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-Physical/Mental Abuse, Medical Neglect, Denial of Due Process, racism, etc.

This information was reported to the Human Rights Coalition by way of letters, grievances, and lawsuits sent by people incarcerated at SCI Fayette and their families. Human Rights Coalition FedUp! Chapter 5125 Penn Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15224 email - phone - 412-361-3022 xt. 4

Reports of Human Rights Violations at SCI Fayette-2006-2008

The following information is organized chronologically --Please note that some of these reports go into detail of physical abuse and may be upsetting Date of Incident Date Reported Name, #, Location of Person(s) Staff Involved Type of Abuse Description Incident Filed?Grievance Prejudice? No

October 10, 2006

Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Fayette

Patsy Moss, Darlene Linderman

Denial of Due Process Deprivation of mail rights

Patsy Moss, mail room staff, was instructed by her supervisor Darlene Linderman to permit guards to have access to prisoners outgoing mail. Mr. Edwards had legal mail of his to a civil judges clerk of courts and the state Attorney


General stolen as a result.

October 26, 2006

Eric Ryan #DD8176, entire prison population SCI Fayette

Unnamed, high officials implicated


Eric Ryan submitted a sworn declaration, stating that there were dead remains of birds/rats/bats in the ventilation system, and large amounts of black in color mold in the shower areas; feces in and on the ventilation in his cell; that all institutional grievance procedures have been exhausted regarding the epidemic of Hepatitis-C; and that the maintenance department and inmate tray room workers have been exposed to a deadly toxic air-borne



November 2, 2006

Joseph Jander #ET8324 SCI Fayette



November 21, 2006

Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Fayette

Lt. George Reposky

Denial of due process, psychological

November 30, 2006 January 7, 2007

Ricardo Kenney #FY9574 SCI Fayette Takay Taylor #FN4640 SCI Fayette



C/O Bliss LT. Tustin

Physical, Verbal

mold, contaminating all the food trays and eating utensinls. Mr. Jander filed a sworn declaration stating that prison officials were attempting to force him to double-cell despite his having hepatitis-c. Lt. George Reposky demanded that Mr. Edwards turn over legal documents pertaining to a lawsuit of his, and then threatened to kill the prisoner while using racist slurs. Ricardo Kenney found worms in his food tray on this day. C/O Bliss placed a headphone extension cord around the prisoners neck and pulled on the cord like he was hanging/lynching him. When told by Taylor that his actions were








Yes race

January 9, 2007

Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Fayette

Lt. Giddens

Denial of due process, deprivation of property

January 10, 2007

Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Fayette

C/O Friend, C/O Collins, Sgt. Ruvo, Lts. Reposky and Crumb, C/Os Bane, Farley, Caldwell

Denial of due process, psychological

disrespectful Bliss responded who cares if it was disrespectful nigger! Since that time Taylor has been given fraudulent charges in retaliation. Prison officials admit that this did happen, and that Lt. Tustin intervened and sent Bliss away, although no further disciplinary action was taken. In an effort to Unknown destroy legal materials Lt. Giddens came to Mr. Edwards cell and confiscated and destroyed personal property of the inmates. Guards Friend and Yes Collins pressured Mr. Edwards to drop his lawsuit in the presence of Sgt. Ruvo. When the prisoner refused Friend pulled three photographs of lynched black



January 19, 2007

Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Fayette

Lt. Reposky

Denial of due process, deprivation of property

people from his shirt and tossed them into the inmates cell. In the following days and weeks Lts. Reposky and Crumb, C/Os Bane, Farley, Caldwell, Collins, Friend, and Sgt. Ruvo all requested that the prisoner return the pictures. This incident was verified a year later by Mr. Edwards former counselor Yvonne Driver via telephone. Lt. Reposky came Unknown to the law library and stole property from Mr. Edwards. Reposky then ordered the Block Sergeant to remove 4 law books, 2 packs of carbon papers, all typing papers, attorney motions, and other legal documents from Edwards cell.


January 23, 2007

Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Fayette

C/O Debolt

Psychological/death threat, denial of due process

January 31, 2007

Robert Williams #BH8660 SCI Fayette



In a motion to Unknown withdrawal a civil action lawsuit Mr. Edwards cites fears for his life as primary cause. A pattern of racist intimidation has been documented by the prisoner, including an incident on this day in which C/O Debolt came to his cell this day and showed him a KKK newsletter from western PA showing 4 blacks hanging from a tree, stating that, If it was up to us we would still be hanging you niggers by trees. Mr. Williams Unknown submitted a sworn declaration stating that he was forced to cell with a prisoner, Cleveland Green, known to have both HIV and Hepatitis-c, and that Greens counselor and unit manager instructed him to keep his


March 9, 2007

Jorge Rodriguez #FG2456 SCI Fayette

Staff Counselor Debra Davison Unit Manager Carl Walker


April 2, 2007

Archie Tindell #EW6464 SCI Fayette

C/Os Farley, Bane, Caldwell

Denial of due process, deprivation of property

illnesses secret from Mr. Williams. The prisoner also swears that maintenance department and tray room workers have been exposed to deadly toxic airborne mold, and that all trays and utensils have been contaminated. Mr. Rodriguez filed Unknown a declaration stating that his counselor, Debra Davison and unit manager, Carl Walker, incited him to assault his cellmate in order to re-obtain his Z-code, single-cell status. Mr. Rodriguez assaulted his cellmate, did 180 days in the hole, and had his Z-code status reinstated. In a declaration Unknown pursuant to a civil suit Archie Tindell swore under oath of perjury that C/Os Farley, Caldwell, and Bane confiscated legal



April 10, 2007

Archie Tindell #EW6464 SCI Fayette

CO/s Debolt, Gutty, Thrap

Denial of due process, deprivation of property

April 14, 2007

Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Fayette

Sgt. L.M. Ruvo

Psychological/death threats, denial of due process

May 16, 2007

Archie Tindell #EW6464 SCI Fayette

Lt. Crumb Sgt. Ruvo

Physical, deprivation of property, denial of due process

materials from his cell in violation of procedure. Mr. Tindell had Unknown legal and religious property confiscated under the pretest of gang activity by C/Os Debolt, Gutty, and Thrap. Mr. Tindell is a member of the Nation of Islam. In a motion to withdrawal a civil action lawsuit Mr. Edwards cites fears for his life as primary cause. A pattern of racist intimidation has been documented by the prisoner, including an incident on this day in which Sgt. L.M. Ruvo came to his cell and stated, Drop the lawsuit and complaints or you will die nigger. Lt. Crumb and Sgt. Unknown Ruvo entered the cell of Mr. Tindell and confiscated legal material, cosmetics,


Yes Religous

May 30, 2007

December 18, 2007 Reported by Caine Pelzer

Marquise Lucas #FE0397 Caine Pelzer #EZ2913 SCI Fayette

C/O Mackzo C/OThompson

Physical, medical, verbal, deprivations

linens, and religious material. While inside the cell Lt. Crumb pulled the cuff strap on the prisoner and injured Mr. Tindells hands and shoulders, causing lacerations. Caine Pelzer Unknown witnessed C/O Mackzo assaulting Marquise Lucas for no reason. When he attempted to intervene on Mr. Lucas behalf, Mr. Pelzer was subdued by several guards, cuffed behind the back and beaten about the face and body with closed fists and walkietalkies. Mr. Pelzer was then denied medical care despite severe shoulder pain, and was made to duck walk the 300 yards to the RHU, while the guards continued beating him upon his face, using his head as a ramming rod to

Yes Racial

August 2007 present

January 11, 2008

Ravanna Spencer #FH6976 SCI Fayette

Unnamed, high officials and medical staff implicated

Medical, Psychological

August 28, 2007

Robert Williams #FF9715 SCI Fayette

C/Os Hurst, Lucas, Lowry, Nurse Ruvo


open every metal door along the way, causing the prisoner to collapse and break his front tooth. Mr. Pelzer was then carried to RHU while guards issued death threats and called him racist names. Following this incident the prisoner was housed in a hard cell for two weeks and deprived of many basic necessities. Mr. Spencer suffers Unknown from a history of mental illness that is worsening as a result of prison authorities conduct, which substitutes solitary confinement for psychological treatment. Robert Williams Unknown was assaulted by 5 guards, including C/Os Hurst, Lucas and Lowry. Mr. Williams had his face slammed on a desk, his body kicked, and was hit




October 16, 2007

Leional Wesley #EV8546 SCI Fayette

C/O Rogers

Physical, Fabricated charges

Every Day

October 22, 2007

Leional Wesley #EV8546 SCI Fayette

Unnamed, high officials implicated

Systemic racism

on the head with the metal ring at the end of the restraint belt. The inmate was then take to see Nurse Sharon Ruvo, who took multiple photographs of his injuries, which included cuts to the scalp and left thumb, a gash to the forehead, and multiple scratches on his body. Leional Wesley was Unknown called homophobic names and had his arm pulled through a wicker by C/O Rogers, causing the prisoner to bleed. Rogers then filed a fabricated charge of assault against Mr. Wesley in order to preempt any claim against himself. Mr. Wesley sent Unknown testimony that racism is a widespread, systemic feature of prison life at SCI Fayette. Claims include that whites

Yes, Homophobia



November 19, 2007

December 18, 2007

Caine Pelzer #EZ2913 SCI Fayette

C/O Joseph Mackzo

Physical, Verbal

November 28, 2007

Reported by Leional Wesley #EV8546 & Ricardo Kenney #FY9574

Ricardo Kenney #FY9574 SCI Fayette


Physical, Deprivation of water, exposure

are hired more often and given higher pay faster; blacks spend more time in the hole; charges are often falsified to punish black inmates; blacks face increased retaliation for filing grievances. C/O Mackzo has Unknown repeatedly assaulted or attempted to assault him since the officer has been transferred to the RHU on 11/19/07, often accompanied by death threats and racist slurs. Leional Wesley Unknown reported that multiple prison guards severely assaulted Ricardo Kenney after lunch on November 28. Mr. Kenney corroborated this story, adding that his head was repeatedly slammed into the ground, after which he was placed on restriction and repeatedly denied




December 4-5, 2007

Leional Wesley #EV8546 SCI Fayette


Fabricated charges, denial of exercise, bathroom, shower, education, unsanitary conditions

December 7, 2007

Leional Wesley #EV8546 SCI Fayette Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Fayette

C/O Joseph Mackzo

Physical, Verbal

December 19, 2007

Dr. R. Vytko

Medical, fraud

water and a blanket throughout the week. Mr. Wesley has been Unknown retaliated against by staff for filing grievances protesting prior abuse. This retaliation has consisted of fabricated charges levied against the inmate; deprivation of bathroom, water, shower, exercise, law library, cell cleaning, and commissary usage. Returning from a Unknown hearing, Mr. Wesley was choked by C/O Mackzo, who also issued death threats to the prisoner. Mr. Edwards had Unknown his name forged on a document by Dr. R. Vytko concerning mental health informed consent in retaliation for the inmates refusal to withdraw his complaint concerning the three





December 26, 2007 Every day January 3, 2008

Leional Wesley #EV8546 SCI Fayette Ricardo Kenney #FY9574 SCI Fayette


Deprivation of exercise, shower Medical, Deprivation of food, property, denial of due process, fabricated charges

Unnamed, high officials implicated

January 4, 2008

Reported by Michael Edwards #CM8086

Anwar Woods #GL6076 SCI Fayette


Physical, Medical

racist pictures thrown in his cell on 1/10/07. Mr. Wesley was deprived both yard and shower on this day. Ricardo Kenney reports that prisoners at SCI Fayette live in unsanitary conditions, including being housed in cells previously inhabited by biologically contaminated inmates; prisoners are denied food arbitrarily; inmate property is taken or thrown away without cause; grievance proceedings are biased and loaded with false accusations by prison personnel against prisoners. Michael Edwards reported that Anwar Woods was severely beaten by guards on this day








December 2007

January 7 & 28, 2008

Anonymous SCI Fayette

Several, unnamed

January 10, 2008

Jody Gordon #GH0870 SCI Fayette


and had been denied medical treatment for his injuries. Physical, deprivation An anonymous letter Unknown of property, food, informed that prison clothing, unwarranted authorities called in search CERT teams from Fayette and SCI Greene to enforce collective punishment on inmates following a violent attack by a prisoner upon a counselor and two guards. Inmates were thrown down stairs, assaulted, put in garbage cans, subject to property theft, deprivation of food and clothing, with several being sent to the RHU. This report was sent anonymously for fear of reprisal, and confirmed by another prisoner weeks later. Fabricated charges Mr. Gordon was Unknown falsely served class #1 assault and class #1 threatening an employee charges on this day for an




Early January, 2008

January 17, 2008 reported by Michael Edwards #CM8086

Esmith Melendez Rodriguez #GQ1366 SCI Fayette


Medical, Health

January 19, 2008

Reported by Leional Wesley, Paul Simmons, and Esmith Rodriguez

Esmith Melendez Rodriguez #GQ1366 SCI Fayette

Lt. Reposky C/O Galorza


January 21, 2008

Reported by Paul Simmons

William White #HE8849

C/O White


incident occurring 12/21/07. Esmith Rodriguez Unknown was/has been denied medical care, including blood tests, after he bit into a razor that was inexplicably in his food. Multiple prisoners Unknown reported that Mr. Rodriguez was assaulted by prison guards in full riot gear after he objected to having his food spit in. Lt. Reposky and C/O Galorza were involved, with the latter holding the camera so that it would not capture staff actions. Mr. Rodriguez was attacked with chemical weapons, had his head slammed into a brick wall, and fears that he may have suffered broken ribs. Paul Simmons Unknown reported that prisoner William







January 2008

January 24, 2008

Maurice Stroman #DG2108 SCI Fayette


Fabricated charges

February 8, 2008

Reported by Anyis McNeil #FG3804, Jesse Johnson #GV9783

Yokoe Kabbah #GV3101 SCI-Fayette

C/O Collings, Peterson Capt. Legget


White was assaulted by C/O White via the wrenching of handcuffs around the wrists. Mr. Stroman was thrown in the hole after being falsely accused of refusal to be handcuffed and assault by spitting on an officer. The inmate claims that the charges are a smoke screen used to justify excessive force against him. On this date, prison guards Collings and Peterson brought a prisoner to the cell door of a prisoner in another pod in the hole named Yokoe Kabbah, an African immigrant.. The guards cuffed up Mr. Kabbah at the door, placed this young man in the cell with him, and then left them alone together for 3 to 5 minutes. During this time the young man beat Mr.







February 14, 2008

Joseph Curran #GV7985 SCI Fayette


Medical, Deprivation of recreation, library, shower, Fabricated charges

Kabbah. Since Mr. Kabbah is functionally illiterate, a grievance was filed on his behalf by another inmate, but it was denied by Capt. Legget on a procedural whim. Joseph was Yes victimized by a botched shoulder surgery that came undone after prison personnel violated standard procedures by checking him out of the hospital early, placing undue strain upon his shoulder, and failing to prescribe adequate medication. As a result Mr. Currans clavicle bone is now protruding through his flesh, and is visible to the naked eye. The prisoner reports that he has lost the use of his right arm. Joseph Curran also has been subjected to various deprivations, and the



Every day

February 14, 2008

Ernesto Layton #ED0230 SCI Fayette

Unknown, high officials implicated


Frequently February 12,, 2008

Rasheed Nifas #CA 4950 SCI Fayette

General staff, high officials implicated

Deprivation of property, fabricated charges, systemic racism


February 12, 2008

Rasheed Nifas #CA4950 SCI Fayette


Fabricated charges

target of fabricated charges by prisone personnel. Mr. Layton has sent Unknown documentation regarding dangerously unsanitary conditions, including the presence of deadly air-borne toxics. Mr. Nifas reports Yes that prison personnel have been systematically engaging in racist discrimination and harassment, including stealing prisoners personal information and writing them up on false charges. The prisoner has filed several grievances and reports to the OPR. Mr. Nifas has been Yes placed in permanent RHU in retaliation for the numerous grievances submitted and letters written regarding abuses in the PA





February 6, 2008


William Burkholder #BM8717

C/O Helms, Hearing Officer M. Cross

Fabricated charges

December 27, 2007

April 24, 2008

Robert Shields #CW5906 SCI Fayette


Fabricated charges

DOC. The prisoner also alleges that guards planted contraband in his cell. On this date C/O Yes Helms entered the prisoners cell during a search and planted a weapon. Mr. Burkholder further reports that Hearing Officer M. Cross instructed officials on record to destroy the contraband, thus preventing forensic evidence from being collected. Prior to the Unknown prisoners scheduled appearance before the parole board in January 2008, Robert Shields was placed in the RHU for 90 days on fabricated charges. The first charge was for refusal to obey an order and occurred five months earlier; the second was for inappropriate use of




January 3, 2008 and after . . .

March 24, 2008

Bryant Davis #CU6369, Anwar Woods #GL6076 SCI Fayette

Hearing examiner Kerri Cross, C/O Zampatti

Fabricated charges; denial of due process

language, which was a gross exaggeration in this instance. On January 3rd C/O Yes Zampatti falsely charged Mr. Davis for possession of contraband (fermented wine) despite the admission by the prisoners cellmate, Mr. Woods, that he was the owner of the offending item. Hearing examiner Keri Cross then denied Mr. Davis his right to call Mr. Woods as a witness at his misconduct hearing on the false pretext that the witness would be irrelevant in determining the guilt or innocence of Mr. Davis. Mr. Woods confirmed these events in a Declaration Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746; Mr. Davis described the same in a Letter of Intent to seek legal redress.



March 23, 2008

April 24, 2008

Robert Shields #CW5906 SCI Fayette


Food tampering


May 8, 2008

Omar Sigue #HH3672 SCI Fayette

Unnamed, medical personnel/dept. implicated


May 2, 2008

May 12, 2008 Richard Randall #EB4654 SCI Fayette


Denial of due process

After biting into a Unknown sandwich in the RHU Robert Shields suffered gashes on the inside of his mouth caused by a sharp object. He was seen by medical and pictures were taken. Mr. Sigue has been Yes denied thorazine despite a history of mental instability that has resulted in his being prescribed this in the past. HRC/Fed Up! has been given extensive documentation regarding the prisoners past psychological reviews. Mr. Randall was Unknown forbidden from attending a disciplinary hearing on this date, thereby denying him the opportunity to defend himself against a charge of refusal to obey an order. He was found guilty and sentenced






May 19, 2008 Paul Kimble #HA2057 SCI Fayette

Dr. Herbic (sp?), Robert Trentinick (sp?) head of medical dept.


to 45 days DCS on May 5. Mr. Kimble suffers Unknnown from hepatitis-c, cirrhosis of the liver, and MRSA, the last of these being contacted at SCI Rockview. After health complications involving two open heart surgeries and near-death on four occasions, Mr. Kimble was finally granted his requested transfer but to SCI Fayette rather than Laurel Highlands. Since arriving at Fayette his condition has deteriorated as he has been taken off his regular medications, and Dr. Herbic, under instruction from medical dept. head Robert Tretnick, has consistently denied him adequate medication, inspection of MRSA-related sores, and treatment

Yes, Lifesentence


April 1, 2008 present

June 10, 2008 Dennis Hinkle #HH5423 SCI Fayette

Unnamed, Robert Tretinik implicated


Spring 2008

April 25, 2008

Rasheed Nifas #CA4950 SCI Fayette

C/O Sheetz


in general. Furthermore, Tretnick has discriminated against Mr. Kimble on the basis of the prisoners serving a life sentence. Mr. Kimble asserts that there have been fourteen deaths in little over a year at Fayette, and he fears he will be the fifteenth. Dennis Hinkle had his leg amputated above the knee in May 2007. Since his transfer to SCI Fayette from SCI Camp Hill on April 1st his daily wound care and antiobiotic treatment has been discontinued. Consequently his wound has become infected and he is in danger of further disability. Mr. Nifas has been repeatedly subjected to sexual harassment by C/O L. Sheetz, including comments






May 28 & 29, 2008

June 16, 2008 Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Fayette-SCI Camp Hill

Lt. Lesure, C/O Collings, Edward Kalsky, Dept. Supt. Kazor, Counselor Baker, Sgt. Houser

Psychological/death threats, theft of property, unlawful transfer, denial of due process

directed at the prisoner such as, Hey baby girl I want to see that dick today. On May 28th Lt. Lesure threatened Michael Edwards with transfer unless he signed a twopage affidavit dropping the prisoners grievances against C/Os Friend and Collings, who on January 10, 2007 tossed three photographs of lynched black people into Mr. Edwards cell after the prisoner refused to drop an outstanding lawsuit. After his cell was searched twice in twenty minutes and property, including legal documents, were confiscated, Mr. Edwards still refused to sign the affidavit and was promptly placed on a van to SCI Camp




Hill without a prior 802 hearing.. On route C/O Collings (twin brother of the former) stated to the prisoner, Last chance. You see how easy it would be to kill you? Drop the complaints. Upon arrival at Camp Hill mental health staff member Edward Kalsky threatened Edwards with indefinite SMU confinement unless he signed and dated aforementioned affidavit. On May 29 Mr. Edwards appeared before the PRC, and unit manager C. Chambers was handed a two-page affidavit from Dept. Supt. Kazor, who both claimed that the document was authorized by Central Office. The prisoner was told that if he signed and dated the 26

May 29,

May 29, 2008 Trevar

C/Os Halfhill,

Physical, sexual,

affidavit he would be transferred to any prison of his choosing and placed in general population. Mr. Edwards refused to sign. Currently, the prisoner still is housed in the SMU without his personal property, access to cleaning supplies, paperwork, and law library; without control over his cell lighting, which is on 24 hours a day, and he has been denied yard. On May 29 Sgt. Houser also pressured Mr. Edwards to sign the affidavit, and between 5/28/08 and 6/11/08 Edward Kalsky and counselor Phil Baker have attempted to do the same. These events were described in an affidavit sent to HRC/Fed Up! by Michael Edwards. C/O Halfhill placed


No 27


Morris #EK7203 SCI Fayette


deprivation of water

Summer 2008

July 11, 2008

Keith Lister #FC2948 SCI Fayette Mark Napoli #DV4211 SCI Fayette


Fabricated charges

June 6, 2008 present

July 20, 2008

C/Os Guthrie, Tanner, Poska, Shreve

Physical; food deprivation; deprivation of provisions; fabricated charges

a pornographic picture in Mr. Morriss cell. When the prisoner asked to see the Lt. he was denied, so he began kicking his door in an effort to get the issue addressed. C/O Shieve cut off his water in response. Later Mr. Morris placed his arm in the tray slot during sheet exchange and 4 C/Os, led by Shieve and Halfhil, began bending, twisting, and slamming his arm in the slot. Medical took pictures. Mr. Lister has been sent to the RHU on the basis of a fabricated assault charge. On June 6, 2008 Mark Napoli was assaulted by C/Os Guthrie and Tanner, who threw the inmate face first into a wall and applied severe

brought against prisoner




Yes, racial


SpringSummer 2008

June 10, 2008 Esmith Rodriguez #GQ1366


Mail tampering; deprivation of property; denial of due

pressure on the back of his neck while he was handcuffed. Mr. Napoli was then deprived of razors, showers, recreation, and law library for seven days. After that the C/Os wrote a falsified misconduct against the inmate, charging him with assault. C/Os Poska and Shreve have been participating in ongoing retaliation against Mr. Napoli, including placing him on food loaf for seven days, which means starvation for a week since Mr. Napoli has Crohns disease and cannot digest meat. As a result the inmate has become very weak, nauseated, dizzy, suffers from blurred vision, weight loss, and malnourishment. Esmith Rodriguez has had grievance papers and legal




SCI Fayette


June 27, 2008

June 27, 2008 Rasheed Nifas #CA4950 SCI Fayette

C/O Andposik

Physical, deprivation of law library

July 3, 2008

July 11, 2008; letter and declaration received July 9, 2008; reported by Leional Wesley #EV8546, Ravanna Spencer #FH6976; Wayne Moye #EK2361; Mark Napoli #DU4211; Shane Geser #EQ7858; Jason Maxwell #

Ravanna Spencer #FH6976 SCI Fayette

Lt. Berrier, Lt, Lt. Berrier, Cpt. Legget, Counselor Link, C/Os Richter, Delaney, Dongili, Poska, two unknown C/Os

Physical; deprivation of law library; medical; denial of due process

documents reportedly sent to him but prison personnel have withheld these without explanation or acknowledgment. C/O Andposik placed handcuffs on Mr. Nifas so tight they pinched his skin, and denied Mr. Nifas his trip to the law library when he complained. On July 3rd Ravanna Spencer was denied law library access in violation of DCADM007. When Mr. Spencer attempted to protest to Cpt. Legget, Counselor Link, and Lt. Berrier, he was assaulted by a cell extraction team consisting of Lt. Berrier, C/Os Richter, Delaney, Dongili, Poska and two unknown C/Os that was authorized by Cpt. Legget. Mr. Spencer also requested a doctor






July 21, 2008

July 30, 2008

Leional Wesley #EV8546 SCI Fayette

C/O Burton

Physical, deprivation of food, unsanitary conditions, deprivation of water

several times prior to extraction and was denied treatment (Mr. Spencer suffers from diagnosed psychological instability). Mr. Spencer was repeatedly assaulted with chemical weapons (tear gas/pepper spray) by Lt. Berrier, punched, kicked, and beaten with a baton. Spencer was removed from his cell in t-shirt and boxer shirts with his head jammed between his legs to hide injuries from being seen. The prisoner then remained cuffed and shackled, bleeding from the wrists and ankles for over 24 hours and reportedly as long as 48. C/O Burton denied Unknown Mr. Wesley his milk and portions of his food. When Mr. Wesley refused to



August 30-31, 2008

September 5, 2008

Rasheed Nifas #CA4950 SCI Fayette

C/Os Sheetz, Albright

Psychological; food tampering and deprivation

September 8, 2008

September 16, 2008

Tyler Norgart #HH3155 SCI Fayette


Psychological/racial intimidation

return his tray until given these items he was attacked with chemical weapons, forcibly cell extracted, and placed in a hard cell contaminated with urine and feces, and deprived of running water. This lasted a week. On August 30 C/O Sheetz told Mr. Nifas that he had spit in the inmates food, and on the 31 C/Os Sheetz and Albright denied Rasheed his lunch tray. Mr. Nifas claims that both officers are motivated by racist attitudes in their dealings with prisoners. Mr. Norgart, who is known to staff as a practicing Jew, was given a cellmate with Nazi tattoos, including several swastikas and other anti-Semitic markings on his


Yes, racial


Yes, racial


October 22, 2008

November 19, 2008 by Tierre Davis; November 23, 2008 by Eric Lyons #EX1127

Tierre Davis #DY1710 SCI Fayette

Lt. Vojacek; Counselor David Link; Grievance Coordinator Rhonda House; Capt. Legget

Sexual; deprivation of yard, showers; food tampering; retaliation

person. This man was eventually transferred after repeated requests by Norgart. An official inmate Yes, grievance, dated grievance 10/31/08, was form submitted to Grievance Coordinator Rhonda House by Tierre Davis. Mr. Davis states that Lt. Vojacek threatened him when the inmate refused his sexual advances, claiming that Vojacek vowed to make Davis stay here hell. The very next day Davis was denied yard, shower, and found hair, rocks, staples, spit, and dirt in his food. Davis also claims he has been issued fabricated misconducts and called racist epithets during this time. Capt. Legget, Counselor Link, and the Unit Manager, along with

Yes Race Sexual


February 2003 (approx.) to Present

November 19, 2008

Tierre Davis #DY1710 SCI Fayette

Unnamed, high officials implicated

Prolonged solitary confinement

November 19, 2008

Late October to early November

November 19, 2008 by Tierre Davis; November 23, 2008 by Eric Lyons #EX1127 November 23, 2008

Tierre Davis #DY1710 SCI Fayette

Unnamed, RHU/SMU staff implicated

Freezing temperatures

Eric Lyons #EX1127 SCI Fayette

Unit Manager Gary Abrams; Capt. Legget; Supt. Coleman; Lt. Vojacek

Deprivation of food; psychological; physical; retaliation; fabricated misconducts; deprivatin/destruction of personal and legal property; denial of due process; unsanitary conditiosn

others have been informed of this grievance. These conditions prompted Tierre Davis to go on a hunger strike in late October/early November. OPR has allegedly began an investigation. In a letter written in late November 2008 Tierre Davis indicates that he has been held in solitary confinement for 69 straight months. Tierre writes that he is currently in a hard cell where the temperature is freezing. This is confirmed by Eric Lyons. Eric Lyons went on a hunger strike in the SMU for 7 days (21 meals) for the following reasons: inadequate food portions, served cold, a result of which has been Mr. Lyons losing 23 pounds (185 to 162) in less than a few




Yes; in possession of Mr. Lyons

Yes sexual


months; regular issuing of fabricated misconducts in retaliation against prisoners who file grievances; physical assaults by staff; destruction of personal and legal property; sexual harassment; freezing temperatures; unsanitary conditions. Mr. Lyons states that these actions only occur on 2-10 shift when Lt. Vojacek is on duty. Vojacek reportedly manipulates inmates via the provision or denial of cigarettes, television, extra food, commissary items, and sexual favors. Unit Manager Gary Abrams, along with Capt. Legget, are complicit in these and comparable abuses, including the latters involvement in the theft of a dozen law books of 35

Early November

November 23, 2008 by Eric Lyons #EX1127

Andre Jacobs #DQ5437 SCI Fayette

Sgt. Schumpert

Fabricated charges

October 30 to November 3, 2008

November 20, 2008

Aaron Washington #EK4231 SCI Fayette

Unit Manager Abrams; Capt. Leggett; Grievance Coordinator; Rhonda House; Food Service Manager Patrick Wilson; Supt. Coleman; Lt. Berrier; Grievance Officer Ronald D. Hostovich

Freezing temperatures; deprivation of and inadequate quality of food; theft

Mr. Lyons worth approximately $2000. Superintendent Coleman also refuses to address these and other inmate grievances. While Andre was being held at SCI Pittsburgh during a federal civil trial, Sgt. Schumpert orchestrated a cell search in which a mirror was placed in Mr. Jacobs cell, for which he was allegedly written up in absentia. On October 30, Mr. Washington and five others housed in the SMU began a hunger strike due to the freezing cold temperature on the unit and the small portions of cold food being served. Several prisoners were forced to the medical unit and charged $5.00 a piece despite refusing treatment.



Grievance #247096; Grievance Initial Review Response #247096; Grievance Response Appeal #247096; Response to First Level Appeal #247096; Grievance



Four of the prisoners refused food for 13 meals until Unit Manager Abrams agreed to turn on the heat and increase food portions. To date the heat is still not on and the food portions remain unchanged. See documentation for more details

October 30, 2008

December 3, 2008

Matt Young #GD4210 SCI Fayette

Unit Manager Gary Abrams

Cold temperatures; deprivation of food

After two weeks of filing requests and grievances Mr. Young, along with others, went on a hunger strike on October 30 in protest of the cold temperatures in the cells and the inadequate food portions. The strike ended when Unit Manager Abrams agreed to fix the

#247344; Grievance Initial Review Response #247344; Grievance Response Appeal #247344; Response to First Level Appeal #247344; Inmate Request to Supt. Coleman; Inmate Account Statement Yes (see above)



July 13, 2007 to present

September 2, 2008

Rasheed Nifas #CA4950 SCI Fayette

DOC Secretary Jeffrey Beard; Deputy Sec. Dave Wakefield; Former Supt. Harry Wilson; Supt. Brian Coleman; Deputy Supt. Centralized Service Daniel Burns; Supt. Centralized Service Eric Armel; Corrections Classification Program Manager/PRC member Debra Mahlmeister; Grievance Coordinator Rhonda House; Counselor David Link; Capt. Wallace Leggett; Assistant to the Deputy Sec.

Retaliation; denial of free exercise of religion; denial of access to the courts; denial of due process; wrongful confinement; denial of equal protection; cruel and unusual punishment

problems. Mr. Young claims the heat was fixed in late November, and that he doubts the food problem will ever be remedied. In a Civil Action filed in U.S. Court Western District of PA (#08-0834) Rasheed Nifas details the following violations of his constitutional rights by the current and former DOC staff listed herein.

Plaintiffs Summary Petition



Samuel Popovich; Lt. of Security Daniel Hooper; Administrative Officer Mary Kushner; former Chief Grievance Examiner Sharon Burks; Chief Grievance Examiner Cindy Watson June to November 2008 November 10, 2008 Eric Robinson #AM6940 SCI Fayette Supt. Coleman; Reilhart; Grievance Coordinator Rhonda House; Hearing Examiner; Lt. Hooper Theft and destruction of legal property; obstruction of justice; denial of due process Mr. Robinson has submitted a chronology of violations perpetrated against him by Fayette staff, originating with the theft and destruction of civil litigation documents. When he filed grievances over the fact that his documents were never received by those he attempted to mail them to, he was issued a retaliatory misconduct. Steve Gravley reports that staff has destroyed his legal Official Inmate Grievance #236235; Grievance Appeal #236235; Inmates Request to Supt. Coleman no

Falls 2008

December 3, 2008

Steve Gravley #GH7466


Deprivation of property; denial of due process


Yes race, gender 39

SCI Fayette

Fall 2008

December 12, 2008

Eric Lyons #EX1127 SCI Fayette

Lt. Vojacek; Sgt. Knizer; Capt. Trempus; Grievance Coordinator Rhonda House; Supt.s Assistant Mary Ann Kushner

Destruction of property; retaliation; fabricated misconduct

Fall 2008

December 12, 2008

Eric Lyons #EX1127 SCI Fayette

Capt. Leggett;

Theft of property; fabricated misconduct

property and confiscated pictures of his wife as well, claiming that he is not permitted to have pictures of white women. Guards broke Mr. Yes Lyons typewriter in retaliation for his efforts to assist other inmates in their legal endeavors, and then Capt. Trempus issued him a bogus misconduct for having broken the typewriter himself. Grievance Coordinator Rhonda House and Supt.s Assistant Mary Ann Kushner have attempted to aid the guards by filing a late grievance rejection. Mr. Lyons hasd 12 Unknown law books stolen, worth approximately $1,100 from him by staff, and was then issued a misconduct by Capt. Legget for forging




Fall 2008

December 12, 2008

Eric Lyons #EX1127 SCI Fayette

Lt. Vojacek

Psychological; retaliation; fabricated misconducts

November 6, 2008

December 23, 2008

Steven Gravely #GH7466 SCI Fayette

Lt. Rymaunuirz (sp?)


confiscated items receipts, which were provided him when the hardback books were placed in storage, and proved that the books were his. Mr. Lyons wrote Kathleen Zwierzyna at DOC Central Office on October 3rd to report that Lt. Vojacek had told him he would continue to be jacked back in the SMU by means of fabricated misconducts. This is being done in retaliation for his efforts to file grievances and lawsuits, and help other prisoners do the same. Mr. Lyons reports that the grievance system is hopelessly corrupt and racist. Lt. Rymaunuirz informed Mr. Gravely that he thought staff would be pleased if he hurt


Yes Race

Official inmate grievance #253838



November 12, 2008

December 23, 2008

Steven Gravely #GH7466 SCI Fayette

Unit Manager Abrams; Capt. Leggett; Lt. Vojacek

Deprivation of property; retaliation; obstruction of justice

December 17, 2008

December 18, 2008; December

Andre Jacobs #DQ5437

C/O Miller; Lt. Aberack; Unit Manager Gary

Physical; fabricated misconduct; retaliation

himself, and then told him To do us all a favor and kill yourself. On this day Mr. Gravelys legal material was stolen during a cell transfer, with Capt. Leggett stating, you think I will give you the tools to help you win your case, you must be real dumb. Lt Vojacek later ordered unnamed C/Os to go through Mr. Gravelys property and take whatever they wanted, on the order of Leggett and Unit Manager Abrams. Mr. Gravely also had pictures of his wife taken by C/O Scrolls upon order of Vojacek, with the former stating that Niggers aint allowed to pictures of white girls. While Mr. Jacobs was being led to retrieve legal

Official Inmate Grievance #253840 & #252524 &


Official Inmate Grievance 42

21, 2008 by Tierre Davis #DY1710 SCI Fayette; Patrick Brown #ET9084; Andre Jacobs #DQ5437

SCI Fayette

Abrams; Grievance Coordinator Rhonda House

December 2008

December 18, 2008

Andre Jacobs #DQ5437 SCI Fayette


denial of due process; fabricated misconduct

December to present

January 5, 2009 by Eric Lyons #EX1127;

Andre Jacobs #DQ5437 SCI Fayette


Psychological/verbal; deprivation of law library and yard; denial of access to

property of his C/O #254364 Miller said, This nigger thinks hes a lawyer, and squeezed the prisoners arm. When Mr. Jacobs asked why he was continuing to squeeze his arm, C/O Miller pushed the inmate. Mr. Jacobs had alerted both Capt. Leggett and Unit Manager Abrams that Miller was harassing him in retaliation for the lawsuit the prisoner had recently won. Capt. Leggett and Abrams both indicated that this is to be expected. Andre Jacobs was Unknown denied all witnesses at a misconduct hearing and found guilty of an offense he did not commit, and received 60 days DC as a result. Eric Lyons reports No that SMU staff have been threatening and harassing Mr. Jacobs




December 17, 2008

December 17, 2009 by Patrick Brown #ET9084 December 21, 2008 by Tierre Davis #DY1710 SCI Fayette; December 17, 2008 by Patrick Bown #DT9084; by Eric Lyons #EX1127 on January 5, 2009; by Aaron Washington #EK4231 on December 23, 2008; anonymous December 29, 2008 January 7, 2009 by Matthew Young; early January by anonymous prisoner

legal property

since his recent victory in a lawsuit against DOC officials. Tierre Davis Unknown witnessed an inmate get pushed down the stairs while in handcuffs after a Sgt. and C/O told him to shut up while he was talking with a Lt. The inmate was on Phase 2 of the SMU and about to be released to general population. Patrick Brown reports that the inmate was Rodney Wilson, who suffered one bruised hand, one cut hand, and his mouth was busted open. Pictures were taken of his wounds. C/O Halley was Unknown physically abusive with Matthew Young while leading the prisoner to yard, pushing him and yanking on the tether attached to his No

Rodney Wilson #DD6079

Sgt. Knizner


December 29, 2008

Matthew Young #GD4210

C/Os Halley and Holman

Physical; medical



January 9, 2009

January 15, 2009 by family member of Mr. Boyking

Anthony Boyking #DS1972 SCI Fayette

C/Os Woods; Bricker; Kister

Physical; deprivation of food; deprivation of mail

handcuffs. C/O Holman returned Mr. Young to his cell, followed him inside, and began to deliver several blows to his head while verbally abusing him as well. Homan slammed Mr. Youngs head into the back and side wall of his cell. Following this he dragged Mr. Young to the cell door by the handcuff tether. A nurse took pictures of his injuries. Mr. Young suffered a severe headache and a pain in his neck. At 4pm he was refused treatment by nurse Tony Trayter. Five of Mr. Boykings fellow prisoners wrote to a family member of his to report an assault he suffered on January 9th, involving the three guards named herein and others. Mr.




Boyking suffered a head wound requiring 18 stitches; bruised and swollen head, face, and eyes; loss of consciousness; and he was covered in blood and bruises according to multiple eyewitnesses. Mr. Boyking was accused of assault staff and placed in solitary confinement where he has been denied phone calls and writing/mail materials, as well as having been subjected to denial of food. Fayette received dozens of phone calls on Friday, January 16th and the state police and the DOCs Office of Professional Responsibility have been contacted.


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