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Neurological Levels From Fear to Confidence.

Neurological levels can be a powerful concept for us to use in Combative Psychology. When considering either training yourself or if you are an instructor training a student to deal with real world conflict manifesting either as verbal confrontation or physical violence it's useful to consider this particular model when considering the issue. The neurological levels are like the onion layers of a person to put it simply. Peel back the surface layer and you have another deeper layer. Every model or map of reality has its limitations AND its uses. So the combatives student comes to training with a thought in his or her mind: I don't feel confident, I want to train... using the model: for what? Against whom? When? The first layer of the onion asks us to identify the environmental factors or context. Then to analyse the behaviour: what consist action are taking over time that affects this scenario? Do you go out drinking in places where violence often breaks out? Is this your job? Are you training for it? Are you causing trouble to happen? etc Any aspect of the individuals behaviour that affects the issue. And so on with capabilities, state, beliefs and self image /identity.

A Practical Model for Healthy Self-Organization Gregory Bateson developed the idea that natural hierarchies occur in our processes of thinking, learning and communication. Subsequently, Robert Dilts applied Bateson's concepts to the development of what Dilts termed 'Neuro-Logical Levels'. While there is some controversy in NLP about whether Dilts' levels technically fit Bateson's specifications, for practical purposes we need only ask how the model is useful in specific contexts. Let's take a closer look. The NLP Neuro-Logical Levels: Spirituality Identity Beliefs and Values Capabilities Behaviors Environment The basic idea of this model is that -- whether in verbal thinking, visual or auditory or kinesthetic representations, learning, or communication -- as our attention moves up the levels, more of our neurology becomes involved. Neuro-Logical Levels in Action We have probably all seen the difference in responses between a person who has had a behavior challenged, such as whether the way they are doing something is the most effective way, and a person who has had a core belief or value challenged. In the latter case we will likely observe a much greater scope of neurological selforganization in response. The skin may flush, the eyes may bulge or dart or narrow, posture and breathing and heart rate and blood pressure and perspiration may all be affected, as well as different activating systems such as fight or flight, constellations of memories, anticipated outcomes, etc. Whereas for the person whose behavior is simply challenged, unless that person has a higher Neuro-Logical Level confused with it, his response will be significantly smaller in scope. Confusion of Levels Confusion of Neuro-Logical Levels is a primary cause for significant troubles which many people experience.

Imagine that I stub my toe and yell, "OUCH!!! That hurts!" then I slap my forehead and say, "What an idiot I am!" That would be an example of confusing one Neuro-Logical Level with another: Behavior with Identity. I have gone, in one quick step, from a mistaken behavior to a negative identity, something of a much higher order with broad implications. Were I to make the same behavioral mistake and keep my response on the same behavioral level, my results would not only be less negative, but they would also be confined in scope and potentially more useful. "OUCH!!! That hurts!" followed by, "I need to move that chair, or watch where I'm stepping." -- A behavioral mistake, and a Behavior Level response. John David Hoag

Once the Neurological Levels have been understood we can see how they influence self perpetuating cycles or self fulfilling prophecies in an individuals life either positively or negatively:

and then positively the way a confident person processes reality through the neurological levels...

in order to move yourself (or a student) from fear to confidence via the neurological levels as shown here you need the following tutorials: 1. Core Visualisation CD - re-programmes internal representations (the videos you play inside your head) from passive, observer, victim to active, predator, focussing purely on offensive measures; great for building and anchoring states of aggression, boosts confidence through the roof, but can have adverse effects on the personality (most people, including myself, find it makes them a bit needlessly confrontational and aggressive.) 2. Neurolinguistics for Enhanced Combative Performance CD this allows you to take control of your state and mental focus just be altering and recoding your internal dialogue (the voice inside your head). By reforming syntax, certain key words, linguistic frames you can access a better degree of your already latent skill. 3.State Management CD every human being on the planet should take a state management course at some point, we spend pretty much every second we are alive fighting to do just that (I explain why on the CD) with varying levels of skill and success. Over 24 powerful ways of altering your state from the immediate to the long term. 4. The 4 Pillars CD I love this course, very, very, very simple, very stripped, immediately accessible, immediately usable (you can start working the exercises and feeling the benefits before the CD is over this is everything you want a psychological technique to be. Simple, fast, powerful. All of these are available in one pack right now from here - at a very generous price :)

copy right Richard Grannon 2011

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