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Test of Hypothesis OBJECTIVES: Define hypothesis. Differentiate the two kinds of hypothesis.

Formulate the null and alternative hypothesis. Differentiate type I error from type II error. Give the importance of the level of significance in the test of hypothesis. Apply formulas in the simple test of hypothesis. Analyze and interpret significant findings in the simple test of hypothesis A hypothesis Researchers were done so as to find a solution to the problem that facets the society of today. Statistics equipped researchers with the right tools to be used in finding solution to these problems. One step in finding solutions to these problems is the testing of hypothesis. A hypothesis is a tentative solution to the problems of today. The hypothesis is an educated guess from facts or data observed which have similarity in the problems we faced. A hypothesis is called a tentative solution to the problems because it needs further testing and series of experimentation before it can be accepted as a solution to the problems a researcher is trying to arrive. Kinds of Hypothesis 1. Null Hypothesis (Ho) stated negatively on the facts that one to achieved at the end of his endeavors. In the world of research the null hypothesis is the one

tested in order to find its relevance to the problem solved. 2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) - states opposite the very way how the null hypothesis is stated. It serves as an alternative solution just in case one failed to find that the null hypothesis is the true solution to the problem a researcher is working. Example State the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for the following facts; 1. Significant difference in the mathematical computability of BSIT and BSIE students Solution: Ho = There is no significant relationship between the mathematical computability of BSIT and BSIE students. H1 = There is a significant difference in the mathematical computability of BSIT and BSIE students. 2. The average income of Filipino worker is 145.00 a day. Ho = The average income of Filipino worker is not equal to 145.00 a day. H1 =The average income of Filipino worker is 145.00 a day. Exercises: State the null and alternative hypothesis of the following facts.State if one-tailed or twotailed test is to be used then explains. 1. The life span of men on the earth is 65 years old. 2. The significant relationship in the performance of BPSC students in their shop and academic. 3. The IQ of average person is 85

4. Students perception of the teacher greatly affects his performance in Mathematics 5. The mean grade of BSIT students is 75. 6. Traditional classroom teaching is better than the Modern classroom teaching. 7. Students in the morning classes performed better than the students in the evening classes. 8. Metabolism decreases with age. 9. Mortality rate is greatly affected by socio-economic status. 10. Quality education is synonymous with the rate of tuition fee. Type I and Type II Errors In finding solution to the problems, the null hypothesis is tested whether it will be accepted or rejected. Rejections and acceptance of the null hypothesis based on the computational skills manifested by a researcher on the data collected. Statistician is oftentimes faced with danger in committing errors of whether to accept or reject a null hypothesis. These two types of errors are shown on the table below. The Tabular Value As the level of significance is identified by the researcher, the tabular value which will help the researcher in making decision can now be identified and established. The tabular value is also called the critical value which will reject or accept the null hypothesis. It divides the area of the graph of a normally distributed data into two parts; the area of acceptance and the area of rejection. The tabular value within the specified level of significance is the acceptance region, while the value beyond the tabular value or greater than the tabular value is the rejection

region. The tabular value will help the researcher to decide whether to accept or to reject the null hypothesis Ho based on the data gathered. Type I Error or Alpha Error when the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted wherein the actual condition the null hypothesis is the true solution to the problem. Type II Error 0r Beta Error when the null hypothesis accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected wherein fact the alternative solution is the true solution to the problem. Level of Significance The statistician can established the percent of errors he committed in accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis Ho by setting the level of significance. The Level of significance is the maximum value that the null hypothesis Ho is rejected wherein fact it is actually true. It means that we are 95% sure of whatever decision is arrived. The most common method is setting the level of significance at 1% or 5% level. One Tailed or Two-tailed Test Accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis exposed a researcher in committing errors. These errors will be measured by setting the level of significance. Setting the level of significance will help the researcher in identifying the percentage of errors he committed. The range of values were found on table which will help a researcher in making decision whether to accept or to reject the null hypothesis Ho. This range of value will be dependent on the type of test to be used, as to one-tailed or two-tailed test. . The type of test to

be used as to one-tailed or twotailed is identified by the very way how the alternative hypothesis H1 is stated. 1. One Tailed Test in one tailed test the alternative hypothesis is stated one directional. In one directional statement of the alternative hypothesis H1 only one meaning can be interpreted from it. Since the test is one-tailed the area occupied by the range in the tabular value lies on one end of the curve. Example of one tailed test ; Ho = The weight of Filipino is less than 60 kgs. Ho = The IQ of geniuses is equal to 3. Ho = The height of average men is 54 tall.

In one tailed test the area of rejection and acceptance is found on one end of the curve. As in the figure illustrated above the shaded portion represents the tabular value at 0.05 level of significance. This is also the area of accepting the null hypothesis Ho. The area greater than the tabular value is represented by the unshaded area of the normal curve and is the rejection region. Since one-tailed test is used the area representing the acceptance and rejection region both lie on one end of the normal curve. 2. Two-Tailed Test when the alternative hypothesis H1 is stated non-directional. Non-directional means that two or more ideas could be interpreted from the very way how the alternative hypothesis H1 is stated.

Example of two tailed test; 1. H1 the weight of Filipino is not equal to 60kgs. Analysis: The expression not equal to may mean less than or greater than. Two-tailed test is use. 2. H1 The IQ OF Geniuses is more or less 3. Analysis: The expression more or less than 3, may mean more than 3, less than 3. Two-tailed test is use. 3. H1 The average height for nurses is at least 54. Analysis: The expression at least 54 may mean taller than 54 or equal to 54. Test of Hypothesis Steps in Testing of the Null Hypothesis Ho 1. Formulate the null hypothesis Ho and the alternative hypothesis Ha. 2. Set the level of significance. 3.Determine the type of test to be used. 4.Determine the tabular value for the test. For a z-test use the table for critical values of z based on the area under the normal curve. For a t-test compute first for the degree of freedom df, then look for the tabular value from the table of t-distribution . df = n-1 if only one sample is present df = n1 + n2 - 2 if two sample groups are present 5 .Compute for the z or t value and compare the computed value to the value of z or t found on the table. 6. Compare the computed z or t value to what is found on the table. If the computed value of z or t is

less than to what is found on the table accept the null hypothesis. If the computed z or t value is greater than what is found in the table reject the null hypothesis. Two tests are used in testing hypothesis . 1. The Z test is the most commonly used to test the significance of sample data. The sample size must be greater than 30 and requires the normality distribution of scores. The test is classified as parametric since it utilizes the two population parameters, the population and the sample mean. Z-test is used when the standard deviation was taken from the sample. The Z-test can be applied in two ways: 1. One-Sample Mean Test 2. Two-Sample Mean Test. One-Sample Mean Test One application of the Z-test is a test of hypothesis about the population mean. From the sample data we try to compare the sample mean to the perceived population mean. The knowledge of the population mean and the sample mean as well as the population standard deviation is highly suggested in the one-sample mean test. THE TWO-SAMPLE MEAN TEST The two-sample mean test tries to establish whether the two samples are taken from a single population. Assuming that these samples were taken from a normal population, we wanted to test whether the difference of the two sample mean is by chance or significant. Illustrative Examples: Sample No. 1. Records from Admission Test in one of the universities in Bataan showed that the mean in the aptitude test of their entering freshmen nursing

students was 45 with a standard deviation of 5. A sample of 100 student was taken and found to have a mean grade of 47. Are the 100 students better than the rest of the freshmen students? Use .05 level of significance. Solution: 1. Formulate the null and alternative hypothesis. Ho = The 100 entering freshmen students are not better than the rest , or The entering freshmen nursing students are better than the 100 students. Ha = The 100 entering freshmen students are better than the rest. 2. Set the level of significance at 0.05. 3. Determine the test to be used based on the given data. Population mean () = 45 Population standard deviation () =5 N = 100 Sample mean = 47 Since the population standard deviation was given use Z test. Determine the tabular value of Z test. Since the alternative hypothesis is one directional use one tailed test, the Z value using the table at 0.05 level significance using one-tailed test is - + 1.64. 5. Compute for the Z test

z= =

(X )

(47 45) 100 5 =4

Compare the computed z value and the tabulated z value at 0.05 level of significance using one tailed test.

The computed z value of 4 is greater than tabulated value of 1.64. Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. I therefore conclude that the 100 freshmen nursing students are better than the rest. Sample no. 2 The performance of 50 teachers in the English Department showed a mean performance rating pf 98, while that of in the Mathematics Department with 40 teachers is 95. if the recorded population standard deviation was recorded at 9.2, Is there a reason to believe that there is a significant difference between the two samples? Prove at 0.05 level of significance.

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