Wheaties Project

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The Greek Cereal Box

Ancient Greece was the cradle of Western Civilizations. Many people in Ancient Greece made contributions to art, philosophy, science, theatre, sports, medicine, math, history, architecture, etc. that we still study and use today, more than 2,300 years later! Today, we honor people who contribute to the growth of the above areas in a variety of methods from awards, parades, to national recognitions, etc. One minor example of such recognition is on the breakfast box of Wheaties, the Breakfast of Champions. One can eat their cereal in the company of a famous athlete. Back in the day of Ancient Greece there were no Wheaties boxes. So it is up to us. Your task is to create a cereal box for an individual or battle that honors their greatness in Greek history.

You will be assigned by one of the following cereals: Writers: Playwrights: Politicians: Philosophers: Military: Geniuses: Mythology: Mythology: Battles: Extras: Thucydides Aeschylus Draco Aristotle Alexander the Great Archimedes Zeus Artemis Thermopylae Themistocles (military) Herodotus Sophocles Pericles Socrates Philip II Euclid Hera Apollo Salamis Theseus (mythology) Homer Euripides Solon Plato Leonidas Pythagoras Athena Aphrodite Marathon Cleisthenes (politician)

After you are assigned a topic, you will create a cereal box to honor it which includes:

Front of the Cereal Box

A. Appropriate, creative name for the cereal that reflects the individual/battle B. Separate pictures or images that represent the individual/battle C. A slogan for the cereal that reflects the individual/battle EXAMPLES OF TITLES

Conquerors Crunch Litl Bites

Frosted Mini-Greeks Honey Bunches of Laws

Theatre Pops Godly Pops

POSSIBLE SLOGANS So goodZeus eats it One Bite will get You Philosophizing

Theyre Tragically Delicious The Breakfast that created Democracy

Sides of the Cereal Box

Side 1: Detailed, bullet point bios (Minimum of 5 bullets) that reflect great accomplishments of each individual or results of battles. (No written paragraphs The points must reflect important accomplishments of each individual) Side 2: Timeline that places the honorees in the proper place in history or a story about the person (maximum of 104 words minimum of 57 that gives insight on the person or god). If you chose the gods give a brief summary of their life with major events in order.

Back of the Cereal Box

A. A game(s)/activities(s) on the back related to the individual/battle that is based
in their accomplishments/fields. The content on the back can be focused on visuals or wording. Any activity must have directions or explanation included. (There must be sufficient content to demonstrate a strong understanding of the subject matter and the people/ideas/places/etc. related to it.)

Helpful Hints:
To better understand the layout, I recommend you look at both a Wheaties box (for front cover) and a kids cereal box (to demonstrate the types of games on the back of boxes). Rubrics are posted on blackboard. Please view this rubric prior to turning your box in to ensure a good grade!

Greek Cereal Box Rubric

Slogan & Cereal Name Name & slogan accurate reflect the relationship to the topic and demonstrate an understanding of the theme 14-15% Cover Image Images or pictures accurately reflect the individuals. All ideas are represented or introduced in writing 14-15% Side 1 of the Cereal Box (Accomplishment s) All bullets are included and demonstrate a strong understanding of the subject as related to the theme 18-20% Side 2 of Cereal Box (Timeline) The timeline is accurate, all three are included. The story is not plagiarized and enhances the persons relationship to the theme through the elements included. 18-20%

Name_________________________________ Period_________________________________

Back of Cereal Box The activity on the back is accurate, organized, enhances the theme and individuals through the information included, and demonstrates an understanding of the theme. 18-20%

Grammar & Presentation There are noticeable (1-3) spelling errors in the names, headlines, etc. 8-10%

Name & slogan partially reflect the relationship to the topic or one element is missing 12-13%

1 of the images is missing or is not represented on the cover 12-13%

All bullets are included and show a basic understanding of the subject as related to the theme of the box 14-17%

The timeline has inaccuracies or inadequate information included. The story does not enhance the persons relationship to the theme through the elements included. 14-17% The timeline is missing, completely inaccurate, the story is missing, inaccurate, or plagiarized. 0-13%

The activity is accurate, organized, and demonstrates a basic understanding of the theme. 14-17%

The image, game, headlines are slopping or poorly presented- the information is not easy to understand 5-7%

Name & slogan are missing or do not reflect the relationship to the topic 0-11%

2+ of the images are missing or not represented on the cover 0-11%

There are less than 5 bullet points that show an understanding of any of the people listed 0-13%

The activity on the back is lacking organization, accuracy, does not enhance the theme through the information, or does not demonstrate a basic understanding of the theme 0-13%

The box does not represent a cereal box, the images and presentation are sloppy (not sale worthy) 0-4%


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