Information Mail - CIME YSP 2012

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CIME requests applicants to register for the program or fill contact us form, so that updates are sent to you. Program applications will be accepted from Jan 25, 2012 via Applications are only accepted from the web portal. About CIME Youth Scholarship Program The Youth Scholarship Program (YSP 2012) in conjunction with GOC Management Development Inc. (Canada) is the one of the first academic program in India to fill a void in University Education, by offering a holistic, multi-disciplinary course based in Management Education and Entrepreneurship. A fifteen-day, 60% funded scholarship program, YSP has been specially conceived and designed promote Managerial Leadership and Entrepreneurial Skills among Youth in India.

YSP seeks to create Indias next generation of socially conscious business and community leaders by providing them with an education that integrates academic depth with real-life work experience. A minimum of 75 candidates per cohort from diverse subject areas, who demonstrate excellent academic ability and an evolved interest in an area outside their field of study, will be chosen to be a part of the Scholarship for 2012. The program is highly interactive and deals with key areas of Management in depth with a strategic perspective. Rather than lectures, the program uses hands on format that emphasises on concrete examples, case studies and simulation games. The course curriculum will include subjects like Developing Interpersonal and Workplace Skills; a Day in the Life of a Manager; Strategic Thinking Toolbox; and Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. Engineering Management Module will cover basics of Operational Efficiencies and Performance Management; Industrial Organization; ICT for Managers; Essentials of Finance for Businesses and Start Ups; Change Management; Organizational Behaviour; and Rising Sun- Pitching Your Business Plan. Scholars are privileged for being taught by leading thinkers from respected Universities - both from India and Worldwide, and will be mentored by some of Indias best known and international leaders, chosen for their ability to be outstanding motivators and role models. Our Inspiration Every parent desires to provide the best possible education for their child. This is especially true in Indian Culture where education is given paramount importance. This cultural attribute is recognized around the World and represents the key to the future prospects of India. Yet, given the burgeoning demand for higher education particularly in the areas of Management and Engineering, Colleges and Universities in India have generally failed to rise to the challenge. Hundreds, of institutions have sprung up around the country that offer classroom instruction based on a Western model, with varying degrees of success, but none geared to provide hands-on, practical, inspirational and cutting-edge experience. Our work in India is based on three realizations. One, that success does not come from a typical classroom education; Two, that youth and aspirants in India cannot wait for the institutional infrastructure to catch up with global realities of today; and three, that success and prosperity of Indias aspiring group lies in their capacity to leapfrog through entrepreneurial endeavours and assisted initiatives.

Program Brochure Click on the following link - CIME Youth Scholarship Program 2012 - Official Brochure to view the program brochure. Message from the Advisory Board Senior Partner, Mr. Alex Dhanjal, KPMG, Canada is confident to receive applications from Indias brightest young people - people who want to make a difference and discover their true potential. I strongly encourage University graduates having the vision, drive, passion and ability to achieve the pinnacle, and who aspire to be change agents for India to apply for the Scholarship, he said. We believe that YSP is unsurpassed in its ability to create tomorrows leaders. YSPs multi-disciplinary academic course, its practical and focused internship project and the many opportunities to interact with some of Indias and the Worlds finest thinkers and leaders is unrivalled, was quoted by Arvind Rangaswamy, Professor, and Pennsylvania State University. Click here to view the advisory board of CIME. Program Faculty and Mentors World-class faculty from various domains of expertise names such as Nina Charath (Kon Ferry), AV Subbarao Ph.D. (Minnesota), Gurprit Kindra (Professor, University of Ottawa), Satya Bhushan Das (Professor, IIM Lucknow) will be taking classes for 2012 version of the program. YSP Faculty is drawn from Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa as well as other leading universities in India, the US and Canada. Scholars are mentored by industry leaders such as Balwinderjit Singh Kapoor (Director, MDS Aero-Support), David Peippo (LLB, McGill University), Jean-Louis Malouin Ph.D. (University of California Berkeley), Peter Taylor, CHRP, CTDP (Canada). Students Response CIME is encouraged by its initial response of 1500 applications in the Pre-registration round of Admissions for this unique Multi-disciplinary Scholarship Program that runs in association with GOCMD Inc. (Canada). These statistics confirm our belief that this program fills the gaps that students seek to obtain the Managerial and Leadership Skills which regular class room lectures lack. We are proud to announce that our need has not just been felt in the Metropolitan cities but also far flung towns as received applications and interest will attest. This interest has been perceived equally by both genders.

Admission Invitation and Application Details Applications are invited from all geographic regions of the country, from all socio-economic and academic backgrounds. The competitive merit based Admission Process for YSP starts with applicants filling out a detailed Application Dossier designed to give an insight into their multi-faceted personalities. Thus students are encouraged to showcase their extra-curricular interests. This may be followed by a telephone interview if needed. To ensure the absolute highest-calibre of applicants, the YSP Admissions Team plans to conduct presentations at top 100 Education Institutions from Jan 15, 2012. We endeavour to educate students of Universities from all the major States of India by circulating posters and information, and answering web queries. The academic session starts in June 2012. Visit to know more details. Program registration starts from Jan 25, 2012. Free Canada Study Tour: One of the key objectives of CIME is to provide opportunities for Indian Youth to immerse themselves in world class Management experience - culminating in a study tour of Canada for select individuals. Graduates of this program will have the privilege of being our valued Ambassadors as they proceed to successful careers and/or higher education abroad. CIME will select five scholars and two student partners after program completion for a studytour of Canada. CIME also supports two additional seats for female candidates; for a total of 9 Scholarships. The selection will be based on qualifying exams and overall performance of a candidate for the program duration. While in Canada, CIME Scholars will visit businesses and interact with industry and government practitioners. Scholars will also meet with Canadian student mentors and be given ample opportunities to explore study options at various institutions of excellence. Tour of landmarks in Ottawa and Toronto is also planned.

Who can Benefit and Why should You Enrol? Who can Benefit? Undergraduate and Masters students from Engineering or Technical background Why should You Enrol? Opportunity to learn current and up-to-date management skills through innovative and handson pedagogical methods. Opportunity to hone your acquired and innate management skills through a business simulation game. A unique chance to convert your entrepreneurial dreams and ideas into actionable plans. Opportunity to develop personal skills and the confidence necessary for success. A chance to network with likeminded young people from across India as well as successful entrepreneurs and top professors from institutions like IIM and Telfer School of Management, Ottawa, Canada. YSP can suffice for the compulsory Summer Intern for many students. Discover Study & Internships; and Job opportunities in Canada. Inquire about opportunities for studying (or transferring) into MBA and engineering programs in Canada and USA. Sessions on How to start-up! / Incubation & Funding options. Get recommendation and guidance from industry experts. Sessions on Mock Placement session, Soft skills development and Resume Building. YSP course curriculum is conceptualized in a manner to keep scope for students from both technical and non-technical backgrounds and offer them value to excel in their careers and give something back for the society.

Undergraduate and Masters students from Arts, Management, Business (MBA), Finance, Commerce, Hospitality, and Healthcare background

Full-time/Part-time Workers (NB: only with less than 4 years of work experience)

Active exchange of knowledge and resources between staff, scholars and GOCMD Inc. to improve productivity, establish professional development, gain academic visibility and improve their academic profile. Receive assistance in sharing your ongoing research activity with GOCMD Inc. in practical terms. This translates into joint publications and technical advice for those pursuing Doctoral programs. Access to a Password Protected dash-board for sharing research and other postings. Chance to Network with other Professionals and Mentors. Assistance with obtaining Visiting Fellowships and Scholarships in North America.

Great Opportunity for Technical Professionals! Vast majority of Heads of Fortune 500 Companies (including pure Sciences and Engineering Organizations), come from a non-technical background (mostly Marketing) for good reasons. It may shock many individuals with technical backgrounds, but the fact is that soft skills are predominantly responsible for our professional success. Attitude rather than aptitude is a precursor for Upward Mobility on the Corporate ladder. Mistakenly, we place 90% of our efforts on learning technical facts, figures, and formulae. Just a miniscule portion of training in technical programs focuses on Acquisition of Soft Skills (Marketing, HR, OB and Leadership) that actually have a disproportionately large effect on our success. Reasons why Technical Professionals need to develop soft skills: Engineers need to understand and influence decision-makers. Engineers are frequently expected to work in multi-disciplinary environment. Frequently, Engineers are expected to lead teams of individuals from a variety of backgrounds. Almost always, Engineers are expected to communicate in non-technical language.

Middle to Upper Management positions are dominated by men and women with nontechnical skill-set. Technical skills can get outdated; People skills do not.

Quick Links

Scholarship and Cost Details Opportunities for CIME Scholars Program Methodology and Course Curriculum Opportunities for Student Partners FAQ Section CIME-Global Facebook Link YSP Welcome Video

Registration Links

Program Inquiry FORM Student Partner Application FORM

Notification and Updates

Program Application Portal opens from Jan 25, 2012. Applications are accepted for Student Partner Program.

Point of Contact: For general inquiries, mail us at . For any queries related to admissions, mail us at For any queries related to student partner program, mail us at For any queries related to course curriculum, mail us at Applicants may directly contact Dr. Kindra, Founder, CIME (India) at Telephone Inquiries (only related to admission, program details, student partner program): +91-9582424874

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