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-Physical/Mental Abuse, Medical Neglect, Denial of Due Process, racism, etc.

This information was reported to the Human Rights Coalition by way of letters, grievances, and lawsuits sent by people incarcerated in the SMU at SCI Camp Hill and their families. Human Rights Coalition FedUp! Chapter 5125 Penn Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15224 email - phone - 412-361-3022 xt. 4

Reports of Human Rights Violations at SCI Camp Hill- 20072009

The following information is organized chronologically --Please note that some of these reports go into detail of physical abuse and may be upsetting

Date of Incident January 22, 2007

Date Reported

August 1, 2007

Name, #, Location of Person(s) Carrington Keys #EF4010 SCI Camp Hill

Staff Involved

Type of Abuse

Description of Incident

Grievance Filed, Date, # Yes

Discrimin ation Yes, racial

Sgt. Dukes, C/O Ayers, Griffin, Yahn, Gerber, and Simpson

Physical; psychological; deprivation of recreation, food, showers, property

After filing a lawsuit against the Special Management Unit where he is held concerning experimental research, food poisoning, denial of meals, beatings, and denial of programs to mental health patients, Keys was attacked during a cell search while handcuffed to a dog leash. Sgt. Dukes, C/Os Ayers, Griffin, Yahn, Gerber, and Simpson took Keys into an

May 3, 2007

August 1, 2007 by Carrington Keys #EF4010 August 1, 2007 by Carrington Keys #EF4010 August 1, 2007 by Carrington Keys #EF4010 June 9, 2008; August 17, 2008

May 3, 2007

June 2007

August 2, 2007

Anthony Martin #CC1326 SCI Camp Hill Ravanna Spencer #FH6976 SCI Camp Hill Steve Cave #EF5695 SCI Camp Hill Terry Brooks #DD3814 SCI Camp

Sgt. Dukes


empty cell and repeatedly kicked and punched him in the head. The physical abuse was accompanied by racial slurs. Keys suffered a broken nose, two black eyes and a fractured skull. Since the incident Keys reports being systematically harassed, denied exercise, meals and showers, and his property has been destroyed. When he does receive meals they often contain broken glass, urine, or feces. Sgt. Dukes told Keys that he had disease and had placed his own DNA in the inmates food. Anthony Martin was Unknown assaulted by Sgt. Dukes while handcuffed. Ravanna Spencer was assaulted by Sgt. Dukes while handcuffed. Unknown


Sgt. Dukes



Sgt. Dukes


Steve Cave was assaulted by Unknown Sgt. Dukes while handcuffed. On this date Mr. Brooks had his arms and wrist slammed in the cell slot by C/Os Elwell and Eger and Sgt. Yes


Sgt. Free; C/Os Elwell, Eger



Hill August 22, 2007 Carrington Keys #EF4010 SCI Camp Hill Carrington Keys #EF4010 SCI Camp Hill Ronald Jackson #CF3994 SCI Camp Hill Lt. Krieder Psychological/racism; denial of due process

August 29, 2007

Lt. Krieder

Psychological/racist death threat

Freecausing bleeding and swelling. Keys was told by Lt. Krieder, I put you on grievance restriction so that you cant report what were doing to you, nigger. Keys was told by Krieder, Youre going to die, nigger. We have more than one way to kill you and cover it up. On May 24, 2007, Mr. Jackson filed a civil action complaint against SCI Graterford guards, and was subsequently transferred to the SMU at Camp Hill, where he is still confined today, in a retaliatory move. Hagan was given a fabricated charge in retaliation for filing a grievance to Major (now Deputy) R. Southers. The misconduct was written by C/O Spiels who said, Dagan, youre a pussy for filing that grievance and request so lay down cause youre not getting shit, and he was subsequently denied cell cleaning and personal hygiene supplies. Sgt. Zeider told Hagan that hed never see A.C. status again, and hearing examiner Resinger


Yes, racial


Yes, racial

Spring 2007 present

September 8, 2008


Denial of due process/retaliation



December 29, 2007

June 26, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Major Southers; C/O Spiels; Sgt. Zeider; Hearing Examiner Resinger

Fabricated charges; deprivation of hygiene supplies; denial of due process



disallowed witnesses and video evidence, stating, Hagan, even if the camera would show me otherwise Id still believe officer Spiels. Hagan received 90 days in DPod (phase-5 highest security). January 317, 2008 June 26, 2008 Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill C/Os Spiels, Eger, Clark, Gemberling, unnamed others; Unit Manager Chambers; Major Southers; Psychologist Kalsky; Sgt. Zeider; Lt. Via; Sgt. Warner; Lt. Simms Deprivation of cleaning and hygiene supplies In a Declaration sent to HRC Mr. Hagan detailed 8 days in a two-week period when he was denied cleaning and hygiene supplies, including soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, shaves, toilet paper, and cell cleaning supplies. Lack of proper hygienic supplies led to rashes developing in the prisoners anal and penile areas. The C/Os listed to the left were guilty of the deprivations, as were the ranking officers and psychologist Kalsky who all enabled and authorized the above through inaction and encouragement of the officers. January 21, 2008C/O Spiels told Hagan to write another request slip stating that I said as soon as you come out of your cell for law library I am going to break Yes no

January 21 & 25, 2008, February 18, 2008

June 26, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

C/Os Spiels & Eger




January 29, 2008

June 5, 2008 by Gary Tucker & June, 9, 2008 by Terry Brooks #DD3814

Gary Lt. Klanedist, Tucker C/Os Bankes, #FG8520 Sabalsky SCI Camp Hill (SMU)

Physical, denial of due process

your jaw and put you in the hospital. January 25, 2008C/O Eger said he would beat [Hagans] ass February 18, 2008C/O Spiels said he would fuck [Hagans} pretty ass good. After heated words Yes between Mr. Tucker and a guard his door was opened and the prisoner was jumped and slammed face first to the floor by C/O Sabalsky, C/O Bankes assisted in holding the prisoner down, cuffing his hands behind his back, and then both C/Os proceeded to punch and slam his face into the floorin open view of the camera. Mr. Tucker was then taken to an empty cellout of view of camerasand viciously assaulted by at least 6 guards, including Lt. Klanedist. The prisoner was punched, kicked, stomped, and choked until his chin was split wide open, teeth were knocked out, and his face was badly swollen. Since this incident prison personnel have been deliberately obstructing his efforts to seek redress.


February 1, 2008

June 26, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Psychologist Kalsky


February 26, 2008

June 26, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Deprivation; Bingaman; contamination (urine) C/Os Spiels and Eger; Lts. Gross, Via; Sgt. Jones; Major Southers; Supt. Palakovich

March 10April 7, 2008

June 26, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Lt. Gross; unnamed C/Os (usual suspects implicated see above logs)

Deprivations; food tampering

Psychologist Kalsky refused Yes to provide needed treatment to Mr. Hagan, stating on February 1, 2008 that he would not intervene to assist the prisoner during a period of targeted abuse by prison guards. Treatment of a sort was finally provided after Hagan filed a grievance. Upon returning from medical Yes Hagan found his soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrush and meds missing and his sheets, pillow case, towel, wash clothes, clothing, blankets and mattress drenched in urine. That night Sgt. Bingaman and C/Os Eger and Spiels all asked him how do you like sleeping in white mans piss. Hagan was forced to sleep in this cell for seven days with no water, no hygiene material, and urine-soaked bedding. Lt. Gross, Lt. Via, Major Southers, Supt. Palakovich, and Sgt. Jones were all informed and took no action. Hagan was deprived (again) Yes of all hygiene products from March 10, 2008 through April 1. Hagan also had his food spit in on March 10th, 11th, 18th, 31st and April 7th. Lt.


Yes racial


March 30, 2008

October 1, 2008

Todd Ballard #HK0416 SCI Camp Hill (now SCI Graterford)

C/Os Physical; medical Williams, Fulton, Martin; Sgt. Stockholm

April 28, 2008 to present

June 26, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Warner

Deprivations; psychological; physical

Gross laughed when witnessing these violations. Following an altercation with Yes another inmate, C/O Williams forced Mr. Ballards head against a scalding hot radiator as the prisoner was handcuffed, face-down upon the floor and offering no resistance. Ballard also had his hand fractured while being transferred from his cell. C/Os Fulton and Martin, along with Sgt. Stockholm were present and participated in the assault. Mr. Ballards burn became infected and his hand now has a deformed bone as a result of medical neglect. Property of the inmates was also stolen during the incident. From April 28 through Yes present Hagan has continued to be denied basic needs, threatened, and had his food tampered with continuously. On May 31st he was transferred to a psychiatric cell with 24-hour lighting. During this move he was subjected to excessive force by Sgt. Warner in an effort to provoke the inmate so that the Sgt. could finish [him].



April 17, 2008

September 8, 2008

Ronald Jackson #CF3994 SCI Camp Hill Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI FayetteSCI Camp Hill

C/Os Bridwell, Physical Brandt, Williams, Blosser

May 28 & 29, 2008

June 16, 2008

Lt. Lesure, C/O Collings, Edward Kalsky, Dept. Supt. Kazor, Counselor Baker, Sgt. Houser

Psychological/death threats, theft of property, unlawful transfer, denial of due process

On this date Mr. Jackson was Yes #226544 No assaulted on route to a misconduct hearing, which was the result of a fabricated charge levied against him in retaliation for filing a grievance. On May 28th Lt. Lesure Unknown Yes threatened Michael Edwards with transfer unless he signed a two-page affidavit dropping the prisoners grievances against C/Os Friend and Collings, who on January 10, 2007 tossed three photographs of lynched black people into Mr. Edwards cell after the prisoner refused to drop an outstanding lawsuit. After his cell was searched twice in twenty minutes and property, including legal documents, were confiscated, Mr. Edwards still refused to sign the affidavit and was promptly placed on a van to SCI Camp Hill without a prior 802 hearing.. On route C/O Collings (twin brother of the former) stated to the prisoner, Last chance. You see how easy it would be to kill you? Drop the complaints. Upon arrival at Camp Hill mental health 8

staff member Edward Kalsky threatened Edwards with indefinite SMU confinement unless he signed and dated aforementioned affidavit. On May 29 Mr. Edwards appeared before the PRC, and unit manager C. Chambers was handed a two-page affidavit from Dept. Supt. Kazor, who both claimed that the document was authorized by Central Office. The prisoner was told that if he signed and dated the affidavit he would be transferred to any prison of his choosing and placed in general population. Mr. Edwards refused to sign. Currently, the prisoner still is housed in the SMU without his personal property, access to cleaning supplies, paperwork, and law library; without control over his cell lighting, which is on 24 hours a day, and he has been denied yard. On May 29 Sgt. Houser also pressured Mr. Edwards to sign the affidavit, and between 5/28/08 and 6/11/08 Edward Kalsky and counselor Phil Baker have attempted to do the same. These events were described 9

June 17, 2008

June 26, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Warner; C/Os Eger, Gemberling; Lt. Gross

Cell flooding; unsanitary contamination (urine)

June 18, 2008

June 26, 2008 by Gary Tucker#FG8520; July 2, 2008 by Dennis McIntire (email); Damont Hagan #DS9488 on July 7, 2008; July 7, 2008 by Aaron Kelly #GA7799; on July 7, 2008 by David Crews #DC0924; Kayron Shorter #FP3704; Michael Edwards #CM8086

Gary Tucker #FG8520 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Jones, C/O Banks; Supt. Palakovich; Grievance Coordinator Ian Taggart; Chief Grievance Officer Cindy Watson; Unit Manager Chambers

Deprivation of food

in an affidavit sent to HRC/Fed Up! by Michael Edwards. On June 17, 2008 Sgt. Warner flooded Hagans cell several times with buckets of urine-infested water from another cell that was flooded. C/Os Eger, Gemberling, and Warner all laughed at the prisoner while Lt. Gross told him this is what you get for writing my guards up all of the time. Since June 18, 2008 Gary Tucker has been denied breakfast and lunch by the 6am-2pm shift on orders of Sgt. Jones. C/O Banks has also been involved in the denial of meals. On June 26, Mr. Tucker began being denied dinner as well. Mr. Tucker claims this is retaliation for his efforts at pressing charges against Banks and other prison personnel (see earlier entry) for an assault on 1/29/08. The deprivation of food was confirmed by Bob Volcheck of SCI Camp Hill in a telephone conversation of 7/2/08. Several prisoners wrote outside agencies reporting that prison guards,



Official Inmate Grievance #233002; Initial Grievance Review Response #233002; Grievance Response Appeal #233002; Grievance Appeal Review #233002; Final Appeal and Final Appeal Decision #233002 10

July 11, 1008

July 20, 2008

Gary Tucker #FG8520 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Warner

Physical (chemical and electo-shock weapons)

July 11, 2008

July 13, 2008 and December 23, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

C/Os Eger, Bickerti; Sgt. Warner; Lt. Goss

Denial of visitation; denial of due process

led by Unit Manager Chris Chambers, were trying to starve Tucker to death. Mr. Tucker was taken to the infirmary on July 11th (see below) and finally given food after continuous outside pressure. He gained 7.5 pounds in less than 48 hours. Upon refusing to present himself to be cuffed for a cell extraction, Sgt. Warner attacked Mr. Tucker with chemical mace for five minutes on order from Lt. Goss, then several C/Os entered the cell and stunned him to the floor with an electro-shock shield. C/Os Eger, Bickerts, and Declaration Sgt. Warner and Lt. Goss (12/23/08) denied Mr. Hagan a visit from a lawyer, with Sgt. Warner stating Hagan, if you come out and speak with this lawyer youll pay with your blood. Mr. Hagan claims in a later Declaration that he was then assaulted by four SMU staff members, and a false investigation was conducted into the incident by Lt. Reading. This same Lt. Told Hagan on July 24 that what goes on in Camp Hill stays in Camp Hill. OPR



July 14 time of report

July 20, 2008

Gary Tucker #FG8520 SCI Camp Hill Ronald Jackson #CF3994 SCI Camp Hill Antonio Johnson #GN4027 SCI Camp Hill


Deprivation of property


July 18, 2008


Deprivation of food

July 22, 2008 present

August 14, 2008


Deprivation of food; unsanitary conditions; deprivation of shower, recreation

July 30, 2008

December 23, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488

C/O Spiels

Mail tampering

was notified of everything above. Furthermore, OPR was contacted by the DA of Cumberland County regarding a criminal complaint filed by Mr. Hagan. They told the DA they had investigated Hagans claims although Mr. Hagan has, in fact, never been interviewed by OPR. Mr. Tucker has been placed in hard cell without his property for nearly a week at the time of writing, He has been denied toothpaste, toilet paper, legal documents, etc. Mr. Jackson testifies that he has lost 30 pounds as a result of prison undernourishment/deprivation of food Mr. Johnson reports that since he has been transferred to the hole in Camp Hill he has not had a shower; has been deprived meals (and witnessed the same done to others); and has slept in a room infested with roaches and mice In two Declarations submitted by Damont Hagan he details how he was delivered a piece of legal mail on this date by C/O Spiels that had already







Declaration (12/23/08)



August 1st 2008

August 3, 2008 by Terry Brooks #DD3814; Ronald Jackson #CF3994

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Unit Manager Chambers; Sgt. Jones; C/Os Spiels, Huber, Flynn, Phillips

Physical; denial of visitation; denial of due process; medical; deprivation/destruction of property

been opened. C/O Spiels later confessed to requesting overtime in order to be present during the visit, which Mr. Hagan never had due to his being assaulted (see below). On August 1st, Damont Hagan was assaulted by several guards, including C/Os Spiels, Flynn and Huber, along with Sgt. Jones. The assault took place while the prisoner was chained and shackled, on his way to visit his lawyer. Hagan was stripped and placed in a hard cell without his property, water, or mattress. Other prison personnel, reportedly including Sgt. Jones, Lt. Swift, C/Os Phillips, Brown and Huber, re-entered Hagans former cell and began destroying legal property according to multiple eyewitnesses. Mr. Hagan was and continues to be denied medical treatment as well. Mr. Hagan suffered the following injuries: broken tooth; busted lip; broken partial tooth; swollen eyes; lumps in the head; swollen nose; scarred wrists; scarred and swollen right ankle and

Declaration by Damont Hagan 12/23/08



August 3 and 5, 2008

December 23, 2008 by Damont Hagan #DS9488

Terry Brooks #DD3814 SCI Camp Hill

Unit Manager Chambers

Confiscation and withholding of institutional documents

Early August, 2008

August 24, 2008

Gary Tucker #FG8520 SCI Camp Hill

Unnamed, high-ranking officials implicated

Denial of due process/interference w/criminal investigation; fabricated charges

knee and other bruises. On August 3, 2008 Terry Declaration Brooks was issued a (12/23/08) fraudulent misconduct in retaliation for his submitting a sick call slip for Mr. Hagan. When the hearing examiner dismissed the misconduct on Agusut 5th, Unit Manager Chambers requested all documents related to the misconduct from Mr. Brooks, who released them. To date they have not been returned, thus eliminating evidence that Mr. Brooks attempted to procure medical treatment on behalf of Mr. Hagan following the assault of August 1st (see above). State police came to the Unknown prison to investigate a criminal complaint filed on behalf of Mr. Tucker. The prison deceived the police, telling them that Mr. Tucker did not wish to see them, and the officer left. In retaliation prison staff accused Mr. Tucker of aggravated assault on 8/21/08 for an incident that occurred 1/29/08. In reality, Mr. Tucker was assaulted by several guards on this date, leaving permanent injuries to the




August 2008

August 17, 2008

Terry Brooks #DD3814 SCI Camp Hill

C/Os Weis, Spiels, Bicker

Fabricated charges; deprivation of food; mail tampering

August 2008

August 17, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

C/Os Spieles, Hubert, Bankes; Sgt. Jones

Deprivation of food, hygiene supplies; medical; psychological; denial of due process

August 24, 2008

August 25, 2008

Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Camp

Unnamed, food staff implicated

Unsanitary conditions

prisoner. Mr. Brooks reports that he has been subjected to various forms of retaliation for his filing a grievance on behalf of Damont Hagan (see July 31st/August 1st entry above). Brooks has had fabricated charges levied against him, been deprived of food, and had his mail tampered with. C/Os Weis, Spiels, and Bicker have all been implicated. Mr. Hagan continues to be guarded by staff responsible for assaulting him on August 1st. C/Os Spieles, Hubert, Bankes, and Sgt. Jones have been the primary perpetrators of continues violations of Mr. Hagans rights, including deprivation of food and hygiene supplies, medical neglect for injuries suffered in the assault, and continual threats of future physical violence. Mr. Hagan has also been placed on grievance restriction so he cannot seek redress for these violations. Mr. Edwards sent an object discovered in his food which he believes to be an insect of some sort.



No (grievance restriction)





August 24, 2008

August 25, 2008

Hill Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Camp Hill

C/Os Bicker and Troutman

Deprivation of hygiene supplies; intimidation

General/su mmer 2008

September 8, 2008

Ronald Jackson #CF3994 SCI Camp Hill Antonio Johnson #GN4027 SCI Camp Hill

Unnamed, all SMU personnel implicated Lt. Gardner

Deprivation of and tampering with food; physical

General/da ily

September 18, 2008

Deprivation of food; retaliation; overheating and freezing

Summer 2008

September 19, 2008

September 20, 2008

Mario Berry #CW6398 SCI Camp Hill October 6, 2008 Terry by Terry Brooks; Brooks David Crews; #DD3814 and October 20 SCI Camp by Damont Hill Hagan

Unnamed, high-ranking prison officals implicated Unit Manager Chambers; C/Os Spiels, Weis, Clark, and Troutman; Lt. Gross; Sgt. McElwain; Nurse Melinda


C/Os Bicker and Troutman denied Mr. Edwards soap and toilet paper after the inmate refused to sign an affidavit promising to drop outstanding grievances and pending litigation against PADOC personnel. Mr. Jackson reports that prison guards in the SMU use food as a weapon, tamper with mail, and frequently assault those confined there with impunity. Lt. Gardner., while instructing a new staff member of the workings of the RHU, admitted to using food as a weapon and overheating and freezing prisoner cells in retaliation for inmates filing grievances. Mr. Berry is currently being housed in the SMU despite suffering from psychological instability. Under the pretext of a cell transfer, Lt. Gross and C/O Spiels orchestrated an assault against Mr. Brooks in retaliation for his filing grievances on behalf of Damont Hagan. Mr. Brooks was subjected to a forcible









Physial; medical; deprivation of property; fabricated charges





cell extraction, attacked with chemical and electro-shock weapons, and repeatedly punched and kicked by C/Os Spiels, Weis, Clark, and Troutman. Lt. Gross and Sgt. McElwain. Spiels repeatedly banged Mr. Brooks head off the floor, who suffered abrasions to the head and face, a broken blood vessel in his right eye, and a bloody nose. Following the assault Mr. Brooks was taken to a hard cell without any of his property, clothing, or bedding for the night. Nurse Melinda Radle cleaned the mace from his eyes but left other injuries untreated, and refused to photograph the injuries upon request of Sgt. McElwain. Later, C/O Weis and Sgt. McElwain then issued fabricated misconduct charges against Brooks, claiming he banged his head off the floor to intentionally harm himself, which led to his being given 6 more months added to his time in solitary. At the time of writing Mr. Brooks is still being deprived persona property so as to prevent him from filing a grievance. Unit 17

SummerFall 2008

October 6, 2008

Terry Brooks #DD3814 SCI Camp Hill

Unit Manager Chambers, higher officials implicated

Denial of due process; fraud; conspiracy; Prolonged solitary confinement

Fall 2008

October 3, 2008

Ronald Jackson #CF3994 & Antonio Johnson #GN4027 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Jones, Sg.t Taylor C/Os Brandt, Brown, Huber, Sabolski, Shafer, Banks; Lt. Kuzur;

Food tampering/deprivation

Manager Chambers has been made aware of this and past abuses and protects, enables, and orchestrates the assaults and cover-ups. Mr. Brooks reports that over half those confined in the SMU of Camp Hill are refusing to participate in the program, and that Unit Manager Chambers, acting in collusion with other prison officials, is forging documents to make it appear otherwise, and thus ensuring their continued confinement in conditions equivalent to torture without any due process. Furthermore, Chambers has been systematically orchestrating retaliatory violence against those who refuse to recognize the legitimacy of their conditions of confinement by cooperating with a hostile, criminal prison administration. Mr. Jackson states that he and other inmates have refused to eat food served during the 6am-2pm shift due to frequent tampering by the guards listed at left, rendering the trays inedible. Consequently, weight loss in


Yes, racial




October 16, 2008

December 3, 2008

William Kulp #GK7562 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Jones, C/Os Brandt, Flynn, Leddick, Zigler, McDermott, Williams; Lt. Crum; Unit Manager Chambers; Counselor Baker; Psychologist Kalsky

Psychological/death threat (suicide attempt); verbal; theft; fraud

November 2007October 2008

October 3, 2008

Ronald Jackson #CF3994 SCI Camp Hill

Unnamed, high officials implicated

Prolonged solitary confinement/24-hour lockdown

the SMU is a severe problem, with Mr. Jackson having lost 30 pounds. Antonio Johnson confirms this behavior by the 6-2 shift. Mr. Kulp attempted to commit suicide on 10/16/08 as a result of the inhumane conditions in the SMU. These conditions include religious discrimination, since Mr. Kulp is a Native American; being called an injun by Sgt. Jones, C/Os Brandt, Flynn, Leddick, and Zigler; inadequate/incompetent psychological and counseling treatment by Dr. Kalsky and Counselor Baker respectively; death threats by C/Os Williams and McDermott following the suicide attempt; theft of property; falsification of documents by Unit Manager Chambers.. Mr. Jackson has been held in his cell for 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the past 11 months, and Unit Manager Chambers and Superintendent Palakovich, along with subordinates, have been lying on documents to make it appear otherwise, i.e.

Official Inmate Grievances from 9/14/08; 10/25/08; 10/26/08

Yes race




Summer 2008 to present

October 5, 2008

Gary Tucker #FG8520 SCI Camp Hill

Unnamed, high officials implicated

Deprivation of recreation, showers; fraud

Fall 2008

November 6, 2008

Antonio Johnson #GN4027 SCI Camp Hill Gary Tucker #FG8520

Sgt. Taylor

Deprivation of food

October 20-29, 2008

November 1 & 12, 2008

Sgt. Jones, C/O Flynn

Unsanitary conditions; deprivation of water, food

claiming that inmates went to the Program Review Committee hearing or shower or yard when in fact they have not. Jackson reports that 15 of the 23 inmates confined in the SMU are not participating in the program. Inmates in Camp Hils SMU Unknown report that the majority of those held captive in the unit are not participating in the program, and several have been held in 24 hour lockdown for months in retaliation. Prison personnel have been forging documents to make it appear as if inmates have attended Program Review Committee hearings when they have refused to do so. Furthermore, 21 of 22 SMU captives are black, and racism is an integral feature of life on the unit. Antonio reports that Sgt. Unknown Taylor routinely and maliciously denies inmates in the SMU food, contributing to the severe weight loss described by others (see above). From October 20-29, Mr. Unknown Tucker was forced to reside 24 hours a day in a cell with

Yes, racial




SCI Camp Hill

October 27, 2008

December 23, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Sgts. Warner and Snook; executive staff

Intimidation of witness; psychological


November 1, 2008

Gary Tucker #FG8520 SCI Camp Hill Antonio

Sgt. Jones, C/Os Flynn, Brandt



January 7, 2009

C/O Tilden


no drinking water and a toilet which would not flush. After repeated complaints to staff, Sgt. Jones instructed C/O Flynn to write Tucker up on a fabricated misconduct charge. Tucker was placed on food loaf for a week as a result. Although this was Mr. Tuckers first time on food loaf, which usually lasts three days, he was kept on this regimen for seven days. In a Declaration Mr. Damont Hagan swears that his testimony on behalf of one Derrick McKinney, relating to an assault against the latter by C/O Nixdorf, Sgts. Warner and Snook on 2/21/03, has resulted in his being threatened and subjected to various forms of retaliation by Warner and Snook. Executive staff at Camp Hill have taken no steps to ensure the safety of Mr. Hagan. Sgt. Jones, C/Os Flynn and Brandt have been taunting the prisoners in the SMU for their writing to HRC regarding the illegal conditions of confinement they suffer. In an inmate request to staff

Declaration (12/23/08)




Inmate 2

Yes 21

2, 2008

November 3 to present

November 30, 2008

Johnson #GN4027 SCI Camp Hill David Serrano #EF4816 SCI Camp Hill

Mr. Johnson describes how C/O Tilden made graphic sexual comments toward him. Unit Manager Chambers; Counselor Baker; C/Os Brant, Flinn Mail tampering; psychological/verbal; fabricated misconducts; obstruction of justice; sexual assault; deprivation of hygiene and cleaning supplies, food, water, and toilet flushes; unsanitary conditions Mr. Serrano received a letter on 11/04/08 marked legal mail from a lawyer regarding civil litigation in which he is to be a witness. Staff illegally opened and read the letter. He reported this violation on the 4th.On the 5th staff began threatening Mr. Serrano with false misconducts and death in the event of his testifying. On November 13th staff presented Mr. Serrano with a typed document purporting to be written by the inmate stating that he was refusing to both testify and speak to a lawyer, and attempted to coerce him into signing it. After Mr. Serrano refused to sign, he was sexually assaulted when a guard grabbed his butt while he was handcuffed. The next day he was given a fabricated misconduct. From the 14th to the 21st Mr. Serrano was denied food four times, deprived of soap and cleaning supplies, and forced to live amidst his own waste for a week as they forbade

Requests to Staff Complaint filed with mail room supervisor 11/04; Abuse complaint against staff sent to Deputy Supt on 11/13.; Grievance #250312




November 5, 2008

November 6, 2008 by Michael Edwards #CM8086 and David Smith #FZ5168 in testimony in Federal Court; Bret Grote eyewitness court testimony; Ronald Jackson in 12/02/08 letter

Michael Edwards #CM8086, David Smith #FZ5168 SCI Camp Hill

Judge Joy Flowers Conti; C/Os Uber, Brandt, Zigler Butler Sgt. Maxwell; Lt. Kuzur

Physical; psychological; obstruction of justice


November 12,


Sgt. Jones


him toilet flushes and deprived him of drinking water. Staff, including Counselor Baker and Unit Manager Chambers, have since been attempting to coerce Mr. Serrano into signing the document. As a result Mr. Serrano is weak, sick, and dehydrated. He is still refusing to sign the document. On November 5th, according to a sworn declaration of Michael Edwards, C/O Uber threatened to assault Mr. Edwards if he attempted to exit his cell to testify at the Jacobs v. DOC civil trial via videoconference. On the same day, David Smith was removed from his cell, threatened, and later assaulted upon returning from the videoconferencing room when C/O Uber pushed his face into the wall and C/O Brandt yanked on his leg cuffs. Smith called out that he was being assaulted and was bleeding. All of this was testified to in federal court via videoconference the next day, November 6th, and Judge Conti took no action. On November 6th, Mr. Tucker

Sworn Declaration pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746


no 23

6, 2008

2008 by Gary Hagan Tucker #FG8520 #DS9448 SCI Camp Hill SCI Camp Hill November 12, 2008 Gary Tucker #FG8520 SCI Camp Hill Sgt. Jones


November 9, 2008


November 10, 2008

November 12, 2008

Gary Tucker #FG8520 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Jones; Bob Volciak (see inmate grievance); Unit Manager Chambers (see grievance response)

Psychological; retaliation

heard Sgt. Jones remark to Damont Hagan, Hagan, you can write me up, tell HRC, who cares, but the very first chance we get Ima see to it that we kill you. On this day Sgt. Jones turned the radio volume up during post-election coverage and mocked the results and the inmates, sarcastically remarking over the radio, Too bad Martin L. King aint here to see this. On the 10th, Sgt. Jones ordered Mr. Tucker to remove a towel that was covering half of his doorway, stating, Tucker, take the towel down. Just because theres a black president nothing changes around here. And HRC cant help you. Mr. Tucker has kept his towel in this manner for two months without reprimand, as have other inmates, and believes that Jones is now making an issue of this in retaliation for Mr. Tucker having filed grievances against him recently. Mr. Tucker also reports that Sgt. Jones has used words such as porch monkey, coon dog,, and nigger on occasion.


Yes race

Yes Yes regarding the race 11/10 incident; grievance #249959 re: Jones racism and abuse; grievance response #249959; grievance response appeal #249959; appeal of grievance response #249959


November 23, 2008

December 5, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Warner; C/O Gemberling

Unsanitary conditions; deprivation of water, hygiene and cleaning supplies; retaliation

November December 2, Gary -December 2008 by Gary Tucker 2008 Tucker #FG8520 #FG8520; Damont Hagan #DS9488; Michael

Unit Manager Chambers; Sgt. Jones

Deprivation of cleaning and hygiene materials

When Mr. Hagan attempted to speak with Sgt. Warner about staff harassing a prisoner who subsequently flooded his cell with urine and feces, Sgt. Warner responded by pushing this water under the door of Hagans cell. Warner then told Hagan, You just cant mind your own business can you. Ill never forget you testified on me, and I always get even bitch. He then continued pushing water under the door, yelled, flood, and laughed about the situation with C/O Gemberling. This C/O then turned off Hagans water, and his cell remained this way for 7 days, without a flush of the toilet or a drink of water, and he was denied hygiene and cleaning supplies. Mr. Hagan testified on Sgt. Warner on October 27th in an excessive force allegation where he was found liable. Mr. Tucker reports that at least those named to the left are being consistently denied cell cleaning and personal hygiene materials for their refusal to attend PRC hearings. Unit Manager




Second week of December

December 10, 2008

Edwards #CM8086; Terry Brooks #DD3814; David Crews #DC0924 Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill Karon Shorter #FP3704 SCI Camp Hill

Chambers and Sgt. Jones are the principal organizers of this retaliatory restriction.

Unit Manager Chambers


FallWinter 2008

December 4 and 8 2008

Jeffrey Beard; Deprivation of Superintendent (religious) literature Palakovich; Unit Manager Chambers


December 10,



Deprivation of food

Unit Manager Chambers told Mr. Hagan that the latters proposed transfer would send him somewhere that will make [him] wish that [he] stayed here. Mr. Shorter reports that he is still being subjected to violations of his 1st amendment rights via the denial of prison authorities to permit him Nation of Islam literature. Mr. Shorter drafted and sent an affidavit affirming his constitutional rights to the free practice of religion, sending copies to Supt. Palakovich and DOC Secretary Beard. On December 8th, Regional Deputy Secretary Moore visited the SMU at Camp Hill and heard Mr. Shorters grievance that unit staff under the command of Chris Chambers had been confiscating his material. Mr. Shorter reports that



Yes, affidavit

Yes religious


No 26

10, 2008

December 2008

2008 by Karon Smith Shorter #FP3704 #FZ5168 SCI Camp Hill SCI Camp Hill December 29, Michael 2008 by Gary Edwards Tucker #FG8520 #CM8086 SCI Camp Hill SCI Camp Hill

David Smith was denied lunch on this day. Sgt. Jones Psychological/death threats Mr. Tucker has overheard Sgt. Jones making repeated threats against Michael Edwards in an attempt to coerce him into dropping outstanding efforts to seek redress for the January 10, 2007 incident at SCI Fayette, where guards placed photographs of lynchings in his cell. Sgt. Jones has threatened to kill Mr. Edwards if he does not drop the matter. Mr. Jackson has lost 30 pounds (from 165 to 135) since entering the SMU in October of 2007. Sgt. Jones and C/Os Brandt and Flynn have been responsible for depriving him of meals and placing him on food loaf in retaliation for his filing grievances about food deprivation and tampering. The ranking officials to the left know of and find no fault with this mistreatment. Mr. Perry arrived in the SMU at Camp Hill on December 3, and has been housed here despite repeatedly injuring Unknown Yes race

October 2007 to Present

December 2, 2008

Ronald Jackson #CF3994 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Jones; C/Os Brandt, Flynn; Lt. Kuzur; Supt. Palakovich; Unit Manager Chambers

Deprivation of food



December 3 to present

December 23, 2008 by Michael Edwards #CM8086

Jamar Perry #DQ4432 SCI Camp

Sgt. Jones

Psychological; medical; unsanitary conditions; deprivation of food and water


Yes race



Summer 2008 to present

December 23, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Grievance Coordinators Ian Taggart and Robert Volciak

Denial/subversion of due process; psychological/verbal (death threats)

himself, wallowing in his own blood and feces, and clearly suffering from severe psychological disorders. He has rarely eaten in this time partly as a result of staff denying him meals. He has been placed on water restriction. Staff taunt him, calling him retarded nigger while encouraging him to kill himself. Sgt. Jones has taken a leading role in this effort. Furthermore, it is reported that Mr. Perry is certified mentally retarded, has infections in both of his eyes, and is in a cell with no running water or heat. In a Declaration submitted by Damont Hagan he states that repeated grievances regarding the persistent issuance of death threats against him by various SMU staff have went unheeded by Grievance Coordinators Ian Taggart and Robert Volciak.


January 16, 2009 David



Declaration (12/23/08); official inmate grievance #s 236565, 235693, 233471, 233561, 215423, 220277, 218453, 230015, 220686, 218685, and 222530 On this day Secretary Beard, Grievance


no 28

22, 2008

Serrano #EF4816 SCI Camp Hill

Beard; Supt. Palakovich; Unit Manager Chambers; psychologist Kalsky

December 23, 2008

December 23, 2008

Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

C/O Hubert

Psychological/threat of property theft/destruction; intimidation of witness; obstruction of justice


December 29,


Sgt. Jones;


Superintendent Palakovich, and Unit Manager Chambers toured the SMU. Each promised to look into concerns raised by Mr. Serrano regarding Mr. Kalsky, resident psychologist, and his decision to take the inmate off of antidepressant medication. Kalsky claims that Serranos problems are behavioral and not psychological/mental. This provides the administration cover to violate policy by confining him in the SMU. Also, during this visit, Beard was told of the efforts of staff to coerce Serrano into signing an affidavit in which he would refuse to testify in an upcoming civil trial. Beard did nothing, of course. Mr. Hagan was told by C/O Hubert that the inmate would be lucky to have one document left to use as an exhibit in his civil litigation following his proposed/pending transfer. Hubert has a reputation for destroying legal property according to the Declaration submitted by Mr. Hagan. Mr. Robinson states that


Declaration (12/23/08)



unknown 29

Winter 2008


Robinson # FX7258

Unit Manager Chambers; C/Os Liddick, Flynn, Sabolsky

psychological/death threats; verbal; deprivation of water; unsanitary conditions; denial of mattress and bedding; fabricated misconducts; deprivation of yard and shower; theft of property

during his four months in the SMU Sgt. Jones, along with C/Os Liddick, Flynn, and Sabolsky, under the supervision and approval of Unit Manager Chris Chambers, and in cooperation with other unnamed staff, have perpetrated the acts listed against himself and others in the SMU, targeting Mr. Tucker and Mr. Edwards in particular. Mr. Robinson has been physically assaulted while in handcuffs; issued death threats and death threats against his family; deprived him water and toilet flushes for over a week; confiscated personal property; denied mattress and bedding for 12 days; told by Chambers that his men would treat him better if he would consent to showing up to PRC hearings. Robinson and others refuse to go to PRC hearings because they do not wish to comply with a program of torture thus, adding it legitimacy and they fear to exit their cells due to the frequent remarks of staff that prisoners who exit their cells will have accidents. Several 30

January 1, 2009

January 4, 2009

Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Camp Hill

SMU staff; executive staff

Exposure to disease

December 2008

January 4, 2009 by Michael Edwards #CM8086

December January 6, 2009 29, 2008 to by Michael January 4, Edwards

Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Camp Hill; David Smith #FZ5168 SCI Camp Hill Jamar Perry #DQ4432


Intimidation of witnesses; retaliation; deprivation of food; physical

prisoners, including Mr. Robinson, have confirmed that these threats are not idle, and have been acted upon often (see above). Additionally, Sabolsky has a tendency to tamper with food, it is reported. In a Declaration by Michael Declaration Edwards he asserts that staff 12/23/08 in the SMU have deliberately permitted inmates to be exposed to hepatitis-A, B, and C, tuberculosis, mold spores, and HIV by permitting known contaminated inmates to flood their cells, which are contaminated with feces and blood. The filthy water has leaked into several other prisoners cells. Camp Hill officials have been notified and taken no corrective action. Mr. Edwards reports that staff Unknown in the SMU have been retaliating against himself and David Smith for their testifying at the Andre Jacobs trial, including their being deprived of meals and Mr. Smith being assaulted. Mr. Edwards submitted a Declaration testifying to his witnessing the staff herein Declaration (01/04/09)



Lt. Kuzar, Lt. Swift; Sgt. Jones; C/Os

Deprivation of food; psychological

Yes Race 31



SCI Camp Hill

Flynn, Brant, Zigler, Banks, Sabolsky

January 1, 2009

January 6, 2009 by Michael Edwards #CM8086

Michael Edwards #CM8086 and similarly situated SMU prisoners

Lt. McNeal; C/O Sensenig; Unit Manager Chambers

Mail tampering

January 58, 2009

January 13, 2008 Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill

Sgt. Jones; Lt. Kuzar; C/Os Flinn, Weis

Retaliation; fabricated misconducts

January 2009

January 16, 2009 Ronald Jackson #CF3994 SCI Camp Hill

C/Os Gamberline, Sensenig, Weis, Bickert, Smith, Troutman; Lts McNeal and

Mail tampering; retaliation

having denied Jamar Perry, a severely mentally retarded inmate, his breakfast and lunch food trays on these days, calling him racist slurs and encouraging him to commit suicide. C/O Sensenig told Mr. Edwards and other inmates on two occasions that Lt. McNeal ordered her not to pass out paperwork (grievance forms, requests to staff, etc.) or pick up outgoing mail until inmates cease writing to HRC, NAACP, Central Office, PA Institutional Law Project, and This order reportedly came from Unit Manager Chris Chambers. Mr. Hagan reports that he has suffered retaliatory cell searches during this time and been issued fabricated misconducts in the process after he filed a preliminary injunction against staff at Camp Hill. Ronald Jackson was issued a retaliatory misconduct after filing a grievance regarding the listed staff members constant tampering with inmate mail.

Declaration (01/04/09)




Grievance #255809



January 2009

January 16, 2009 by David Serrano #EF4816 SCI Camp Hill

David Serrano #EF4816; Gary Tucker #FG8520; David Crews #DC0924; Ronald Jackson #CF3994

Simms Sgt. Barry Jones; Sgt. Warner; C/Os Bankes, Flinn, Brandt, Liddick, Welsh, Salbowski, Troutman, Gimberland, Sensenig, Bickert

Food tampering/poisoning

January 15 to time of reporting

Late January and SMU early February prisoners by Michael Edwards #CM8086

C/O Brant, Flynn; Lt. Kuzar

Racism/hate crimes; psychological; verbal

Mr. Serrano reports that the prisoners named herein and others have been subjected to having urine, feces, disinfectant, and other objects placed in their food by the staff named herein. On January 14th, Serrano reports that he became violently ill after eating half his breakfast tray, and commenced to vomit several times. He was subsequently denied medical treatment, with Lt. Kuzar laughing at him and saying if you dont die sign up for sick call. C/O Flinn refused to call medical as well, reportedly stating why would I do that if I want you dead too. C/O Brant and Sgt. Jones also told Serrano they would kill him and continue poisoning his food. According to a series of witness Declarations submitted by Michael Edwards SMU guards have been threatening and terrorizing the entire SMU population via racist slurs and death threats. Some specific examples include: on 1/19/09 C/O Brant stated over the PA system, I have a dream

Grievance of January 14, 2009

Declaration of Michael Edwards (1/22/09)

Yes race


January 20, 2009

January 21, 2009 Gary by anonymous Tucker #FG8520; David Serrano #EF4816; Damont Hagan #DS9488; William Robinson #FX7258; Jamar Perry #DQ4432; Ronald Jackson #CF3994


Physical; verbal; deprivation of property, bedding, hygiene supplies

that one day all of you niggers will be dead, after which he laughed, clapped his hands, and lit a smoke; on 1/20/09 Lt. Kuzar stated, He [Obama] may have won, in my eyes hes still a nigger. Brant and C/O Flynn started laughing at this, and Kuzar continued, There will be no showers or yard today. We are going to show you niggers who run this SMU. On January 20th six prisoners Declaration were assaulted in the SMU by of 1/21/09 as yet unidentified staff. Gary Tucker was attacked with chemical mace and an electrocution stun-shield, stripped naked, thrown in a hard cell without any property or bedding or mattress; David Serranos wrists were reportedly injured when staff pulled his handcuffed arms through the tray door with the tether; Hagan, Robinson, Jackson, and Perry were also subjected to attacks with chemical mace and placed in cells without their property or state issue items. Tucker was also told that although there may be a black president, Mr. Tucker and other blacks

Yes race


January 20, 2009

February 1, 2009 by Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Pittsburgh

Gary Tucker #FG8520 SCI Camp Hill

C/O Liddick, unnamed others

Physical, psychological

January 20, 2009

February 2, 2009 by Willie Robinson #FX7258 SCI Camp Hill

Gary Tucker #FG8520 SCI Camp Hill

Lt. Kuzar; C/O Liddick; unnamed others


would always be niggers. Mr. Hagan submitted a Declaration of Truth regarding the following: on January 20, 2009 he witnessed C/O Liddick threaten the life and safety of Gary Tucker. Mr. Tucker informed staff that he feared for his life. Mr. Tucker was subsequently subjected to repeated threats, including some over his correspondence with HRC and, prior to unnamed staff (see entry below) rushing his cell and attacking him with chemical weapons and assaulting him. After the assault Hagan witnessed Mr. Tucker taken upstairs despite his being required to be housed on bottom tier for medical reasons. Willie Robinson testified in a Declaration that C/O Liddick and Lt. Kuzar approached Gary Tuckers cell allegedly to conduct a search, with Liddick saying Since he like writing grievances well make an example out of him. Tucker then asked Kuzar if he heard Liddick threaten him, stating that he refused to

Declaration of January 27, 2009

Yes (see above report)

Declaration of Willie Robinson

Yes (according to earlier report, see above)


January 20, 2009

January 21, 2009 Gary by Gary Tucker Tucker

Lt. Kuzar; C/Os Liddikc,

Physical; medical neglect; retaliation

come out of his cell because of the threat. Robinson refused to come out of his cell for the same reason. Shortly thereafter guards in returned in cell extraction gear and began to spray large amounts of mace into Tuckers cell. Mr. Robinson then heard Tucker gagging, the guards enter the cell, followed by the sounds of electrocution weaponry being used. Guards regularly yelled stop resisting, to which other inmates on the pod responded Hes not resisting, stop beating him up. After several minutes Tucker was dragged out of his cell in a battered condition and Robinson heard some of the guards yelling kill him, kill him. Tucker was then taken upstairs over the protests of other inmates that he has a medical condition requiring him to be on the bottom tier. Robinson also heard some of the guards saying it was his yearly anniversary (see entry for 01/29/08). The guards were laughing when they returned downstairs. On this day Lt. Kuzar, C/O Zeigler and Liddick 36


#FG8520; David Smith #FZ5176 SCI Camp Hill


approached Mr. Tuckers cell under the pretext of searching it (despite having done so on 1/15/09), with the latter stating, Since these guys like filing grievances lets make an example out of him. Mr. Tucker refused to leave his cell unless a Captain or the Unit Manager was present because of the threat. Kuzar refused this request, and shortly thereafter David Smith was assaulted when he consented to leave his cell for a search. Later in the morning a cell extraction team came to Tuckers cell and began spraying vast amounts of mace into his face and eyes through the tray slot. Tucker moved to the back of the cell where he was attacked with more mace once the door was opened, and 7 guards (including Kuzar) began punching, kicking, choking, and attacking Tucker with electroshock weaponry. This continued for several minutes while the camera was averted and staff repeatedly yelled stop resisting to cover their actions, even though Tucker blinded and overwhelmed 37

January 20, 2009

February 2, 2009 Damont Hagan #DS9488 SCI Camp Hill (now Pgh)

C/Os Brant, Liddick; Lts. Kuzar, Flowers; Unit Manager Chambers; psychologist Kalsky; Sgt. Maxwell

Physical; psychological; sexual; deprivation of property; retaliation; deprivation of food, sanitary and hygiene items, water; retaliation

was not and could not resist. Following this Tucker was airlifted to the top tier despite having a medical condition that forbids this, and the guards continued hitting, shocking, and choking him. Tucker was stripped and placed in a cell without property and denied medical attention for his injuries which were as follows: swollen face; deep cuts on the wrists; stiff neck; severe lower back pain; dislocated right arm; badly swollen right ankle; bloody mouth. In a Declaration of Truth Damont Hagan reports the following: on January 20, 2009 C/O Brant told Hagan that he had to come out for a cell search, reminding him that the camera that is mandatory use in such procedures can be manipulated, also calling the prisoner a nigger. Following that Hagan heard other inmates threatened and David Smith assaulted by the same staff that was to search his cell. When Hagan reported Brants threats to Lt Kuzar the latter quickly

Declaration of February 2, 2009

Yes Race


ordered another C/O to turn off the camera, then told Hagan youre a pussy, Hagan, well get you one way or another, before walking away. Hagan told Unit Manager Chambers about these threats and that he feared for his life. Chambers replied, Im tired of this complaining to HRC,, and preliminary injunctions. Yall did this to yall selves, now yall are scared. Youre coming out anyway, so write HRC or have .com write the Attorney General again, who cares. Shortly thereafter a cell extraction team came to his cell and ordered Mr. Hagan to cuff up. After Mr. Hagan stated on camera that he feared for his life he was attacked with chemical weapons which penetrated his eyes and lungs. After he was cuffed Mr. Hagan was taken to another cell where his clothes were cut off, and while this was happening Sgt. Maxwell whispered into his ear get it nice and hard for Flowers now, as the female Lt. Flowers watched him being stripped naked. Mr. 39

January 20 February 10, to 26, 2009 2009 by Ronald Jackson #CF3944

Ronald Jackson #CF3944, David Smith #FZ5168 SCI Camp Hill

C/Os Liddick, Ziegler, Brant, Hartman, Huber; Lt. Kuzar; Sgt. Maxwell; Supt. Palakovich; Chambers

Physical; deprivation and destruction of (legal) property; retaliation; medical neglect; denial of access to courts; cultural/psychological

Hagan was left in the cell naked without any property or state issue items or water, drenched in mace and freezing. His water was not turned on until January 22nd; his food was tampered with and he was deprived of breakfast and lunch on January 21st. For the next week prior to his transfer Mr. Hagan was left in that cell with nothing and became sick as a result. On January 26th Mr. Hagan told Chambers that he was sick and freezing and needed clothing and a blanket, to which Chambers replied, I see your lawsuit is still active, deal with it. On this day Mr. Jackson reports that David Smith was assaulted by C/Os Liddick, Ziegler, and Brant immediately upon exiting his cell for a search. Afterwards Mr. Jackson, along with others (see above entries), refused to exit there cell for obvious reasons. For this Mr. Jackson was assaulted with chemical mace, forcibly ripped from his cell and punched in the head several times by C/O Brant. Ziegler, Liddick, Hartman,

Inmate Request to Staff (Chambers) 1/31/09

Yes Race


January 20, 2009

January 22, 2009 by Michael Edwards #CM8086

Gary Tucker #FG8520; Ronald Jackson #CF3994;

Unit Manager Chambers

Physical; medical; retaliation; deprivation of all property

Brant, Huber, and Lt. Kuzar removed Mr. Jackson to another cell where they cut off his clothes and his dreadlocks. He was left in this cell, bleeding behind both ears, naked, with cuff markings on his wrists, for six straight days prior to being returned to his former cell, which was still contaminated with mace. Mr. Jackson, who has an open civil suit against DOC personnel, had his legal property confiscated and destroyed during the attack. Supt. Palakovich justified this obstruction of access to the courts upon the pretext that the documents were contaminated with mace and had to be destroyed, presumably to protect Mr. Jackson from the chemical. In another letter Mr. Jackson confirmed other details of the Janaury 20th shakedown, which corresponded precisely to the other accounts (see above entries). Mr. Edwards submitted a Declaration confirming the above reports of the incidents of the 20th, adding that Unit Manager Chambers witnessed the entire series of

Declaration of Michael Edwards (1/22/09)

Yes race


Willie Robinson #FX7258; David Smith #FZ5168; Jamar Perry #DQ4432

January 20 and 30, 2009

January 22, 2009, February 1, 2009

Michael Edwards #CM8086

C/O Huber

Psychological; verbal; hate crime

assaults from the control booth, which provoked much laughter from him. Prior to the searches Chambers ordered the confiscation of all personal property of the targeted men, including grievances, letters from HRC/Fed Up!, NAACP, PA Institutional Law Project, www.prisoners .com, and that Tucker should be moved upstairs. When told Tucker has a medical conditionby an unnamed person Chambers replied, I dont give a fuck what medical says, I want that nigger upstairs now. On this date C/O Huber stated to Mr. Edwards, Your number is up nigger. Youre next. Please refuse to have your cell searched. One thing for sure, you cant stay in their forever, Edwards. Im going to try and kill you when I do get my hands on you. This is not SCI Fayette. Look what happened to Smith, and all the niggers before him. We dont play that shit here. We will fuck you niggers up in a heartbeat, this is what we get paid to do you stupid nigger. On the

Declarations of Michael Edwards (1/22/09) (1/30/09

Yes race


January 23-25, 2009

January 25, 2009 by Michael Edwards #CM8086 SCI Camp Hill

Michael Edwards #CM8086, Cisco Ortiz #ET8023, all SMU inmates

Lt. Kuzar and McNeal; Sgts. Jones and Houser; C/Os Martz, Flynn

Hate crimes (racism); psychological/verbal; deprivation of food; unsanitary practices

30th, after Chambers told Mr. Edwards he would not be receiving any law books or property in retaliation for his working with HRC/Fed Up!, Huber told the inmate, Hey listen up nigger, I have the green light to kill your black ass, before walking away from the cell laughing. On February 1st, Lt. Kuzar stated to Mr. Edwards, Nigger do you honestly believe we are going to let you, or any of these other niggers get away with what you are doing? Michael Edwards testifies in a Declaration that on 1/23/09 Lt. Kuzar announced over the loud speaker, For those who downright believe what Rendell said, bullshit! He doesnt sign my check, your stupid mothers and fathers do. Sgt. Jones added, Do I look like Im worried about a bunch of retarded niggers? On 1/24/09 C/O Martz stated to SMU prisoners, For the niggers who dont know me, I use to work in this SMU before, and one thing is for sure, all you niggers are in trouble. Also, Mr. Edwards requested of Lt. McNeal, Sgt. Houser, and C/O Flynn

Declaration of Michael Edwards 1/25/09


January 27, 2009

February 2, 2009 Damont Hagan #DS9488

C/O Andy Hubert

Mishandling of legal property

January 2009

January 27, 2009 All SMU by Michael inmates Edwards #CM8086 SCI Camp Hill

All SMU staff, Supt. Palakovich implicated

Institutional racism

to stop serving food with the black gloves that come in contact with blood, feces, and urine. Lt McNeal replied, Nigger spell my name right. Sgt. Houser replied, Motherfucker you are lucky to be eating. C/O Flynn stated, All you niggers do is cry, fuck you. On 1/25/09 Sgt. Houser told Cisco Ortiz, Wetback you will not be eating tonight, and burned him for his tray. This occurred but a couple days after Ortiz sent mail to HRC. Mr. Hagan reports that he was Declaration not permitted to inventory his of 2/2/09 property, in violation of policy, by C/O Hubert on the occasion of his preparing for a transfer. Hubert stated, See where your property ends up you stupid fuck. Mr. Hagan has been transferred to SCI Pittsburgh and has yet to receive his property, including legal documents pertaining to civil litigation against the DOC. Mr. Edwards reports that all No prisoners in the SMU except two (one white, one native) are black and/or Latino, and all SMU guards are white/euro-american.


Yes race


February 1-4

February 9, 2009 Jamar by Michael Perry Edwards #DQ4432 #CM8086

Shirley Moore-Smeal Regional Deputy Secretary; Richard Southers

Psychological; physical; medical

On the first three days of the month Mr. Perry was forcibly ripped from his cell and placed in a restraint chair prior to being returned to his cell, according to a Declaration from Mr. Edwards. Guards continually taunt Mr. Perry, who is severely mentally ill, with racist slurs. On the 4th Shirley Moore-Smeal toured the SMU and took offense at the odor coming from Perrys cell, where he smears urine and feces over himself and the cell. Richard Southers from Central Office compared Mr. Perry to a dog and referred to him as retarded, provoking laughter from Unit Manager Chambers and other ranking DOC professionals. Shirley Moore refused to speak with inmates during this visit.

Declaration of Michael Edwards (2/09/09)

Yes race


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