evil intentions is undoubtedly a grave
sin. Therefore! Control your desires and eyes.
Haram is the place where even the thought of
sin is punished and one sin is equivalent to one
hundred thousand sins.
Women should remember that the order to
uncover the face is only when in a state of
Ehram. Once the formalities of Hajj are
completed women should not walk around with
their faces uncovered at all. Women should
cover their faces at all times regardless of where
they are but it is even more important in these
blessed places.

Final Word
RasoolAllah said:


There is no other reward for an accepted Hajj than
Paradise. (Bukhari Shareef Hadith 1773)

At another point RasoolAllah said, One
thousand rewards are written for each step
taken by the person who leaves home with the
intention of Hajj or Umrah. One thousand sins
are wiped away for each step taken and his
status is raised one thousand times for each step
taken. (Jami Kabeer Al Suyuti Hadith 4854)
You will now have realised that after
performing Hajj Allah Almighty has completely
purified you. That is why it is stated that you
should ask a Haji to supplicate for you before he
reaches home because he is accepted by Allah
and is pure of sins.
Remember! After performing Hajj and visiting
Madinah Munawwarah your life should change
for the better. What other place can you visit
other than these blessed places in order to
change your life?
Ensure you are punctual in Salah after returning
from Hajj, act upon the Sunnahs of our Beloved
Prophet , avoid sins, make it a habit to recite
the Holy Quran and take an interest in
propagating and reforming others in the
A pious person was asked how a person would
know if his Hajj was accepted or not. He replied,
If the sins that were committed before going for
Hajj are no longer committed then
congratulations, Allah Almighty has accepted
your Hajj.
May Allah Almighty, through the waseela of
RasoolAllah accept everyones Hajj and
grant everyone visits with respect to Makkah
Mukarramah and Madinah Munawwarah time
and time again.
It is hoped that you will also remember this
Faqeer (Mohammed Shakir Ali Noorie) in your
duas at all the blessed places.

Note: The rules and regulations mentioned in this
book have been reproduced in brief from Bahar-
e-Shariat. For more clarification please refer to
Bahar-e-Shariat Vol 6.

Munajaat - (Supplication)
Yaa Elahi Har Jagah Teri Ataa Ka Saath Ho
Jab Pare Mushkil Shahe Mushkil Kusha Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Elahi Bhool Jaa-oon Naza Ki Takleef Ko
Shaadiye Deedare Husne Mustafa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Elahi Jab Zabaaney Baahir Aayeh Pyaas Se
Saahib-e-Kauthar Shahe Jood-o-Ataa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Elahi Gharmi-e-Mehshar Se Jab Bharke Badan
Daaman-e-Mehboob Ki Thandi Hawaa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Elahi Na'ama-e-A'maal Jab Khulne Lagen
Aib Poshey Khalq Sattar-e-Khata Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Elahi Jab Bahe Aankhe Hisaab-E-Jurm Meh
Un Tabassum Rez Hontoh Ki Dua Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Elahi Jab Chaloon Tareekh Raahe Pul Siraat
Aftaab-e-Haashmi Nurul Huda Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Elahi Jab Sare Shamsheer Par Chalna Pare
Rabbe Sallim Kehney Waale Ghamzudah Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Elahi Jo Du'aein Naik Hum Tujh Se Karen
Qudsiyo Ke Lab Se Ameen Rabbana Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Elahi Jab Raza Kwaab-e-Giraa Se Sar Uthaaye
Daulat-e-Beydaar Ishq-e-Mustafa Ka Saath Ho

Yaa Elahi Le Chalen Jab Dafna Karne Qabr Me
Ghaus-e-Aazam Paihsh-waa'e Auliya Ka Saath Ho
Salaam - (Mustafa Jaan e Rehmat)
Mustafa Jaan e Rehmat Pey Laakhon Salaam
Shame Bazm e Hidayat Pey Laakhon Salaam

Shehr e Yaar e Iram Taajdaar e Haram
Nau Bahaar e Shafaaat Pey Laakhon Salaam

Shab e Asraa Key Dulhaa Pey Daayam Durood
Nausha e Bazm e Jannat Pey Laakhon Salaam

Ham Ghareebon Key Aaqa Key Beyhad Durood
Ham Faqeeron Ki Sarwat Pey Laakhon Salaam

Neechi Nazron Ki Sharm o Haya Par Durood
Oonchi Beeni Ki Rifat Pey Laakhon Salaam

Patli Patli Guley Quds Ki Pattiyaan
Un Labon Ki Nazaakat Pey Laakhon Salaam

Jis Sey Taareek Dil Jagmagaa Ney Lagey
Uss Chamak Waali Rangat Pey Laakhon Salaam

Jis Suhaani Gharee Chamka Taibah Ka Chand
Uss Dil Afroz Saaat Pey Laakhon Salaam

Kaash Mehshar Mey Jab Unki Aamad Ho Aur
Bheyjey Sab Unki Shaukat Pey Laakhon Salaam

Mujh Sey Khidmat Key Qudsi Kahain Haan Raza
Mustafa Jaan e Rehmat Pey Laakhon Salaam

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