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7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE (PICTURE) / IN PPT Listings of Habits / Reason : Giving presentation Knowledge Sharing To understand everyonces

nces view Awareness to Achieve the GOAL . HOW effectively we can reach (both PERSONAL AND PROFESSION LIFE)

Today I am here to give a presentation on 7 habits of highly effective people written by Stephen Covey. Stephen Covey started writing this book back in 1970's and took 15 years to write this book. Back in 1970's he was doing a research for his doctoral program where he had to read the success literatures written in past 200 years and what he observed was for initial 150 years those literatures talked about integrity humility, courage, temperance, fidelity as the corner stones of success but after world war 1 that is for the last 50 years or so the literatures deviated from those virtues and talked about personality development, behaving in a certain way in public and talking in certain way which would lubricate the process of interaction as the way to attain success. Stephen Covey felt that those where quick fix solutions which acted as band aids and though such solution resulted in instant success in the long run you would return to your old way as you were acting in a way which you are not. It was more of hacking at the leaves when the problem lied at the roots. That is when Stephen Covey stumbled upon the idea to write this book and as the name suggests its about 7 habits mastering and internalizing them would help one achieve effectiveness in one's life. HINT 2 (We can Put PICTURE Presentation) When a baby is born it is dependent on others to take decisions on its behalf but as it grows up it becomes independent and becomes capable of taking its own decisions. According Stephen Covey Highly effective person is someone who is interdependent. A highly effective person is someone who has the capability to get a group of individuals together and get results which would have much more than what would have been expected. The first 3 habits helps one to achieve private victory i.e. victory on your own self and mastering those 3 habits moves you from dependence to independence which lays the foundation for effective interdependence and mastering the next 3 habits helps you attain victory over other i.e. public victory and helps you become interdependent. The 7th habit is the habit of continuous improvement. So let's start with my first point which is

Hint 3 WE CAN PUT GAME PART (Perception Onces view for each other) 1) Power of Paradigm: What do you mean my Paradigm? Paradigm means perception, interpretation, and an explanation of something else. It's like a map of a territory. All human beings are born with their paradigms but as they grow up the circumstances and the situation in which they grow up and the experiences that they gain affects those inner paradigms. Our behavior and attitudes flow from those paradigms. Those paradigms act as the lens through which we see the world. The world that we see around us is not as it is but as we are. Whatever we say about things around us are not as it is but as we are. This happens because our mind has been conditioned in a certain way. The idea is to understand our basic paradigms, and the extend to which it has been affected by our experiences, test it against reality and be open to listen to others ideas and in that way have a far more objective view. HINT 4 (We can Put PICTURE Presentation) 2) The next point is Proactivity defined: Proactive is a word whose meaning you would not find in most dictionaries but it is very much a part of management studies these days. It just doesnt nerely mean taking initiatives but as human beings we are responsible for our own lives and should take responsibility of our lives. The word responsible can be bifurcated into 2 words response and able, your ability to chose your response.

Proactive people understand that responsibility and do not blame the circumstances for their behavior. Proactive people are value driven and they understand that their value comes from producing results and they are not deterred by the circumstances around them.

Reactive people on the other hand curse and blame the circumstances for their behavior.

Highly effective people are those who are proactive and take responsibility of their own lives.

3) The third point is All things are created twice: According to Stephen Covey all things has its existence in 2 forms. One is in the mental form and the other is in its physical form. According to Stephen Covey the physical form always will be preceded by the mental form. Its important to have a vision of what has to be accomplished before you start giving shape to what you want in its physical

existence. Sometimes it so very happens that all the success that has been achieved seems empty as it was not the vision. So thats what Stephen Covey means by all things are created twice. We can put 4) The fourth point is Leadership and Management: Leadership and Management are important aspects for a successful venture. Leadership focuses on top line and Management focuses on bottom-line. To put into simple words Leadership means to determine what to accomplish and management means how to accomplish it efficiently. Its like a ladder leaning on a wall where leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning on the right wall and management means how efficiently one could climb the ladder to get on the top of the wall. HINT 5 EXAMPLE SET A very good EXAMPLE of a leader is Angel who has the vision for his company and determines what has to be accomplished and Steve takes care of managing the people and gets them to work efficiently so that what ever Angel has envisioned can be achieved efficiently.

5) The fifth point is Principle Center : According to Stephen Covey people can categorized into different kinds. Some are Spouse Centered, Money Centered, Enemy Centered, Work Centered, Pleasure Centered but highly effective person is someone who is principle centered. This individual sticks to his basic principles and does not deviate from them at any given stage. He stays away from the emotion of any situation, evaluates the pro and cons and arrives at a decision that is rational and best suitable for that particular situation. HINT 5 EXAMPLE SET 6) The sixth point is 4 generations of time management and 2nd quadrant: HINT PUT GRAPH PICTURE 4 QUADRANT The first generation of time-management could be characterized by notes and checklists. In this way effort was made to give a semblance of recognition to the demands that required our first attention. The second generation of time-management could be characterized by planners and calendars. This reflects the attempt to look ahead, to schedule events and activities in the future. The third generation of time-management reflects the current time-management field. It adds to those preceding generations the important idea of prioritization and comparing the relative worth of activities. It helps set goals specific long term, intermediate and short term and accordingly it could be decided as to where the time

and energy can be devoted on a priority basis. Then there is an emerging fourth generation of time management where activities are prioritized with a view of preserving and enhancing the existing relationships. The second part of this point is Quadrant 2. According to Stephen Covey people spend time doing things which can be divided into 4 categories Things that URGENT in nature, things that are not urgent, things that are important in nature and things that are not important.

Quadrant 1 consists of things that urgent and important in nature. Those issues can be crisis management, pressing issues, meeting deadlines

Quadrant 2 consists of issues that are not urgent in nature but are very important. Those issues can be long term planning, retirement plans

Quadrant 3 consists of issues that may not be important but may be urgent. Those things can be answering e-mails, attending phone calls

Quadrant 4 consists of issues that neither urgent no important. Wasting time, doing nothing.

According to Stephen Covey effective people spend most of their time in quadrant 2. These are the issues if not attended upon can become urgent in future.

7) The next point is Delegation: Delegation means to distribute work. Delegation can be done in 2 ways. It can be done to time and it can be done to people. If its done to time, we are talking about efficiency and if its done to people then we are talking about effectiveness. There are 2 types of delegation: 1) Gofer Delegation: It simply means go for this, go for that and tell me when it is done. It is more method oriented than result oriented.

2) Stewardship Delegation: This form of delegation is more result oriented than method oriented till it is worked in a specific framework of rules. Here the individual who has been assigned the task is given the freedom of being inventive and creative and he is held accountable for the result and is give the responsibility of the task. Effective leaders follow this form of delegation.

8) The next point is Emotional Bank Account: Emotional bank account is a metaphor which describes the trust thats has been built in a relationship. Its a feeling of safeness you have with another human being. There are six major ways you can make deposits in the emotional bank account of another individual. Understanding the individual Keeping commitments Attending to little things Clarifying expectations Showing personal integrity Apologizing sincerely when made a mistake 9) The ninth point is Win-Win or No Deal:

There are 6 types of situations that arise when two parties come together with an intention to come to an agreement and produce results beneficial for both of them.

Win Win: It is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seek mutual benefit in all human interactions.

Win Lose: It is an authoritarian approach and is adopted by those who are power prone and use undue advantage of their position and power.

Lose Win: Its worse then the Win- Lose frame of mind. Such people have no expectations and can be easily pleased and appeased. They seek strength from popularity. They have little courage to express their feelings and thoughts and are easily intimidated by the ego strength of others.

Win Its a frame of mind where one party finds its benefit from the solution and leaves it to the other party to find its benefit.

Lose Lose: When two Win Lose people come together who are stubborn, ego invested the result that is produced is Lose Lose.

No Deal: Its a frame of mind where there is no pressure whatsoever to strike a deal. It basically means if there is no solution that is mutually beneficial for both parties, they agree to disagree agreeably.

10) The tenth point is Empathic listening: According to Stephen Covey Listening can be divided into 4 categories:

Ignoring: Not listen at all Pretending: Its an act to listen Selective listening: Which to selectively listen so that one can prepare statements and starts speaking once the other person has completed his statement Attentive listening: This type of listening happens in boardroom meetings and classes where one does not want to miss any important points But very few exercise empathic listening which means listening with an intent to understand. Its like stepping into the shoes of the other person and experience what he is going through. This gives you an accurate data to work with rather than making assumption of the other persons situation.

11) The eleventh point is Then to be understood: Then seek to be understood is the second part of the habit 5 Seek to understand and

then to be understood. The part is done by emphatic listening where you understand the other person. For that you need consideration and for the second part where you want the other person to understand you its needs courage. You need to have the courage to put across your thoughts.

12) The twelfth point is Synergy and communication: Synergy is the essence of principle centered leadership. The definition of synergy is the whole is greater that the sum of parts. If there exists synergy between two individuals the results produced will be far greater that it would have been imagined and its not possible without effective communication. According to Stephen Covey there are 3 levels of communication which arises from 3 different types of situation.

The lowest level of communication arises from low trust situation where the parties interacting with each other are protective, defensive and legalistic. They would spell each word to the letter as they would not want any point to be missed and that happens due the fact that there is absolutely no trust that exists between them.

The middle level of communication arises from a situation where two fairly mature individuals interact with each other. They are respectful towards each other and in order to avoid any ugly confrontation they are polite to each other. The listen to each other but do not exercise empathic listening. Such interaction leads to a low form of win-win situation.

The highest level of communication arises from a highly synergistic situation.

13) The thirteenth point is valuing the differences:

Valuing the differences is the essence of synergy. A highly effective person understands his perceptual limitations and knows that everyone sees the world through their own eyes and have different set of opinions and takes this opportunity of interaction to add to the knowledge and his understanding of reality.

14) The fourteenth point is 4 dimensions of renewal:

4 dimensions of renewal is basically renewing the four dimensions of your nature Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Social/Emotional

15) The fifteenth point is Scripting others:

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