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X-rays: Forensic usage made easier

ABSTRACT: Two cases of skull implants are here analysed in depth. We here intend
to save the history of the victims on Earth as well as producing insight on
professionals in diverse areas of human activity (human resources, ethical bodies in
research, police, etc.).


In this paper, we refer to the case of I. M. R. Pinheiro, whose CT scans slices are here
copied, as well as to the reported cases, as for general reading literature, of people
who claimed to hold slavery devices installed illegally and criminally in their heads,
but such never being told to be the case for sure by the press or the dominant
scientific media, probably because of the absence of convincement on them as to the
reports being accurate, rather than delusional, or consequence of some other type of
mental hysteria.
Basically, the history of medical mistakes on Earth probably dates back to the
invention of the drug industry. Apparently, when people started to become interested
in `how much money they could make at the expense of other people's manufactured
interest in whatever they had to offer', rather than interested in `producing meaningful
creations to the Universe and then getting appreciated for the real gain achieved, as
for society as a whole', Medicine seems to have deviated from its ethical guidelines in
a progressive way, matching the voracity of the drug industry as to make profit which
should be seen as illegitimate, or undeserved. Same process took place with several
other things, such as TV advertisements. At the beginning, everything had a nice basic
intent, which was, with time, deviated to profit for profit, with people ending up
subjecting themselves to `subliminal messages' and brain washing via TV images or
posters images each time their eyes, even slightly, cross over the images. Some
experts in Marketing claim that even a 180 degree sight of certain billboards will
induce the person to buy the product in a next stop in the road, for instance. Obviously
the case that not every human being's mind is vulnerable to such `subliminal
Marketing strategy', and those with more philosophical formation, meaning deeper
reasoning, used to perform logical analysis over everything they do on Earth, taking
every small action of theirs as having a World impact, are far less likely to ever be
induced to purchase a single product in the supermarket that they did not intentionally,
and rationally, wish to purchase before arriving there, or seeing the billboard, etc.
Anyway, the problem with `profit for profit' reasoning is that the human being is not
the centre of everything anymore, and what becomes the centre is the money, or
possessions. Possessions which are deserved, holding merit, such as due to those who
produced significant contribution to the REAL improvement of society, are not to be
criticized. However, possessions made in what could be seen as `illegal or criminal
mental manipulation of others' are definitely to be criticized and never to be endorsed
by rational people.
What happens then is that if every professional is worried about how much money
they will make in their lives, rather than how important and meaningful their
contribution to this World and society is, they will be willing to sell anything to the
unwarned client coming to their doors for help.
Drug industries put their sales professionals absolutely everywhere, and boundaries,
or humanitarian concern is lost from the moment competition is established. Nobody
would need more than one brand of medicine if the medicine contains the same
elements as the others, or is the best found. Why competition in the drug industry, or
profit, is something to be thought of in a far better way.
Unless each industry were competing for top personalized services, as to good
treatment of the client, with personal ingredients added to each mix of medicine as to
satisfy the full physical needs of the patient, their competition may easily be seen as
criminal, and against the public interest, or against society as a whole.
Once the thought of `profit for profit' is inserted in society, however, there is no sector
which is not passive of ethical loss, what means more injury than welfare to society
People then start getting degrees for the sake of earning more money, getting better
jobs, rather than for the sake of having talent for the area, or being tailored for that
sort of profession. Easily, that deviates people to cheating in exams, assignments,
even purchasing full assignments to only sign their names on the `work' they have
never performed, with sole intentions of social ascendance, one way or another (via
money or entitlements of the title, perhaps even to being called `doctor', `professor').
The passion for the `title', or gains with it, rather than for the duties and ethics
involved, will make several general practitioners kill and harm instead of healing and
The article located at estimates 40 thousand
people die in UK because of medical mistakes each year.
They say Australia does not hold Statistics on that, still working on it, what is quite
possible, given not even statistics on how many cases a solicitor actually wins for
their clients they have, located somewhere.
The problem with the medical `mistake', or medical `negligence', as people who
obviously don't care decided to name such atrocities, or crimes against human kind,
quite gratuitous ones, is that it will obviously bring consequences to at least one party
involved which will last for lifetime and they are not prepared to take, not warned
enough that is what they are there for.
The thin line splitting patients from victims of crimes is obviously something which
should not be there at all, for the principle of Medicine, as stated by its father,
Hypocrates, is

another source

1. First case

Our first example comes from (…), with X-ray exposed at …………, on………..
As it is easy to notice, the fact that we know a knife was sank in the boy’s head
makes us sure that the metal appears as white in the black and white X-ray.
Therefore, it is definitely sound to assert that if a white area is found in someone’s
CT scan, not being the area present in a known-to-be-normal CT, there is a
probability X that that area will correspond to some alien piece of metal. In case
the person reports awareness of metal in their heads, there should not be,
obviously, any doubts left about it, once nobody would look for doctors and X-
rays asserting such if they did not think they actually hold something weird in
their heads.
One should definitely consider a 99% certainty on the existence of the metal in the
patient’s head/victim’s head case that victim/patient asserts the metal existence
before the X-ray is made to any other person in the World.
However, the medical assumption for all cases mentioned at…was that there was
no metal in the head of the patients, or that the doctor would be `playing insane’ if
ever agreeing with the patient’s or the cop.
However, such a position not only opposes the ethos of Medicine, as put forth by
its father, but it also goes against all possible logic on Earth. Basically, opening
the head of such a patient or performing investigations following their reports and
finding nothing is still better than ignoring or not trying, also far more coherent
with both the ethos and the sense of Medicine/Justice. The likelihood that there is
nothing there, not even an `odd’ presence or occurrence, is almost zero, once the
departure point was the comparison between the victim’s/patient’s CT and one
considered `normal’ by Medicine (we could even refine to same age and gender as
the person under discussion, if willing to be extremely `boring’ about it).
These people, however, all died with what should be considered the most basic
right to life in society being violated: The right to a fair go.
Basically, the police, justice, and doctors, are all providing services to the
community in general. Therefore, they are all obliged to the American golden
rules for customer’s service, perhaps forgotten in the last 7 years, or neglected:
The customer is always right, by default, until we have exhausted pursuing their
assertions and proved, with 100% proof, that they are equivocated. Doing any
different ought to be considered a crime against human kind as a whole.
Our second example is M. R. Pinheiro. We compare her CT scans with that of a
`taken-to-be-normal’ person, or not slaved. Upon comparison, we notice several
1) Blown-up right ear region;
2) `Eaten-away’ white material (as for CT presentation colour);
3) Symmetric holes on back of brains;
4) On top, in comparing CT scan I with II, we also notice formation of synapses
by the back of brains, phenomenon never reported before in the medical
When we match these facts with the early reports of M. R. Pinheiro, long before
she took her first head X-ray, of any sort, we realize there is no room for doubts.
In 2004, before taking the CT, the female victim had reported moves of another
female, of advanced age, as to imply picking object from her right pocket,
something which hid perfectly in her fist, and the feeling that the lady had then
inserted the object in her head in angle, dropping it inside of her right ear with her
experiencing a quick (less than one second lasting) cold in the `ear corridor’.
Considering her history on Earth and the fact that she had been born via surgery
over the belly (only procedure which guarantees perfection of the head, provided
no problems have naturally occurred in the foetus formation/development), the
likelihood that her ear was already `blown up’ would be close to zero percent.
On top, her first CT scan, with copy not accessible to us, clearly brought an `odd’
ball resting by the ear bag (right ear again) in 2004. M. R. Pinheiro did insist, with
strength, that the ball was an exotic presence in her ear region. Of course, it was
on the duty of the doctor recommending surgery to at least fully investigate the
ball, if nothing else. However, what the female practitioner does (G. P.) is stating
that the occurrence was trivial because not only she thought it was normal, but the
laboratory (these days they print diagnosis in the own CT results) also did.
It is not easy at all to accept human incompetence, especially in such crucial
sectors of work, where their critical/unprofessional action/omission may dictate
whether a patient will get `saved’ or `condemned’, in terms of at least future pain
or injury.
One may wonder why the laboratory would assert normality in the results.
However, there is a high chance the laboratory worries solely about the specific
query of the patient, either relying on computer limitations of screening of head of
concentrating on specific parts of the head themselves. On top, one person may
commit a mistake and let it pass unnoticed, but if two people do it, it has to be
unacceptable, especially if the patient believes strongly that there is an oddity
Oh, well, this initial ball happened to actually be `the ultimate slavery device’,
created some when in time between end of 2001 and middle of 2003. Its creation
relates directly to the Biotechnology Industry, which we know means mixing the
human body elements with high technology. One may not realize, but the `cyborg’
era has started long ago, with the creation of the first machine to `aid the human
body’ via connection to it.
Oh, well, this specific monstrosity was created with criminal objectives, therefore
never part of any authorized research project on Earth, and not funded by any
ethical company, or sensical. Unfortunately, lots of people might have become the
victims of such monstrosity, going on since at least 2003 in the World: All because
both doctors and justice makers took precisely the opposite to the logical standing
and hang on to the one percent of chance that both the report of M. R. Pinheiro
and the images here were not accurate.
Of course, symmetric holes do not appear in human brains via disease of any sort,
especially more than one. Worse, there is also no disease which `makes bridges’
between pieces of the brains. The fact that a clear track was seen in 2004 in the X
ray, as originating by the ear corridor, going up the drums and ending at the back
of the ear, makes of both laboratory and G. P. real life criminals/assassins.

Picture 0 ([The Age 2008])

Pictures 1-4


[The Age 2008] The Age Journalists Team. Knife stuck in boy’s head: teen
survives. October 1, 2008, The Age. Accessed online on the 2nd of October of
2008 at

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