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015 Time: 1:15 Hours

SESSIONAL EXAMINATION 2011-12 M.B.A. (SEM. I) Business statistics Total Marks: 30

Note: (1) The question paper contains three parts. (2) All questions are compulsory. PART I Choose the correct answer and write its serial order: 1) The difference between the upper and the lower limits of a class is called: a) class mid-point c) class interval b) class boundary d) class frequency 12X1/2 =6 marks

2) A series has its mean as 15 and its coefficient of variation as 20, its standard deviation is: a) 5 b) 10 c)3 d) 7 3) Which of the curves is lower peaked than the normal curve: a) c) Mesokurtic Laptokurtic b) Platykurtic d) None of the above

4) If two events A and B are dependent the conditional probability of A given B ie P(A!B) is calculated by a) c) P (AB)/P (B) P (A)/P (B) b) P (AB)/P (A) d) None

Fill in the Blanks. 5) In Mesokurtic distribution the fourth central moment is 16, the value of Standard Deviation will be.. 6) Value of Bowley co-efficient of skewness lies between..

7) Mutually Exclusive events are those. 8) If two events A and B are independent the probability of both the events happening together is given by the rule

Indicate whether the following statement are true or false : (9) Two events are mutually exclusive if their probabilities are less than one. T/F (10) Bayes theorem is useful in revising probability estimates. T/F (11) Mean absolute deviation taken from median is least. T/F (12) There is difference between variance and coefficient of variation T/F

PART II Attempt Any Three Questions: Q1 In a single with two dice, what is the chance of throwing a sum of 5? Q2 Find the missing frequency for given frequency distribution when the mode is 47. Variable Frequency 0-10 7 10-20 8 20-30 10 30-40 ? 40-50 40 50-60 30 60-70 10 Q3 Describe the addition and multiplication rules of probability with an example of each. Q4 The mean of 5 observations is 4.5 and the variance is 8.25. If three of the five observations are 1,2 and 6. Find the other two. 3X4=12 Mark

PART-III Attempt any Two Questions: 2X6=12 Marks

Q1 Measures of central tendency, dispersion and skewness are complementary to one Another in understanding a frequency distribution .Elucidate. Find the coefficient of variation, if sum of squares of the deviation of 10 Observations taken from mean 50 is 250.

Q2 Find the measures of skewness and kurtosis on the bases of moments for the Following distribution: Marks no. of students 5-15 1 15-25 3 25-35 5 35-45 7 45-55 4 Q3 Statistics are numerical statements of facts in any department of inquiry and placed in relation to each other. Comment and discuss the characteristics of statistics.

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