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Corrupt Governments Corrupt officials are one of the major problems of the Philippine Economy. Because of corruption great money are missing to be used for the development of a country and the result is like a domino effect putting a country to a pit of disaster. Everything is chained to each other, the country is chained to people, and people are chained to everything that is happening to a country. An example of this is, if money allotted for the development of agricultural sectors is compromised due to not enough budget caused by corruption newer and advance technique for agriculture will never be possible. Greedy officials can control its people by not cultivating there knowledge to newer technique and only there possessions will be industrialized putting its people to poverty. 2. Problems to the new agriculture Agricultural method, the technic of farming, has been constantly progressing, newer and advance method has been developing to help the modernization and easiness of work in agriculture. This advancement leads farmers to shorten the period of time of planting and harvesting. But due to this modernization many workers are unemployed because of this sudden change in techniques. Today most of the landowners use machines for faster work but with quality results so they don t need more workers to make a profit. And may are unemployed because of this because they can t make it up to a changing world due to lack of knowledge and education. The result of Newer Agriculture is a great outbreak for our country but together also with this most of our small time farmers are affected because the government are much preferring this modern technique making them left behind and they are forced to be paid cheaper just to have a profit out from their products. And because of modernization most of agricultural lands are made to be commercial centers putting our supplies in agriculture at risk. The result of shortened supplies is importing of goods in other country which is much cheaper compared to the products of local farmers resulting to economic shut down. 3. Overpopulation Overpopulation is just a classical example of a great Economic problem. Due to overpopulation there is a greater risk of poverty especially in a country with corrupt officials. Overpopulation will result to not enough supplies for everybody. And because

of lack of money due to unemployment many of us can t afford to eat regular meals per day especially having dozens of family members. Overpopulation is just a result of poverty and corruptions of officials. If money allotted to people are being corrupted there will be a lot of uneducated people due to poverty having no money to send a kid in a school and the result of unemployed individual. 4. Poverty Overpopulation leads to poverty. Everything is dependent to the treasury of a country, if there are no enough supplies there is poverty. In Agriculture the classical example is lack of education in our farmers for good techniques for easier farming for they have no enough money to be educated. And another is due to poverty they can t make their products to be good compared to those products made by modern agriculture. And only the rich farmers have most of the benefits, for they have enough money to commercialize there products and be paid for good money. In a classical life of an individual they can t afford to buy enough goods because of high price of goods. 5. Lack of Education Because of lack of education many of us are been tricked by our fellowmen. An example are farmers that are forced to sell their lands to developers because of falling economy, but the hard part of this they are selling it to low price just to have money for their basic needs. Most of these developers are corrupt officials or rich people tricking farmers mostly that are uneducated. Taking advantage to this farmers and making a lot of profits after they tricked farmers or those having lack of education. 6. Unemployment Due to unemployment there is a greater risk of poverty because they won t have any money to supply them for their basic needs. Many of farmers are been unemployed because of lacking of land to cultivate after selling it to low price tricked by advantageous rich people. After having the money out of selling their land they are suddenly unemployed and because of that they only know is farming the problem of this will occur after the money paid has been spent. No more lands to cultivate and no way to make their money be cultivated poverty will be the next. 7. Child Labor Most of children especially rose in a family farming in a land not owned by them, and by this they are forced to work. Most of those areas are far from schools, kilometers away without any type of transportation, and even there is, they can t afford the fair to

go to school. Having this problem most of the children work even in their young body rather than going to school and having the thought that if they work they will have money, and with money they can buy foods to eat. Children at their young age and young mind realized the value of money for their family, so they are forced to work to help their parents. But some of this children don t have the thought of they are not obliged to do this but having the thought that they need to. 8. Import-Export Imbalance Among the many economic problems faced by the Philippines, one is the imbalance of imports and exports. The negative trade is heavy and only counterbalanced by the service account surplus. Over the last two decades, Philippine exports have shifted from commodity-based products to manufactured goods. However, in the midst of the current global economic recession, the exports of electronics, garments and textiles are yet to reach a level of import neutralization. 9. Financial Crisis (Decline of the Philippine Peso) The economic downturn has resulted in the devaluation of the Philippine peso and subsequently, a fall in the stock market. The fiscal conservatism strategy adopted by the Philippine government has yet to reflect a positive effect on acceleration of economic growth. 6% growth in the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2004 and 7.3% in 2007 has yet to accelerate to the linear GDP growth projected by the government. 10. Pollution Improper Waste Disposal, chemical disposal on rivers and seas destroying our natural resources. And the result of this is the Global warming causing disaster to our country.

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