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SIMPLE PAST Observe que as frases abaixo alm da apresentar os verbos na sua forma-base, presente simples, demonstram agora novas terminaes que as caracterizam como passado simples, atravs da utilizao do final ed ao verbo, ou mesmo pelas formas was (foi\ era\estava) ou were (foram\ eram\estavam). Ex. 1. The surveyors conducted a new mapping project. 2. They analyzed the data collected in different receivers. 3. We mapped six points of the area. 4. The students decided to measure the soccer field. 5. The receivers received the data immediately. 6. The farmers constructed the house in a preserved area near the river. 7. The teacher proposed an activity in the field to collect data about the area. 8. Your equipment presented some problems related to the mirrors. 9. He needed to redo the graphics. 10. We described the land characteristics on the datasheet. Ex. Negative Sentences 1. They didnt identify the agricultural potential. 2. It didnt generate any technical information. 3. We didnt evaluate in this work the land suitability. 4. He didnt use satellite images and field observations. 5. The maps didnt have good visual quality. 6. You didnt observe the land use. 7. I didnt read the environmental legislation. 8. They didnt use the geographical information.

Receiving GPS of three precision and total station in the characterization of basic quota for rural projects

The objective of this work was to compare quotas of polygonal vertices, through three different GPS receivers, using as reference a total station. The data were obtained in a closed polygon, being treated later by the software Topograph. The quotas obtained by the three receivers were confronted with those calculated by means of the application of the test, being verified that the quotas were satisfactory for the equipment GPS Geodesic Trimble 4600 LS. For the equipment GPS Trimble topographical model PRO XR, the quotas weren't totally satisfactory, but possible of being considered in preliminary projects. For the navigation equipment GPS Garmin 12 XS the quotas were shown unacceptable for the studied purpose. 1. Ligue as palavras as suas tradues: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Data Work Receivers Means Purpose ( ( ( ( ( ) Meios ) Receptores ) Dados ) Propsito ) Trabalho

2. A frase The objective of this work was to compare quotas of polygonal vertices encontra-se: ( ( ( ) Presente ) Passado ) Futuro

3. O trecho The data were obtained in a closed polygonon est no plural e deve ser traduzido: ( ( ( ) Os dados obtidos foram retirados de um polgono fechado. ) As datas foram obtidas em um polgono fechado. ) Os dados foram obtidos em um polgono fechado.

4. Destaque do texto acima 5 (cinco) palavras terminadas por ed e d suas tradues: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 5. Traduza a frase a seguir The quotas obtained by the three receivers were confronted with those calculated by means of the application of the test: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Escreva os resultados da pesquisa para cada equipamento a) GPS Trimble PRO XR b) GPS Garmin 12 XS c) GPS Geodesic Trimble 4600 LS

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

7. A forma negativa da frase It calculated the distances of the properties ser. ( ( ( ) It didnt calculated the distances of the properties. ) It didnt calculate the distances of the properties. ) It didnt calculates the distances of the properties.

Digital mosaic of non-conventional aerial photographs in the evaluation of natural resources The present work evaluated the use of non-conventional aerial photographs in digital mosaic format as a basic tool for soils and land use surveys. The aerial survey was accomplished over small basins from Guarapari, Esprito Santo State, Brazil. Eight flight lines were made with 60% of longitudinal overlap and 40% of lateral overlap. The digital mosaic was produced with the software Visual Stitcher starting from the digitizing of photographic elements in 9 x 9 cm size in the approximate scale of 1:25,000. The soils and land use maps were delineated on the geo-referenced mosaic by on-screen digitizing tool of Idrisi 32. The use of digital mosaic facilitated and speeded up the soil and land use surveys. Overlap = Sobreposio 1. Mude a frase The present work evaluated the use of non-conventional aerial photographs para a forma negativa. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Traduza o trecho basic tool for soils and land use surveys: _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Traduza a frase The digital mosaic was produced with the software Visual Stitcher starting from the digitizing of photographic elements in 9 x 9 cm size in the approximate scale of 1:25,000. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Escolha a traduo correta para a frase .The land use maps were delineated on the geo-referenced mosaic ( ( ( ) O mapas usados foram delineados no mosaico georreferenciado. ) Os mapas de utilizao do solo foram delineados no mosaico georreferenciado. ) Os mapas da terra foram delineados no mosaic georreferenciado.

5. Leia o trecho a seguir e marque (V) ou (F) para as afirmaes abaixo, The use of digital mosaic facilitated and speeded up the soil and land use surveys. ( ( ( ( ) A palavra use no texto apresenta-se como um verbo no presente simples. ) Os verbos facilitate e speed up esto no passado simples. ) As palavras soil e land so antnimos. ) A palavra The um artigo e significa o, a, os e as.

6. Escreva as tradues das palavras a seguir segundo o texto: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Present Work Use Tool Produced Digitizing Small __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

7. Traduza o ttulo do artigo Digital mosaic of non-conventional aerial photographs in the evaluation of natural resources _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

1. Leia o texto e escreve as seguintes informaes:

The president said money alone can't solve the problems in America's schools. He said more resources must be matched with reforms, including the removal of teachers who, once identified as underperforming and given the chance and the training to improve, are still not serving students well. Obama says his administration has been one of the "most powerful tools for reform" in many years. Through the program, states compete for $4 billion in funding by highlighting their plans for reform. The president said he wants to work with teachers unions, and he embraced the role in defending their members. But he said unions cannot and should not defend a status quo in which one-third of children are dropping out. a) b) c) d) e) Ao que se refere a palavra Money (l.1) Traduza o trecho Removal of teachers. (l.2) Escreva 2 verbos no presente simples. Escreva 3 verbos no passado simples. Escreva 5 cognatos ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

2. Marque o tema central do texto acima: ( ( ( ) O treinamento de professores exigiu fundos no total de $4 bilhes de dlares nos EUA. ) Somente financiamento no resolve os problemas das escolas americanas. ) A reforma na educao norte-americana obteve sucesso, apenas 1\3 das crianas desistem.

3. Traduza o trecho a seguir He wants to work with teachers unions. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Leia o trecho e escolha a alternativa correta You can set up Mozilla Site to check for new messages when the application starts up, as well as at regular intervals (such as once every 10 minutes). ( ( ( ) Voc pode verificar novas mensagens a casa 10 minutos. ) Voc pode configurar Mozilla para verificar novas mensagens quando aplicativo iniciar. ) Voc pode iniciar aplicativos no Mozilla em intervalos regulares a cada 10 minutos.

5. Mude as frases abaixo para o passado simples: a) The president doesnt solve the problems in America's schools. ____________________________________________________________________________ b) Obamas administration has powerful tools for reform. ____________________________________________________________________________ c) The president wants to work with teachers unions. ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Identifique as frases abaixo (PR) para presente e (PA) para passado. ( ( ( ( ( ) The teacher wants to organize a conference about politics. ) The congress needed to propose the reform of the educational system. ) The program had an error that could not be corrected. ) The group has others alternatives for the social project. ) The students went to a festival in another city.

Environmental fragility determination using support techniques and GIS The work had the objective to determine the environmental fragility of an area in the municipal district of Pinhais, metropolitan area of Curitiba, using the multiple criteria evaluation technique presented in the GIS Idrisi 32. After having generated the maps of slope, distance from the rivers, springs and reservoir, soils and current land use, weights of importance were assigned to each one of the factors, and through Weighted Linear Combination images of potential and emerging fragility were generated. The generated maps with values varying between 0 and 255, were classified into five classes each one representing very high, high, medium, low and very low fragility class. The evaluation of the results was made by a crossed tabulation between the fragility maps and each one of the used factors, concluding that the methodology provided good results, because it was observed the occurrence of the soils of larger fragility, the slope with larger degree of influence in the erosive processes and the proximity to the water resources. 1. Descreva o objetivo do trabalho _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Ligue as palavras as suas tradues. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) River Springs Reservoir Soils Weights ( ( ( ( ( ) Solos ) Rio ) Pesos ) Nascentes ) Reservatrio

3. A ordem de classificao contida na frase were classified into five classes each one representing very high, high, medium, low and very low fragility class deve ser traduzida : ( ( ( ) muito baixa, baixa, mdia, alta e muito alta. ) muito alta, alta, mdia, baixa e muito baixa. ) muito alta, mdia e baixa.

4. Traduza a frase a seguir it was observed the occurrence of the soils of larger fragility, the slope with larger degree of influence in the erosive processes and the proximity to the water resources _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Retire do texto 5 (cinco) palavras ou verbos que tenham a terminao ed e escreva suas tradues de acordo com sua posio no enunciado: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ 6. De acordo com a frase The evaluation of the results was made by a crossed tabulation marque um (X) na opo correta. ( ( ( ( ( ) A frase acima descreve os processos iniciais da pesquisa. ) O verbo was utilizado na sentena normalmente utilizado no presente. ) A expresso crossed tabulation pode ser traduzida como tabulao cruzada. ) O artigo The pode ser traduzido como um uma neste trecho. ) A frase acima refere-se ao processo de avaliao das variantes.

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