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The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force. www.TrustedGuideOnly.


Napoleon Hill
The History of Napoleon Hill and His Secret to Success

Everyone wants to be successful. Napoleon Hill believed that success was within the reach of every person. Our core personal beliefs directly affect how successful we can become. Positive thoughts and ideas attract success. This Law of Attraction, where like ideas attract like ideas, was the basis for the secret of success according to Napoleon Hill.

While Napoleon Hill is best known for his work as a success coach, motivational writer and speaker, his work with the Law of Attraction has helped shape it into the movement it is today. Experts consider him one of the pioneers in this realm of metaphysical knowledge, and even today, people around the world study and follow his philosophies. Mr. Hill's story is interesting, as his own history and upbringing helped to shape his beliefs about success and even his feelings about the Law of Attraction.

"You must get involved to have an impact. No one is impressed with the won-lost record of the referee." - Napoleon Hill

Early Life

Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 to a poor family that lived in a one-room cabin in Virginia. He lost his mother at age 10, but his father soon remarried. After a rebellious period, he got involved in writing at age 13 and began his journey to becoming one of the best-known motivational writers in America's history. Though he faced much adversity as a child, he was able to take these disadvantages and spin them into positive results.

Andrew Carnegie's Influence

Napoleon Hill was already experiencing success as a writer, but had not fully realized his direction in life, when in 1908 he first met Andrew Carnegie. At this time Mr. Carnegie was one of the richest and most powerful men in the world. Hill had the honor of interviewing him for a series of articles about success. Andrew Carnegie shared his belief that success could be achieved by nearly anyone with Hill for the article, and the two found they were

The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force.

kindred spirits. Hill impressed Carnegie with his writing skills and dedication. Soon the two men were working together to analyze successful men and women and trying to put this information together into a formula for success.

Napoleon Hill's Philosophies

Hill, with help from Carnegie, was able to take the information he learned from his interviews and personal study and create what he called "The Philosophy of Achievement." He found that nearly all the successful people he interviewed embraced the same principles, so he was able to build his philosophies on these ideas. They are freedom, democracy, capitalism and harmony. He felt that while these traits helped build success, there were also traits, such as fear and selfishness that worked counter intuitively to the quest for success. Throughout his motivational career, Napoleon Hill helped regular people harness the positive theories and block out these negative thoughts.

"There comes to your aid and to do your bidding, with the development of the sixth sense, a 'guardian angel' who will open to you at all times the door to the temple of wisdom." Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill and the Law of Attraction

While Mr. Hill encouraged people to achieve success in all aspects of their life, his work with helping people with their earning potential was one of his best known subjects. While he never outright claimed any connection with the Law of Attraction, many people feel that he embraced this philosophy with his books The Law of Success in 16 Lessons and Think and Grow Rich. He describes in Think and Grow Rich how important it is to control your own thoughts to achieve success. He also mentions how the energy of thoughts have the ability to attract the very things we desire, which is nearly identical to the thought process of the Law of Attraction. In Think and Grow Rich, Hill mentions a secret that will help anyone become wealthy. One common belief is that this secret is in fact the Law of Attraction. Send out positive thoughts and ideas to the universe and positive thoughts and happenings will come back to you!


The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force.

Over the years Hill's books have remained important tools for those looking to achieve success, or follow the principles of the Law of Attraction. Think and Grow Rich, arguably his most popular work, has sold over 60 million copies since it was released. Anyone who cares to study success, personal motivation or the Law of Attraction will certainly find Napoleon Hill's contributions important. In recent years, the Napoleon Hill Foundation has republished much of his work and translated it into different languages, giving people around the world access to his work.

Books by Napoleon Hill

Over the course of his career, Napoleon Hill published dozens of books. Many of these are available either in print or from digital sources today. Here is a partial list of some of Hill's bestselling books including several that were released posthumously, using old notes and information he provided.

The Law of Success (1928)

The Master-Key to Riches

Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion

The Magic Ladder To Success(1930)

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude(1960)

You Can Work Your Own Miracles(1971)

Napoleon Hill's Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement

Think and Grow Rich (1937)

The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force.

How to Sell Your Way through Life(1939)

Grow Rich!: With Peace of Mind

Who Can Benefit

Many people mistakenly think the Law of Attraction and Napoleon Hill's philosophies are only applicable to entrepreneurs or other creative types. This is far from the truth. Nearly anyone, even those in the most mundane of fields can benefit from the positive thought process and Law of Attraction. Depending on your situation, you may have to utilize the information in a slightly different way. The most important thing to remember is to put those negative thoughts behind you and concentrate on the positive thoughts that will attract positivity into your life.

Apply the Secret!

Without a doubt, Napoleon Hill has been one of the forefathers of the Law of Attraction movement, whether he publicly embraced the concept or not. Throughout his long career he inspired many people to make the changes in their own life that are needed to bring success and money into their lives.

Bob Proctor one of the key figures in The Secret- believes that the Law of Attraction is incomplete, and for the first time reveals the 11 Forgotten Laws that will finally uncover the Laws true potential.. =========

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