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of Communication Activity: Communicating an organizations corporate responsibility action plan Tasks to confront a challenge to the authenticity of an organizations responsibility action plan: 1. Implement a croudsourcing approach to determine where the challenge to authenticity is originating ask your audience why they think we are not being successful 2. Evaluate organizational efforts at sustainability are we greenwashing or do we hold an honest commitment to providing a green service/product. If the companys core belief is not one that values responsibility to environment and society, step away from the action plan 3. Identify the influencers in our arena who promote corporate responsibility are these media outlets? Viral observers (social media, etc.,) Internal stakeholders? 4. Accurately report the responsibility efforts being taken. Show the good, the bad, and the ugly. Transparency is key let the stakeholders determine authenticity by proving all relevant information 5. Seek third party certification where appropriate (the printing industry uses FSC Certification, the construction industry uses LEED Certification, etc.) pick the one most appropriate to our efforts and make whatever steps are necessary to obtain their stamp of approval 6. Launch the appropriate media campaign for the targeted audience. Social media is a good start, most likely paid-media or internal communication should be used as well 7. Evaluate ROI AFTER stakeholder concerns are addressed. To address these as part of the initial communication plan in response to a challenge takes on an air of greenwashing 8. Commit to continuing information about expanding efforts and successes in this area. Tell the story (narratively, not spokesperon-y) to those that are targeted as audience and influencers

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