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Name _______________ School ______________

Dictionary Definitions of key words for assessment

Describe: Give a detailed account in words. Explain: Make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts. Evaluate: To determine the significance, worth, or condition of usually by careful appraisal and study Analyse: To examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc

This unit will allow you to develop an understanding of partnership working and how it involves individuals, colleagues, teams and organisations in improving service provision. The teaching and write up of this unit will run between September and January and incorporate time for writing your controlled assignments, formal teaching and visits from 3 chosen partnerships. The assignment is broken down into two parts. The first part requires you to investigate three local partnerships and the way they work together to provide the services required by their service users. Part two records the development your own skills and qualities which allow you to work as part of a team to achieve common goals.

Part 1
Research into three local partnerships During this part of the assignment you should aim to achieve each of the following learning objectives. The information in this booklet will help you to break down the ways in which each of these can be achieved and provide you with the assessment criteria against which your work will be marked.

LO.1 Be able to plan and carry out research, exploring issues, events or problems from different perspectives LO.2 Know the role, key features and range of partnership working, including statutory and non-statutory arrangements for partnership working LO.3 Understand the benefits of and barriers to partnership working for service providers and communities, including how these barriers can be managed LO.4 Understand how information can be shared through partnership working LO.5 Understand why people who use services are central to partnership working and the influence of partnership working on service provision

LO1 Be able to plan and carry out research, exploring issues, events or problems from different perspectives Assessment Focus LO.1 Be able to plan and carry out research, exploring issues, events or problems from different perspectives Mark Band 1 Describe own investigation into three partnerships, including how the investigation was carried out and how issues, events or problems were explored from different perspectives (03) Mark Band 2 Explain own investigation into three partnerships, including how the investigation was carried out and how issues, events or problems were explored from different perspectives (45) Mark Band 3 Evaluate own investigation into three partnerships, including how the investigation was carried out and how issues, events or problems were explored from different perspectives (68)

Throughout your investigation you will need to keep diary/activity log to show that you have planned and thought about your research. To ensure that this covers the learning objectives you should aim to record your thoughts about how to go about the research, the documents you have used in your secondary research and an outline of primary research. How to achieve each grade Mark band 1 D/E - Descriptions will include all the key facts and enable the reader to closely follow your research and compilation of your report.

Mark band 2 B/C - Explanations will include all the key facts and enable the reader to closely follow your research and compilation of your report and a discussion confirming why you chose to do your research in certain ways Mark band 3 A*/A - Evaluations will include all the key facts and enable the reader to closely follow your research and compilation of your report and a discussion confirming why you chose to do your research in certain ways. In addition you will clearly give the choices and options you considered and add a discussion about whether they way you chose to carry out your work was the best way. LO2 Know the role, key features and range of partnership working, including statutory and nonstatutory arrangements for partnership working Assessment Focus LO.2 Know the role, key features and range of partnership working, including statutory and nonstatutory arrangements for partnership working Mark Band 1 Describe the roles, key features and working arrangements of three partnerships, including at least one statutory and one non-statutory partnership (0-4) Mark Band 2 Explain the roles, key features and working arrangements of three partnerships, including at least one statutory and one non-statutory partnership (5-6) Mark Band 3 Analyse the roles, key features and working arrangements of three partnerships, including at least one statutory and one non-statutory partnership (7-8)

The first part of your report will set the scene and discuss the partnership in detail and how it works together to be successful. You will need to discuss your case studies in detail including some or all of the following information:

The role of the partnership Key features Type of partnership working i.e. a partnership between a number of individuals, agencies or organisations Shared interest Purpose Specific objectives Is the partnership formed to address specific issues Short- or long-term partnership

You might discuss how the partnership relies on: Shared goals and values Honesty and trust Openness How to achieve each grade Mark band 1 D/E (Describe) You will need to include all of the key information showing how the partnership is organised and works together, using examples from each case study to support your discussion. Mark band 2 B/C (Explain) You will need to include all of the key information showing how the partnership is organised and works together, using examples from each case study to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons behind many of the concepts and structures you describe. Mark band 3 A*/A (Analyse) - You will need to include all of the key information showing how the partnership is organised and works together, using examples from each case study to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons behind many of the concepts and structures you describe. In addition you will need to compare and contrast the way the partnership works with different ideas and make conclusions as to why certain choices were made for each case study.

LO3 Understand the benefits of and barriers to partnership working for service providers and communities, including how these barriers can be managed Assessment Focus LO.3 Understand the benefits of and barriers to partnership working for service providers and communities, including how these barriers can be managed Mark Band 1 Describe the benefits of partnership working for service providers and communities and potential barriers to its success, including how these barriers can be managed (0-3) Mark Band 2 Explain the benefits of partnership working for service providers and communities and potential barriers to its success, including how these barriers can be managed (4-6) Mark Band 3 Evaluate the benefits of partnership working for service providers and communities and analyse potential barriers to its success, including how these barriers can be managed (7-8)

The second part of the reports will concentrate on the benefits of partnership working in terms of the services delivered, experiences of individuals and local community or communities. For example: Shared vision A holistic approach to meeting the needs of individuals and communities Improved balance of services Promotion of integration Pooling resources and reduction of duplication Improved skill mixes Maximising expertise How are solutions generated to solve problems that single agencies cannot Improving services and outcomes of service provision Enhancing the coordination of services across organisational boundaries. Clear, common aims and objectives Ensuring a consistent approach Influencing the design and delivery of services.

Part 3 of the report should identify potential barriers to partnership working and could include: Competition between organisations Imbalance of power between organisations Imbalance of commitment to the partnership Poor communication channels Funding issues Clash of cultures Time. You will also need to discuss the ways in which these problems are managed and how they are prevented from becoming a problem which detracts from the provision of services How to achieve each grade Mark band 1 D/E (Describe) You will need to include all of the key information showing the benefits for the service provider, the service user and where appropriate the wider community, using examples to support your discussion. You will identify the main barriers faced by each case study and identify the ways they are managed. Mark band 2 B/C (Explain) You will need to include all of the key information showing the benefits for the service provider, the service user and where appropriate the wider community, using examples to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons why each of these people/organisations benefits

from partnership working. You will identify the main barriers faced by each case study and discuss the reasons why these would affect the provision of services giving solutions and reasons for the management of these barriers. Mark band 3 A*/A (Analyse/Evaluate) - You will need to include all of the key information, using examples to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons why each of these people/organisations benefits from partnership working. In addition you will need to discuss the consequences of provision being delivered in a different way. You will identify the main barriers faced by each case study and discuss the reasons why these would affect the provision of services. You will discuss the possibilities of how these could be managed and why the chosen solution was put in place above any others. LO4 Understand how information can be shared through partnership working Assessment Focus LO.4 Understand how information can be shared through partnership working Mark Band 1 Describe how information can be shared through partnership working (0-3) Mark Band 2 Explain how information can be shared through partnership working (4-6) Mark Band 3 Analyse how information can be shared through partnership working (7-8)

Part 4 of the report will concentrate on the principles of information sharing through partnership working which could include: Communication channels The benefits of sharing information Confidentiality issues

How to achieve each grade Mark band 1 D/E (Describe) You will need to include all of the key communication issues, using examples from each case study to support your discussion. Mark band 2 B/C (Explain) You will need to include all of the key communication issues, using examples from each case study to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons why each of these issues is a help or hindrance to the partnerships. Mark band 3 A*/A (Analyse/Evaluate) - You will need to include all of the key communication issues, using examples from each case study to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons why each of these issues is a help or hindrance to the partnerships. In addition you will need to compare and contrast the way the partnership shares information with different partnerships make conclusions as to how this affects the partnership/service provision.

LO5 Understand why people who use services are central to partnership working and the influence of partnership working on service provision Assessment Focus LO.5 Understand why people who use services are central to partnership working and the influence of partnership working on service provision Mark Band 1 Describe why people who use services are central to partnership working and how partnership working influences the provision of services (0-3) Mark Band 2 Explain why people who use services are central to partnership working and how partnership working influences the provision of services (4-5) Mark Band 3 Analyse why people who use services are central to partnership working and how partnership working influences the provision of services (6-8)

The final part of the report should show an understanding of how people who use services are central to those services. You could include:

How services working supportively alongside users The role of users in decision-making processes. How partnership working impacts on service provision How partnership allows the delivery of integrated services Whether service users feel that partnership working delivers a better service

How to achieve each grade Mark band 1 D/E (Describe) You will need to include all of the key information about how service users influence partnership working and how partnership working influences service provision, using examples from each case study to support your discussion. Mark band 2 B/C (Explain) You will need to include all of the key information about how service users influence partnership working and how partnership working influences service provision, using examples from each case study to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons why this is the case for each point you make. Mark band 3 A*/A (Analyse/Evaluate) - You will need to include all of the key information about how service users influence partnership working and how partnership working influences service provision, using examples from each case study to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons why this is the case for each point you make. In addition you will need to discuss the consequences of services being provided by unitary organisations from the perspective of the service user and of the provision of services

Part 2 Part 2 of unit 5 requires you to demonstrate your developing partnership working skills. You will do this in 2 ways. Firstly you will be required to write a reflective diary of 2 work placements showing how you used skills which support partnership and collaborative working. Secondly you will work together as a team to plan and arrange a Christmas event for your chosen service users. LO6 Be able to develop collaborative relationships adapted to different contexts Assessment Focus LO.6 Be able to develop collaborative Relationships adapted to different contexts Mark Band 1 (A) Describe own development of collaborative relationships in at least three different contexts (07) (B) Make a clear contribution to the group event (0-1) Mark Band 2 Explain own development of collaborative relationships in at least three different contexts (812) (B) Make a clear and effective contribution to the group event (2) Mark Band 3 Evaluate own development of collaborative relationships in at least three different contexts (1317) (B) Make a clear, effective and confident contribution to the group event (3)

You will need to demonstrate that you are able to work or collaborate with a team of people in 3 different places. This should involve your involvement in:

Participating in work experience in two different settings Putting on a team event

You will need to discuss certain skills that are required and can be developed to become an effective team/partnership worker. For example:

Collaboration Ability to work to common goals Adapting to different roles and situations Being fair and considerate Providing feedback and support to other people

Work experience You will need to think carefully and use your experience in 2 of your work experience settings to discuss your team work/collaborative working skills. Your diaries should show: The skills you have used The way in which these skills have been improved or developed over time (i.e. between work experiences or across the time of a work experience placement)

The depth in which you discuss these skills will be reflected in the mark for this section How to achieve each grade

Mark band 1 D/E (Describe) You will need to include all of the key skills you have demonstrated within your work experience placements and how they have improved, using examples from each to support your discussion. Mark band 2 B/C (Explain) You will need to include all of the key skills you have demonstrated within your work experience placements and how they have improved, using examples from each to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons why these skills are important. Mark band 3 A*/A (Analyse/Evaluate) - You will need to include all of the key skills you have demonstrated within your work experience placements and how they have improved, using examples from each to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons why these skills are important. In addition you will need to discuss the consequences of failing to improve these skills, the improvements that still need to be made and the difference this will make to your ability to work collaboratively.

Team Event You will work in a randomly selected team to plan an event. In order for your team to work effectively you may need to consider the following: Who are your clients What is your event Who will you need to speak to What are your objectives What roles are available in a team Who will take each role What is the responsibility of each role How will you monitor team members Do you need a team leader How will you make sure each team member is listened to How will you relay opinions about what others are doing Do you need meetings What will you discuss at the meetings

For your report you will need to keep a diary of your event planning. Although all team members may have some similar entries in their diaries you should concentrate on recording your role within the team and reflecting on the skills and qualities you use to work as an effective team member. Your mark for this section will be split between your teachers evaluation of the contribution you make to the team and your explanation of your skills and qualities and how they contributed to the team effort. How to achieve each grade Mark band 1 D/E (Describe) You will need to include all of the activities and key skills you have demonstrated within your team when planning the event and how they have improved, using examples to support your discussion. Mark band 2 B/C (Explain) You will need to include all of the activities and key skills you have demonstrated within your team when planning the event and how they have improved, using examples to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons why these skills were important in the context of the team planning event. Mark band 3 A*/A (Analyse/Evaluate) - You will need to include all of the key skills you have demonstrated within your work experience placements and how they have improved, using examples from each to support your discussion. You will also need to discuss the reasons why these skills were important in the context of the team planning event. In addition you will need to discuss the consequences of failing to implement these skills, the ways you could have improved your contribution and the difference this would have made to the event.

Proposed Plan for Unit 3 and project

Week no 1 2 12.9.11 3 19.9.11 4 26.9.11 5 3.10.11 6 10.10.11 7 17.10.11 8 31.10.11 9 7.11.11 10 14.11.11 11 21.11.11 12 28.11.11 13 5.12.11 14 12.12.11 15 16

Week beginning

Mon 1- 2

Mon 3-4

LO2 teaching and prep Unit intro LO1 and 6 intro Team event intro

LO2 teaching and prep Team event planning and project 19 30.1.12

LO3 teaching and prep Team event planning and project 20

Work experience

LO2 teaching and prep

LO2 teaching and prep

LO3 teaching and prep

LO3 teaching and prep LO3 teaching and prep Team event planning

LO4 teaching and prep LO4 teaching and prep Team event planning and project 23 Team event planning and project 24 12.3.12

LO5 teaching and prep LO5 teaching and prep Team event planning and project 25 19.3.12

External visitors Childrens and Young Peoples Partnership Team event planning and project

External visitors Northampto n Community Safety Partnership Team event planning and project

External visitors TENC Team event planning and project 28 23.4.12

LO2 planning LO2 planning Team event planning and project 29 30.4.12

LO2 write up LO2 write up

LO3 planning LO3 planning

Fri 3-4

Team event



Week no

17 16.1.12

18 23.1.12

21 20.2.12

22 27.2.12

26 26.3.12

27 16.4.12


31 14.5.12

32 21.5.12 TBC TBC TBC



Week beginning

Mon 1- 2 Mon 3-4 Fri 3-4

LO3 write up LO3 write up Project

LO4 planning LO4 planning Project

LO4 write up LO4 write up Project

LO5 planning LO5 planning Project

LO5 write up LO5 write up Project

LO1 teaching and prep LO1 teaching and prep Project

LO1 planning LO1 planning Project

LO1 Write up LO1 write up Project

LO6 teaching and prep LO6 teaching and prep Project

LO6 planning LO6 planning Project presents Project presents

LO6 write up LO6 write up Project presents

Project Project Project TBC



Assignment and project deadlines LO2 12.12.11 LO3 16.1.12 LO4 30.1.12 LO5 20.2.12 LO1 12.3.12 LO6 23.4.12

Assignment and project deadlines are not negotiable (Genuine problems should be discussed before the deadline)
1st failure to meet a deadline will result in a phone call home and to your Head of 6th the possibility of submitting an assignment after the deadline date will be discussed. If it is agreed that this is possible, the completion of the assignment will be carried out at Manor School or at your home base, at an agreed time where you can be supervised. Subsequent failures to meet deadlines will result in you being placed on contract




Project 4.5.12

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