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 Score in the practicals is also significant

because of weightage in EAMCET ranking.
 To score average marks in this not difficult
but however, it is not that easy to score
above 28 for 30 marks.
 Though it may be a practical exam,
candidate's command over theory content is
crucial in scoring more marks in this.
 It is always advised to reach the centre at
least 1 hour before the exam time.
Q. I) Dissection
(10 Marks)
 Surgical equipments (2 small forceps, 1
small scissors and 1 pithing needle)
purchased from surgical shops will make the
dissection a smooth flour for cockroach and
earth worm.
 The animal to be dissected must be pinned
on a thick white sheet in the centre of tray.

practice the diagrams of all the dissections.

In the Lab/ exam hall the candidate has to
first draw the diagram and label it. If possible
diagram may be drawn with sketch and
labelled with ball point pen.
 Dissection has to be started after drawing
Q. II) Physiology experiment
(5 Marks)
1 mark is allotted for just writing the principle.
2 marks are for writing procedure. Therefore
candidates must keep this in mind and prepare
accordingly. Result (2 Marks) must be written in
a table form for all 4 samples (A, B, C, D)
mentioning the +ve or -ve result and the

Result of expt.


colour change &

ppt. formation etc.


 For the identified

spot diagram and
labelling should be
 4 to 6 points of characteristic
must be written.
After writing for one
transverse line and start another.
e.g.: for spot cobra at III-b
Heading: Naja naja (Cobra) classification
 The given snake is identified as Naja naja
 It is characterised by large 3rd supra labial
shield torching anteriorly nostril and
posteriorly eye.
 Neck is expanded as hood. It has spectacle
 Ventral scales are broad, touching both

Theor etical knowledge helps a lot!

 After the dissection is over, black paper must
be inserted below the system with the help of
2 forceps in hands. Photonegative film is not
advised as it may cut the parts of system dissected. Black paper has to be inserted below
the system only after separating it from skin.
 The animal must be dissected in water.
 Minimum no. of pins must be used as they
interrupt the fingers movement.
 Do not forget to fill the tray with fresh water
and writing your hall ticket number adjacent
to the tray after dissection is over.
 For this question, in the total 10 marks, 5
marks are given for diagram and labelling
(3+2). So the candidates are advised to

\- -- @ C d
Nu-n vd--q L_ B. Dx
h \ a-- a. F,
30 \- 28 C- C-
v p-E--J Eo -L.
 vd- K~ ---p- Nu-Jn C-Kj
* d \ \ a----E
 Nu-n K~ v-E F
vo: I. -{ (Na-). (10 \)
 -{- ---u u J-- v
(forceps), *o h (small scissor), -
C (pithing needle), Jb- \E
-- *C. -, Cl -{x
E N -----.
 -{ Jh-- y v F Ja
v L. -- v \ O
 @N (Cl/ -)E v xE,
i -j u -{
 , @g-u-n Na - , -Lq y *x -C x

-- -y-

h -N--,
jq, -J-- -C-*- -O -----
C *-- --
- - E--
- --Ch.

--q -- -y-


-v-A- -\, ---

---->-, j---- 500 082

reasons for coming to such conclusion.

Q. III) Identification of spots. A, B, C, D, E:
2 5 = 10 marks.
2 slides,
2 specimen,
1 bone.
In this part, candidate's theory knowledge
helps a lot. Soon after identification name of the
spot has to be written as heading.
 1/2 mark is given for identification. Keep this
in mind.
Q. III. A - Euglena.
 Classification wherever applicable has to be
written on right side
of the sheet.

 It is a poisonous
snake and venom is
 If time given is not
enough, the examiner
can be requested to
give 5 minutes extra
Dr. M.R. Prasad
time for writing the
spots and finish the patch work if any for this
Q. IV) Record:
(5 Marks)
 Record must be covered with transparent
sheet, through which
the details of the candi-

o NEo -E dL.
- t
v- \-
vA p -CGuidelines for Practicals
. C - Ah* Jh ~--
J - C.
~o ---L. 4 5  @NE F * Na - L.
x N p- L. p-i N-- o u \- *C. -{
, N--- p-E--J L.
(Na -) --* 10 \x E 3 --: III ). Bungarus (x-) ,
\, Jh-E 2 \ BUNGARUS E QJ{--d, K_-- , E
o. d O -C-* - ~- L.
vd L. Oj \ U, 1) *a pj 4 E-oe l C.
- Jhh *C.
2) -s- %d u ---o.
 -x 2 \, -{- 3 \--
x -{ - , -o, 3) x f o.
x (v-z-) d-E-- -a. 4) C N-p, N u--q .
v L v- - E L.
 U, - Jh- L.
( ,
 v j \ K_--
~ p-
N L)
 Jh-*-- 1/2, E 1/2, ~ -p----
1 \ o N EL.
vo: II. >--@ v. (5 \)
 Spot -C-* , -,
>--@ v--E -C*- -v-E
~ y f-U U, Eo
\ C. Eo v- -v-Eo hL.
-- l d -. C -- \

Y , - L.
 -NE (v--) 2 \ .
 L --p vh -. -D-E 2 \- ---.
vo: III. - Jh-. (10 \)
A, B, C, D, E slide/ p- Jh--
vj vo , ( III. A) E- QJ{ (f) dL.
v-v- Nu- Z d -~ N (q)
*a p - Naja naja
y vy --x u d Kh
(Cobra) E L. Jh-E 1 \
d N-...
--, --h- (--Tx- -/-- --u---x)- --C-*..
1) -K v q (b-): 11,602
-J-Eo -v-o-, -u---, -v-o -v-
2) \ -d-: 5706
3) -: 2000

--q 21,343 S

date like name, hall ticket number, college

name should be visible.
 Soon after the certificate, do not forget to
keep index sheet showing the particulars of
diagram and their Sheet No. with Sl. Nos.
 Before leaving of a section like dissection/
slides etc., the same can be written as a
heading with sketch pen on plane thin sheet
 Binding is not must if the record is neatly
 Colour transparencies can be kept before the
starting each area just before the sheet
showing the heading.
 As per boards norm, Viva voce is not there
but, the examiner can call the candidate and
ask some questions. They may pertain to
purely theory or theory related to practical
item. candidate's answer and response will
give an impression to the examiner about the
e.g.: What is positional difference with respect
to brains of earth worm and cockroach.
A: In earth worm brain is above Pharynx i.e.,
supra pharyngeal ganglia. But in cockroach
brain is supra oesophageal ganglia i.e.,
above oesophagous.

vo: IV. J-f-

(5 \)
J-f -x vl-A Ja, v
\ QJ{
o - *C. : Na --
(Dissections) Oj --z T--
(Colour Transparent sheet) -
-Ja -C.
 Binding p-E--J---p-, h *C.
dj NuJn , j
 v- N---* (Index) L.
Dx v u, N-,
 Inter Leaf j o N, o
-- L.
 C--J- Viva-Voce -p-, b-N-
Jf- - Nu-JnE Nx
(vd-q EN ) vo
- C. DE y NuJn
JcEo J-Q-L-h.
: -, Cl -- -C* O
nx - --a.
-- C-v-F --C E,
Cl- u- -C E NuJn
4) Eq- \ x: 1673
5) -: 365
: K~ y.
-K~ -N--: --h -\- 100, --- -
-K~ 80, -N- 20 -\-- -- -|-- -Kh -h. - -K~- 160 -v-o- (80- \) --. -K~ -- --o ---.
-h: -j y -h --L.
-j J>-Z- v: v-J 15
*-J- D: Ja 17
K~ --D:
b, --, d- : 2
\ -d d- : 3

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