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An introduction to HTML5 web apps

HTML5 web apps are a great alternative to native apps for publishers who want a wide reach, multi-platform compatibility and a fast-to-market mobile presence. But what is an HTML5 web app and whats the difference when compared with a native app? Read our guide to find out more and see if web apps are the right choice for you.
When it comes to mobile, native apps arent the only way to go. HTML5 web apps are becoming increasingly prevalent and its not hard to see why, the benefits can be extraordinarily compelling. But there are cons to web apps too; these are explored in more depth below but for some, like, they provide a fantastic and effective solution to the need for an interactive mobile presence. HTML5 is the code of choice for major mobile companies like Apple, whose support for the standard has often been blamed for the subsequent death of Adobe Flash Mobile. As such, when you decide to create an HTML5 web app, youll be working with a strongly supported medium with plenty of potential for growth. HTML5 web apps are platform agnostic, meaning anyone with a smartphone present or future can access your content on the move as long as they have data access (and even without, given the right code). It also means that, if you are targeting multiple platforms, your time to market may be shortened because of the significantly reduced development time required. While the cons to be explored later may make HTML5 an invalid platform for your mobile innovation, the benefits of developing a web app mean its certainly worth consideration.


There are a number of reasons app developers choose to go native. If your app has a strong requirement for access to advanced functionality, this is the best way to go. You can utilise cameras, the accelerometer, GPS, battery controls, screen brightness and more for finer-grained control. Native apps are built on a framework provided by the OS developers, so the most up to date capabilities can be exploited. Additionally, if your apps functionality will be enhanced by employing the serious processing grunt of the upcoming superphone generation (capable of outperforming almost all but the latest PCs), go native. Dual and quad core processors can take rich graphics, 3D games, video, imaging and artificial intelligence to the next level for an altogether more immersive app experience. Add the ability to access a wealth of locally-stored information while your phone is out of reach of mobile data and you can see some of the reasons why native apps continue to be popular.


There are also draw backs to native app development, and theyre mostly financial. If you want to capture a majority market with your app, youll need to be multi-platform and that doesnt come cheap. Costs for single platform native apps are high because of the individual expertise each platform demands, and thats the reason converting from one to another isnt a simple process. The app conversion process can recycle only one part of an original development, the imaging and design assets. In fact often even assets often need work to account for the differences in resolution and format between various handset forms and platform specific user interface design considerations. New code will need to be developed for each platform and bug testing will follow suit, essentially meaning developers will need to create a completely different app for each conversion. If you were expecting a convert to Android button to do the work for you, no such luck. Youll also need to ensure your app conforms to the rules of the App Store. Their stringent controls on quality and functionality mean your app will have to be passed by the

Native vs. web app development

A native app is one that can be downloaded from the App Store or Android Market. Once downloaded, the app will feature on the iPhones homescreen or in the Android Application menu. Traditionally native apps are the most prevalent type of mobile app, but this is changing as powerful processors and faster web access make HTML5 web apps a more convincing proposition. A native app is hosted on the device, meaning theres no need to be connected to the internet, though most apps feature enhanced capabilities when connected to mobile data. A web app is hosted on the internet, meaning access to the functionality of the app is often severely limited when there is no data connection available. This is an important consideration for development.

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team in Cupertino before it has any hope of reaching your audience. But dont forget that part of the reason native apps have always been so popular is because the alternatives havent been much good, this isnt the case anymore. HTML5 is a great alternative.

advertising or a significant profile. If youre a household name you wont find it so difficult; products like Gmail, Hotmail, and Dominos Pizza are widely used web app tools. Those who profit most from solid web apps are companies like whose established user-base is likely to make use of their web-based functionality on the move. Their web app allows people to make fast food orders from a number of local restaurants using a simple user interface.


HTML5 web apps have a range of positives. Generally speaking, the primary benefit is the cost. With web apps, the cost of development is usually lower than a like-for-like native app. The reason for this is a wider availability of web developers than native app developers, its simply a function of supply and demand. Of course, if your web app is full to the brim with bells and whistles, itll be a lot less simple to build and its not difficult for a web app to outstrip the costs of a native app its just uncommon. As well as a reduced price, your app will also benefit from worldwide, multi-platform reach. A single code base can support all mobile environments simultaneously. This means you can launch in all markets, bypassing regional hardware differences, or a growing number of your audience unexpectedly turning to Windows Phone 7. With web-based access to your app, you can reach a larger market, and reach them more quickly. Due to open standards development times can be reduced when creating a web app, meaning more momentum for your development and faster bug fixes. Access to a wider talent pool means theres no need to join developer programs, so your in-house team will be able to take control of the web app from launch. And thats just as well, because your app is likely to have a long lifespan. Platform death (as has happened with BlackBerrys Tablet OS and HPs WebOS) doesnt apply here. Even if (as seems almost impossible) iOS and Android simultaneously conceded their market to a new contender, your web app would still run on the new platform. But there are some quite serious limitations to web apps too.

What next?
As you can see theres lots to consider when preparing for your mobile solution. Wed be happy to talk through the possibilities with you so you can make a well informed decision when it comes to briefing-in your app. Feel free to give us a call or swing by for a coffee to discuss the issues that matter to you, wed be happy to provide a more in-depth understanding of the mobile technologies available to you.


Web apps are not without their drawbacks; the most crippling of which can be the limited performance of graphics or CPU intensive tasks. This can be a major thorn in the side of any video related tasks, and can also impair any gesture-based interactions such as swipes to slide between pages. For either of these tasks you are likely to be better served by a native app. If your app will need to utilise the wealth of sensors available on smartphones, such as cameras, accelerometers, GPS or compasses, youll most likely be out of luck with web apps. There are no open standards for web-based hardware access on the devices, so the number of functions is variable and youll be incapable of producing a generic app that can interface with most of the wide-ranging hardware on different manufacturers products. Last but not least, web apps are made available online, among the gargantuan mass of information that exists on the web. Without a well known dedicated showroom for apps such as Apple App Store or Android Market, you may struggle to gain traction with a wide user base without expensive

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