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There was creation; the world began. Colonization began. Groups of nomads band together and begin mining into the side of a mountain. A humble couple give birth to a child named Arnor. Miners have grown in number -- no longer nomads, but miners and warriors. Arnor enlists to become a warrior. Group of barbarians lead assault against the mines; Arnor rises up and commands the mining colony to victory. Arnor named First King for his heroic deeds. Crown that was crafted for him resembled a ring of thorns. Mines transformed into a more advanced city and christened Thornhelm by First King Arnor. Arnor marries and has two sons and a daughter. Arnor leads 10-year military campaign across the country to wipe out barbarian tribes and claim land for Thornhelm. At the end of Arnors campaign, Thornhelm has amassed enough land to be considered the largest empire in the realm. First King Arnor passes. Eldest son Ural named Second King. The Great Famine occurs; hundreds die of malnutrition due to the lack of food stock Stricken with illness, Second King Ural succumbs to his sickness and dies without an heir. Throne unclaimed for many years -- Thornhelm nearly falls into pieces without leadership. Couple give birth to Kael, who later grows up learning how to write and read -- a rare skill. Scribe and pious priest, Kael, begins to construct Panopticon and shrine to the Lunar Spirit, a long-lost religion that stemmed from the beginning of Thornhelm. Panopticon finished, and worship of the Lunar Spirit grows in popularity. Kael named Third King. Thornhelm flourishes, and professions like scribing, sculpting, and painting pave the way for a more modernized Thornhelm. Kael marries and gives birth to three daugthers and one son. Due to accurate record keeping and an explosion in economy, moderate taxes are introduced and immediately the city of Thornhelm becomes a metropolis. More advanced medicines are discovered and medical practice is introduced. Due to old age, Third King Kael passes. Only son, Illia, is named Fourth King (considered youngest King ever; 10 years old).

The History of the Thornhelm Empire


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158 199 215 216 219 220 228 229 229 -

240 245 248 ILLIA ERA 53 YEARS 258 260 265 276 280 282 DORIAN ERA 18 YEARS 283 284 290 300 325 328 389 399 407 410 413 420 THORVALD ERA 28 YEARS 422 425 426 430 437 -

A group of priests deviate from worshipping the Lunar Spirit. Their practices are considered sacrilegious, and Fourth King Illia casts the group out of the city. Priests sails across the waters and land on new unclaimed land. The priests begin construction of the largest tower ever in the name of their worship and newfound freedom. Tower is completed and christened Halldor. Considered largest building in the entire realm. Meanwhile, Illia marries and has two sons. Fourth King Illia creates a naval faction in the Thornhelm army, which begins to scout the seas for other civilizations. Trade routes are established with nearby towns and villages. Halldors population has grown in size and magic practices like enchanting are founded. Halldor plots revenge on Thornhelm and sends spies to re-enter the population of Thornhelm. Fourth King Illia is assassinated. Eldest son Dorian named Fifth King. Dorian commissions an investigation into the assassination. Scouts of Thornhelm discover Halldor and inform Dorian. Investigation is concluded and spies are found and arrested in Thornhelm. After they discover that they are affiliated with Halldor, Dorian declares war. Fifth King Dorian killed in a naval battle off the shore of Thornhelm. Thornhelm is sacked by Halldor and many are forced into slavery. Halldor claims territories previously held by Thornhelm and is the considered the next largest empire. A slave couple that are descendents of Thornhelm give birth to Thorvald. Born into slavery Thorvald has little education, but quickly gains popularity amongst the slaves of Thornhelm. Disgusted by the conditions of slavery, Thorvald leads a revolt in Thornhelm to recapture the city. Thornhelm is successfully recaptured and freed from Halldor oppression. Thorvald is named Sixth King; immediately amasses an army to reclaim the territories around Thornhelm that were captured by Halldor. Thorvalds campaign is successful, and returns Thornhelm to its place as the most powerful empire in the realm. With Thornhelms power restored, Thorvald is granted a second title to his name -- Sixth King Thorvald the Mighty. Thorvald sends a messenger to Halldor; the message states that if Halldor does not wish to go to war, they should submit to his command. Halldor does not reply. With no response from Halldor, Thorvald declares war on Halldor. Thornhelms armies successfully land on the beaches near Halldor and begin preparation for the siege. Halldor launches a counterattack to reclaim their beaches, but fail.


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The Battle for Halldor -- Sixth King Thorvald the Mighty is killed in combat, but has led his army to victory. Halldor is defeated. Thorvalds body is returned to Thornhelm where an enormous monument is built upon his tomb.

450* - Thornhelm falls without another king and many of their people disband. 452* - Thornhelm, the city, is abandoned. * - Years are under speculation; not accurate records.

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