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Abruptio Placenta



Goals of Care After 8 hours of care, the patient should:

Express feelings of comfort. Express feelings of reduced anxiety. Communicate feelings about the situation. Discuss fears and concerns. Use available support systems, such as family and friends, to aid in coping. Remain hemodynamically stable. Patients fluid volume will remain within normal parameters.

Monitor Vital sign; blood pressure, pulse rate, respirations, central venous pressure, intake and output, and amount of vaginal bleeding. Monitor fetal heart rate electronically. If vaginal delivery is elected, provide emotional support during labor. Because of the neonates prematurity, the mother may not receive an analgesic during labor and may experience intense pain. Reassure the patient of her progress through labor, and keep her informed of the fetuss condition. Encourage the patient and her family to verbalize their feelings. Help them to develop effective coping strategies. Refer them for counseling, if necessary.

Implementation Evaluation
After 8 hours of care, the patient was able to
express feelings of comfort. Express feelings of reduced anxiety. Communicate feelings about the Monitor fetal situation. heart rate Discuss fears electronically. and concerns. If vaginal Use available delivery is support systems, elected, provide such as family emotional support and friends, to aid during labor. in coping. Because of the Remain neonates hemodynamically prematurity, the stable. mother may not Patients fluid receive an volume will analgesic during remain within labor and may normal experience parameters. intense pain. Reassure the patient of her progress through labor, and keep her informed of the fetuss condition. Encouraged the patient and her family to verbalize their feelings. Helped them to develop effective coping strategies. Refer them for counseling, if necessary.

Abruptio placentae also called -Renal failure, placental abruption occur when the Acute pain placenta Anxiety prematurely Deficient fluid separates from the volume uterine wall, Dysfunctional usually after the 20th week of grieving gestation, Fear producing Ineffective hemorrhage. This coping Ineffective tissue disorder may be classified perfusion: according to the Cardiopulmonary degree of placental separation and the Objective: severity of maternal and fetal Hemorrhage and symptoms. It is shock. characterized by a Renal failure, triad of symptoms: Disseminated vaginal bleeding, uterine hypertonus, intravascular and fetal distress. coagulation. Maternal and fetal death.

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