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General Rules FAQ

Q. Can non-shooting, non-aura based abilities or wargear be used from open-topped vehicles? A. No. Q. If a firing unit can see even a tiny portion of a targetable point on an enemy model, does it have line of sight? A. Yes. Q. Do Gets Hot! wounds count as AP2? A. No, they have no AP value. Q. Can a unit fall back more than once during any phase? A. Yes. Q. Are Vehicle Wrecks counted as area-terrain as well as dangerous? A. For simplicitys sake yes. Q. Are passengers in a vehicle going Flat Out Destroyed? A. Only if the vehicle is destroyed in the same player turn the vehicle moved Flat Out. If it is shot down by the opponent in the subsequent shooting phase, the passengers disembark as normal. Q. What happens if a player going first has a vehicle which uses Smoke Launchers during its Scout move and then wishes to shoot during its first shooting phase? A. The controlling player must choose to benefit from the Smoke Launchers used during the Scout movement or allow the vehicle to shoot. The vehicle cannot both shoot and count as being obscured due to smoke. Q. Are passengers considered on the board when inside a transport? A. No and therefore cannot be targeted or affected by anything on the table top unless specified otherwise. Q. How do Victory Points work for units comprised of models with multiple wounds work? A. The 50% margin is based on models remaining from starting unit, not wounds remaining. Q. Can a unit act normally during the next player turn after an emergency disembarkation? A. No it must wait a full game turn before it can perform voluntary actions. For all intents and purposes, once a unit declares an emergency disembarkation, the unit is pinned/has gone to ground.


Q. Can units use their Scout move to gain a save through turbo-boosting or going flat out and still fire during their first shooting phase? A. No if going first the unit must make another Turbo-boost/flat out move to gain the cover save or can shoot as normally. If going second the unit counts as having a cover save from the turbo-boost and can act normally during its own phase. Q. How do Victory Points and squadrons of Monstrous Creatures and Vehicles work? A. Each Monstrous Creature or Vehicle is treated independently for calculating Victory Points.

Codex Specific FAQ

Space Marine Generic Rules
Q. Can Drop Pods choose to have their doors open or closed? A. No they are always open. For modelling purposes, even if the doors are glued shut, they are considered non-existent and the Drop Pod can be seen through. Q. Do the Drop Pod doors count as part of the Drop Pod? I.e. can models disembark 2 from the door and do enemy models obey the 1 rule in relation to the Drop Pod doors? A. No they are extraneous parts of the model and do not count for gameplay purposes. Q. How do combat squads and reserves work? A. The entire unit must be deployed on the table (including in Transports) or placed in reserve. If deployed in reserve, the choice to combat squad the unit happens after the reserve roll but before the unit is placed on the table through any means.

Blood Angels

Q. Can you use Smoke in a scout move with Baal Predators and then shoot? A. No you must choose one or the other. Q. What Initiative value is used for Dante when he is part of a squad and using Hit & Run? A. Unmodified majority initiative.

Space Wolves

Q. May Jaws of the World Wolf be drawn across friendly models? A. No Q. How do Victory Points and attached Wolf Guard work? A. They count as part of the unit attached. Subtract the points of any detached Wolf Guard if there is an independent Wolf Guard unit remaining. Q. How do Kill Points and attached Wolf Guard work? A. They become part of the unit they are joined to and thus need to be killed for that units Kill Point to be gained by the opponent. If the Wolf Guard unit no longer exists due to attaching models to other units, that Kill Point does not exist. Otherwise, the remaining models consisting of the Wolf Guard unit also count as a Kill Point. Q. How does the Lone Wolf interact with Victory Points? A. In the exact same way as in regards to Kill Points but with Victory Points replacing Kill Points. Q. Can Ancient Tactician be used on more than one roll? A. No. Q. Can a Rune Priest staff and Wolf Tail Talisman attempt to nullify the same psychic power? A. Yes. Q. Are Wolf Guard models attached to scoring units still counted as scoring if the rest of the unit is destroyed? A. Yes for all intents and purposes the Wolf Guard is part of that unit.

Chaos Daemons

Q. Do spawned Nurgling Bases or Chaos Spawn count as victory points as if they were an original part of the army? A. Yes, keep a track of how many are created.

Q. How does Epidemius tally work in relation to models which arent immediately removed from the table? A. Models only count once they have been removed from the table not before any rolls to Get Back Up have been made. These models must be directly killed by a Nurgle model rather than the effects of their attacks. Q. Can cover saves be taken against Aura of Decay? A. Yes.

Chaos Space Marines

Q. Do spawned Chaos Spawn count as victory points as if they were an original part of the army? A. Yes, keep a track of how many are created

Grey Knights

Q. When are the modifiers applied for Psychic Communion? A. Reserves are rolled for as one the modifiers for Psychic Communion therefore happen after the rolls have been made. Q. Do servo-skulls count as Victory Points when removed? A. No they are part of the model which bought them and thus the Victory Points for the Skulls are tied to that model.

Q. When can you add the +1 bonus to Reserve rolls when an army contains an Autrach? A. At anytime before or after reserve rolls are made. Q. Can Swooping Hawks use their Grenade Packs even if they Mishap? A. Yes. Q. Can a Farseer on a Jetbike use any Psychic Powers before the players turn? A. No.

Imperial Guard

Q. When an Infantry Platoon is deployed during Dawn of War, can their Chimeras be deployed with them? A. No but the Infantry Platoon and accompanying Chimeras are rolled for as one if placed in reserve. Q. Where do you measure to to determine if the Devildogs Melta Cannon is within melta range when firing against vehicles? A. To the nearest edge of the vehicle being fired upon. Q. Can a Leman Russ with Lumbering Behemoth fire through smoke launchers? A. No. Q. Does Pasks Crack Shot provide +1 on the damage table or when attempting to penetrate a tank? A. The +1 is added to the weapons strength when rolling to penetrate a vehicle.

Tau Empire

Q. How do multiple Flechette dischargers work? A. Each model attacking a vehicle armed with Flechette dischargers is rolled for once, no matter how many flechette dischargers the squad may be engaged with. Q. How does one score a Tau Battlesuit with an Ejection System? A. If the pilot survives until the end of the game, the Battlesuit counts for 50% Victory Points. If the pilot is killed, the Battlesuit counts for its full Victory Points.


Q. Do Tyrant Guard provide cover based on the infantry rules for Hive Tyrants when part as a squad? A. Yes.

Q. Do spawned Termagants count as Victory Points and Scoring Units? A. Yes keep a track of the size of the units spawned. Q. Do Hive Guard ignore cover saves on vehicles as well? A. Yes unless the vehicle is in base to base contact with terrain within the armor facing the Hive Guard is within and it covers 50% of the vehicles hull from the perspective of the Hive Guard.


Q. If a model hit by Entropic Strike fails their armor save but passes Feel No Pain, does the model lose their armor save for the rest of the game? A. Yes. Q. Can the Death Ray benefit from the Triarch Stalkers Targeting Relay ability? A. No. Q. When a vehicle with Quantum Shielding saves a penetrating hit, does it lose Quantum Shielding? A. No. Q. Can Deathmarks shoot in the opponents shooting phase when they come in from reserve? A. No. Q. Are Royal Court models attached to scoring units still counted as scoring if the rest of the unit is destroyed? A. Yes for all intents and purposes the Royal Court is part of that unit. Q. How do Victory Points and attached Royal Court models work? A. They count as part of the unit attached. Subtract the points of any detached Royal Court models if there is an independent Royal Court unit remaining

Q. How do spawned Scarabs interact with Victory Points? A. They count as Victory Points as per usual keep a track of how many Scarabs are spawned. Q. How does reanimation protocols, repair barge and ever-living interact with Victory Points?

A. Calculate Victory Points as per the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook at the end of the game models which get back up do not count for extra Victory Points. Q. How do Kill Points and attached Royal Court members work? A. They become part of the unit they are joined to and thus need to be killed for that units Kill Point to be gained by the opponent. If the Royal Court unit no longer exists due to attaching models to other units, that Kill Point does not exist. Otherwise, the remaining models consisting of the Royal Court unit also count as a Kill Point. Q. Can models with the Ever-Living special rule make their Ever-Living roll to get back up after a Sweeping Advance? A. Yes.

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