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1. What are your strength and weakness? 2. Give an incidence to prove your strength and weakness Tell acceptable reasons. Eg:- My strength is expecting perfection in everything so that is also my weakness as it takes some extra time to finish a job. 3. Why should I hire you? - use intangible qualities like passion, enthusiastic, interested etc., - tell about your good marks and best performances - tell that you are a consistent performer in academics 4. Where do you see 5 years from now? Verify the hierarchy of that organization and say a position that you will obtain in that company if you work for five years 5. What is your passion, hobby and interest? -say the passion as the one which you know completely - say the hobby as the one you do in your leisure time -say the interest as jogging, cycling, dancing etc 6. Who is your role model? Say a personal relevant name 7. Why do you want to join in this company? Say that you heard from seniors, properly treated, has a good brand name. You can even say that you dont have particular preferences. 8. What is the toughest challenge you have faced? Say staying in hostel, got sick before exam and did that well etc 9. Do you have a plan to do higher studies? - if the nature of work demands

-for the reason of loan -seen many successful person without higher studies -trying to do in correspondence You can say anyone of the above answers To know whether you are preparing for PG exam entrance exams they will ask you the new pattern of those question papers. 10. Will you sign the bond? Obviously the answer is yes. 11. What do you look for in this job? Opportunity to be a perfectionist, good training, recognition for performance and smile and say that you also look for a good salary 12. What will you do if your decision and boss decision differ? Say the answer as IT DEPENDS. I will verify professionally whether its right or wrong. 13. What are your career goals? Say some situations to show your leadership, team work etc 14. Are you open to onsite projects? 15. How long will you work? Constantly learning and performing is aim. If this is not possible only I will look for another company 16. What kind of a person you dont want to work with? Say you are a flexible person and can work with anybody. If they still insist you then say that you cant work with unethical people. 17. What will you think if you are not selected in this interview? Will think over why not selected and I will review myself 18. Will you leave when other company offer more salary? Based on prospect of growth I will make a decision 19. What do you know about our company?

-say when started and who started -say the current CEO, Chairman -say the current growth rate, headquarters, stock price, branches in other countries -say why they are hiring now -say the awards won by the company 20. When can you give a meaningful contribution? As earliest as possible 21. Which one are u good at? Say I am adaptable to situations 22. How do you work under pressure? After certain amount of pressure only best comes out 23. How was your college life? 24. How many hours you like to work per day? Whatever work given to me will done excellently and will devote the required time needed for it 25. Salary expected by you? Work is important for me and money comes as a byproduct 26. Are you ready to move places? 27. Say the incidents that you learnt from your mistakes 28. If you hire a person for this job what are the qualities you would expect in him? 29. What are the qualities you expect in your boss? Mention like you expect him to be a mentor, able to give opportunities etc 30. What was the last book you read or the movie you saw and how it influenced you? 31. How would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10? Say as between 8 and 10 32. How would you rate the interview on a scale of 1 to 10?

TIPS -When puzzles asked use paper and pen -Explain steps done if you are unable to solve -They may ask say ten uses of stapler, pen cap etc Say some creative uses -Finally they may ask you how you have performed in this interview

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