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QUICK INFO Summary writing is writing a shorter version of an original passage without changing the writers ideas and

attitudes. Summarizing skills include: Using a group name for a number of objects e.g fruits for apples, oranges, bananas using one word to describe occupations e.g pilot for someone who flies aeroplanes summarizing at sentence level shortening phrases e.g exercise 2 shortening long sentences Degrees of Paraphrasing : Original text; e.g The house was totally destroyed in the fire. Lifting The house was totally destroyed in the fire. ~ Wholesale copying from the original text . No attempt to paraphrase the original text. Single-Word Substitution (SW) a) The house was completely destroyed in the fire. b) The house was totally damaged in the fire. c) The house was totally destroyed in the blaze.

~ Attempt to paraphrase done by substituting a single word in the original text.

Reorganising (RO)

The fire (totally) destroyed the house.

b) The house was destroyed in the fire. c) In the fire, the house was totally damaged. ~ attempt to paraphrase done by reorganizing the phrase in the original text. It may include a single word substitution or an omission of word or words. Rephrasing (RP) a) The house was completely damaged in the blaze. b) The house razed to the ground. ~ Attempt to paraphrase done excellently. Words in the original text replaced with own words without changing in meaning.

Exercise 1 Replace the list of words and phrases below with one word. 1. Chisel, saw, screwdriver, hammer ____________________ 2. Chicken, duck, turkey, quail 3. Pencil, pen, ruler, writing, paper 4. Guitar, piano, flute, organ 5. Painting, singing, reading, stamp collecting 6. Bus stop, library, stadium, park 7. Blender, juicer, electric washing machine 8. Flood, tsunami, earthquake, volcano eruption 9. Truck, bus, lorry, van ______________________ 10.Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars 11.Mathematics, science, English, art 12.Heart, lungs, stomach, brain 13. EXERCISE 2 Replace each underlined phrase with one word. Write the answer in the box provided. 1. The shop sells a variety of shoes, sandals, slippers and boots. Cholera, influenza, dengue fever ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ____________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

2. We sent our old dining set, a sofa and two armchairs to the home.

3. I buy all my pens, pencils, erasers and writing paper from the shop near my house.

4. My auntie is a beautician in a shop that sells lipsticks, powders, creams and cleanser.

5. My mother has a whole set of cups, saucers, plates and dishes made of China.

6. During our gotong royong, we brought our own brooms, rakes, hoes and scrapers from home.

7. Aunt Philomena went to the shop to buy some flour, eggs, butter and cocoa to bake a cake.

8. My mother bought some shirts, a jacket and a pair of trousers at the sale in Lucky Superstore. 9. The laboratory assistant helps Mrs. Bong to set up the stands, beakers, flasks and burners before our science lesson.

10.During the holidays, some students helped the sports teacher to rearrange the hoops, hurdles, balls and nets in the sports store.

11.To combat rising prices, the government is encouraging people to grow their own tomatoes, chillies, lettuce, long beans and brinjals.

12.During her birthday party, cakes, biscuits, tea, sandwiches and fried chicken were served to her guests.

EXERCISE 3 Replace the bold phrases with a word or phrase taken from the box below.

Recycle items poisonous gases ventilate diseases public transport household cooking hazardous living things fossils fuels litter pollutants Malaysians

1. We should use buses and trains instead of cars. 2. We should not discard items such as glass bottles, aluminum cans and old newspapers that can be recycled. 3. Poisonous gases are produced when fuels such as wood, coal and oil are burnt. 4. Air pollution causes heart problem, lung cancer and respiratory diseases such as asthma. 5. The air in the city is full of dust, particles and poisonous gases that make the air unhealthy. 6. The vehicles on the road emit gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and Sulphur dioxide. 7. We have to open the windows and turn on the fan to let air circulate in all our rooms. 8. Pollution in the house can be caused by the burning of fuels when we do cooking over heaters, stoves and in oven at home. 9. When water and air polluted, then fish, birds, animals and plants will die.

10.In recent years, the people who live in Malaysia have become more environmentally conscious. 11.Sources of water that are polluted are likely to cause harm to peoples health. 12.This is a beautiful city but its streets are full of rubbish discarded by people.

EXERCISE 4 Replace the underlined words in the sentences with a word from the list provided below. Make the necessary changes. Growled forget Flatter puzzled swaggered suspicious stop daydreaming practical detained

1. The snatch theft jabbed a knife at the victims throat and spoke in a low and threatening voice telling her to hand over her bag or he would hurt her. 2. He walked stiffly in a proud and arrogant manner to the stage to receive his prize from the guest of honour. 3. He is always building castles in the air about becoming a millionaire before his thirtieth birthday. 4. He was completely at sea about the disappearance of his father. 5. You should get over the loss of the last match and concentrate on the next tournament. 6. She is very down to earth and does not believe in living beyond ones means. 7. The police hope to put an end to snatch thefts in the area by patrolling the area more often. 8. The school bully was finally brought to book when he attempted to bully me. 9. The shopkeeper smelled a rat when he saw the boy looking nervous as he walked towards the counter.

10.The sales person tried to butter the woman up into buying that expensive watch.

EXERCISE 5 Replace the underlined expression with ONE word. 1. He enjoys driving at great speed. He enjoys driving ____________________. 2. We visit our grandparents once in two weeks. 3. The little boy ran across the road all of a sudden. 4. Copy down these notes without making any mistakes. 5. Did you say that you were sorry for breaking Nitas vase? 6. Gold is metal that has great value. 7. The child was filled with fear after watching the horror movie. 8. November is a month that has plenty of rain. 9. They entered the house without making any noise. 10.Ali answered me in a rude manner.

EXERCISE 6 Complete the summaries of the following short passages within the number of words given in the brackets. 1. Pineapple plants grow from shoots called suckers. The pineapple plant begins to bear fruit after a year. Pineapple plants grow from _____________________________and they bear _______________ after a _______________________________________ . ( 12 words )

2. Green grass is in fact the chief food of cows. The farmer can also feed them dry grass and corn. Whatever he feeds them, it is important that they are well fed all times, whether it is day or night. This will enable them to give plenty of milk. Cows should be _____________________________ well so that ______________ will give ______________________________________________ ( 14 words )

3. Glass is made from silica, sand and time. These materials are put into a large tank and heated. They are heated to a high temperature until they melt. When the liquid is poured out of the tank it looks like syrup. The liquid is then passed between big rollers that are cooled with running water. This process changes the liquid into a thin sheet of glass. This glass sheet is cut into pieces of many sizes.

Glass is made from _________________________________. They are _____________________ in a tank until they __________________________________. The liquid is passed between rollers and _______________________________ to obtain a _________________________ . ( 36 words )

4. There are all kinds of animals. They can be long and thin in shape or heavy and stout looking. Some are huge in size, like the giraffe or the whale, yet others are so tiny that they are hardly visible to our eyes. Their way of life is

very different too. Different species adopt different habits and eat different kinds of food. Although kiwis and ostriches belong to the bird family, they cannot fly at all. You can also find animals such as the whale and the dolphin that live in the water, swimming just like fish, yet they do not belong to the fish family. On land, we have come across animals that run so fast that the only way to compete with them is to get into a car! On the other hand, sloths that live on trees, hanging upside down, do not seem to move much. There are, in fact, many such slow moving creatures on earth.

________________________________________________ differ not only in ______________ and _______________________ but also ________________________. There are _____________________________________ that cannot __________________________ and sea living animals that _____________________________but they are __________________ . some animals can run as __________________________ . Yet many hardly _________________ at all. ( 48 words )

5. For Visit Malaysia 2007 the country hopes to have millions of visitors. This is not difficult as our country is beautiful with sunny weather, sandy beaches, lots of interesting places, a wide variety of glorious food and friendly people. The people can play their part by going the extra mile. Be polite, sensitive, welcoming and non-judgmental of tourists dressing and ways.

(17 words )

6. Over the years, kite festivals have encouraged creativity in kite-making, resulting in kites designed in the shapes of a fish, cat, caterpillar or bird. But, the famous huge moon kite or wau bulan remains popular in the east coast states of Peninsular Malaysia.

( 17 words )

EXERCISE 7 Read the following texts. Write out the main idea in one sentence. Use the given number as a guide on its length. 1. It is not just lorry drivers and bus drivers who are the cause of road accidents. Car drivers, motorcyclist and even pedestrians are also guilty of not using the road carefully. .

( 6 words ) 2. Generally, bigger and heavier the vehicles the drive, the more reckless they are. ............................................ ( 9 words ) 3. Many people think of computers as the only way to get online but it is possible to reach cyberspace from other devices such as cellular phones, personal digital assistants and even video games. ( 12 words ) 4. Natural hazards such as forest fires and fallen trees as well as man-made ones such as broken glass, discarded cans and other hazardous trash can be encountered at camp grounds.

. ( 8 words )

5. In case of emergencies, the most important thing to do is to remain calm. ( 6 words ) 6. The sink in my kitchen was clogged. Water was not running and the kitchen gets flooded. I had to call someone to repair the sink and the pipes before I dared to use it again. .. ( 10 words )

7. There were many cars, lorries, van and motorcycles caught in a terrible jam on the street. The traffic was at a standstill. ( 6 words ) 8. My aunts hobby is gardening. She grows tomatoes, cucumbers, ladys fingers, brinjals, chillies and other vegetables in her small plot of land behind her house. ( 9 words )

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