Human Resource Planning and Corroporate Strategies: Meaning and Definition of Strategy

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Human Resource Planning and Corroporate Strategies

meaning and definition of strategy The tearms 'strategy' is derived from the Greek word strategos, which means generalship- the actul direction of military force as distinct from the policy governing its development. Therefore the word 'strategy'literally means the art of the general. In business parfance, there is no definite meaning assigned to strategy. It is often used loosely to mean a number of things. According to Alfred D.Chandler,''Strategy is the determing of the basic long-term objectives and goal an enterprice and the adoption of courcses of action and allocation of resources necessary for carry out these goals.''

According to George A. Steiner,''Strategy means deciding the basic mission of a company, the objective which it seeks to achive and the policy governing the use of resource at the disposal of the firm to achieve its objectivs.'' Corporate Strategy and HRP Business strategy focuses on achieving competitive advantage on a sustained basic. There are two generic rout to cometitive advatage- through being the lowest cost producer,or though differentiation and a price premum. The four generic building block of building a competitive advantage are superior efficieny, superior quality, superior customer responsivness and superior innovation.Companies achieve these drivers of competitive advantage though resource and capabiltiies. Most resource are created by deliberate action by the organization. This is true of tangibale resouces like buildings, plants and

machinery, as well as intangibles such as brand, patents and technological know-how. Capabilities are a company's skill at coordination its resources and using them productively. These capabilities are more difficult to copy or imitate as they are often the result of a comlex interaction between the structure, systems and value of an organization. HR Planning as a Strategic Process/Strategic Manpower Planning concept of strategic Human Resources/Manpower planning Strategic Manpower Planning is a dynamic, proactive,ongoing process of systematically attracting. identfying, developing, mentoring and retaining employee to support current and future oranization goals. Strategic manpower planning focuses specifically on proactive planning to meet anticipated

vacancies due to retirment and other factor for classes that serve as essential elements in meeting company public services mandate. since resources for devlopmental programs must be used judiciously, it is critical that each departal programes identfies those classes and position that are most ceitical to departmental operations.

Benefits of Strategic HR Planning

i.Encouragement of Proactive Rather than Reactive Behavior: ii.Explicit Communication of Company Goals: iii.Stimulation of Critical Thinking and Ongoing Examination of Assumptions: iv.Identification of Gaps between Current Situation and Future Vision:

v.Encouragement of line Manager's Participation: vi.Identification of HR Constraints and Opporunities: vii.Creation of Comman Bonds:

Challenges of Strategic HR Planning

viii.Maintaining a Competitive Advantage: ix.Renforcing Overall Business Strategy: x.Avoiding Excessive Concentration on Day-to-Day Problems: xi.Developing HR Strategic Suited to Unique Oranizational Features: xii.Coping with the Environment: xiii.Securing Management Commitment: xiv.Translating the Strategic Plan into

Action: xv.Combining Intended and Emergent Strategies:

Strategic Planning
Concept of Strategic Planning Strategic planning can be define as the process of identifying organizational objective and the actions needed to achieve those objectives. It involves analyzing such areas as finance, marketing and even human sources ro determine the capacities of meet its objectives. Human resources is one element of the overall corporate startegy or plan, and the two are mutually inter-dependent. if the corporate plan envisages a cut in output, for example or the closure of a particular plant then the human resouces plan will need to consider of staff,redundancies and so on. if the corpate plan specifies a move into a new

productr market the human resouces plan will have to source plan will have to source plan will have to source the required labor from or outside or within the organization,through recuritment or training.

Strategic Human Resouces planning Model

xvi.Strategic Direction : The strategic direction and outcomes that the organization seeks to achieve. xvii.HRM system : Shaping HRM for organization success. xviii.Planning the total Workforce : Deciding the number and cometence of personnel the organization requires. xix.Assessing and Sustaining Organization Competeces and

Performance : Measuring the oraganization's progress towards its desired outcomes and adjusting the system accordingly. xx.Generating Required Human Resouces : Attracting accessing and initially assigining the people needed in the organization's total workforce. xxi.Investing in Human Resources Development and Performance : Development and reinforcing competence and Performance in individual group and teams in the oraganization's total workforce.

Meaning and definition of Staffing The term staffing as the managerial function of hiring and develping the required personnel to fill in various position in the organizations. According to Mcfarland,''Staffing is the

function by which managers build an organization through the recruitment, selection and development of individuals as capable employees. According to Koontz and O'Donnell,''the managerial function of staffing involves manning the oraganizational structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure.

Staffing Principles
xxii.Principles of staff Objectives : xxiii.Principles of staffing Responsibility : xxiv.Principles of job Definition : xxv. Principles of Human Resoures Planning : xxvi.Principles of Recruiting Personal : xxvii.Principles of Training objectives :

xxviii.Principles of Managerial Appraisal :

Process of Staffing
xxix.Manpower Planning : xxx.Recuritment and Selection : xxxi.Placement : xxxii.Induction : xxxiii.Training : xxxiv.Performance :

Componets of Staffing System


Job Analysis Including Job Description and Job spcification:analysis provides the basis for determining what types of information should be obtain from the applicants from previous employers, and from other sources. Even though many companies are

laying off substantial portions of their workforce, employee selection is a vital part of HRM.

Recruitment, selection and Induction : Recruitment is a 'Linking function' joining togrther those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.

According to Flippo,''Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for job in the organization.''

Selection is the pricess of picking individuals with requisite qualification and Competence to fill job in the Organization. According to Dale Yoder,''Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into two classes those who are to be offered

employement and those who are not. selected means a process by which qualified personnel may be chosen from the applicants offering their services to the oraganization for employement.

Selection process
xxxvii.Screening of Applicats(Applicants Blank): xxxviii.selection Tests: xxxix.Achievement Tests: xl.Intelligence Tests: xli.Personality Tests:

Aptitude Tests:

xliii.Interst Tests:

3. 4. 5.


Reference and Background Verification: Medical Examination:

6. Approval by Appropriate Authority

or Hiring :



Induction /orientation 3.Performance Apprisal: 4.Managing Management



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