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FNR CORE Thematic Programme CORE 2011 CALL Guidelines for Applicants
(Updated version, 9 March 2011) These guidelines provide practical information to potential applicants in preparing and submitting an application to the FNR CORE Thematic Programme.

Table of Contents
1. General Principles ................................................................................................................ 2 1.1. Eligibility of Beneficiaries .............................................................................................. 3 1.2. Project Characteristics ................................................................................................. 3 1.3. Language of Proposal .................................................................................................. 4 1.4. Ethical Issues ............................................................................................................... 4 1.5. Application Procedure .................................................................................................. 7 1.6. FNR Grant Management System ................................................................................. 7 2. Completing the online Pre-proposal Form ......................................................................... 8 Step 1: Completing the Online Application Form ..................................................................... 8 Step 2: Submitting the Online Application Form .................................................................... 14 3. Completing the Full-Proposal Form .................................................................................. 15 Step 1: Completing the Online Application Form (updated 9 March 2011: page 26 point 9) .. 15 Step 2: Submitting the Online Application Form .................................................................... 28 4. Completing the FNR Planning Matrix and the Financial Part .......................................... 29 4.1 FNR Planning Matrix Sheet............................................................................................. 29 4.2 Eligibility of Expenditures ................................................................................................ 29 4.3 Budgetary Flexibility ........................................................................................................ 30 4.4 The Excel Budget Sheets................................................................................................ 30 4.5 Direct Cost ...................................................................................................................... 31 4.6 Indirect Cost.................................................................................................................... 35 4.7 Contribution by Non-contracting Partners ....................................................................... 35 4.8 Project Summary Sheet .................................................................................................. 35

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


1. General Principles
The research activities under the CORE programme should fulfil the following general principles: Research activities should respect fundamental ethical principles, including those which are reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. If necessary, the approval of the Comit National dEthique de la Recherche (CNER) and/or the Comit National de la Protection des Donnes (CNPD) need to be sought prior to the launch of the project. In case the project has ethical implications, it is mandatory join a plan explaining how these implications will be dealt with in the proposal. In the implementation of the research activities, adequate attention needs to be paid to gender mainstreaming, as well as to, inter alia, working conditions, transparency of recruitment processes, and career development as regards the researchers recruited on CORE projects. In this matter, the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers offer a reference framework. The FNR attaches great importance to the dissemination of research results. The dissemination and transfer of knowledge is a key added-value of research actions and measures need to be taken to increase the use and impact of results by industry, policy makers and society. The FNR expects results to be published in peer-reviewed publications 1. Nevertheless, the FNR also greatly encourages the protection and the economic exploitation of research results when it is possible. Besides, the FNR also encourages the dissemination of research towards the general public and the media. Dissemination will be considered an integral task under all thematic priorities. Financial support from FNR must be acknowledged in all publications and other forms of media communication, including media appearances, press releases and conferences. Research misconduct, e.g. plagiarism or falsification of data, will result in the immediate disqualification of the research proposal or the cancellation of the research project. The FNR would like to encourage research teams to submit collaborative projects even if these projects might require higher funding by the FNR than individual projects. The FNR would like to advise Principal Investigators (PI) to submit proposals which are appropriate to their track record and experience, as the appropriateness of the PI to successfully lead the project is an essential element of the evaluation procedure. In view of providing young PIs with an adequate framework for their first project applications, the FNR has developed a Junior Track within CORE. The CORE Junior Track is optional for all young PIs (having received their PhD degree between 0 and 6 years before the submission deadline of the full proposal). Junior Track PIs have to submit a standard CORE pre-proposal and full-proposal form. This proposal is mainly characterised by two aspects:

The FNR considers the following ass peer-reviewed publications : A publication in a journal of the list of journals with impact factors published yearly by ISI Thompson, A publication in the journal index established by SCOPUS, or A monograph with a review board.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


The human resources are limited to 1 FTE researcher (including the young PI) and optionally 1 FTE PhD. Besides the local supervisor, the young PI will have to collaborate with a foreign, highly renowned researcher contributing to the scientific quality of the project, to the establishment of an international network and to the development of the young researchers career.

When filling out the application, please respect the font and page limitation indicated. The proposal must not exceed the page limits indicated in the form. Forms exceeding the given format may not be processed. Further call information and guidelines may be downloaded from the FNR webpage:

1.1. Eligibility of Beneficiaries

Funds provided by the FNR in the framework of project funding are aimed at beneficiary organisations as specified in article 3 of the law creating the FNR, namely: a public research centre or the CEPS/INSTEAD; the University of Luxembourg; those public bodies, departments or establishments authorised in their respective fields to undertake research activities and to develop and transfer technology with a view to furthering scientific progress or technological innovation.

Each proposal must be accompanied by the approval of the person authorised to legally commit the institutions of the involved researchers. Institutions which are eligible for funding and which seek direct financial support from the FNR are termed "contracting partner". "Other partners" are organisations or individuals from the public or private sector (within Luxembourg or abroad) participating in the project without direct financial support from the FNR. Subcontractors are not considered partners (contracting or non-contracting) in the project unless their contribution to the project exceeds that of the subcontract.

1.2. Project Characteristics

The project duration must be 2-3 years. The suggested start of the projects is 1 January 2012. Earliest possible start is 1 December 2011 and projects cannot start later than 1 May 2012. Please note that the FNR reserves the right to review any offer of support if the start of the project is delayed for more than six months after the organisation has received written confirmation of FNR support.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


Additional characteristics of CORE junior track projects: o Personnel costs cover 1 FTE (full time equivalent) person including the young PI. o May include the salary of 1 full-time PhD o Equipment costs restricted to EUR 10,000 o May include extra costs for mentoring and additional training o Maximum 1 national or international collaboration (beyond the mentor)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Number of project proposals per principal investigator: Only one project pre-proposal per PI may be submitted under the CORE Junior Track. Up to two project pre-proposals may be submitted per Principal Investigator (PI). It is not possible to select both tracks: if a PI selects the CORE Junior Track, he/she is not allowed to submit any other application as a PI under the regular CORE track.

1.3. Language of Proposal

Applications should be drafted in English. In fields where the standard scientific language is either French or German, please contact the corresponding programme manager before submitting the proposal. Pre-proposals, full proposals, monitoring reports and final report should all be written in the same language.

1.4. Ethical Issues2

The present Ethical Issues Table from the ERC grant proposals provides you with a guide to what are considered to be ethical issues. If the answer to any of the questions of the Ethical Issues Table is YES, you must provide a brief description of the ethical issue involved and how it will be dealt with appropriately. In particular, it should outline the benefit and burden of such research, the effects it may have and how the ethical issues will be managed. It is obvious that these ethical issues need to be considered for the whole project not only for the activities executed in Luxembourg. Please specify as well any authorisation or permission you already have for the proposed work and include copies (the copies do not count towards the page limit). On this basis, a proper ethical screening is possible if the proposal is considered for possible funding. The following special issues should be taken into account: Informed consent: When describing issues relating to informed consent, it will be necessary to illustrate an appropriate level of ethical sensitivity, and consider issues of insurance, incidental findings and the consequences of leaving the study. Data protection issues: Avoid the unnecessary collection and use of personal data. Identify the source of the data, describing whether it is collected as part of the research or is previously collected data being used. Consider issues of informed consent for any data being used. Describe how personal identify of the data is protected.

According to ERC Guidelines on ethical issues.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /

UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 Use of animals: Where animals are used in research the application of the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine) must be convincingly addressed. Numbers of animals should be specified. Describe what happens to the animals after the research experiments. Human embryonic stem cells: Research proposals that will involve human embryonic stem cells (hESC) will have to address all the following specific points: the applicants should demonstrate that the project serves important research aims to advance scientific knowledge in basic research or to increase medical knowledge for the development of diagnostic, preventive or therapeutic methods to be applied to humans. the necessity to use hESC in order to achieve the scientific objectives set forth in the proposal. In particular, applicants must document that appropriate validated alternatives (in particular, stem cells from other sources or origins) are not suitable and/or available to achieve the expected goals of the proposal. This latter provision does not apply to research comparing hESC with other human stem cells. the applicants should take into account the legislation, regulations, ethical rules and/or codes of conduct in place in the country(ies) where the research using hESC is to take place, including the procedures for obtaining informed consent; the applicants should ensure that for all hESC lines to be used in the project were derived from embryos o of which the donor(s)' express, written and informed consent was provided freely, in accordance with national legislation prior to the procurement of the cells. that result from medically-assisted in vitro fertilisation designed to induce pregnancy, and were no longer to be used for that purpose. of which the measures to protect personal data and privacy of donor(s), including genetic data, are in place during the procurement and for any use thereafter. Researchers must accordingly present all data in such a way as to ensure donor anonymity; of which the conditions of donation are adequate, and namely that no pressure was put on the donor(s) at any stage, that no financial inducement was offered to donation for research at any stage and that the infertility treatment and research activities were kept appropriately separate.

In case of multi-national projects, identify the countries where research will be undertaken and which ethical committees and regulatory organisations will need to be approached during the life of the project.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


Research on Human Embryo/ Foetus Does the proposed research involve human Embryos? Does the proposed research involve human Foetal Tissues/ Cells? Does the proposed research involve human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs)? Does the proposed research on human Embryonic Stem Cells involve cells in culture? Does the proposed research on Human Embryonic Stem Cells involve the derivation of cells from Embryos? DO ANY OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL? Research on Humans Does the proposed research involve children? Does the proposed research involve patients? Does the proposed research involve persons not able to give consent? Does the proposed research involve adult healthy volunteers? Does the proposed research involve Human genetic material? Does the proposed research involve Human biological samples? Does the proposed research involve Human data collection? DO ANY OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL? Privacy Does the proposed research involve processing of genetic information or personal data (e.g. health, sexual lifestyle, ethnicity, political opinion, religious or philosophical conviction)? Does the proposed research involve tracking the location or observation of people? DO ANY OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL? Research on Animals Does the proposed research involve research on animals? Are those animals transgenic small laboratory animals? Are those animals transgenic farm animals? Are those animals non-human primates? Are those animals cloned farm animals? DO ANY OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL? Research Involving Developing Countries Does the proposed research involve the use of local resources (genetic, animal, plant, etc)? Is the proposed research of benefit to local communities (e.g. capacity building, access to healthcare, education, etc)? DO ANY OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL? Dual Use Research having direct military use Research having the potential for terrorist abuse DO ANY OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL? Other Ethical Issues Are there OTHER activities that may raise Ethical Issues? If YES please specify:

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


1.5. Application Procedure

The application procedure consists of two mandatory stages: 1. Pre-proposals must be submitted by the coordinating institutions administrations (not by the PI) in electronic format to the online submission system (FNR Grant Management System) no later than 14:00 (CET) on 1 March 2011. Projects which have not submitted a pre-proposal will not be processed by the FNR at the full-proposal stage. The mandatory pre-proposals will be reviewed and the FNR will communicate by 18 March 2011 whether the applicant may: o Submit a full proposal; o Not submit a full proposal. 2. Full Proposals must be submitted by the PI and validated by the administrations. The final submission to FNR is made by the administrations in electronic format using the online submission system (FNR Grant Management System) no later than 14:00 (CET) before the relevant submission deadline. The funding decision will be communicated to the applicants beginning of November 2011 including the full anonymised written evaluations 3. The review process is described in the CORE 2011 Review Guide. Deadlines per domain: Innovation in Services Sustainable Resource Management in Luxembourg New Functional and Intelligent Materials and Surfaces and New Sensing Applications Biomedical Sciences Labour Market, Educational Requirements and Social Protection Identities, Diversity and Integration 15 June 2011 16 June 2011 17 June 2011 17 June 2011 16 June 2011 16 June 2011

1.6. FNR Grant Management System

All FNR Grants, including the CORE 2011 Call are managed through an online submission system (FNR Grant Management System) accessible via This system provides applicants a web services interface for automated submission and further monitoring of completed grant applications and related services (acknowledgement emails, notifications and reminders). The system will guide you through the different steps of the application procedure. All forms have to be filled in online and submitted in electronic format. Please consult the User Guide from the FNR internet site:,-Formulaires,-Guidelines-Logos/CORE-Forms-and-Guidelines. This online application tutorial explains how to log into the system and how to create a new application.

Please note that the comments by the evaluators may not necessarily be convergent. Differences of opinion about the merits of a proposal happen and are legitimate. Furthermore the FNR may take a position that is different from what could be inferred from the comments of the different evaluations for duly justified reasons.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


2. Completing the online Pre-proposal Form

The CORE Pre-Proposal Application for a project consists of 2 different steps: Step 1: Completing the Online Application Form Step 2: Submitting the Online Application Form

An electronic tutorial for the online submission system is available next to the Help section of the online submission system and on the FNR website. Information on how to prepare your fullproposal is given on the following pages in blue italic characters inside the formats to be applied. If you need further advice and support, please contact your FNR Programme Manager.

Step 1: Completing the Online Application Form

Step 1 of the CORE Pre-Proposal Application consists of 4 different tasks, which are presented as a To Do list: Task 1: Download the Pre-Proposal Template Task 2: Consult the Guidelines for Applicants Task 3: Fill in the Online Application Form Task 4: Generate a PDF document

The first task named Download the Pre-Proposal Template requires you to download a WORD document, named Pre-Proposal Template - Description of the Research Project Please save it to your desktop and complete it off-line. A detailed description of the form is available in section 5.1. This Pre-Proposal Template is part of a web-based online application and cannot be submitted alone. Press the button Done to validate the completion of the task and remove it from your To Do list. The second task named Check Guidelines for Applicants reminds you to consult the present document to guide you through the application stages. Press the button Done to validate the completion of the task and make it disappear from your To Do list. A click on the hyperlink of the third task named Online Application Form CORE brings you to the Online Application Form (labeled Smartform) for the CORE Pre-Proposal, which contains the administrative and budgetary details of your project. The Smartform is divided into 5 sections that can be accessed individually: 1. Principal Investigator Personal Data 2. Information of the Research Project 3. Research Project Consortium Details 4. Legal and Ethical Requirements 5. Attachments The Online Application Form can be saved at any time and you can come back to it later on. Before you can submit the completed form however, you need to make sure that all mandatory questions (marked with *) have been filled out. Please also ensure that all data is correct before submission.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


1. Principal Investigator Personal Data

The Principal Investigator (PI) is the researcher having the scientific lead of the project on a daily basis. The PI is responsible for controlling the technical direction and academic quality of the project, and will ensure that the project is carried out in compliance with the terms, conditions, and policies of the FNR and those of the partner institutions. 1.1. Application ID: generated automatically First Name: * First name of the PI Family Name: * Family name of the PI Gender: * Male/Female Title: * e.g. Dr, Prof. etc. Category of Position: * e.g. Head of Unit, Head of Department, Assistant Professor etc. Discipline of Doctorate (PhD) University/Institution issuing the PhD Certificate Date of Certificate Email: * Phone Number Date of Birth: * Nationality: *

1.2. Coordinating Institution Details Name of Coordinating Institution: * Provide the name of the coordinating institution (where the PI works) and who will serve as a contact for the FNR throughout the application process and possible later project implementation Department: * Website group: *

To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section!

2. Information of the Research Project

2.1. Project Title: * The title should not be longer than 200 characters. Project Acronym: * The short title or acronym will be used to identify your proposal efficiently. The acronym should not be longer than 10 characters. Project start: * Suggested start of the project is 1 January 2012. Note that the start of the project must occur six months after the organisation has received written confirmation of FNR support (end of October 2011) at the latest, otherwise the FNR might withdraw any offer of support. Project duration (in months): * Please give a rough estimation of the total project duration. Note that projects should have a duration of 2-3 years. In case a PhD is foreseen to be covered by the CORE project budget, the project duration must be 3 years (see 4.5.1 Personnel Costs). CORE Junior Track: * Select tick box in online submission system Project Language: * Select one

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /

UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 Justification of use of language other than English (only application in the Social Sciences and Humanities may be in a language other than English): Applications should preferably be drafted in English. In fields where the standard language is either French or German, applications may also be drafted in one of these languages. Preproposals, full proposals, monitoring reports and final report must all be written in the same language. Total Project Costs (eg. 500000): * Please give a rough estimation of the total project budget. Requested Funds from FNR Programme: * Please give a rough estimation of the funds you intend to request from the FNR. Total Effort (Person Months): * Person*months is the metric for expressing the effort (amount of time) PIs and other personnel devote to a specific project. The effort is based on the presumption that each fulltime member of staff can work 12 person*months per calendar year. Please give a rough estimation of the total person*months needed for the duration of the project. Total Effort to be Financed by Project (Person Months): * Please give a rough estimation of the person*months for which you intend to request an FNR funding. Total Effort PI (person Months): * Please give a rough estimation of the total person*months you intend to work on the project as PI.

2.2. Research Priority in FNR Call Please select only 1 of the following research priorities from the list in the online system. Innovation in Services Development and Performance of the Financial Systems Business Service Design Information Security and Trust Management Telecommunication and Multimedia Sustainable Resource Management in Luxembourg Sustainable Management of Water Resources Sustainable Uses and Sources of Energy Understanding Ecosystems and Biodiversity Sustainable Agro-Systems Management Spatial and Urban Development

New Functional and Intelligent Materials and Surfaces and New Sensing Applications New Functional and Intelligent Materials and Surfaces

Biomedical Sciences/Regulation of Chronic, Degenerative and Infectious Diseases Regenerative Medicine in Age-related Diseases Translational Biomedical Research Public Health

Labour Market, Educational Requirements and Social Protection Challenges for the Educational System, Labour Market, Social Protection Including Territorial Aspects

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 Identities, Diversity and Integration Identities, Diversity and Integration

To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section!

3. Research Project Consortium Details

3.1. Contracting Partners A contracting partner is an institution which is eligible for funding and which is seeking financial support from the FNR, e.g. the University of Luxembourg, the CRPs, the CEPS or other publicsector research organisations eligible at the FNR: Institution, Department, Researcher Responsible, Web Address. Click the Add button to validate and/or add new partners. 3.2. Non-contracting partners Non-contracting partners are organisations or individuals from the public or private sector (from Luxembourg or abroad) participating in the project without financial support from the FNR, e.g. foreign universities or companies: Institution, Department, Researcher Responsible, Web Address. Click the Add button to validate and/or add new partners. To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section!

4. Legal and Ethical Requirements / Project Summary

4.1. Does the Project Give Rise to Ethical Issues? Yes/No Does the Project Need to be Submitted to the `Comit National de la Protection des Donnes` and/or `Comit National d'Ethique de la Recherche` for Approval? Yes/No Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Donnes : Comit National dEtique de la Recherche : CNER du Luxembourg ; CRP-Sant, B.P. 2021, L-1020 Luxembourg. If applicable, approval(s) is/are required before the start of the project. If 'Yes', How will Ethical Issues be Addressed? If the project gives rise to ethical issues, please briefly indicate what they consist in and how they will be addressed. Ethical issues are not limited to issues handled by the Comit National de la Protection des Donnes and/or the Comit National dEthique de la Recherche (see section Ethical Issues). The PI should contact the department in charge of ethical issues in its research institution for support.

Project Summary Key Words Characterizing the Research Project: Give 3-8 key words that you consider sufficient to characterise the scope of your proposal. Publishable Project Summary (max. 0.5 pages): Please write a short abstract for FNR internal use. It will not be published without your approval.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 4.2. Please Select Primary and Secondary Domains of the Research Project Life Sciences (LS) LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry LS2 Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology LS5 Neurosciences and neural disorders LS6 Immunity and infection LS7 Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health LS8 Evolutionary, population and environmental biology LS9 Applied life sciences and biotechnology Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Information and Communication, Engineering, Universe and Earth Sciences (PE) PE1 Mathematical foundations PE2 Fundamental constituents of matter PE3 Condensed matter physics PE4 Physical and Analytical Chemical sciences PE5 Materials and Synthesis PE6 Computer science and informatics PE7 Systems and communication engineering PE8 Products and process engineering PE9 Universe sciences PE10 Earth system science Social Sciences and Humanities (SH) SH1 Individuals, institutions and markets SH2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour SH3 Environment and society SH4 The Human Mind and its complexity SH5 Cultures and cultural production SH6 The study of the human past To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section!

5. Attachments
5.1. Project Description If you have not done it yet (task 1), please download the Pre-poposal Template by following the [READ THIS] link. This Pre-Proposal Template - Description of the Research Project is a WORD file that can be saved to your desktop and completed off-line. The Pre-Proposal Template is part of a web-based online application and cannot be submitted alone. After completion of the Word document, please upload it into the system. If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. Please find hereafter the description and the explanation of the different fields of the PreProposal Template:
FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 Principal Investigator (PI) Host Institution Project Acronym Number and qualification of new staff to be hired (max. 0.5 pages) Please indicate roughly the profile of the new staff you intend to hire for this project. Specify the number of persons, their respective qualification and the person*months on the project. Please explain how you will make sure that these people are in place at the start of the project. In this context, please be reminded of the following: The start of the project must occur six months after the organisation has received written confirmation of FNR support at the latest, otherwise the FNR might withdraw any offer of support. Research environment (max. 0.5 pages) Environment: Shortly describe the research environment in your institution. Does this proposal fit into the main research activities of your department or do you intend to extend the activity portfolio of your department? Equipment: Concerning the acquisition or the development of equipment exceeding 25,000, please indicate the precise need for such equipment. Furthermore describe which other organisations will contribute to the co-funding of this equipment. 1. Accordance with FNR thematic programme description (max 200 words) Explain how your proposal fits into the context of the FNR CORE thematic research priorities (cf. chapter 5 in the programme description of the call). Proposals not clearly related to the FNR CORE thematic programme cannot be considered for funding. 1.1. Is this proposal a follow-up of a granted CORE proposal? If, yes please indicate the code of the project and specify the link between both projects: (max. 0.5 pages) 1.2. Is this proposal a modified version of a proposal submitted in other calls (e.g. previous CORE calls, FP7)? If yes, please indicate the title and code of the project. 2. Training and mentoring (only CORE Junior Track, max 0.5 pages) Briefly describe what training and mentoring you intend to integrate in your research project that will help to develop your research career. 3. Research project summary (max 2 pages) Please write a scientifically oriented executive summary. The summary should provide a clear understanding of the following elements: Statement of the Research questions and/or hypotheses: e.g. Statement of the problem, Purpose, Significance of the project Methodology e.g. Population and sampling, Instrumentation, Assumptions, Scope and limitations Expected Results 4. Bibliography Please indicate the most relevant papers concerning your research question and methodology, as well as the main literature. Each reference must include the names of all authors, the article and journal title, book title, publisher, volume number, page numbers and years of publications. If the document is available electronically, the website address should be mentioned too.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 5.2. Recent CV Please upload a Recent Curriculum Vitae for Applicant and Main Researchers in the project into the system (max. 3 pages/CV in one WORD/PDF File. There is no template provided). The CV is part of a web-based online application and cannot be submitted alone. If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system. To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section! If you have finished filling in the different sections of your Online Application Form, please click on the button named Form fully completed and ready for PDF generation. You may as well choose to modify the entered data by clicking on the button named Enter more details now. Finally, press the button Done to validate the completion of the task and make it disappear from your To Do list.

The fourth task of step 1 is to generate a PDF document which contains all the information of your Online Application Form. Click on the hyperlink named Generate PDF. The PDF document will appear in the documents list on the right side of the screen. If the document named Generated PDF does not appear in the list, please click on the refresh button ( or ) of your browser.

Step 2: Submitting the Online Application Form

The submission of the Online Application Form consists of 2 stages: Submission by applicant Validation and submission by coordinating institution

After having generated the report in PDF format, please click the button Submit for Institutional Check. The report will now be accessible to the administration of the coordinating Institution in Luxembourg. They have the possibility to amend and validate your Application Form and/or return it to you for changes. Please note that the coordinating Institution has to respect the deadline for the final submission of the Pre-Proposal.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /



3. Completing the Full-Proposal Form

The CORE Full Proposal Application consists of 2 different steps: Step 1: Completing the Online Application Form Step 2: Submitting the Online Application Form

The CORE Full-Proposal Application for a project consists of six different elements: The Online Application Form (administrative and budgetary details). The Project Description Template (WORD file which can be downloaded to your own desktop and completed off-line). More detailed information on the proposed project itself is requested, i.e. on its scientific content as well as the organisation of the tasks to be undertaken. The Project Description Template is part of a web-based online application and cannot be submitted alone. The Recent Curriculum Vitae for Applicant. (no template provided). The CV is part of a web-based online application and cannot be submitted alone. The Recent Curriculum Vitae for Main Researchers in the Project (no template provided). The CV is part of a web-based online application and cannot be submitted alone. The Excel File/Budget Sheet. Overview of the planning and work-packages, detailed budgets per coordinating institution and the various contracting partners as well as presentation of estimated contributions by the non-contracting partners in terms of personnel and financial effort is requested. The Excel File is part of a web-based online application and cannot be submitted alone. The Signatures from Project Partner(s) Institute Representatives. In addition: In case the PI is not the academic supervisor of the PhD this form has to be signed too. The form can be downloaded. The signed form can be uploaded, faxed or sent by post within 5 five working days after the call deadline.

The PIs will have access to their proposals within the online submission system of the FNR as of 22 March 2011. An electronic tutorial for the online submission system is available next to the Help section of the online submission system and on the FNR website. Information on how to prepare your fullproposal is given on the following pages in blue italic characters inside the formats to be applied. If you need further advice and support, please contact your FNR Programme Manager.

Step 1: Completing the Online Application Form

The first task named Download the Full Proposal Template requires you to download a WORD document, named Full Proposal Template - Description of the Research Project Please save it to your desktop and complete it off-line. A detailed description of the form is available in section 7.1. This Full Proposal Template is part of a web-based online application and cannot be submitted alone. Press the button Done to validate the completion of the task and remove it from your To Do list.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 The second task named Check Guidelines for Applicants reminds you to consult the present document to guide you through the application stages. Press the button Done to validate the completion of the task and make it disappear from your To Do list. A click on the hyperlink of the third task named CORE Full Proposal Form brings you to the Online Application Form (labeled Smartform) for the CORE Pre-Proposal, which contains the administrative and budgetary details of your project.

The Online Application Form for the CORE Full Proposal is divided into 7 sections which can be accessed individually: 1. Principal Investigator Personal Data 2. Information of the Research Project 3. Research Project Consortium Details 4. Legal and Ethical Requirements 5. Project Outputs 6. Financial Part 7. Attachments Please note that some fields will be populated with the information already provided during the Pre-proposal submission. They can however be amended. The form can be saved at any time and you can come back to it later on. Before you can submit the completed form however you need to make sure that all mandatory questions (marked with *) have been filled out. Please also ensure that all data is correct before submission.

1. Principal Investigator Personal Data

The PI is the researcher having the scientific lead of the project on a daily basis. The PI is responsible for controlling the technical direction and academic quality of the project, and will ensure that the project is carried out in compliance with the terms, conditions, and policies of the FNR and those of the partner institutions. 1.1. Application ID: Provided by the online application system at the pre-proposal stage First Name: * First Name of Principal Investigator (PI) Family Name: * Family Name of Principal Investigator (PI) Gender Title: * e.g. Dr, Prof. etc. Category of position: * e.g. Head of Unit, Head of Department, Assistant Professor etc. Discipline of Doctorate (PhD) University/Institution issuing the PhD Certificate Date of Certificate Email: * Phone Number Date of Birth: * Nationality: *

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 1.2. Coordinating Institution Details Name of Coordinating Institution Provide the name of the coordinating institution (where the PI works) and who will serve as a contact for the FNR throughout the application process and possible later project implementation Department Website group

To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section!

2. Information of the Research Project

2.1. Project Title: * The title should not be longer than 200 characters. Project Acronym: * The short title or acronym will be used to identify your proposal efficiently. The acronym should not be longer than 10 characters. Project start: * Suggested start of the project is 1 January 2012. Note that the start of the project must occur six months after the organisation has received written confirmation of FNR support at the latest, otherwise the FNR might withdraw any offer of support. Project duration (in months): * Please insert the total project duration as stated in the CORE 2011 Budget and Gantt Template. This Excel workbook is available on the FNR site under,-Formulaires,-GuidelinesLogos/CORE-Forms-and-Guidelines. Note that projects should have a duration of 2-3 years. CORE Junior Track: * Select tick box in online submission system if you wish to apply to the CORE Junior Track. Project Language * Justification of use of language other than English (only application in the Social Sciences and Humanities may be in a language other than English): Applications should preferably be drafted in English. In fields where the standard language is either French or German, applications may also be drafted in one of these languages. Pre-proposals, full proposals, monitoring reports and final report must all be written in the same language. Total Project Costs (eg. 500000): * Please insert the Total Project Budget as stated in the SUMMARY sheet inside the CORE 2011 Budget and Gantt Template. Do not use decimal points or commas! Requested Funds from FNR Programme: * Please insert the funds you intend to request from the FNR based on the CORE 2011 Budget and Gantt Template. Do not use decimal points or commas! Total Effort (Person Months): * Person*months is the metric for expressing the effort (amount of time) PIs and other personnel devote to a specific project. The effort is based on the presumption that each fulltime member of staff can work 12 person*months per calendar year. Please insert the total person*months needed for the duration of the project as stated in the CORE 2011 Budget and Gantt Template. Total Effort to be Financed by Project (Person Months) * Total Effort PI (Person Months) *

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /



2.2. Research Priority in FNR Call Please select only 1 of the following research priorities from the list in the online system. Innovation in Services Development and Performance of the Financial Systems Business Service Design Information Security and Trust Management Telecommunication and Multimedia Sustainable Resource Management in Luxembourg Sustainable Management of Water Resources Sustainable Uses and Sources of Energy Understanding Ecosystems and Biodiversity Sustainable Agro-Systems Management Spatial and Urban Development

New Functional and Intelligent Materials and Surfaces and New Sensing Applications New Functional and Intelligent Materials and Surfaces

Biomedical Sciences/Regulation of Chronic, Degenerative and Infectious Diseases Regenerative Medicine in Age-related Diseases Translational Biomedical Research Public Health

Labour Market, Educational Requirements and Social Protection Challenges for the Educational System, Labour Market, Social Protection Including Territorial Aspects

Identities, Diversity and Integration Identities, Diversity and Integration

To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section!

3. Research Project Consortium Details

3.1. Contracting Partners A contracting partner is an institution which is eligible for funding and which is seeking financial support from the FNR, e.g. the University of Luxembourg, the CRPs, the CEPS or other publicsector research organisations eligible at the FNR. Institution: Select one from the list Department Researcher in charge Web address Click the Add button to validate and/or add new partners.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 3.2. Non-contracting Partners Non-contracting partners are organisations or individuals from the public or private sector (from Luxembourg or abroad) participating in the project without financial support from the FNR, e.g. foreign universities or companies. Institution: Insert the complete name of the institution Department Researcher in charge Web address Click the Add button to validate and/or add new partners. To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section!

4. Legal and Ethical Requirements / Project Summary

4.1. Does the Project Give Rise to Ethical Issues? Yes/No Please contact your internal department dealing with ethical issues. Does the Project Need to be Submitted to the `Comit National de la Protection des Donnes` and/or `Comit National d'Ethique de la Recherche` for Approval? Yes/No Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Donnes : Comit National dEtique de la Recherche : CNER du Luxembourg ; CRP-Sant, B.P. 2021, L-1020 Luxembourg. If applicable, approval(s) is/are required before the start of the project. If 'Yes', How will Ethical Issues be Addressed? If the project gives rise to ethical issues, please briefly indicate what they consist in and how they will be addressed. Ethical issues are not limited to issues handled by the Comit National de la Protection des Donnes and/or the Comit National dEthique de la Recherche (see section Ethical Issues). The PI should contact the department in charge of ethical issues in its research institution for support.

Project Summary Key Words Characterizing the Research Project: * Give 3-8 key words that you consider sufficient to characterise the scope of your proposal. Project Summary (max. 1 page) * Please write a scientifically oriented executive summary. The summary should provide a clear understanding of the prime objectives of the proposal and how they will be achieved. This summary will be used as the short description of the proposal during the evaluation process, i.e. by external scientific experts.

4.2. Please Select Primary and Secondary Domains of the Research Project Life Sciences (LS) LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry LS2 Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology
FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 LS5 Neurosciences and neural disorders LS6 Immunity and infection LS7 Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health LS8 Evolutionary, population and environmental biology LS9 Applied life sciences and biotechnology Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Information and Communication, Engineering, Universe and Earth Sciences (PE) PE1 Mathematical foundations PE2 Fundamental constituents of matter PE3 Condensed matter physics PE4 Physical and Analytical Chemical sciences PE5 Materials and Synthesis PE6 Computer science and informatics PE7 Systems and communication engineering PE8 Products and process engineering PE9 Universe sciences PE10 Earth system science Social Sciences and Humanities (SH) SH1 Individuals, institutions and markets SH2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour SH3 Environment and society SH4 The Human Mind and its complexity SH5 Cultures and cultural production SH6 The study of the human past To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section!

5. Project outputs
5.1. PhD training For each PhD candidate, please fill in the following items (Click the Add button to validate each candidate): First Name Indicate details of already known candidates. Otherwise write N.N. The FNR is aware that this may change over time. Last Name (Envisaged) Title of thesis Name of academic supervisor Indicate the name of the Prof. who will supervise the PhD at the awarding institution (i.a.). Name of scientific advisor in the project Indicate the name of the person (and institution) who will guide the PhD in the project (i.a.). Institution Issuing the PhD Insert name and country of the institution. Expected award date Indicate the approximate date when the candidate will be awarded his/her PhD. AFR Grant Code (if applicable)

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 5.2. Scientific peer reviewed publications4 For each estimated publication please fill in the following items (Click the Add button to validate each publication): Estimated total number: Indicate where you can already foresee the dissemination of the project results in the form of a publication. Type of publication category: Scientific paper, Review, Book Chapter, Book, Manuscript, Monograph. Targeted level of publication: Indicate the name of possible journals, editors, impact factors that you are aiming for. Time horizon: Indicate whenever possible the year you intend to publish.

5.3. Other tangible outputs Description of output: Prototype, database etc. WP Number, generating deliverable Planned for project month Partner responsible

To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section!

6. Financial part
Data for this part have to be calculated using the Excel sheet named CORE 2011 Budget and Gantt Template available on the FNR site under,Formulaires,-Guidelines-Logos/CORE-Forms-and-Guidelines. The completion of this spreadsheet is described in chapter 4.Please replicate the calculated amounts in the following tables. 6.1. Contracting Partners For the Coordinating Institution and each Contracting Partner, insert the amounts for the following items: Desired FNR contribution: The totals will be calculated! o Personnel o Equipment o Consumables o Travel Costs o Subcontracting o Others o Overhead Other Funding: The total will be calculated!

The FNR considers the following as peer-reviewed publications : A publication in a journal of the list of journals with impact factors published yearly by ISI Thompson, A publication in the journal index established by SCOPUS, or A monograph with a review board.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 6.2. Non-contracting Partners For each non-contracting partner insert the following items: Estimated Person*Months Estimated Contribution The total will be calculated for you!

To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section!

7. Attachments
7.1. Project Description If you have not done it yet (task 1), please download the Full Proposal Template. It is also available by following the [READ THIS] link. This WORD document is part of the web-based online application and cannot be submitted on its own. After completion of the Full Proposal Template, please upload it into the system. If you want to replace a file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first, RENAME it and then upload it back to the system. Please find hereafter the description and the explanation of the different fields: 1. Project Acronym 2. Accordance with FNR CORE thematic programme description (max. 0,5 page) Explain how your proposal fits into the context of the FNR CORE thematic research priorities (cf. chapter 5 in the programme description of the call). Proposals not clearly related to the FNR CORE thematic programme cannot be considered for funding. 2.1. Is this proposal a follow-up of a granted CORE proposal? If, yes please indicate the code of the project and specify the link between both projects: (max. 0.5 pages) 2.2. Is this proposal a modified version of a proposal submitted in other calls (e.g. previous CORE calls, FP7)? If yes, please indicate the title and code of the project. 3. Definition of Proposed Project (max. 10 pages for 3.1 3.3) 3.1 Current state of the art including your relevant previous work Please describe the current scientific state of the art and ongoing developments in fields relevant to your proposal including your own previous work. Provide an assessment of further research needs (what are the main ideas that led you to propose this work?). Please quote references, details of these references have to be presented in part 8 (Bibliography). 3.2 Project objectives and contribution to knowledge development Outline your project's contribution to the research needs identified above. State your hypotheses. Clearly define the objectives to be achieved by the project in a realistic and, as far as possible, measurable form. 3.3 Methods and approach Describe the methods and procedures you will use in order to reach the objectives defined above. Summarise/analyse the underlying theory/theories. Please quote references in part 8 (Bibliography). 4 Project Plan and Work Package Description 4.1 Project plan (1 page) Present a detailed work plan, broken down into work packages. The number of work packages
FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 used should be appropriate to the complexity of the project (5-10 work packages are suggested). The work plan has to follow the logical phases of the implementation of the project. It is proposed to start with filling in the Gantt chart in the accompanying Excel annex (worksheet "FNR Planning Matrix"), which forms part of the application documents, and then to present a narrative description in this chapter. Additional explanations on how to use the Excel annex will be provided in a later section of these instructions. 4.2 Work packages and tasks (1 page/work package suggested) Present the work packages (consistent with the Gantt chart in the Excel annex) in detail, using the table provided below. Use one table per work package (please copy the table as many times as you need it). The explanations included in the table have to be sufficient for justifying the proposed effort and allow for progress monitoring. Work package number Work package title Work package leader Start date End date Objective Provide a general description of the work to be undertaken (including methods to be applied where appropriate), identify the partners involved and specify their contributions. Tasks Break the work package down into major tasks. Explain the sequence of tasks and explain interdependencies between tasks where necessary. Interdependencies with other work packages Provide a narrative description or/and a graphical presentation of interdependencies between the present work package with other work packages. Deliverables and milestones A deliverable represents a verifiable output of the work package. Normally, each work package will produce one or more deliverables during its lifetime. List, specify and quantify deliverables (e.g. prototype, survey results). State the project month of delivery (measured in months from the first month the project started). Milestones represent a scheduled event signifying the completion of a major deliverable or a set of related deliverables (e.g. prototype tested, patient cohort established). State the project month of delivery (measured in months from the first month the project started). Resources Name of researcher Partner Qualification Level Person*months PhD, post-doc etc. 4.3 Risk management and quality assurance (max. 1 page) Describe how you intend to ensure the quality of your work (e.g. definition of milestones for measuring project progress, regular joint progress evaluation, cross-checking of intermediate reports or results, etc.). Review the risks identified and describe how you will monitor and mitigate them. Mention any significant external factor (assumptions = positively phrased, risks = negatively phrased) that are not under the control of the project and may determine whether the intended project 1) may start as planned, 2) may be implemented as planned and/or 3) may achieve its intended objectives. (Example for an assumption: Delayed equipment delivery.) Please note: If serious risks (i.e. risks that could cause strong negative impacts and whose probability of occurrence is high) exist, the project design should be reconsidered. In this section you should go beyond the description of how you want to tackle risks emerging in the project, e.g. regular consortium meetings. 5 Project Outputs (max. 3 pages for 5.1 5.2) 5.1 Contributions to advancement of knowledge, people and institutions Summarise how the project outputs contribute to the advancement of the development of the scientific community of Luxembourg, in particular the participating partners organisations in terms of capacities, competencies, critical mass and international visibility. Describe: the projects contribution to the advancement of the state of the art, the knowledge
FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 production in the field and its dissemination to the scientific community the projects contribution to training of young researchers, in particular that of PhDs how you will involve potential stakeholders from the private and public sector throughout the implementation of your project (if applicable) the planned strategy for valorisation and dissemination of your results, if applicable (e.g. What are the expected results? What will be the strategy of protection (patent, trademark, design, copyrights? What will be the strategy of exploitation (licensing, startup,) , what is the projects potential to generate intellectual property and the possible exploitation of the IPR which efforts (publications, public conferences, and other activities) are foreseen in order to increase public awareness among the general public and the understanding of the research topic by a wider audience

Quantify these intended direct outputs of the project like PhDs, scientific publications, and other tangible outputs like prototypes, computer programmes, databases, etc. as far as possible in the table below. In some cases outputs (e.g., a publication) may be the result of one single work package, thus they will already have been mentioned above as deliverables. In this case repeat them here and refer back to the work package concerned. You will also have to decide what to include as a direct output in the present chapter and what to include as an intended medium to long-term impact in the chapter 5.2. For example, exploitation of IPR (in terms of licensing, patenting etc.) may either be part of your direct outputs or rather an impact that may eventually occur in the medium term, depending on the magnitude and the design of the proposed research project. Please keep in mind that the outputs described in this chapter should be realistic in relation to the size of the project (funding and staff effort). Nevertheless the outputs should be ambitious (within the level of risk that is inherent to a challenging research project) and at an international level of standard in your scientific domain. Thus the intended outputs described will serve as measure to assess the ambition of the project during peer review and as a benchmark for evaluation in the final report. 5.1bis Advancement of the young PIs research career (for CORE Junior) Summarise how the project will contribute to the advancement of your research career (2 pages). Describe: - the contribution of the project towards establishing your own autonomous research branch. - A training and mentoring plan that will help to develop your research career. o Training stays, mentoring sessions, networking activities etc o the contribution of the mentoring to the development of your research and project management skills o the contribution of the training planned within the frame of the project towards to the development of your research and project management skills. 5.2 Intended long-term impact and contribution to FNR CORE programme objectives Describe how your project intends to contribute (indirectly) in the medium to long term to the objectives set out for each research priority in chapter 5 of the programme description. You should describe the steps that are necessary and foreseen in the project (and outside of the projects) to bring about these impacts (e.g. dissemination and exploitation of project results, stakeholder involvement). The information provided in this chapter is necessary for FNR impact assessment. Outline and, where possible, quantify (realistically) envisaged impacts like spin-offs, licensing agreements,
FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 PPPs, technological innovations, policy changes, international follow-up projects, etc. based on the projects outputs. 5.3 PhD: Research lines and supervision Provide details about how the supervision and training of the candidate is organised (1/2 page max.) Provide a short description of the PhD project(s) (by making reference to the project description and workplan: title of the PhD project; research question, methodology, envisaged outcome; number of publications foreseen (1st author publication expected); (1-2 pages) At submission deadline: The academic supervisor signs the partner sheet (not required if the PI is the academic supervisor). At project start: The academic supervisor is asked to provide a support letter until the official CORE project start (not required if the PI is the academic supervisor). Briefly describe also the profile of the candidate you wish to employ for this PhD position. Indicate who will be the academic PhD supervisor and the degree issuing institution of each PhD. 6. Project Participants and Management (max. 2 pages for 6.1 6.3) 6.1 Description of the consortium For each participating organisation in the proposed project, provide a brief description of the organisation, the responsibilities within the proposed project, as well as the previous experiences qualifying participants for the task at hand. Describe how the participants collectively constitute a consortium capable of achieving the project objectives, amongst others, by highlighting the complementarities between them. Provide short profiles of the personnel who will be undertaking the work (also for new staff to be hired), and list the persons in the table below. If new staff needs to be hired for the project, please explain how you will make sure that these people are in place at the start of the project. Additional details (CVs, publication lists, organisation descriptions etc.) have to be provided. 6.2 List of total resources Name of researcher Partner Position Qualification Gender Person*months institution Level Name researchers Group PhD, post- M/F Person*months working on project for leader, doc etc on project student all partners (contracting and noncontracting). Personnel that have to be recruited should be indicated between brackets. Write N.N. when the name of the candidate is not yet available. 6.3 Communication and decision-making For projects with large consortiums, describe how communication (channels, methods etc.) between all partners will be organised and how decisions will be taken. 6.4 Consortium agreement and Intellectual Property Rights management Experience has shown that the signing of agreements governing intellectual property rights between all parties is a time consuming process. Therefore fully fledged agreements should only be signed when absolutely necessary. A Consortium Agreement and an Intellectual property rights agreement is mandatory in the following cases: o If intellectual property goes beyond simple authorship rights and a protection via patenting of the project results is probable and/or there maybe possible commercialization of the project results
FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 o o A company or private institution is part of the consortium then; One of the parties involved explicitly requests such an agreement.

Consortium constellations that do not require a fully fledged agreement: o If intellectual property is limited to scientific publications (and data sets), the consortium (in this case the consortium is usually composed of universities and public research institutions in and outside of Luxembourg) should: At least indicate in Annex V, how the authorship of the publications and the management and access to the data sets are settled amongst the project partners, Indicate any other agreed upon statement between the parties or Sign a consortium agreement (only if it is specifically requested by the parties). (CA) Consortium agreement: Agreement governing the approach and rights and obligations among the members of the consortium including authorship rights of publications. (IPRA) Intellectual property rights agreement: All rights to technical solutions, methods, processes and procedures, regard-less of whether or not these are or may be patented, as well as all copyrights and other rights to trademarks, authorship rights of publications, design, plant species, databases, integrated circuit layout designs, drawings, specifications, prototypes, company-internal secrets and the like. If the applicants have further questions to this issue, they should contact the administration of their host institution and the FNR. 7. Justification of project budget and requested funding (2 pages) Structure and justify the projects costs. Relate them to the envisaged outputs and impacts of the project. Details have to be provided here. The FNR may not fund all costs if the justification is not precisely given. Details have to be presented in the Excel Annex (see below for further instructions on filling out the Excel annex). Explain the distribution of costs amongst the partners and the cost categories presented in the Excel Annex. 8. Bibliography / References Each reference must include the names of all authors, the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. If the document is available electronically, the website address should be mentioned, too. 9. Reviewers (optional) The applicant has the possibility to provide a list of experts which could be contacted or should not be contacted as reviewer of the project. The FNR however reserves the right to make the final selection of the reviewers. 9.1 Reviewers who could be contacted (minimum 6 persons) List the expert(s) and their contact information and explain why the(se) expert(s) could be contacted to review the proposal. Please note that the experts should not have joint publications with the PI. 9.2 Reviewers who should not be contacted (up to 3 persons) List the expert(s) and their contact information and explain why the(se) expert(s) should not be contacted to review the proposal.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 7.2. Applicant CV Please upload a Recent Curriculum Vitae of the Principal Investigator (PI) into the system (max. 3 pages/CV in one WORD/PDF File. There is no template provided). Including: 1. The number of supervised doctoral dissertations as supervisor. 2. List of 10 most relevant publications of each of the main core researchers. 3. List of most relevant ongoing and completed projects including funding source of each of the main core researchers. 4. List of most relevant patents. If you want to replace the file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first then RENAME it before uploading it back to the system.

7.3. Researchers CV's Please upload a Recent Curriculum Vitae of Main Researchers in the project into the system Including: 1. The number of supervised doctoral dissertations as supervisor. 2. List of 10 most relevant publications of each of the main core researchers. 3. List of most relevant ongoing and completed projects including funding source of each of the main core researchers. 4. List of most relevant patents. 5. Profiles of the researcher to be newly hired for the project (and candidates max. 1 page) 7.4. Budget Sheet Download the Excel workbook named CORE 2011 Budget and Gantt Template available on the FNR site under,-Formulaires,-GuidelinesLogos/CORE-Forms-and-Guidelines. The completion of this separate spreadsheet is described in chapter 4. It contains the following sheets: For the overview of the planning and work-packages (worksheet FNR Planning Matrix) For the presentation of detailed budgets per coordinating institution and the various contracting partners (worksheets COORD., CONTR. P. 1, CONTR. P. 2, CONTR. P. 3) For the presentation of estimated contributions by the non-contracting partners in terms of personnel (total person*months) and financial effort (worksheet NON-CONTR. P.) The presentation of the Budgetary and Project Overview (worksheet SUMMARY). Note: This worksheet does not have to be completed manually but will be automatically populated with the data that you input in the sheets mentioned above.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 7.5. Partner Signatures One page has to be completed and signed on behalf of each of the contracting and noncontracting partner organisations. 7.6. Declaration * Please check I hereby declare that this proposal conforms to the call guidelines If you want to replace a file already uploaded, please REMOVE it first, RENAME it and then upload it back to the system. To validate this section and jump to the next one, click the button Save draft and continue to next section! If you have finished filling in the different sections of your Online Application Form, please click on the button named Form fully completed and ready for PDF generation. You may as well choose to modify the entered data by clicking on the button named Enter more details now. Finally, press the button Done to validate the completion of the task and make it disappear from your To Do list.

The fourth task of step 1 is to generate a PDF document which contains all the information of your Online Application Form. Click on the hyperlink named Generate Full Proposal PDF. The PDF document will appear in the documents list on the right side of the screen. If the document named Generated PDF does not appear in the list after a few minutes, please click on the refresh button ( or ) of your browser.

Step 2: Submitting the Online Application Form

The submission of the Online Application Form consists of 2 stages: Submission by applicant Validation and submission by coordinating institution

After having generated the report in PDF format, please click the button Submit for Institutional Check. The report will now be accessible to the administration of your coordinating Institution in Luxembourg. They have the possibility to amend and validate your Application Form and/or return it to you for changes. Please note that the coordinating Institution has to respect the deadline for the final submission of the Pre-Proposal.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /



4. Completing the FNR Planning Matrix and the Financial Part

The Excel Annex 7.4. consists of a separate Excel-workbook containing the following worksheets: FNR Planning Matrix: For the overview of the planning and work packages. COORD., CONTR. P. 1, CONTR. P. 2, CONTR. P. 3: For the presentation of detailed budget per coordinating institution and the various contracting partners. NON-CONTR. P.: For the presentation of estimated contributions by the noncontracting partners in terms of personnel and financial effort. SUMMARY: The presentation of the Budgetary and Project Overview. Note: This worksheet does not have to be completed manually but will be automatically populated with the data that you input in the sheets above.

Please note that the Excel annex is write-protected and only green cells can be filled in. Additional rows can be added however if necessary.

4.1 FNR Planning Matrix Sheet

The FNR Planning Matrix sheet is part of the Excel Annex and is used for project planning purposes. In case the project will be financed by the FNR, the same file and its worksheets will be used later on for monitoring as well. Therefore worksheets contain presently hidden columns and rows not to be used for the application. Start filling in the worksheet named 'FNR Planning Matrix by indicating the Project reference No., Acronym, PI name and Date in the top right hand corner of the sheet. Continue filling in the worksheet named 'FNR Planning Matrix by completing the green cells on top and continue with the other green cells of the worksheet. The worksheet must contain all work packages and tasks you describe in the text document of this proposal. In any case, mention for any output the number(s) of the work packages leading to its production. (This could be done in the form of a table.) In case the number of work packages or tasks exceeds the number of rows in the worksheet, please insert as many rows as necessary. The same applies to the following worksheets for presenting project outputs:

4.2 Eligibility of Expenditures

If not otherwise stated in the specific calls (may change from call to call), there are no funding maxima defined by the FNR, but the project plan should be cost-efficient (see selection criteria) in relation to the intended outcomes. This funding may not have the purpose or effect of producing a profit for the beneficiary. This funding may in no case result in a duplicate funding of operating costs, acquisition costs or staff costs. The expenditure listed must be essential for implementation of the project. Certain types of expenditure may be indicated on a lump-sum basis (e.g. if they relate to operations routinely performed by the partner in question), provided the expenditure does not differ significantly from the actual cost and these operations are acceptable to the FNR. Where appropriate, calculations for lump sums need to be provided.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 The FNR distinguishes between direct costs and indirect costs (see below). Special note for CORE Junior Track proposals: The projects submitted under CORE Junior Track will have to comply with special budgetary rules. If applicable, they are indicated under each section. The expenditure maxima for the various cost headings for CORE junior track are given in the sections below. For regular CORE projects there are no funding maxima defined by the FNR if not otherwise stated in the specific calls. Applicants should note that the project plan should be cost-efficient (see selection criteria) in relation to the intended outcomes.

4.3 Budgetary Flexibility

Applicants should note that during the course of the project, budgetary flexibility is given in order to allow for appropriate project management. A reallocation of funds within a budget heading does not require the prior approval of the FNR and does not result in an addendum to the contract, provided the specific rules of the various budget headings are adhered to (a budget heading is defined as one of the main titles of the budget e.g.: Consumables, Travel etc.). A reallocation of funds between budget headings is not subject to the prior approval of the FNR provided that it satisfies the following criterion: The reallocation does not modify the budget heading from which it is taken or transferred to by more than 20%.

The 20% rule is NOT applicable to: increase unit rates applied to personnel costs or modification resulting in changes to profiles of personnel; the budget heading overheads.

In cases involving a variation greater than 20%, a request for a modification has to be sent to the FNR at least 30 calendar days before the date the modification should take place. This request has to be fully substantiated and justified. After approval by the FNR, an addendum to the contract will be prepared if necessary. This addendum will be signed by both parties and will become an integral part of the contract. If the request is deemed unfounded by the FNR, the beneficiary will be advised in writing. The basis for the calculations is the FNR funded budget.

4.4 The Excel Budget Sheets

The Excel Annex provides Excel sheets that contain formats for an indicative breakdown of estimated expenditure for each partner and calendar year and the funding expected from the FNR. Please also refer to the financial guidelines for specific rules concerning each budget heading. The budget sheets are subdivided into direct costs, indirect costs and external financial contributions. Direct costs and indirect costs designate estimated expenditures that are needed for the implementation of the project. External financial contributions designate funding that is received by the institution from other sources than their own or the FNR. The Total Budget of a project = the FNR contribution + external financial contribution + the institutes own financial contribution.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 The FNR assumes that the difference of the total budget - the FNR contribution - external financial contribution is covered by the institution. The budget tables must be completed for each phase of the project and each contracting partner, giving an estimate of the eligible expenditure required and the amount of funding expected from the FNR. Fill in the worksheets named COORD. etc. by completing the green cells. All other cells are locked for editing. Additional rows can be added if necessary. Additional justification and information should be given in section 7 of the application form (see financial guidelines and guidelines to section 7 above).

4.5 Direct Cost

Direct costs are expenditures that are to be directly incurred for the particular project and are supported by an auditable record. VAT is not an eligible cost in case the institute can reclaim VAT from the Luxembourg tax authorities in conformity with Luxembourg indirect tax regulation.

4.5.1 Personnel Costs

The payroll costs of all staff, full or part-time, who work on the project, and whose time can be supported by a full audit trail may be included. The need for such staff should be justified in the application form. The FNR will not cover costs of persons already funded by the State or by other funding sources. The FNR will only finance the profiles of the personnel indicated in the budget sheets of the application and changes of profile (e.g. Post-doc to technician) have to be requested in writing in advance and receive formal approval by the FNR. An addendum to the contract will be prepared if necessary. The project may involve researchers who still need to be hired by the institutions but the respective responsible persons in the institutions need to make sure that the project is able to start at the latest 6 months after formal approval by FNR. The applicant should state how he/she will make sure that the new personnel are in place for the start of the project. Lump sums for staff categories may be used provided these are based on a real-figure calculation (which must be added and explained in the application form). The salary of PhDs and associated costs (travel, consumables, overhead) can be covered by CORE project funding provided that the PhD works 100% on the project during the whole project duration. The project consortium may apply for an extension of the CORE project contract to cover the PhD salary and overhead costs for up to one year of the CPRE project contract end. The CORE project duration will remain at the project duration fixed in the CORE project contract. Other sources of funding for PhDs can be institutional funds or AFR grants 5. The FNR encourages the involvement of (Bachelor or Master) students in the project in order to strengthen their interest in research.
Please be aware that the AFR funding decision may take some time. In order not to jeopardize the start of the project, the FNR encourages applicants to submit AFR proposals before the final funding decision of the FNR. Additional costs (overhead, consumables, etc.) for PhDs are eligible project costs.
FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /



The FNR expects project staff to use timesheets so that their actual time is recorded against a project to form the basis of the costs charged. Where a person is contracted to work 100% of their time on a single project (whether they are working full-time or part-time), timesheets are not necessary as their costs can only be charged to that activity. In all other cases, timesheets or project time records are required. This includes those who may be contracted to work on two or more projects, since it is essential when charging to have a means of recording and verifying the actual time applied to each activity. Please indicate for each person working on the project (in section 7 of the application form and the excel sheet respectively): Name and first name Function or staff category (post-doc, research nurse, PhD etc) How many person*months the person will work over the course of the project Monthly salary (lump sums for staff categories may be used) Whether the person is already on the payroll or will be recruited specifically for the project in section 7 How much of the estimated amount is to be covered by the FNR

For CORE Junior Track proposals: The total working time to be covered by the young PI and other staff may not exceed 1 FTE. In addition, the project may cover the salary of 1 full time PhD.

4.5.2 Equipment
This heading provides for new equipment dedicated to the project. This includes, but is not limited to, laboratory/workshop equipment (including computers and servers), software and installation costs. Please indicate in section 7 of the application form and the Excel sheet respectively: the precise nature of equipment with specific technical requirements; its unit cost and number of units; its relevance to the project; the necessity of the equipment taking into account the equipment currently available in the institution; its expected useful life (technical and financial) and its use beyond the project; its use by other national or international research groups/institutions (if applicable).

Large equipment which is more expensive than 25,000 will only be funded to the pro-rata of its use within the project, duly taking into account the depreciation rules within the research organisation.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 For equipment which is to be developed during the course of the project and where the development costs exceed 25,000 (total costs, not individual assembly parts) it is recommended to foresee own institutional co-funding and to indicate the co-funding source for all equipments. The FNR may decide to limit its funding on a case by case basis. For equipment costs over 100,000 (FNR part and own funding combined), a business and/or utilisation plan is required at submission stage. The FNR will only finance equipment listed in the original proposal. Additional equipment has to be requested in writing in advance and receive formal approval by the FNR. This modification will not result in an addendum to the contract. For CORE Junior Track proposals: Budgets for equipment is limited to 10,000. The young PIs should make use of existing lab equipment.

4.5.3 Consumables
The applicant needs to indicate the nature (chemicals, Glassware, etc.) of the consumables and justify the estimation of the total costs and requested budget in section 7 of the application form. The total amount can be indicated as a lump sum in accordance with the institutions rules. Lump sums for various consumable categories may be used provided these are based on reasonable assumptions.

4.5.4 Travel Cost

The FNR will cover the real expenses for travel, subsistence and conference fees. Expenditures should be in accordance with an institutions own regulations. To avoid administrative burdening at submission and in order to give the applicant team the necessary flexibility, the budget for travel expenses, subsistence and conference fees is calculated on a lump sum basis: 2,000 per year and per 12 person*months (in relation to the total project effort). It is therefore essential to provide the total person*months effort of all the people working on the project. If the project team requires a higher budget for travel, please justify in detail the amount in section 7 of the application form. 6 Please note that within the Accompanying Measures of the FNR (, conference participation of young researchers (also within an FNR-funded project) may be covered if the funds provided within the FNR programme are not sufficient. For CORE Junior Track proposals: The applicant is encouraged to apply for additional travel money to permit additional training sessions in research groups/labs abroad, attendance to specific training programmes and attendance at additional conferences. The total budget for travel is limited to 25,000.

4.5.5 Subcontracting
This line provides for expenditure on services provided by subcontractors. Contracting partners may subcontract specific services (limited in time) which are essential for the project but do not represent core elements of the project work which cannot be directly assumed by one of the contracting-partners and where this proves necessary for the performance of their work under the project. In case the subcontracted service fulfils these criteria, please describe the service,

For travel by car calculate 0,40 /km.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


UPDATED VERSION, 09/03/2011 indicate the price (market price) and specify the reason why you resort to a third service in section 7 of the application form: Why an expert or technical assistance is needed. How many hours work the subcontractors are expected to provide. All covered costs must be substantiated. For CORE Junior Track proposals: Costs associated with mentoring should be budgeted under this budget heading. The total budget for subcontracting is limited to 25,000.

4.5.6 Other Costs

This heading provides for costs that are not reflected in the budget sheet. They include, but are not limited to: Documentation (not expected in institutional libraries) Initial submission costs for the protection of a patent, license, trademark etc. Costs generated by the use of existing equipment within partner institutions. This may include rental/access charges for equipment or analysis costs. Please specify in the application form: The type of equipment in question. Justification of the costs. Information on whether the existing equipment was purchased by the State. Its residual useful life, and details of the calculation on which the budget estimate figure is based. Field work/fees. Recruitment and advertising costs for staff directly employed on the grant. Equipment-related items, contracts/agreements). such as relocation, maintenance (external

Depreciation costs of equipment which has been completely funded by the FNR in other projects cannot be included here. Equipment which is to be developed during the course of the project is not eligible under this heading (see 4.5.2. Equipment).

The nature of the costs and their relevance to the project has to be explained in detail in section 7.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /



4.6 Indirect Cost

4.6.1 Overhead
This heading may provide for ongoing expenses which cannot be attributed to any specific activity, but are still necessary for the action to be realised. Overhead expenses may include, but are not limited to, accou nting, advertising, depreciation, indirect labour, insurance, interest, legal fees, rent, repairs, supplies, taxes, telephone, travel and utilities. Overhead costs may not include depreciation costs of large equipment having been completely funded by FNR in other previous programmes. Overhead costs have to be reasonable and based on an auditable calculation in order to guarantee proper audit trail. Overheads must be identifiable and justified by the accounting system of the participant as being incurred in direct relationship with the eligible direct costs attributed to the project. Indicate the method of calculation in relationship with the eligible direct costs (i.e. as a rate calculated with respect to total personnel costs).

4.6.2 External Financial Contribution

Sources of funding outside of the FNR and the contracting institution should be indicated. The grants Aides la formation-recherche (AFR) are considered an external source of funding. Please indicate the total of the (projected) AFR grant support in the Excel sheet. Other external financial contribution could be a donation by a charitable organisation, revenues from licenses, etc. Contributions by non-contracting partners (i.e. the partners research effort in the frame of the project) are not considered as an external source of funding. These contributions should be indicated in the excel sheet NON-CONTR. P.:

4.7 Contribution by Non-contracting Partners

Please provide in the Excel sheet NON-CONTR. P. an estimation of the contributions of each of the non-contracting partners to the project in terms of person efforts and estimated budget.

4.8 Project Summary Sheet

The Excel sheet SUMMARY provides an overview of the budgetary and person*months efforts by each project partner. Note: This worksheet does not have to be completed manually but will be automatically populated with the data that you input in the sheets mentioned above.

FNR / 6, rue A. de St-Exupry / P.O. Box 1777 / L-1017 Luxembourg / T +352 26 19 25 1 / F +352 26 19 25 35 / Email: /


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