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KNOW FOR QUIZ ON THUR 7/30 democracy totalitarianism social contract theory republic political cultural popular sovereignty

ideology social conservative mass media broadcast media content regulation refer to? off the record 3 branches: judicial executive legislative checks and balances

The First Founding: Interests and conflicts

5 sectors with important political interest struggles 1. New England merchants 2. Souther planters 3. Royalists (Tories) 4. Shopkeepers, artisans, and laborers 5. Small farmers British tax policies effected these groups. British taxes and colonial interest Led british to impose new taxes on british colonies. Debt was due to the continuing taxes from the french and indian war. Stamp act, sugar act, and other taxes caused social unrest among colonies. No taxation without representation. Led colonies to resist unjust political structure and advocate an end to Britains rule. Political Strife & Radicalizing of colonist British Tea Act of 1773 granted an export monopoly resulted in boston tea party. Colonial elites wanted Britain to take back the act but the more radical colonists wanted to revolt. Later resulted in first continental congress made up from delegates from all of the country to get independence from Britain. Declaration of Independence

Meet to discuss independence from Great Britain. A committee of the second continental congress drafter the Declaration. In the declaration, thomas jefferson asserted the self evident and truth of mens unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Couldnt be denied by government. Wanted to identify and articulate the national unity principles. Articles of Confederation First written constitution of american government. Govt model: Federation. System in which the states retain sovereign authority expect for the powers expressly delegated to the nation govt. Unicameral: weak congress & execution was left to the individual states with one vote each. Central govt had little power: fell short of colonists goals. History Adopted 1777 Ratified 1781 Americas governing document until 1789 Content Weak central government Legislative dominance/No executive branch Execution of laws left to individual Second Founding: From compromise to constitution Insufficient to keep the unity of the nation. A. international standing of balance & power Under confederation congress was unable to enforce policies unless the states agreed to apply them. International made confederation illegitimate. Eternally, nation power configuration were shifting. The Annapolis Convention Constant international weakness & domestic turmoil led americans to revise the confederate government.As a result the annapolis convention met with delegates of all states to deside that commissioners would be sent to Philadelphia to devise a constitutional revision that would meet the needs of a union.


C. Shays Rebellion Daniel Shay, former army captain. Led a farmers rebellion. Led against state of Massachusetts to prevent for closure on debt ridden land. After the government captured and pardoned the rebels affair ended peacefully. D. Constitutional Convention

The constitution increased the power of the central govt. Delegates convened to revise constitution in may 1777. Led to a second founding.

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