Faculty Openings at Taibah University, Ksa

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ln=en *Applications will be held in strict confidence *Prospective candidates will be informed about further process *To See the Jobs Click http://www.taibahu.edu.sa/cms/pages.aspx?pid=6016&ln=en or read below. TAIBAH UNIVERSITY constitutes 26 colleges in the fields of: Medicine; Health Sciences; Dentistry; Pharmacy; Applied Medical Sciences; Education; Science; Applied Science; Arts & Humanities; Computer Science and Engineering; Engineering; Business Administration;; Community; and two special institutes. It is equipped with a chain of Language, Computer, Clinical and Science laboratories. It has also a closed-circuit television system with 13 studios. Our goal is to recruit dynamic and highly motivated team players who are committed to scholarly research and teaching. The candidates should be able to provide evidence of their ability and professional achievements commensurate with the rank sought. Applications are invited for full-time faculty positions for the following colleges of Taibah University for the Academic Year, 2011-2012. (1) COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CM1/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains: Neurology; Urology; Rheumatology; Pediatrics; Psychiatry; General Surgery; Gynecology& Obstetrics; General Medicine; Community & Family Medicine; Audiology; Pulmonary Medicine, Medical Education; Orthopedics; Dermatology; Radiology; Microbiology; Hematology & Oncology; Pathology; Speech Pathology; Anatomy ; Biochemistry; Physiology. (2) COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CDEN2/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains: (a) Oral Basic & Clinical Sciences: Areas of Specialization: (a) Oral Biology; (b) Dental Anatomy & Oral Histology; (c) Oral Pathology; (d) Oral Diagnosis; (e) Oral Radiology; (f) Oral Medicine. (b) Restorative Dental Sciences: Areas of Specialization: (a) Biodental Materials; (b) Endodontics; (c) Operative Dentistry. (c) Preventive Dental Sciences: Areas of Specialization (a) Community Dentistry & Public Health; (b) Periodontics. (d) Oral Maxillofacial Surgery: Areas of Specialization (a) Oral Surgery; (b) Maxillofacial Surgery. (e) Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics: Areas of Specialization (a) Orthodontics & Pedodontics. (f) Substitutive Dental Sciences: Areas of Specialization (a) Removable Prosthodontics; (b) Fixed Prosthodontics. (g) Dental Education: Areas of Specialization (a) Quality Assurance in Dentistry (3) COLLEGE OF PHARMACY (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CPH3/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains: Pharmaceutics; Pharmaceutical Technology; Clinical Pharmacy; Pharmacology; Pharmacognosy; Hospital Pharmacy; Toxicology; Pharmaceutical Chemistry. (4) COLLEGE OF APPLIED MEDICAL SCIENCES (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CAMS4/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains:(a) Diagnostic Radiology: Areas of Specialization: (a) MRI ; (b) CT; (c) X-Ray. (b) Clinical Nutrition: Areas of Specialization (a) Nutritional Biochemistry; (b) Adult Nutrition (c) Medical Laboratories: Areas of Specialization (a) Hematology; (b) Chemical Pathology; (c) Medical Biochemistry; (d) Pathology. (5) COLLEGES OF HEALTH SCIENCES (Madinah, Yanbu, & Al-Oula).

(REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CHS5/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains:(a) Physiotherapy; Oral Rehabilitation; Audiology; Respiratory Therapy; Orthostatic & Postatic; Occupational Therapy. Note: The applicant (male and female) should have or have had a University position, teaching experience and earned professional qualifications from North American, European or Australian universities. (6) COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CE6/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains:(a) Electrical Engineering: Areas of Specialization: (a) Communication Engineering; (b) Control System Engineering; (c) Power System Engineering; (d) Nano Engineering; (e) Biomedical Engineering; (f) Mechatronics Engineering; (g) Computer Engineering; (h) Instrumentation and Measurement. (b) Mechanical Engineering: Areas of Specialization: (a) Mechanical Design; (b) Instrumentation and Measurement; (c) Manufacturing; (d) System Vibration; (e) Materials Engineering. (c) Civil Engineering: Areas of Specialization: (a) Structural Engineering; (b) Transportation System Engineering; (c) Water Resources Engineering; (d) Surveying Engineering; (f) Environmental Engineering; (g) Construction Engineering & Management. (d) Architectural Engineering: Areas of Specialization: (a) Structural Engineering; (b) Energy Conservation and Thermal Performance; (c) HVAC Design; (d) Construction Materials and Technology; (e) Acoustics and Illumination; (f) Geotechnical Engineering; (g) Project Management; (h) Surveying. (e) Industrial Engineering: Areas of Specialization: (a) Operation Engineering; (b) Maintenance Engineering; (c) Quality Engineering; (d) Human Factors Engineering; (e) Facility Engineering; (f) Security Engineering; (g) Enterprise Engineering. (f) Chemical Engineering. Background requirements: An ideal candidate should have an earned doctorate in any of the aforementioned specialties from an accredited North American, European or Australian university with at least three years post-doctoral teaching experience at university level. He should have leadership qualities in curriculum planning; research & administrative pursuits with excellent communication in English; interpersonal & IT skills as well as team work spirit. Preference will be given to those having ABET Accreditation. (7) COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CEDU7/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains: (a) Principles of Education: Areas of Specialization: (a) Principles of Education; (b) Educational Economics (c) Comparative Education. (b)Instructional Technology: Areas of Specialization: (1) Faculty Staff: Instructional Technology ;(b) Information Technology (Libraries); (c) Educational Broadcasting/Media; (2) Technicians in Instructional Technology. (c) Special Education: Areas of Specialization: (a) Mental Retardation; (b) Listening Impairment; (c) Visual Impairment; (d) Autism; (e) Early Intervention including Integration and Developing Listening Skills. (d) Educational Psychology: Areas of Specialization (1) Faculty Staff: (a) Learning OR Evaluation & Measurement; (b) Mental Hygiene; (c) Educational Counseling; (d) Psychological Guidance. (2) Technicians: Educational Statistics (e) Curriculum & Teaching Methods: Areas of Specialization: (a) Methods of Teaching Arabic; (b) Methods of Teaching Special Education; (c) TESOL (Curriculum & Methods of Teaching English);(d) Elementary Education; (e) Kindergarten Education; (f) Educational Administration. (f) Physical Education: Areas of Specialization: (a) Physical Training for the Special Needs; (b) Sports Marketing & Management (g) Art Education (Art & Design): Areas of Specialization: (a) Carpentry & decoration design. Background requirements: An applicant should hold an earned doctorate from any of the accredited North American, European

or Australian universities; have or have had a university position; and at least three years postdoctoral teaching experience. For Technician positions, an applicant should hold a masters in any of the fields: (a) Electronics; (b) Instructional Technology;(c) Computer Science; and (d) Psychology OR Evaluation and Measurement preferably from a Northern American; European or Australian University. (8) COLLEGE OF ARTS & HUMANITIES (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CAH8/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains: (a) Islamic studies & Arabic Language: Areas of Specialization: (a) Interpretation and Qur'anic Sciences; (b) Qur'anic Readings; (c) The Hadith & its Science; (d) Islamic Culture ; (e)The Faith (Creed) ; (f) Jurisprudence and its Principles (g) Rhetoric; (h) Fundamentals of Language; (h) Biography of the Prophet. (b)Arts & Humanities: Areas of Specialization: (a) Communication and Media (Journalism/Radio/Television); (b) Information and Learning Resources; (c) Orientalism. (c) English Language: Area of Specialization: (a) Linguistics. (d) Social Sciences: Areas of Specialization: (a) Natural Geography; (b) Human Geography; (c) Islamic History; (d) Modern History. (9) COLLEGE OF SCIENCE (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CS9/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains: (a) Mathematics: Areas of Specialization: (a) Numerical Analysis; (b)Mathematical Analysis; (c) Geometric Algebra; (d) Algebra; (e) Euclidean & Non-Euclidean Geometry; (f) Topology; and (g) Statistics. (b) Physics: Areas of Specialization: (a) Experimental Optical Physics-Laser; (b) Experimental Nuclear Physics; (c) Experimental Biophysics; and (d) Solid State Physics. (c) Biology: Areas of Specialization: (a) Mycology; (b) Phycology; (c) Genetic Engineering; (d) Virology; (e)Parasitology; (f) Plant Physiology; (g) Molecular Biology; and (h) Biotechnology. (d) Chemistry: Areas of Specialization: (a) Organic Chemistry; (b) Physical Chemistry; (c) Inorganic Chemistry; (d) Biochemistry; (e)Computational Chemistry; (f)Analytical Chemistry; (g) Nanochemistry; (h) Instruments Supervisor (10) COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCE (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CAS10/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains: (a) Applied Mathematics: Areas of Specialization: (a) General Applied Mathematics; (b) Financial Mathematics; (c) Computational Mathematics; (d) Numerical Analysis; (e) Differential Equations; (f) Theory of Relativity; (g) Quantum Mechanics; (h) Electro; (i) Fluid Dynamics. (b) Applied Physics: Areas of Specialization: (a) General Applied Physics; (b) Physics of Plasma & Laser and Their Applications; (c) Nuclear and Radiation Physics; (d) Material Physics; (e) Biophysics; (f) Experimental Nuclear Physics; (g) Electronics; (h) Plasma Physics. (c) Applied Biology: Areas of Specialization: (a) General Applied Biology; (b) Biotechnology; (c) Genetics & Molecular Biology; (d) Environmental Biology; (e) Cell Biology; (f) Molecular Biology; (g) Immunology; (h) Microbiology; (i) Zoology (Embryology & Vertebrates. (d) Applied Chemistry: Areas of Specialization: (a) General Applied Chemistry; (b) Environmental Applied Chemistry; (c) Industrial Applied Chemistry; (d) Marine Chemistry; (e) Food Chemistry; (f) Physical Chemistry; (g) Organic Chemistry; (h) Inorganic Chemistry; (i) Analytic Chemistry; (j) Biochemistry. (e) Applied Statistics: Areas of Specialization: (a) General Applied Statistics; (b) Computational Statistics; (c) Biostatistics; (d) Operations Research; (e) Mathematical Statistics; (f) Applied Statistics. (11) COLLEGE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CCSE11/2011-12) Positions: Assistant (with minimum 2 years experience) /Associate/Professor Domains: (a) Computer Science; (b) Computer Networks & Communication Systems; (c) Information Systems;(d) Computer Engineering; (e) Software Engineering (f) Programming & Applications (12) COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

(REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CBA12/2011-12) Positions: Assistant/Associate Domains: (a) Management (b) Strategic Management; (c) Finance; (d) Management Information Systems; (e) Marketing; (f) Accounting (g) Business Law; (h) Quantitative Methods; (i) Human Resources Management; (j) Organizational Behaviour. (13) ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTER (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/ELC13/2011-12) Positions: Lecturer/Assistant/Associate/Professor Domains :(a) English as a Foreign Language (b) English as a Second Language (c) Applied Linguistics (d) EAP Background requirements (For the Colleges of Science, Applied Science; Education; Computer Science & Engineering; Business Administration; and ELC): An ideal applicant should hold an earned doctorate from an accredited North American, European or Australian university; have or have had a university position; and at least three years post-doctoral teaching experience. He/She should be fluent in English. The applicants to the ELC should be native speakers of English and those who apply for a lecturer position should hold an MA in English Language/Linguistics from any of the universities cited as above. (14) COMMUNITY COLLEGE (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/CC14/2011-12) Positions: Assistant Professor Domains: (a) Medical Sciences & Technology; (b) Computer Science & Information Technology ; (c) Administrative & Financial Sciences & Technology (d) Basic Sciences and Technology; (e) Arabic & English languages. Background requirements: An applicant for (a) above should hold an MD in clinical pathology or Public Health; (b) a Ph.D. in Communication; Computer Engineering/Science & Information; (c) an MBA and a Ph.D. in Management Financial Sciences; (d) a Ph.D. in Basic Sciences (e) a Ph.D. in Arabic/ English Language from any of the accredited North American, European or Australian universities. He should have or have had a university position with sufficient post-MD/Ph.D. teaching experience. He should be fluent in English. (15) UNIVERSITY BRANCHES (REF. ACADEMIC JOBS/UB15/2011-2012) a. Madinah Munawwarah branches 1- College of Health Sciences 2- College of Family Sciences 3- College of Applied Medical Sciences b. Other Branches Yanbu 1. College of Engineering 2. College of Science and Arts 3. College of Computer Science and Engineering 4. College of Health Sciences Al-Mahad 1. Community College Hanakiya 1- Community College Al-Oula 1- College of Science and Arts 2- Health Institute 3-Community College 1-Community College Khyber 1. Community College Hanakiya 1. Community COllege Al-Oula 1. College of Science and Arts 2. Health Institute

3. Community College Positions: Assistant/Associate/Professor Engineering Sciences: (a) Civil Engineering: Areas of Specialization: Geometric Engineering; Structural Engineering; Geotechnical Engineering; Construction Engineering; Transportation Engineering; Water Engineering. (b) Mechanical Engineering: Areas of Specialization: Materials Engineering; Thermofluids Engineering; Mechanical Design Engineering; Manufacturing Engineering; electromechanical Engineering. (c) Electrical Engineering: Areas of Specialization: Power Engineering; Electronics Engineering; Instrumentation & Control Engineering; Telecommunication Engineering; Mechatronics Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; NanoEngineering. (d) Chemical Engineering: Areas of Specialization: Unit Operation Engineering; Chemical Reactor Design Engineering; Process Control Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Biochemical Engineering. (e) Industrial Engineering; Areas of Specialization: Systems Analysis & Operation Research; Human Factors Engineering; Quality Engineering; Information Engineering; Operation Engineering; Maintenance Engineering; Enterprise Engineering; Sustainability Engineering; Mechatronics Engineering Arts & Humanities (a) Islamic Studies & Arabic Language: Areas of Specialization: The Noble Qur'an; The Qur'anic Sciences; Jurisprudence; Comparative Jurisprudence; Islamic Policy; Interpretation; Arabic Language; The Faith (Creed); Al-Hadith and Its Sciences; Principles of Jurisprudence; Rhetoric & Criticism; Principles of Language. (b) English Language: Areas of Specialization: English Literature; Linguistics; English Language; Translation. (c) Geography: Areas of Specialization: Geographic Information Systems; Cartography; Remote Sense (d) Humanities: Areas of Specialization: Orientalism; Communication and Media; Information and Learning Resources. Basic Sciences (e) Mathematics: Areas of Specialization: General Mathematics; Methods of Teaching Mathematics; Mathematical Statistics; Applied Mathematics; Biostatics; Applied Statistics; Numerical Analysis; Differential Equations. (f)Physics: Areas of Specialization: Electronic Physics; Biophysics; Laser Physics; Radiation Physics; Environmental Physics; Applied Physics. (g) Biology: Areas of Specialization: General Biology; Cell Biology; Molecular Biology; Molecular Genetics; Immunology. (h)Chemistry: Areas of Specialization: General Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Biochemistry; Analytic Chemistry; Applied Chemistry; Nutritional Chemistry. (h) Health & Applied Medical Sciences: Areas of Specialization: Community Health; Mental Hygiene Nursing; Community Health Nursing; Internal Medicine & Surgical Nursing; Maternity and Childhood Nursing; Medical Microbiology; Medical Labs; Physiotherapy; Radiology; Clinical Nutrition; Basic Medical Sciences; Physiology; Anatomy; Medical Immunology; and Medical Biochemistry. (i) Computer Science & Engineering: Areas of Specialization: Computer Science; Computer Engineering; Information and Computer Science; Networks; Computer Programming; Computer Systems. (k) Family Sciences: Areas of Specialization: Graphic Design; Housing and Home Management; Interior Design; Jewelry and Clothing Design; Nutritional Sciences. (l) Finance & Business: Areas of Specialization: Public Relations; The Law; Accounting; Finance & Investment; Business Administration; Marketing; Hospital Management; Management Information System; Quality Management; Public Administration; Economics; Business Transactions; Trade Systems. Background requirements: An ideal applicant should hold an earned doctorate or equivalent qualification from an accredited North American, European or Australian university; have or have had a university position; and at least three years post-doctoral teaching experience. He/She should be fluent in English. SALARY & BENEFITS: Competitive salaries; housing and transportation allowances; 60 days paid vacation; yearly round-trip upto four air tickets to country of residence; and end of service gratuity.

Appointment is made at a faculty rank commensurate with the candidate's qualifications and experience. Although a deadline has not yet been established, but the interested applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Interested individuals to download the application form click http://www.taibahu.edu.sa/cms/pages.aspx?pid=6016&ln=en and download the applicationform , fill it up and send with a letter of interest, current CV & copies of educational and experience certificates to Prof. Mansour M. Al-Nozha, President, Taibah University, P.O.Box. 344, Madinah Munawwarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Tel: 00966-4-846 0020, Fax: 00966-4-846 1172 or e-mail: recruitment@taibahu.edu.sa IMPORTANT NOTE: Before sending your application, please ensure that the Ref. No. is written on the APPLICATION FORM.

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