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Memorandum to Superintendent John Deasy

Monday, January 30, 2012

Executive Summary Educators 4 Excellence, a teacher-led and student-focused organization, convened more than a hundred teachers for a dinner and discussion with you and members of your team. We talked about a groundbreaking change to the teachers contract that would empower teachers and administrators to be the architects of our schools transformation. We also polled teachers during the event to find out what kind of support they need to transform their school campuses. This memo reflects the feedback and ideas of your teachers.

The district will need to reform its culture of bureaucracy to support school autonomy and innovation. LAUSD Pilot School Teacher
Who was in the room? 100+ teachers 25+ schools represented 94% district teachers 75% with 6+ years of teaching experience Diverse mix of traditional, magnet, pilot, alternative school teachers, current and previous Public School Choice schools.

Memorandum to Superintendent John Deasy

Monday, January 30, 2012

What kind of district support is MOST HELPFUL in CREATING teacher-led plans for transforming schools and raising student achievement

59% 4%
Teacher Insight

Clear examples of successful school transformation plans and customized contracts Having a district representative advise individual schools on creating plans E4E Recommendation
Consider providing schools with an online toolbox that includes a portfolio of strong school transformation plans, case studies on what worked and didnt work and a menu of options for exploring school design models and customizing work contracts to meet student needs.

We are skeptical that the district is nimble enough to respond to our schools unique needs. We want clear examples and choices.

Memorandum to Superintendent John Deasy

Monday, January 30, 2012

What kind of district support is MOST HELPFUL in IMPLEMENTING teacher-led plans for transforming schools and raising student achievement.

52% 30%
Teacher Insight

Right blend of accountability for results and flexibility for school innovation

Opportunities to learn with schools implementing transformation plans

E4E Recommendation
Consider creating a cohort-like model to facilitate peer learning with leaders and teachers looking to embark on a school transformation process. For instance, a school struggling with student attendance and engagement might learn from a peer school that has improved in this area. Consider assessing the impact of peer school learning in new multi-measured teacher and administrator evaluations.

We understand that innovation is a process, but our students have urgent needs. Teachers want clear accountability and latitude to develop, implement and test models that might raise student achievement.

Memorandum to Superintendent John Deasy

Monday, January 30, 2012

Teacher Insight

67% 17% 10% 6%

What is the SINGLE GREATEST RISK to the SUSTAINABILITY and SUCCESS of teacher-led plans for transforming schools and raising student achievement. No buy-in and support from my school staff

No buy-in and support from my district

No buy-in and support from my union No buy-in and support from parents and community E4E Recommendation
Consider creating a leadership network to facilitate live and online training, resource sharing and support for teacher leaders and principals embarking on this process. Turn to strong teacher leaders and principals in our district to facilitate topical and needsbased workshops.

We are our greatest asset and obstacle. Policy plans that seem smart on paper can flop in our schools if we dont have inspired leadership, effective organization and a culture of trust and collaboration among staff.

Not yet a member of E4E? Join our teacher-led and student-focused organization.

Dr. Deasy, Thank you for learning from and with us. About Educators 4 Excellence
For far too long, education policy has been created without a critical voice at the table the voice of classroom teachers. Educators 4 Excellence, a teacher-led and studentfocused organization, is changing this dynamic by placing teacher voice and ideas at the forefront of the conversations that shape our classrooms and careers. Through Educators 4 Excellence, teachers canlearnabout education policy issues and research, networkat our eventswith like-minded colleagues and policymakers tobridge the gap between policy and practice andtake actionby advocating for teacher-created policy ideas that lift student achievement and our profession. Ama Nyamekye, Executive Director, E4E Los Angeles Kerri Lyon, Media Contact

Appendix: Polling Questions

Polling Question: We asked teachers some demographic information. I teach 1. Elementary School (45%) 2. Middle School (21%) 3. High School (32%) 4. Other (3%) I have been teaching for 1. 1-2 years (10%) 2. 3-5 years (15%) 3. 6-9 year (37%) 4. 10-14 years (16%) 5. 15+ years (22%) I teach at a 1. Traditional district school (60%) 2. Pilot school (16%) 3. Small school/learning community (8%) 4. Charter school (10%) 5. Magnet school (6%)

Polling Exercise: We asked teachers to imagine they were embarking on a process to create and implement a plan to transform their school and lift student achievement. What district support is MOST HELPFUL in creating teacher-led plans for transforming schools and raising student achievement? 1. A rubric on how plans will be evaluated (15%) 2. A portfolio of sample strong school transformation plans and customized contracts (59%) 3. Having a district representative advise schools on creating plans (4%) 4. Support for increasing family and community engagement in the creation of plans (22%) What is the SINGLE GREATEST RISK to the sustainability and success of teacher-led plans for transforming schools and raising student achievement? 1. No buy-in, support and collaboration from staff (67%) 2. No buy-in, support and collaboration from family and community (10%) 3. No union buy-in and support (6%) 4. No district buy-in and support (17%) What district support is MOST HELPFUL in implementing teacher-led plans for transforming schools and raising raising student achievement? 1. Strong district and union collaboration. (7%) 2. Multi-measured evaluation for administrators and teachers (10%) 3. A blend of responsibility for results and flexibility for innovation (52%) 4. Opportunities to learn from and with schools embarking on a similar process (30%)

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