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06-60 1.

:ongress of tbe lfniteb :.::
RIUbington, 20515
The Honorable Carlos M. Gutierrez
Secretary of Commerce
140 I Constitution A venue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20230
Dear Secretary Gutierrez,
March 27, 2006
Thank you. for your continued service to our nation. We appreciate your efforts to
promote and protect U.S. interests overseas.
Over the past four years, China intennittently has blocked imports of one of our
state's premier products- Bourbon Whiskey. Bourbon is, in fact the leading U.S.
distilled spirits export worldwide, accounting for almost three-quarters of total U.S.
spirits exports. China has based its actions on a 1981 product standard that, by its tenns,
applies only to a category of Chinese spirits referred to as "bai jiu." Until2002, the
Chinese had not, in fact, applied the standard to Western spirits such as whiskey.
The 1981 standard incorporates a very low and arbitrary limit on "higher
alcohols" (sometimes called ''fuse! oils"), which are flavoring agents that arise naturally
during the fermentation and distillation processes of distilled spirits and which occur
naturally in small amounts in many other foods and beverages. The United States, the
European Union and nearly all major spirits markets impose no limitations on higher
alcohols because there is no credible scientific evidence to suggest that they are harmful
.in the concentrations in which they are found in any distilled spirits. In fact, a joint
World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization experts' group has
approved these compounds for use as additives (flavorings) in food products, as has
China itself.
For the past four years, U.S. industry experts have participated in a series of
technical discussions with officials from China's Ministry of Health and other involved
agencies, but these scientific exchanges have not resolved the problem. In the meantime,
the Eu,topean Commission has now engaged directly with the Chinese government on this
issue and we fear that there is some risk that the Commission may broker an agreement
that will benefit European spirits producers at the expense of U.S. BoW'bon producers,
since higher alcohols are generally found in somewhat greater concentrations in Bourbon
Whiskey than in Scotch Whisky or Cognac.
We urge that you raise this matter directly with the Chinese during the upcoming
meeting of the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade. We believe this matter easily
could be resolved simply by relying on the scientific evidence and by renewing the
United States' and China's mutual commitment to adopt international standards and
Thank you for your attention to our concerns.
U.S. Senator
Ron Lewis
Member of Congress
Member of Congress
Ben Chandler
Member of Congress
Ou ... ~ Y ) ~
Anne Northup
Member of Congress
Geoff Davis
Member of Congress
April 18,2006
The Honorable Mitch :
United States . .. : .
Washingtori;D.G 20510 .. .
Dear Senator McCo:hii:e:ti:
Washington, D.C. 20230
Thank you for regarding exports to China.
It was a pleasure speakilifMtl1y6li Iashveek, and I sharetlie'f86B.6:ems you raise on this
important issue.
Commerce aware of China's and requirements
. about "superior :W:th:ave bilaterally and
in the World implementing these
. . . .', . . . ..
. Commerce has Council of the
United States exchange since
August 2005, istandat<i8!:5}V arrangement of
. DISCUS's meeting 2006. We are also
monitoring B1tropeari CBiTfitifssio'ffYafiei'China, particularly those
that might . , . -. .
. ,, . .
I raised this maiter\VitWVIcePremier Wu Yi in conjurictiort,With:last week's meeting
the Joint Commission and Trade.

would follow up on
this issue when she tetiihis'tl5::;Beijlrig.
. ; . :. . . . .... : . . .
We are with the industry and
will continue to
obligations. If you :dJ:lN:at Wienecke, Acting
Assistant Secretary (202) 482-3663 ..
.. .. r
... r'
Aprill S, 2006
The Honorable Jim Butiiiing
United States Senate:{. > .
Washington, D.C. 205'1'0
Dear Senator Bunning:
Washington, D.C. 20230
. .
. .
.Thank you for regarding restrictions exports to China.
I share the illiporfarifissue. .. . .
Commerce aware of Ch!na's and requirements.
about "superior om bilaterally and
in the World Trade these
measures .
. Commerce has ;spirits Council of the
United States exchange since

: ..
I raised this matter'Withio/i6'ePtdtriierWu Yi inpl)njiuibti6if}Vithlast week's meeting of
the Joint Commission :dfi would follow up on
this issue when she . . . .. .
We are the industry and
will continue to
. obligations. If you Acting
Assistant Secretary for .
. . . . . . . . '
. .. : :
. .. ::.;,
The Honorable Ron Ley;ris
U.S. House
Washington, D.c. :tosfs . .
Dear Representative Lewis:
Washington, D.C. 20230
Thank you for your letter restrictions on 'bourbon whiskey exports to China.
I share the concerns issue.
. Commerce aware of China's distiii&B.;piHtirstandards and requirements
about "superior raised. authorities bllaterally and .
in the World Trade implementing these
.Commerce has Council of the
United States. (D cal exchange since
August 2005, designed)6 arrangement of
DISCUS's meeting witlt!pRful'e'M:i.tilstry of Hehlth 2006. We are also
monitoring the particularly those
that might . .... ' .. . . ' .
-I raised this niatter Wu Yi last week's meeting of
the Joint Commission follow up on
this issue when she
We are committedto industry and
will continue to work international
obligations. If you Wienecke, Acting
Assistant Secretary 482-3663.
. . : . . . . .

April 18, 2006
The Honorable Ed Whitfield . .
u.s. House ... .
Washington,D.C. 2651'5 :.
Dear Representative Wlntfi6ld:
Thank you restrictions;b!f{hoill-B'6fl: whiskey exports to China.
I share the concerns tliisiillfiortanfissue ... ... l .) } . .
Commerce staf:t.'and: I are. '6f0hirtrl
s ;st'llildatds and requirements
about "superior bilaterally and
in the World Trade for implementing these
measures. . ., . . .... ,. . .
< .. .. .:
Commerce has-;a;h:!ng;;MandiJ,Ig relationship Spirits Council of the
United States have been exchange since
. August 2005' arrangement of
DISCUS's meeting We are also
particularly those
... ',.:.
I raised this week's meeting of
the Joint follow up on
this issue when she ..

Assistant secretary 482-3 663 . .
. .'. .: :'' .
.. ......
April18, 2006
The Honorable Ben C:hartdler-
U.S. House _, .... .
Washington, D.C. 16515 _. .
Dear Representative Chiuidlei : .
share exports to China.
about ..
in the World Trade these
measures. , _. ,.-. . - :. _.. ,:::::,._',
Commerce hasa withthe Council of the

DISCUS's We are also
particularly those
the of
th1s 1ssl!e when she returns . --

Assistant Secretary 482-3663.
. . . .
April18, 2006
The Honorable Harold Rogers
U.S. House ofRepresbrlt'atives
Washington, D.C. 20515'
Dear Representative Rogers:
.. tifl
Washington, D.C. 20230
. Thank you for pri;bol.trhcifi'whiskey exports to China.
I share the concerns you 'rais\\";bifill!s'\i&pb'rtarlHssue. . . .
Com!nerce staff and I -at of s distifi6d and requirements
about "superior alcohols."

our bilaterally and
in the World Trade science-Msedjtis1if'f6tttidfi: for implementing these
. . . ' . . : :. .
Commerce relath:mship with theDi'tiif6i:i"'Spirits Council of the
United States exchange since
Au ust 2005, arrangement of

2006. We are also
monitoring particularly those
that might . ..
. . '
I raised this Yi irt':corijunctionwith last week's meeting of
the Joint follow up on
this issue when she . ..
We are committed to :'Wotidrig:CIS:sely with the industry and
will continue to work to international
obligations. If you have Acting
Assistant Secretary for 482-3663 .
. .. .
April18, 2006
The Honorable Anne Northup
U.S. House ,
Washington, D.C. 2b'st<s' .......
Dear Representative:Noti:hilp':'
. Washington, D.C. 20230
. Thank you for n\strictioiis'?&itfu'6t:ifbort exports to .China.
I share the concerns .... .
. . .. ' ..
Commerce and requirements
about "superior bilaterally and
in the World Trade implementing these
. ,:. . . . . . :'(,\'' .
measures. ..... _: _::: > .. .
Commerce has Council of the
United States We have :teclmical exchange since
August 2005, arrangement of

fue of
this issue when she
We are the industry and

Assistant Secretary
, . !. : ' ...; ,I , , , , , , , ' , ::
1. .
. . ... ::,.::
....... .
. .
April 18,2006
.. .: .. ...
.. . '
Washington, D.C; ioS(s'. .
. . . .
Dear Representative Dli\iis: . .
.. :_. __ .
. ::;':.
.)Nohington, D.C. 20230
., _.:-:
. .. .
: . : .....
.. . .
. : . -: .
, ...
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.: ..
. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . : _:.: . : . ...
.. ;' .
...... : ...

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