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Speed Networking
Be a part of the first Oxfordshire IoD Speed Networking event. This exciting event will offer you the opportunity to begin building new contacts within your region as we move into Spring. Sample the frenetic energy of Speed Networking! Following on from similar successful events in other regions, Speed Networking comes to Oxfordshire! At ordinary networking events, you can realistically hope to meet between 56 people. Here, we guarantee you will meet and talk with at least 20 new contacts on a 1-2-1 basis, so its a great way to meet other companies and individuals in the region, open up new potential business leads and hopefully successful partnerships to follow..! Its fast, its energetic, its amazingly effective, and its great fun! David Boal, a member of the IoD Oxfordshire committee will explain the format and share valuable tips on how to speed network plus he will give advice on the Dos and Donts of Networking. Space will be limited at this event and we will need your commitment to stay right to the end so book your place early to avoid disappointment and bring 50 or more business cards - youll need them! We look forward to seeing you there. Dont forget you can book on-line

Tuesday 21 February, 6.30 - 9.00pm at: The Randolph Hotel, Oxford, OX1 2LN Members & guests: 24 Non-members: 30 *Includes finger buffet & glass of wine
Booking Form
This information will be reproduced on the delegate attendance list

Membership No.Tel.Email. Address Guest 1..Company. Guest 2..Company.

Please supply additional guest details on reverse or separate sheet. Where relevant please advise of any dietary requirements

I require:...places @ 24.00 Total ... Amex Visa Mastercard

...places @ 30.00

*these prices INCLUDE VAT

I enclose a cheque for (cheque payable to IoD) Credit card number...

Start date..Expiry date.....................Card security code....................... registered cardholders address (if different to above) ..
Please return to: Event Bookings, Institute of Directors, PO Box 570, EASTLEIGH, Hampshire, SO50 0FF t: 02380 266548 f: 02380 754981 e: w:
There are limited places available for this event so early booking is recommended, no reservations can be held without payment. Please complete and return the form above with full payment or book online at Please note that bookings for this event are non-refundable. Confirmation, and any further details, will be issued in advance of the event. The IoD reserves the right to alter the arrangements as described due to unforeseen circumstances. VAT No: 239 119 361

Event Reference Number: D42024

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