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Ukulele Ike’s Comic Song Book For The Ukulele No. 2 True, indeed, is the saying to the effect that, if one can “make a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, the world will beat a path to his door.” For the whole world, — the ukulele-loving world, — has been beating, and continues to beat a well-trodden route to Cliff Edwards, the famous “Ukulele Ike”, — pre-emii ent as he is among contemporary ukulelists. Mr. Edwards phonograph record success and his vaudeville and musical comedy tnumphs have definitely established him as the master of America’s own beloved instrument, — the unassuming ukulele. Thus, itis with much pride and pleasure thatMr. Edwards publishers announce that insistent and far-reaching demand has made necessary the publication of “Ukulele Ike’s Comic Song Book for the Ukulele—No. 2"—pre- sented herewith. Here his admirers will find'a new ace- umulation of “Ukulele Ike's” most recent and successful material,—some say it is even better than the first. But that is for you to judge. We sincerely thank the legion of Mr. Edwards’ followers who have so heartily supported his first book, and whose response has made necessary the production of this sequel. We also take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to Messrs. Raymond Klages and Jesse Greer, for their cooperation in the collaboration of this anthology. Annie Bailey Ive kept com-pny dai-ly With pret-ty An-nie Bai-ley And —— ev-rynightI'd callwedsit and spoon She bought a Uke one day Took les-con’srighta - way And nowour love af-fair'sallout of Fy Ht fe tune —____ For An- nie Bai-ley does-n’tseemthe same—— - Say Ha-wa-ii youareall to blame Chorus} Since An-nieRaileyboughtaU-ku-le - Je, She nev-erleteme ANNIE BAILEY 3 kiss her an-y ‘more And when I speak of Jove now all she’s think-ing of arethe chords that she was Now like a sap I stand a-roundjust taught theday be - fore. wait - ing While she strums Ha-wa-ii’ fav-rite fruit _— Pyebeenid-le now formonths She casitdo twothingsat once An- niv Bai-ley burnyour U-ku- le - le.

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