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Agenda Autumn Agora Skopje 2011 27th 30th of October 2011

Thursday 27th of October 09:00 20:00 10:00 18:00 14:30 15:00 16:00 20:00 Registration AEGEE-Skopje Registration AEGEE-Europe AEGEE for newbies AGORA Speed Course Language course Opening Ceremony

Friday 28th of October 07:30 08:30 09:00 12:00 Breakfast Opening Plenary Words of welcome Chairperson of the AGORA President of AEGEE-Europe Presentation of the AEGEE-Europe Identity + Statement of Principles Attendance list Ratification of the Agenda Presentation of the list of candidates Ratification of the Minutes of Spring Agora Alicante Explanation of User Interface of Presentation System for Plenaries Presentation of the Knowledge Transfer Report of the Comit Directeur 2011/2012 Presentation of the Activity Plan of the Comit Directeur 2011/2012 Questions to the Activity Plan of the Comit Directeur 2011/2012 Presentations of partners of AEGEE-Europe Presentation of the Foundation AEGEE Trust Fund Presentation of the Prytania of the day Presentation of the Workshops of the day Presentation of the Progress Meetings of the day Lunch Registration AEGEE-Europe SESSION I Activity Reports Thematic SUCT AEGEE International Politics Working Group Cultural Working Group Education Working Group Environmental Working Group Visa Freedom Working Group Liason Officer

12:00 13:30

13:30 14:30

SESSION II Activity Reports Organisational AEGEE-Academy Audit Commission Members Commission Juridical Commission Network Commission Public Relations Committee IT Committee Events Committee 14:30 16:00 SESSION III Activity Report of Comit Directeur Presentation Questions Prytania session I I. EBM Reform: Proposal to change the Working Format of the European Boards' Meeting II. Voting rules: Proposal for adding rules for designing voting ballots and the counting of votes III. Contribution to Strategic Plan, European event criteria proposal Workshops session I Eastern Partnership - everything you wanted to know [ Room A ] Improv(e)yourself [ Room B ] VICE VISA The obstacles of volunteers in youth organisations with visa policies [ Room C ] 18:00 18:30 18:30 20:00 Coffee Break Progress Meetings I Strategic Plan & Action Agenda [Room I] Finances [Room II] Main fields of Action [Room III] Dinner

16:00 18:00


Saturday 29th of October 07:30 08:30 09:00 11:00 Breakfast Morning Plenary Presentation of the Activity Report of outgoing Comit Directeur Questions for the Activity Report of the outgoing Comit Directeur Presentation of the Progress Meeting results of Friday Presentations of the Workshop results of Friday Presentation Financial Report 2010-2011 Presentation of the Audit Report on the Financial Report 2010-2011 Questions to the Audit and Financial Report 2010-2011 Presentation of the Intermediate Financial Report 2011-2012 Presentation of Budget 2012 Presentation of the definite Budget 2011-2012 Presentation of the Audit report on the Intermediate Financial Report 2011-2012 Questions to the Audit on the Intermediate Financial Report 2011-2012 and definite Budget 2011-2012

Presentation of the Prytania of the day Presentations of the Workshops of the day 11:00 13:00 Prytania session II I. Working Groups reform II. Improvements of the Audit Commission, Travel reimbursement for the Main Coordinator of statutory event III. Term of the Secretary of the Agora, Term of the Members Commission Progress Meetings II Flagship topic/project Workshop Session II Corporate Social Responsibility as a tool to raise funds to projects [ Room A ] It's all about MORE! [ Room B ] The road to a new HR in AEGEE [ Room C ] 13:00 14:30 14:30 16:00 16:00 18:00 Lunch AEGEE-Fair Prytania Session III I. General Project Rules II. Focus Groups III. Voting rights for envoys, Increase number of envoys Workshop Session III Youth Participation [ Room A ] It is all about the Money [ Room B ] 18:00 20:00 Afternoon Plenary Presentation of the Prytania results of Friday and Saturday Presentations of the Workshops results of Friday and Saturday Presentation of candidates for Secretary of the Agora/EBM Questions to the candidates of the Secretary of the Agora/EBM Presentation of candidates for Audit Commission Questions to the candidates of the Audit Commission Presentation of candidates for Juridical Commission Questions to the candidates of the Juridical Commission Presentation of candidates for Members Commission Questions to the candidates of Members Commission Voting session Dinner


Sunday 30th of October 08:30 09:30 10:00 13:00 Breakfast Morning Plenary Voting results of Saturday

Presentations of Les Anciens Presentation and ratification of the Liason Officers Presentation and ratification of the Supporting Committees Events Committee HR Committee Presentation of the Strategic Plan Presentation of the Action Agenda Presentation of the results of the previous Flagship topic Explanation on the current situation of the Flagship topic Presentation of the candidates for Network Commission Questions to the candidates of Network Commission Presentation of the candidates for Summer University Coordination team Questions to the candidates for SUCT Presentation of the candidates for Chairperson of the Agora/EBM Question to the candidates for Chairperson of the Agora/EBM Presentation of the Workshops of the day Voting Session 13:00 14:30 14:30 16:30 Lunch
Informal Meeting CD candidates

Workshop session IV How AEGEE changes one's life [Room A] A Language We All Understand [Room B] Somewhere of the Rainbow [Room C] Board Games [Room D] Web 2.0 services serving your HR [Room E] Coffee break Closing plenary Presentation of the Eastern partnership project Flag Stealing punishments Presentation of the Workshop results of the day Presentation of the Final Evaluation of the Action Agenda 2010-2011 Summer University Awards Signing of contracts with EBM Izmir and Agora Enschede Signing of twin local agreements Signing of Convention d Adhsion Working Group Update Network Update Commendations Presentation of upcoming Statutory Events Voting and Elections Results Dinner Internal Meetings The Chair Team reserves the right to change this Agenda.

16:30 17:00 17:00 19:30

19:30 20:00

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